
Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №7

Table of contents

M.A. GADZHIEV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, F.M. KULIEV 1 , Engineer; S.M. ALAEVA 2 , Engineer (
1 Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (11, Ayna Sultanova Street, Baku, AZ-1073)
2 Polzunov Altai State Technical University (46, Lenina Avenue, Barnaul, Altai Region, 656038, Russian Federation)

Calculation of Reinforced Concrete Element of Rectangular Profile with the Use of Three-Linear Diagram of Deformation A unified numerical method for calculation of flexible reinforced concrete elements of rectangular profile for any level if loading with the use of three-linear diagram of deformation has been developed. According to all thepossible variants of distribution of compacting stresses in concrete depending on the level of loading, analytical expressions of the normal force and bending moment due to these expressions have been made. The solution of the problem is reduced to solving the non-linear system of algebraic equations relative to the height of the compressed zone and deformation of the compressed face of the section. A simple numerical algorithm for the solution of this system of equations is proposed. Simple calculation formulas for determining the bearing capacity of the section are also presented. Their level of complexity is not more complicated than the traditional methods for calculation with the use of a rectangular stress plot in concrete but two coefficients are additionally introduced. Numerical experiments show that the use of the tri-linear diagram makes it possible to clarify the height of compressed zone of the section and save the reinforcement comparing with the traditional calculation with the use of the rectangular stress plot in concrete.

Keywords: stress, deformation, three-linear diagram, moment, curvature.

For citation: Gadzhiev M.A., Kuliev F.M., Alaeva S.M. Calculation of reinforced concrete element of rectangular profile with the use of three-linear diagram of deformation. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 7, pp. 3–8. (In Russian).

1. Rimshin V.I., Krishan A.L., Muhametzjanov A.I. Construction of a diagram of deformation of uniaxially compressed concrete. Vestnik MGSU. 2015. No. 6, pp. 23—31. (In Russian).
2. Karpenko N.I., Sokolov B.S., Radaikin O.V. To calculation of strength, rigidity and crack resistance of eccentrically compressed reinforced concrete elements with application of nonlinear deformation model. Izvestiya KGASU. 2013. No. 4 (26), pp. 113–120. (In Russian).
3. Zamaliev F.S. The accounting of non-linear properties of materials and a pliability of layers at strength calculation the stalezhelezobetonnykh of overlappings. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2013. No. 5, pp. 38–41. (In Russian).
4. Mishchenko A.V. Non-linear deformation of concrete elements at longitudinally lateral flexure. Izvestiya vuzov. Stroitel’stvo. 2013. No. 4, pp. 3–12. (In Russian).
5. Dai J.-G. Behavior and Modeling of Concrete Confined with FRP Composites of Large Deformability. Jian-Guo Dai, Yu- Lei Bai, J. G. Teng. J. Compos. Constr., 2011. Vol. 15. No. 6, pp. 963–974.
6. Karpenko N.I., Sokolov B.S., Radaikin O.V. To assessment of durability, a rigidity, the moment of fracturing and their disclosure in a zone of their clear bend of reinforced concrete beams with application of non-linear straining model. Izvestiya vuzov. Stroitel’stvo. 2016. No. 3, pp. 5–12. (In Russian).
7. Zalesov A.S., Zenin S.A. Actual condition and perspective directions of development of the normative base of reinforcedconcrete. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2013. No. 1, pp. 8–10. (In Russian).
8. Rybnov E.I., Sanzharovskii R.S., Zvezdov A.I. On national standards for reinforced concrete and ways to improve them. Beton i zhelezobeton. 2012. No. 2, pp. 19–20. (In Russian).
9. Beglov A.D., Sanzharovskiy R.S. Teoriya rascheta zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsiy na prochnost’ i ustoychivost’. Sovremennye normy i evrostandarty. [The theory calculation of reinforced concrete structures for strength and stability. Modern standards and European standards]. Saint Petersburg – Moscow: ASV. 2006. 222 р.
10. Kolmogorov A.G., Plevkov V.S. Raschet zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsiy po rossiyskim i zarubezhnym normam. [Calculation of reinforced concrete structures on the Russian and international standards]. Moscow: ASV. 2014. 512 р.
11. Yakovlev S.K., Myslyaeva Ya.I. Raschet zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsiy po evrokodu EN 1992. V dvukh chastyakh. Chast’ 1. [Calculation of reinforced concrete structures according to Eurocode EN 1992. In two parts. Part 1]. Moscow: MGSU. 2015. 204 р. v12. Kodysh E.N., Nikitin I.K., Trekin N.N. Raschet zhelezo- betonnykh konstruktsiy iz tyazhelogo betona po prochnosti, treshchinostoykosti i deformatsiyam. [Calculation of reinforced concrete structures of the heavy concrete strength, fracture toughness and deformation]. Moscow: ASV. 2011. 352 р.
13. Bibi E.V., Narayanan R.S. Rukovodstvo dlya proekti- rovshchikov k Evrokodu2. Proektirovanie zhelezobeton- nykh konstruktsiy: rukovodstvo dlya proektirovshchikov k EN 1992-1-1 i EN 1992-1-2. Evrokod2: Proektirovanie zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsiy. Obshchie pravila i pravila dlya zdaniy. Protivopozharnoe proektirovanie stroitel’nykh konstruktsiy. [Designers` guide to Eurocode2: Design of concrete structures: designers` guide to 1992-1-1 and 1992-1-2 Eurocode2: Design of concrete structures general rules and rules for buildlngs and structural fire design]. Moscow: MGSU. 2012. 292 р.
14. Almazov V.O. Proektirovanie zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsiy po Evronormam. [Designing of reinforced concrete structures according to the Eurocodes]. Moscow: ASV. 2011. 216 p.
15. Gadzhiev M.A., Alaeva S.M. Evaluation of the accuracy of the simplified diagrams of European standards in the study of the bearing capacity of reinforced concrete columns. Vestnik Azerbaydzhanskoy inzhenernoy akademii, 2012. No. 1, pp. 65–79. (In Russian).
16. Walraven J.C. Practiical incorporation of Eurocode 2 into the process of desing of concrete structures: Actual problems of the application of the Eurocodes and national standards in the construction of the Russian Federation and the EU Papers of International scientific conference. Moscow: MGSU, 2012. pp. 33–43.
17. Zhuang Zhuo, Zhang Fan, Cen Song. Abaqus Nonlinear finite element analysis and examples. [M]. Beijing: Science Press. 2005: pp. 123–139.
18. Zhang Guo-li, SU Jun. Based on Abaqus Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete [J]. Science technology and engineering. 2008. No. 8 (20): pp. 5620–5624.
19. Roberts G.D, Simplified method to nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete in pure flexure. Research Report in Partial Fulfillment of Req for the Degree of MSc (Eng), University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. 2014. 110 р. URL: (дата обращения: 25.10.2016).
О.S. GLOZMAN 1,2 , Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (
1 TSNIIP Minstroya of Russia (29, Vernadskogo Avenue, 119331, Moscow, Russian Federation)
2 Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences. (24, bldg. 1, Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 107031, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Territorial Planning of Underground Part of Cities This work focuses on the issue of recording underground spaces in the land use planning and town planning document systems of the Russian Federation in order to create the environment that provides conditions for the complex, sustainable development of the territory. The article describes the methodology of land use planning of underground spaces that is being used in town planning document system, in part of functional zoning of underground spaces in Master Plans of cities. The author-created typology of underground functional city zones that is based on the generalization of scientific experience of geo-urbanistics in comparison with adopted practices of land use planning of territory development is presented. The author-created methodology of territory planning that is described in the article was partially approbated during the actualization of the Master Plan of Moscow conducted presently by the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Urban Development. The article substantiates the reasonability and presents a graphic example of functional zoning of underground spaces as one of the most important maps of the Master Plan of city development.

Keywords: town planning, geo-urbanistics, underground space, master plan, functional zoning, territorial planning, Master Plan of Moscow.

For citation: Glozman О.S. Territorial planning of underground part of cities. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 7, pp. 13–16. (In Rus sian).

1. Aleksandr Vysokovskij. Change of landmarks: from town planning to town planning. Arhitekturnyj vestnik. 2011. No. 2 (119), pp. 42–47. (In Russian).
2. Baevskij O. A. Three foundations. Innovations in the urban development of Moscow. Gazeta Soyuza arhitektorov Rossii. 2010. No. 4 (9), pp. 9–11 (In Russian).
3. Chuguevskaya E.S. Improvement of the system of strategic and spatial planning. Vestnik MGSU. 2016. No. 3, pp. 5–18. (In Russian).
4. Semenova O.S. Theoretical problems planning of urban underground parts of cities. Architecture And Modern Information Technologies (AMIT). 2015. No. 1 (30), p. 8. (In Russian).
5. Konyuhov D.S. Systematization of approaches to the development of the underground space of cities. Vestnik MGSU. 2010. No. 4, pp. 56–61. (In Russian).
6. Veretejnikov D.V. Arhitekturnoe proektirovanie. Podzemnaya urbanistika [Architectural design. Underground Urbanistics]. Moscow: Forum, 2015, pp. 52–61.
7. Il’ichev V.A., Golubev G.E., Zamaraev A.V., Skachko A.N., Ignatova O.I., Budanov V.G., Korotkova O.N. Rukovodstvo po kompleksnomu osvoeniyu podzemnogo prostranstva krupnyh gorodov Rossijskoj Akademiej arhitektury i stroitel’nyh nauk [Guide to the comprehensive development of the underground space of large cities by the Russian Academy of Architecture and Constructions Sciences]. Moscow. GUP «NIAC» Moskomarhitektury. 2004, рp. 54–58 (In Russian).
8. Bazilevich M.E., KozyrenkoN.E., Ivanova A.P. The typology of underground buildings. New ideas of the new century: materials of the international scientific conference of Pacific National University. 2011. T. 1, рp. 133–136. (In Russian).
9. Segedinov A.A. Multi-tiered city. Moskovskij rabochij. 1981, р. 55. (In Russian).
10. Semenova O.S. Methodology of project arrangement zones in multifunctional public spaces as a part of the transportation system under specific land use of underground spaces in major cities. Gradostroitel’stvo. 2014. No. 2 (30), pp. 62–68. (In Russian).
11. Glozman O.S. Underground planning of Moscow. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2016. № 11, pp. 14–19. (In Russian).
I.L. KIEVSKIY, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), General Director (, V.V. LEONOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) ( OOO NPTS “Razvitie Goroda” (Structure 3, 19, Mira Avenue, 129090, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Prediction of Physical Wear of Buildings Methods for determining the increase with time in the percentage of physical wear of residential buildings on the basis of its average values for selected groups of buildings and specified time intervals are proposed. As initial information for statistic processing, the array of data collected at the Moscow city Bureau of technical inventory (BTI) is used. To obtain reliable results, calculations are conducted for the groups of buildings with close time of construction beginning from the 1951 year of commissioning. Averaging is made for time intervals of 5 years for buildings, the year of determining the wear percentage of which, is within these intervals. The results obtained demonstrate a good correlation between the nature of increase in the average percentage of wear and the construction period. For more new houses the average wear in the current interval of averaging is always less than for houses of earlier construction. An analysis of increasing the wear percentage for certain groups of residential buildings testifies the non-linear nature of this process due to aging of structures and systems. In general, there is a slowdown in the rate of wear over time. At this, for each curve corresponding to a specific group of buildings it is possible to select a line graph of approximation the closest to it. A similar procedure for houses, where the overhaul was made, made it possible to assess the reduction in wear of residential buildings after the overhaul “transferred” to future years. This value doesn’t show clear correlation with the age of buildings and was close to 20% on average.

Keywords: wear percentage, durability level, construction period, year of determination of wear percentage, overhaul.

For citation: Kievskiy I.L., Leonov V.V. Prediction of physical wear of buildings. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 7, pp. 17–20. (In Russian).

1. Kievskiy L.V. Мultiplicative effects of construction activity. Naukovedenie: Internet-journal. 2014. No. 3 (22), pp. 104–109. (In Russian).
2. «CITY DEVELOPMENT». Edited by Kievskiy L.V. Moscow: SvR-ARGUS. 2005. 232 p.
3. Kievskiy L.V. Housing reform and private construction sector in Russia. Zhilishhnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2000. No. 5, pp. 2–5. (In Russian).
4. Shoshinov V.V., Sinenko S.A., Sapozhnikov V.N. Organizatsiya, normirovanie i oplata truda na predpriyatiyakh otrasli [The organization, regulation and compensation at the entities of an industry]. Moscow: Slovo-Sims. 2001. 112 p.
5. Semechkin A.E. Sistemnyi analiz i sistemotekhnika [System analysis and system engineering]. Moscow: SvR-ARGUS. 2005. 536 p.
6. Gusakova E.A., Pavlov A.S. Osnovy organizatsii i upravleniya v stroitel’stve [Bases of the organization and management in construction]. Moscow: Yurait. 2016. 318 p.
7. Oleinik P.P. Organizatsiya stroitel’nogo proizvodstva [Organization of construction production]. Moscow: ASV. 2010. 576 p.
8. Levkin S.I., Kievskiy L.V. Town planning aspects of the sectoral government programs. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2012. No. 6, pp. 26–33. (In Russian).
9. Valui А.А., Kievskiy I.L., Khorkina Zh.A. Five Years of implementation of the state program of Moscow «Housing» and plans for 2016–2018. Zhilishhnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2016. No. 10, pp. 44–48. (In Russian).
10. Departmental building codes VSN 53-86 (R) «Rules for estimating the physical wear of residential buildings». State Committee for Civil Construction and Architecture under Gosstroy USSR. Moscow. 1988. (In Russian).
11. Kievskiy L.V. Kompleksnost’ i potok (organizatsiya zastroiki mikroraiona) [The complexity and the flow (organization development of the neighborhood)]. Moscow: Stroyizdat. 1987. 136 p.
12. Order of the Mayor of Moscow No. 81/1-RM dated 15.07.1996 «On the procedure for establishing the conversion factor for the residual value of one square meter of the total and residential area to their value in comparable prices in 1990». (In Russian).
13. Leonov V.V. Statistics of the housing estate in Moscow. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2006. No. 10, pp. 25–27. (In Russian).
M.V. ZOLOTAREVA, Candidate of Architecture ( Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (4, 2-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, 190005, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Neo-Classic Architecture of the 1990s in the Structure of Historical Centre of Veliky Novgorod The development of Veliky Novgorod has a few historical layers. They are unique monuments of the old-Russian architecture. Famous monuments of the XVIII – early XIX centuries, which arose on the basis of the planning structure in Catherine’s time. The article considers one more period of development of the historical part of the city – restoration and reconstruction of the city after the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. The general line of restoration assumed the organic combination of new construction with preserved historical monuments. As a result of these works, ensembles of the neo-classic architecture of the 1950s appeared in the structure of the city. Their space-planning and architectural features have created the unique environment of the central part of Veliky Novgorod.

Keywords: Veliky Novgorod, Soviet architecture, historical planning, monuments of history and culture, neo-classicism, architectural-spatial environment, architectural-town planning decisions.

For citation: Zolotareva M.V. Neo-сlassic architecture of the 1990s in the structure of historical centre of Veliky Novgorod. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 7, pp. 21–26. (In Russian).

1. Kushnir I.I. Town planning of Novgorod in the second half of XVIII – the first half of the 19th centuries. Novgorodskij istoricheskij sbornik. 1959. No. 9, pp. 155–170.
2. Gordeev S.Je., Shhusev P.V. Stranicy iz zhizni akademika A.V. Shhuseva [Pages from life of the academician A.V. Shchusev]. Moscow: Moskovskii rabochii, 2011. 342 p.
3. Kushnir I.I. Arhitektura Novgoroda. Iskusstvo. Arhitektura [Architecture of Novgorod. Art. Architecture]. Leningrad: Stroyizdat. 1991. 352 p.
4. Zavarihin S.P. Reconstruction or replacement. About one habitual inaccuracy. In “Arhitektor. Gorod. Vremja”. P. 1. Saint-Peterburg: St. Petersburg Today, 2013, pp. 71–74.
5. Zolotareva M.V. Neoklassicheskoa samples architecture of Veliky Novgorod in borders of Sofiiskoi parts. In “Arhitektor. Gorod. Vremja”. P. 1. Saint-Peterburg: St. Petersburg Today, 2013, pp. 62–69.
6. Zolotareva M.V., Kel’h G.G. Characteristics of ensemble historical parts of Veliky Novgorod on the example of Bolshoi Sankt-Peterburgskoi streets. In “Arhitektor. Gorod. Vremja”. P. 1. Sankt-Peterburg: St. Petersburg Today, 2013, pp. 74–77.
7. Vajtans A.G. Evolution of planning of residential quarters at the end of 1940 beginning of the 1950th. Urgent problems of architecture and construction: materials V of the International conference. Sankt-Peterburg: SPbGASU. 2013. P. I, pp. 16–20.
8. Smirnov V.G. Istorija Velikogo Novgoroda [History of Veliky Novgorod]. Moscow: Veche, 2007. 480 p.
I.G. MALKOV, Doctor of Architecture, A.A. PUZEEV, Master, (, D.P. KOVALEV, Architect Belorussian State University of Transport (34, Kirova Street, 246000, Gomel, Republic of Belarus)

Orthodox Churches in Silhouette Composition of Small and Medium Towns of Belarus Silhouette is the first impression of the settlement in the minds of the audience. The silhouette composition makes it possible to create a memorable, original look of a specific settlement and the more interesting and brighter it is, the more enthusiastic and positive will be perceived by the person. The city with faceless silhouette is monotonous and dull. Vertical accents and dominants in the general three-dimensional structure of the city are a necessity for its artistic image. The article considers the degree of influence of cult, religious facilities on the formation of individual images of silhouette compositions of small urban settlements of the Republic of Belarus. Main principles of the construction of the contrast of accent elements of visual compositions with the background development have been revealed. The typology of urban panoramas according to their structures, methods of construction and visual perception is presented.

Keywords: small town, silhouette, panorama, religious architecture.

For citation: Malkov I.G., Puzeev A.A., Kovalev D.P. Orthodox churches in silhouette composition of small and medium towns of Belarus. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 7, pp. 27–34. (In Russian).

1. Potapov L.S. Siluet Minska [Silhouette of Minsk]. Minsk: Nauka i tekhnika. 1980. 144 p.
2. Saimonds Dzh.O. Landshaft i arkhitektura: sokrashchennyi [Landshaft and architecture]. The reduced translation from the English A.I. Manshavin. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo literatury po stroitel’stvu, 1965. 193 p.
3. Kopteva G.L. Semantika «poroga» v arkhitekturnoi ritmike gorodskoi sredy – Kharkovskaya akademiya gorodskogo hozyaistva. Khar’kov: KhNAMG. 2009. 104 p.
4. Chanturiya Yu.V. Gradostroitel’noe iskusstvo Belarusi vtoroi poloviny XVI – pervoi poloviny XIX v.: srednevekovoe nasledie, Renessans, barokko, klassitsizm [Town-planning art of Belarus of the second half of XVI – the first half of the 19th century: medieval heritage, Renaissance, baroque, classicism]. Minsk: Belorusskaya nauka. 2005. 375 p.
5. Aleksander K., Isikava S., Silverstain M. Yazyk shablonov. Goroda. Zdaniya. Stroitel’stvo [Yazyk of templates. Cities. Buildings. Construction]. Moscow: Izd-vo Studii Artemiya Lebedeva. 2014. 1096 p.
6. Belarusy ў fotazdymkakh Іsaka Serbava. 1911–1912 = The Belarusians in the photos by Isaac Serbau = Baltarusiai Isaco Serbovo met fotografijose / sklad., aўt. Ustup. Artykula V.A. Labacheўskaya; redkal. : T.U. Byalova (gal. red.) [і іnsh.]. Mіnsk: Belarus. Entsykl. іmya P. Broўkі. 2012. 456 р.
7. Bogdanov S.S., Petrov A.N., Sigov V.I. Strategiya sotsial’no- ekonomicheskogo razvitiya raionnykh tsentrov Rossii [Strategy of social and economic development rayonknykh of centers of Russia]. Moscow: Press-servis, 1997. 152 p.
8. Geil Yan. Goroda dlya lyudei [The cities for people]. Moscow: Al’pina pablisher. 2012. 276 p.
9. Ikonnikov A.V. Arkhitektura goroda: Esteticheskie problemy kompozitsii [City architecture: Esthetic problems of composition]. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo literatury po stroitel’stvu. 1972. 216 p.
10. Lebedev V.V. Zametki o prostranstvennoi i esteticheskoi sushchnosti arkhitektury [Notes about a spatial and esthetic entity of architecture]. Moscow: Stroyizdat. 1994. 256 p.
11. Malye goroda Belarusi: posobie proektirovshchiku / Ministerstvo arkhitektury i stroitel’stva Respubliki Belarus’, Nauchno-proektnoe respublikanskoe unitarnoe predpriyatie «BelNIIPgradostroitel’stva»; [E.N. Klevko i dr.]. Minsk: Minsktipproekt. 2006. 192 p.
12. Sokolov L.I. Tsentr goroda – funktsii, struktura, obraz [The downtown – functions, structure, an image]. Moscow: Stroyizdat. 1992. 352 p.
O.S. SUBBOTIN, Doctor of Architecture ( Kuban State Agrarian University (13, Kalinina Street, 350044, Krasnodar, Russian Federation) Problems of Preservation of Architectural and Urban Planning Heritage in a Modern City (on the Example of Krasnodar)

The history of architecture and urban planning of the central part of Krasnodar (Ekaterinodar) has been considered – history of streets’ names on which the main sights, cultural heritage objects, as well as individual buildings, buildings and constructions with historically developed territories are concentrated. There were ascertained the major problems and tasks in the context of preserving the architectural and urban heritage and there was identified a set of measures for the preservation of this heritage. Attention is focused on the special role of legislative and other factors in the state protection of historical and cultural monuments. The main modern methods of preservation of architectural monuments and key concepts corresponding to the present research were analyzed. There were appeared the issues in preservation, use and popularization of objects of cultural heritage. There were marked the main trends of implementation of reconstruction works on developed sites.

Keywords: preservation, heritage, development, city, architecture, culture, planning structure, monuments, buildings, composition.

For citation: Subbotin O.S. Problems of preservation of architectural and urban planning heritage in a modern city (on the example of Krasnodar). Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 7, pp. 35–40. (In Russian).

1. Subbotin O.S. Features of regeneration of quarters of historical building. Zhilishnoe Stroitelstvo [Housing construction]. Part 2. 2012. No. 11, pp. 26–29. (In Russian).
2. Subbotin O.S. Metodologiya of research of architectural and town-planning development of Kuban. Zhilishnoe Stroitelstvo [Housing construction]. 2014. No. 8, pp. 29–34. (In Russian).
3. Gradostroitel’stvo i territorial’noe planirovanie v novoi Rossii [Urban planning and territorial planning in the new Russia: a collection of articles]. Saint Petersburg: Architect, 2016. P. 1. 304 p.
4. Subbotin O.S. Architectural and historical images of the streets of Krasnodar. Regional architectural and art schools: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, February 5–7, 2013, Novosibirsk. Eed. V.V. Molodin, E.N. Likhachev. Novosibirsk: Novosibirskaya gosudarstvennaya arkhitekturno- khudogestvennaya akademiya. 2013. 380 p. (In Russian).
5. Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Krasnodarskogo kraya. [State Archives of the Krasnodar Territory]. F.252, op. 2, d. 2173.
6. Shakhova G.S. Ulitsy Krasnodara rasskazyvayut. V Karasunskom kute [The street of Krasnodar is told. In the Karasun Kut]. Krasnodar: Krasnodar Publishing and Printing Complex. 2007. 196 p.
7. Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Krasnodarskogo kraya [State Archives of the Krasnodar Territory]. P. 1547, op. 1, d. 31, p. 56–58.
8. Solovyov V.A. Ekaterinodarskaya krepost’ [Ekaterinodar fortress]. Krasnodar: Sovetskaya Kuban’. 1995. 32 p.
9. Dva veka goroda v datakh, sobytiyakh, vospominaniyakh...: materialy k Letopisi [Ekaterinodar-Krasnodar: Two centuries of the city in dates, events, memories: ... materials to the Annals]. Krasnodar: Book publishing house. 1993. 800 p.
10. Mityagin S.D. Gradostroitel’stvo. Epokha peremen [Town planning. The Age of Change]. Saint Petersburg: Zodchii. 2016. 280 p.
11. Schenkov A.S. Rekonstruktsiya istoricheskoi zastroiki v Evrope vo vtoroi polovine XX veka: Istoriko-kul’turnye problemy [Reconstruction of historical buildings in Europe in the second half of the 20th century: Historical and cultural problems]. Moscow: LENAND. 2011. 280 p.
12. Subbotin OS Conceptual features of the general plans of the city of Krasnodar. Vestnik MGSU. 2011. No. 6, pp. 640–644. (In Russian).
B.S. SOKOLOV 1 , Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Corresponding Member of RAACS; E.O. TROSHKOV 2 , Master (
1 AO «Kazan GIPRONIIAVIAPROM» (1, Dementieva Street, Kazan, 420127, Russian Federation)
2 Volga State University of Technology (3, Lenin Square, Yoshkar-Ola, 424000, Mari El Republic, Russian Federation)

Comparison of Computer Simulation and Experimental Studies of Socket Joints of Precast Reinforced Concrete Columns with Floor Slabs Results of the study of the stress-strain state (SSS) of socket joints of floor slabs with the columns in precast reinforced concrete frames of buildings, the study of which the authors initiated in connection with the introduction of a new bearing system “UIKSS”, are presented. Main results of the computer simulation of SSS, which was conducted at models of a joint of various sized with variation of a large number of factors, and physical experiments with models, which are physically and geometrically similar to the full-scale ones, are described. Comparison of the results of numerical and experimental studies showed sufficient convergence. The data for development of methods for calculating the strength and deformability of socket joints of slabs with columns have been obtained.

Keywords: socket joint, precast reinforced concrete frame, beamless floors, experimental research, numerical studies.

For citation: Sokolov B.S., Troshkov E.O. Comparison of computer simulation and experimental studies of socket joints of precast reinforced concrete columns with floor slabs. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 7, pp. 41–46. (In Russian).

1. Sokolov B.S., Latypov R.R. Prochnost’ i podatlivost’ shtepsel’nykh stykov zhelezobetonnykh kolonn pri deistvii staticheskikh i seismicheskikh nagruzok [Strength and compliance of the plug joints of reinforced concrete columns under the action of static and seismic loads]. Moscow: ASV. 2010. 128 p.
2. Sokolov B.S., Lizunova N.S. Experimental-theoretical method for estimating the shear compliance of plug-and- socket joints of reinforced concrete columns. Izvestiya KGASU. 2014. No. 1 (27), pp. 119–124. (In Russian).
3. Sokolov B.S. New constructive solutions of the elements of the carrier system «UIKSS». Vestnik Volzhskogo regional’nogo otdeleniya RAASN. 2016. No. 19, pp. 181–184. (In Russian).
4. Sokolov B.S., Fabrichnaya K.A. Application of the frame system of UIKS in the reconstruction of buildings. Vestnik grazhdanskikh inzhenerov. 2015. No. 6 (53), pp. 45–51. (In Russian).
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PLASTFOIL® in Reconstruction of Roofs of Housing and Communal Services
I.I. AKULOVA, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), G.S. SLAVCHEVA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) ( Voronezh State Technical University (84, 20-Letiya Oktyabrya Street, 394006, Voronezh, Russian Federation)

Assessment of Competitiveness of Building Materials and Products: Justification and Approbation of Methods on the Example of Cements Methods for the assessment of the competitiveness of building materials, products, and designs from various manufacturers based on the comparison of consumer properties of competing products and their relative prices are proposed. The method is being implemented in three steps: 1) definition of the list of consumer and economic properties, evaluation of their significance for the consumer; 2) calculation of a single indicator of competitiveness for each property and product; 3) calculation of indices and relative indicators of competitiveness of competing products. An abstract product with the best values of consumer properties among all products of various manufacturers included in the consideration base is recommended to use as a standard one. Results of the evaluation of competitiveness of Portland cement produced by different manufacturers are presented. As a result of the evaluation of calculations conducted, the Portland cement with the best combination of the price and quality has been defined.

Keywords: competitiveness of building materials, estimation technique, consumer properties.

For citation: Akulova I.I., Slavcheva G.S. Assessment of competitiveness of building materials and products: justification and approbation of methods on the example of cements. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 7, pp. 9–12. (In Russian).

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9. Akulova I.I., Dudina N.A., Baranov E.V. Methods and results of the assessment of the competitiveness of heat-insulating materials used in housing construction. Economy. Theory and practice: Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Saratov. 2014, pp. 32–37. (In Russian).
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