
Stroitel`nye Materialy №8

Stroitel`nye Materialy №8
August, 2016

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Table of contents

1-2 June 2016 in Chelyabinsk -based Grand Hotel " Vidgof " was held the fourteenth time International scientific fnd practical conference "Development of the ceramic industry of Russia: KERAMTEKS -2016 . " This year, the event is attended by over 180 managers and leading specialists brickworks
A.A. SEMYONOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), General Manager ( «GS-Expert», OOO (18, office 207, the 1st Tverskoy-Yamskoy Lane, 125047, Moscow, Russian Federation)

About a Condition of the Domestic Market of Ceramic Wall Materials
The condition of the market of ceramic wall materials for 2015 is analyzed. It is noted that the forecasts of development of the market made in 2014 in general were confirmed. The structure of ceramic wall materials and its characteristic changes in crisis conditions is given. Analytical materials on release of large-format blocks, a front brick and brick production are presented. The negative and positive factors having impact on demand are listed. It is predicted that the exit from this phase of an economic crisis will stretch not less, than for 3–5 years. In a segment of ceramic wall materials in 2016–2017 negative dynamics of production and consumption will remain. Decrease in demand in two years can make to 20% to the level of 2015.

Keywords: statistics, Rosstat, analysis of the market, ceramic wall materials, brick, large-format blocks, clinker.

1. Semyonov A.A. Ceramic Wall Materials Market: Results of 2014 and Forecast for 2015 Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 4, pp. 3–5. (In Russian).
2. Semyonov A.A. Results of Development of Building Complex and Construction Materials Industry in 2012, the forecast for 2013. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 2, pp. 62–65. (In Russian).
3. Gavrilov A.V., Grinfeld G.I. A Brief Review of History, Conditions and Prospects of Clinker Brick Market in Russia. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 4, pp. 20–22. (In Russian).
History of Vorotynsky brickworks accepted count since 1946 , when the company was first released industrial batch of bricks . However, the actual brick production Vorotynsk began much earlier .

A.Yu. STOLBOUSHKIN 1 , Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (; G.I. BERDOV 2 , Doctor of Sciences (Engineering); V.I. VERESHCHAGIN 3 , Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (; O.A. FOMINA 1 Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (
1 Siberian State Industrial University (42, Kirov Street, Kemerovo Region, Novokuznetsk, 654007, Russian Federation)
2 Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (113, Leningradskaya Street, Novosibirsk, 630008, Russian Federation)
3 National ResearchTomsk State University of Architecture and Building (2, Solyanaya Square, Tomsk, 634003, Russian Federation)

Ceramic Wall Materials with Matrix Structure Based on Non-Sintering Stiff Technogenic and Natural Raw Materials
The regularities of the formation of matrix structure and its influence on the properties of ceramic wall materials made from non-sintering stiff technogenic and natural raw materials have been discovered. It was found that the granulation of fine-dispersed technogenic raw materials with the application active sintered clay on the granules and pressing ensures the formation of an ordered framework in the material. The scheme of formation of the matrix raw structure, which allows to increase the number of low-quality raw materials in the furnace charge up to 80 wt.%. The features of transformation of raw molded structure into ceramic matrix composite after firing, while liquid melt is formed at the interface of granules, which is introduced in the peripheral core region and form a matrix structure, enhancing the strength shard up to 30% after crystallization. It was shown that the formation of the matrix reduces consumption of clay component up to 20–25 wt.%, this allows to reduce the content of clay minerals up to 6–8% in the composition of the charge, as contrasted with necessary amount of 12–15% during plastic molding and 8–10% during semi-dry pressing. The resulting system from cores of non-sintered material and tightly sintered cover provides high strength and performance characteristics of wall ceramic.

Keywords: ceramic wall materials, matrix structure, technogenic raw materials, granulation, ceramic matrix composite

1. Ashmarin G.D., Kurnosov V.V., Lastochkin V.G. Energy and resource-saving technology of ceramic wall materials. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction materials]. 2010. No. 4, pp. 24–27. (In Russian).
2. Proshunin Y.E., Volynkina E.P. Technopark’s concept of the waste management industry development in Kuzbass. Waste Management – the basis of the recovery of the ecological balance in the Kuzbass: proceedings of the second int. conference. Novokuznetsk: SibSIU. 2008, pp. 15–20. (In Russian).
3. Kroychik L.A. The use of non-traditional raw material for the production of bricks and tiles in China. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2003. No. 7, pp. 8–9. (In Russian).
4. Vereshchagin V.I., Buruchenko E.A., Kashchuk I.V. The possibilities of using recycled materials for production of building ceramics and glass sitalls. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2000. No. 7, pp. 20–23. (In Russian).
5. Storozhenko G.I., Stolboushkin A.Yu., Mishin M.P. Prospects of the domestic manufacture of ceramic brick on the basis of iron-ore wastes. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 4, pp. 57–61. (In Russian).
6. Patent RF 2500647. Syr’evaja smes’ dlja izgotovlenija stenovoj keramiki i sposob ee poluchenija [The raw material mixture for the production of wall ceramic and a method for its production]. Stolboushkin A.Y., Storozhenko G.I., Ivanov A.I., Berdov G.I., Stolboushkin O.A. Declared 20.04.2012. Published 10.12.2013. Bulletin No. 34. (In Russian).
7. Stolboushkin A.Yu., Storozhenko G.I. The necessity and prospects for utilization of slimy iron wastes of Kuzbass in the technology of wall ce-ramic materials. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2009. No. 4, pp. 77–80. (In Russian).
8. Stolboushkin A.Yu., Storozhenko G.I. Iron-ore wastes as a raw material and energy base of plants of ceramic wall materials. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2011. No. 4, pp. 43–46. (In Russian).
9. Storozhenko G.I., Kiselev V.D., Sukhov N.G. et al. Experimental-industrial testing of the technology of finegrained mineral, technogenic and clay carbonized raw materials for the ceramic wall production. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2012. No. 5, pp. 48–50. (In Russian).
10. Stolboushkin A.J., Byrd G.I. Features of heat and mass transfer processes during firing of ceramic bricks of powdered granules. Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Stroitel’stvo. 2010. No. 1, pp. 37–46. (In Russian).
11. Stolboushkin А.Yu., Zorya V.N., Stolboushkina О.А. SEM inves-tigation of the structure of ceramic matrix composite produced from ironore waste. Advanced Materials Research: Trans Tech Publications. 2014. Vol. 831, pp. 36–39. ( AMR.831.36).
12. Stolboushkin A.Yu. Peculiarities of the structure forming of the ce-ramic matrix composite of granulated charge. Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Stroitel’stvo. 2008. No. 11, pp. 25–32. (In Russian).
13. Stolboushkin A.Y. Simulation of the conditions and directed regu-lation of structure forming of composite ceramic materials based on slimy iron-ore wastes. Bulletin of the mining and metallurgical section of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Branch of metallurgy: collection of scientific works. Novokuznetsk: SibGGMA. 1995. Is. 2, pp. 73–77. (In Russian).
14. Patent RF 2415103. Syr’evaja smes’ dlja izgotovlenija keramicheskih izdelij [The raw material mixture for the ceramic products production]. Stolboushkin A.Y., Storozhenko G.I., Druzhinin S.V., Berdov G.I., Tikhonova E.V., Matsneva A.A. Declared 03.08.2009. Published 27.03.2011. Bulletin No. 9. (In Russian).
G.I. YAKOVLEV1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, Yu.N. GINCHITSKAYA1, Master; O. KIZINIEVICH 2, Doctor-Engineer (, V. KIZINIEVICH2 , Doctor-Engineer; A.F. GORDINA1, Master
1 Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University (7, Studencheskaya Street, Izhevsk, 426069, Russian Federation)
2 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (11, Saul étekio al., LT–10223, Vilnius, Lithuania)

Influence of Dispersions of Multilayer Carbon Nano-Tubes on Physical-Mechanical Characteristics and Structure of Building Ceramics
Main results of the study of influence of dispersions of multilayer carbon nano-tubes (MCNT) Masterbatch CW 2-45 on the physical-mechanical characteristics and structure of building ceramics are presented. Dispersions obtained at the high-speed homogenizer and treated by ultrasound were used in studies. It is proved that the introduction of these dispersions in the charge for manufacturing the building ceramics contributes to improving the homogeneity of ceramic matrix structure and reducing its porosity. The change in the structure of a ceramic crock leads to improving mechanical indicators of ceramic samples before and after burning. It is established that introducing the optimal percent of MCNT in the amount of 0.001% of the mass formed makes it possible to modify the ceramic matrix, improving its physical-mechanical characteristics by 28–32%.

Keywords: ceramics, multilayer carbon nano-tubes, nano-modification, strength indicators, porosity, ultrasound

1. Samal S., Bal S. Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites – A Review. Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering. 2008. Vol. 7, pp. 355–370.
2. Yang F.Y., Zhang X.H., Han J.C., Du S.Y. Processing and mechanical properties of short carbon fibers toughened zirconium diboride-based ceramics. Materials & Design. 2008. Vol. 29, pp. 1817–1820.
3. Corral E.L., Loehman R.E. Ultra-High-Temperature Ceramic Coatings for Oxidation Protection of Carbon- Carbon Composites. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2008. Vol. 91, pp. 1495–1502.
4. Inam F., Yan H., Reece M.J., Peijs T. Dimethylformamide: an effective dispersant for making ceramic–carbon nanotube composites. Nanotechnology. 2008. Vol. 19, pp. 355–370.
5. Poyato R., Vasiliev A.L., Padture N.P., Tanaka H., Nishimura T. Aqueous colloidal processing of single-wall carbon nanotubes and their composites with ceramics. Nanotechnology. 2006. Vol. 17, pp. 1770–1777.
6. Belmonte M., Vallés C., Maser W.K., Benito A.M., Martinez M.T., Miranzo P., Osendi M.I. Processing route to disentangle multi-walled carbon nanotube towards ceramic composite. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2009. No. 9, pp. 6164–6170.
7. Kamalakaran R., Lupo F., Grobert N., Lozano-Castello D., Jin-Philipp N.Y., Ruhle M. In-situ formation of carbon nanotubes in an alumina-nanotube composite by spray pyrolysis. Carbon. 2003. Vol. 41, pp. 2737– 2741.
8. Dillon F.C., Moghal J., Koos A., Lozano J.G., Miranda L., Porwal H., Reece M.J., Grobert N. Ceramic composites from mesoporous silica coated multi-wall carbon nanotubes. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2015. No. 217, pp. 159–166.
9. Qing Y., Zhou W., Huang Sh., Huang Zh., Luo F., Zhu D. Microwave absorbing ceramic coatings with multi-walled carbon nanotubes and ceramic powder by polymer pyrolysis route. Composites Science and Technology. 2013. No. 89, pp. 10–14.
10. Dassios K.G., Bonnefont G., Fantozzi G., Matikas T.E. Novel highly scalable carbon nanotube-strengthened ceramics by high shear compaction and spark plasma sintering. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2015. No. 35, pp. 2599–2606.
11. Hvizdos P., Puchy V., Duszova A., Dusza J., Balazsi Cs.. Tribological and electrical properties of ceramic matrix composites with carbon nanotubes. Ceramics International. 2012. Vol. 38, pp. 5669–5676.
12. Inam F., Yan H., Peijs T., Reece M.J. The sintering and grain growth behaviour of ceramic–carbon nanotube nanocomposites. Composites Science and Technology. 2010. Vol. 70, pp. 947–952.
13. Yakovlev G.i., Polyanskikh (Maeva) M.s., Machyulaytis R., Kerene Ya., Malayshkene C.yu., Kizinevich O., Shaybadullina A.v., Gordina A.f. Nanomodofication of ceramic materials for construction purposes. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 4, pp. 62– 64. (In Russian).
14. Yakovlev G.I., Poljanskih I.S., Shajbadullina A.V., Gordina A.F., Bochkareva T.V., Zajtseva E.A. Prospects of nano-modification of ceramic materials for building purposes. Intellektual’nye sistemy v proizvodstve. 2013. No. 1, pp. 189–192. (In Russian).
15. Miheev V.I. Rentgenometricheskij opredelitel’ mineralov [Radiometric determiner of minerals]. Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe nauchno-technicheskoe izdatel’stvo literatury po geologii I ohrane nedr. 1957. 870 p.
August 14, 2016 in Russia will be the 60th time celebrated the Day builder . This professional holiday of those who builds houses homes and factories , schools and hospitals , stadiums, shopping malls , a celebration of all those who provide full-scale operation the vast multifunction industry - construction.
August 10, 2016 in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Russian Day of the builder in the concert hall "Russia" were sizing the results of the National Contest of professional skills " Stroymaster 2016 " and the award ceremony for the finalists .
A.M. SALAKHOV1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), (; V.P. MOROZOV2, Doctor of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy); D.V. NAYMARK 3, General Director; A.A. ESKIN2 , Candidate of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy)
1 Kazan Federal University, Institute of Physics (18, Kremlevskaya Street, 420008, Kazan, Russian Federation)
2 Kazan Federal University, Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies (4/5, Kramlevskaya Street, 420008, Kazan, Russian Federation)
3 ZAO «Kerma» (607680, Afonino Village, Kstovsky District, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russian Federation)

Optimization of Burning Conditions of Facing Brick of Light Tone at OAO «Kerma» Plant
The characteristics of clay of the Starkinsky Deposit and charge for producing the facing brick on its basis are presented. Mineral phases, which are formed in the course of charge burning, are revealed. The phase composition of laboratory samples and fragments of brick burned in the plant kiln are compared. On the example of the «Kerma» brick-making plant, it is shown that the revealing of the factual temperature under which significant changes in the phase composition take place make it possible to make adjustments to burning condi tions that lead to improving the characteristics of brick produced.

Keywords: ceramics, ceramic brick, burning, mineral phases, structure of materials.

1. Giovanni Biffi. Book for the production of ceramic tiles. Faenza Editoriale. 2003. 376 p.
2. Willi Bender Vom Ziegelgott zum Industrieelektroniker. Bundesverband der Deuchen Ziegelindustrie. Bonn. 2004.
3. Maslennikova G.N., Pisch I.V. Keramichesckie pigmenti [Ceramic pigments]. Moscow. RIF Stroymaterialy.2009. 223 p.
4. Salakhov A.M., Ashmarin G.D, Morozov V.P. Salakhova R.A. Baukeramische erzeugnisse aus rohstoffen mit hohem karbonatgehalt. Keramische Zeitschrift. 2014. No. 1, pp. 35–38.
5. Ezerskiy V.A. Quantitative assessment of color of ceramic facing products. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 8, pp 76–80. (In Russian).
6. Zubechin A.P., Iyzenko N.D., Golovanova S.P. Teoreticheskie osnovi belezni i okraschivaniay keramiki i portlandzementa [Theoretical foundations and white coloring ceramics and Portland cement]. Moscow. RIF Stroymaterialy. 2014. 152 p.
7. Rib’ev I.A. Stroitel’noe materialovedenie [Construction materials science]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola. 2004. 701 p.
8. Salakhov A.M. Tagirov L.R. Structure formation of ceramic with clays which form various phases at burning. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 8, pp. 68–74. (In Russian).
9. Merer Kh. Diffusiya v tverdykh telakh [Diffusion in Solids]. Translation from English. Dolgoprudniy: Intellekt. 2011. 536 p.
In July of 2016 production enterprise " Knauf Gips Kungur " celebrated its 15th anniversary

E.N. PERMYAKOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), A.V. KORNILOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), R.K. SADYKOV, Candidate of Sciences (Geography) S.V. MOROZOVA, Engineer Central Research Institute for Geology of Industrial Minerals (4, Zinina Street, Kazan’, Tatarstan, 420097, Russian Federation)

Acid-resistant ceramic products based on the brick-tile clays of the Republic of Tatarstan
The studies for obtaining acid-resistant brick of common mineral resources, in particular from the brick-tile raw material deposits of the Republic of Tatarstan have been carried out. The information about the stocks in the Russian Federation of the traditional raw material for acid-resistant ceramics - refractory clay have been given. To control the microstructure of the ceramic, and thus the regulation of its density two methods are used: mechanical activation processing of raw materials and efficient use of modifiers. The suitability of the local brick and The Republic of Tatarstan tile clay to produce new products have been demonstrated, such as acid-resistant ceramics for the chemical industry. As a result of pilot tests the prod ucts which correspond to the direct acid-resistant brick, arch, radial classes A, B and C, mold classes A and B by parameters such us acid resistance, compressive strength, water absorption, water permeability, thermal stykost have been obtained.

Keywords: brick-tile raw materials, acid-resistant ceramics, deposits, processing adds, pilot tests.

1. The concept of import substitution in structural branch for 2015-2016 in the Republic of Tatarstan. Order of the Office of the Minister of the Republic Tatarstan of 19.09.2015 No. 2091-P.
2. Kornilov A.V., Luzin V.P. Effective methods conversions of clay raw materials for obtaining products of construction ceramics. Steklo i keramika. 2004. No. 1, pp. 24–26. (In Russian).
3. Tsyplakov D.S., Kornilov A.V., Grevtsev V.A., Permjakov E.N. The activated additive containing zeolite for receipt of ceramic materials. Vestnik kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta. 2015. No. 19, pp. 163–165. (In Russian).
4. Tsyplakov D.S., Kornilov A.V., Lygina T.Z., Permjakov E.N. Influence of an activation refinement of refractory clay raw materials on properties of ceramic materials. Vestnik kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta. 2016. No. 8, pp. 68–72. (In Russian).
5. Vasyanov G.P., Gorbachev B.F., Krasnikova E.V., Sadykov R.K. Use of resources of clay brick raw materials of the Republic of Tatarstan for a structural complex. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 8, pp. 17–22. (In Russian).
6. Kornilov A.V., Permyakov E.N., Lygina T.Z. Mineraltechnological kinds of clay raw materials for production of a ceramic brick and ceramsite gravel. Steklo i keramika. 2005. No. 8, pp. 29–31. (In Russian).

N.P. UMNYAKOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) ( Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences (21, Lokomotivny Passage, Moscow 127238 Russian Federation)

Calculation of Temperature Fluctuations in Brick Facing of Three-Layer Walls on the Basis of Hourly Parameters of a Standard Climatic Year
The basis for calculation of the temperature and the amplitude of its fluctuations on the surface and inside the facing brick layer in the three-layer wall structure with due regard for solar radiation effect and without it have been developed on the basis of a new form of climatic information presentation as a standard year with hourly change in parameters. This methodologi cal approach makes it possible to determine the number of temperature transitions through zero on the surface and inside the brick facing under the effect of the changing temperature of the outside air and the amount of solar radiation falling on the wall and can be used for destination of the required frost resistance and durability of facing and finishing materials.

Keywords: standard year, temperature, amplitude of fluctuations, hourly values, direct solar radiation, diffused solar radiation.

1. Umnyakova N.P., Butovskii I.N., Chebotarev A.G. Development of methods of rationing of a heat-shielding of power effective buildings. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 7, pp. 19–23. (In Russian).
2. Vlasov O.E. Flat thermal waves. Izvestija Teplotehnicheskogo instituta. 1927. No. 3 (26), pp. 23.
3. Fokin K.F. Stroitel’naja teplotehnika ograzhdajushhih chastej zdanij. [Construction the heating engineer of the protecting parts of buildings]. M.: AVOK-PRESS, 2006. 363 p.
4. Shklover A.M., Vasilyev B.F., Ushkov F.V. Osnovy stroitel’noj teplotehniki zhilyh i obshhestvennyh zdanij [Bases construction heating engineers of residential and public buildings]. Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1959. 123 p.
5. Malyavina E.G. Teplopoteri zdanija [Heatlosses of the building]. Moscow: AVOK-PRESS, 2011. 225 p.
6. Aleksandrovsky S.V. Dolgovechnost’ naruzhnyh ograzhdajushhih konstrukcij [ Durability of the external protecting designs]. Moscow: NIISF RAASN, 2004, pp. 125.
7. Ananyev A.I., Ananyev A.A. Dolgovechnost and an energy efficiency of external walls from the facilitated bricklaying. ACADEMIA. Arhitektura i stroitel’stvo. 2010. No. 3, pp. 352–356.
8. Umnyakova N. P. Durability of three-layer walls with facing from a brick with the high level of thermal protection. Messenger of MGSU. 2013. No. 1, pp. 94–100.
9. Khlebnikova E.I., Datsyuk T.A., Sall I.A. Impact of climate changes on construction, the land transport, fuel and energy complex. Trudy Glavnoj geofizicheskoj observatorii im. A.I. Voejkova. 2014. No. 574, pp. 125–178.
10. Smirnov V.A. Influence of solar radiation on deformation of glasses. ACADEMIA. Arhitektura i stroitel’stvo. 2009. No. 5, pp. 538–541.
11. Nikitin V., Backiel-Brzozowska B. Spadek wytrzymalosci probek cegly ceramicznej przy cyklicznym zamrazaniu i odmrazaniu. Ceramic Materials. 2011 (2). No. 63, pp. 288–293.
12. Umnyakova N. P., Butovsky I.N., Chebotaryov A.G., Matveeva O. I. Enhancement of heattechnical building designing in climatic conditions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Zhilishhnoe stroitel’stvo. [Housing Сonstruction]. 2015. No. 6, pp. 12–18.
13. Umnyakova N.P., Andreitseva K.S., Smirnov V.A. Effective solution of a cover of the building and biospheres’ compatibility. Biosfernaya sovmestimost’: chelovek, region
18-19 May 2016 in Minsk (Belarus ) hosted IX International Scientific and practical conference " The experience of the production and use of gas autoclaved concrete "
E.G. VELICHKO, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, A.Sh. KASUMOV, Engineer ( National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoe Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation)

Development of Rational Parameters of Components of Foam Concrete Composition
A series of articles, devoted to Professor Gorchakov, development of his concept about the dependence of the structure, porosity and properties of building materials on the composi tion continues. The development of the foam concrete of higher quality with a grade of average density of D400 is theoretically substantiated. This is achieved through the use of a foaming agent with high-expansion foam and a high coefficient of application, multi-component modifiers of mineral and chemical nature in its composition. Special attention is paid to obtaining the rational parameters of components due to the three-level optimization of the disperse composition of the foam concrete. The authors analyze the complex application of micro-silica modifiers, super-plasticizer, hardener, fine-disperse slag, and modifier of MB group. It is shown that the three-level optimization is needed for ensuring the action of modifi ers with synergy effect for improving the strength, reducing the shrinkage and heat conductivity of the foam concrete.

Keywords: foam concrete, optimization of disperse composition, mineral and chemical modifiers, porosity, foam expansion ratio.

1. On the 100th anniversary of Grigoriy I. Gorchakov study of durability, composition, structure and properties of cement systems. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2016. No. 6, pp. 62–66. (In Russian).
2. Sakharov G.P., Gorchakov G.I. About the concept of creation of materials science of building materials with predetermined properties functionally. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference dedicated to the memory of G.I. Gorchakov and the 75th anniversary since the founding of the Department of Building Materials MSUCE. Moscow: MSUCE. 2009. pp. 217–226. (In Russian).
3. Velichko E.G., Belyakova Zh.S. Some aspects of the chemistry and mechanics of composites of multi-component cement systems. Stroitel’nye Materialy. [Construction Materials]. 1997. No. 2, pp. 21–25. (In Russian).
4. Adamson A. Fizicheskaya himiya poverhnostej [Physical chemistry of surfaces]. Moscow: Mir. 1979. 568 p.
5. Izraelashvili D. Mezhmolekulyarnye i poverhnostnye sily [Intermolecular and surface forces]. Moscow: Nauchnyj mir. 2011. 456 p.
6. Nguen T.T., Oreshkin D.V. Study of the structure of aerated concrete for housing in Viet Nam. Nauchnotehnicheskij Vestnik Povolzh’ya. 2014. No 3, pp. 169–172. (In Russian).
7. Nguen T.T., Oreshkin D.V. Selection and optimization of composition aerated concrete for Vietnamese conditions. Internet-vestnik VolgGASU. Ser. Politematicheskaya. 2014. Vol. 2. nTkhanTuanOreshkin-2014_2(33).pdf (date of access11/ 07/2016). (In Russian).
8. Nguen T.T., Oreshkin D.V. Technical properties autoclaved and nonautoclaved aerated concrete. Vestmik IrGTU. 2014. No. 8, pp. 100–103. (In Russian).
9. Ilich B.R., Mitrovich A.A., Milich L.R. Termal treatment of kaolin clay to obtain metakaolin. Hem. ind. 2010. No. 64 (4), рр. 351–356.
10. Shvarzman A., Kovler K., Grader G.S., Shter G.E. The effect of dihydroxylation amorphization degree on pozzolanic activity of kaolinite. Cement and Concrete Research. 2003. Vol. 33, рр. 405–416.
11. Arikan M., Sobolev K., Ertun T., Yeginobali A., Turker P. Properties of blended cements with thermally activated kaolin. Construction and Building Materials. 2009. Vol. 23, рр. 62–70.
12. Sabir B.B., Wild S. and Bai J. Metakaolin calcined clay as pozzolan for concrete: a review. Cement and Concrete Composites. 2001. Vol. 23, pp. 441–454.
13. Badogiannis E., Kakali G., Tsivilis S. Metakaolin as supplementary cementitious material Optimization of kaolin to metakaolin conversion. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2005. No. 81, рр. 457–462.
14. Deryabin P.P. Impact of prescription and technological factors on the properties of foam aerated concrete. Izvestiya Vuzov. Stroitel’stvo. 2001. No. 5, pp. 39–42. (In Russian).
15. Gusenkov S.A., Udachkin V.I., Galkin S.D., Erofeev V.S. Insulation and wall products from nonautoclaved foam concrete. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 1999. No. 4, pp. 10–11. (In Russian).
16. Kardumyan G.S., Kaprielov S.S. New organic modifier “MB” series-Embelit for the production of high-quality concrete. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction materials]. 2005. No. 8, pp. 12–15. (In Russian).
17. Kaprielov S.S., Shejnfel’d A.V., Kardumyan G.S. Dondukov V.G. Modified high-strength fine-grained concrete with improved strain characteristics. Beton I Zhelezobeton. 2006. No. 2, pp. 2–6. (In Russian).
Canadian researchers examined the features of the technology of manufacturing bituminous mixture with the addition of a stabilizing additive " HRIZOPRO " (X -PRO ) and the behavior of the road surface from this mixture .
Gypsum Knauf super sheet( GVL , GVLV ) is made by compressing a mixture of gypsum and cellulose fluff pulp fibers , which are distributed evenly throughout the sheet . Due to its high density, it has elevated soundproofing characteristics , impact resistant .

Yu. V. PUKHARENKO, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), S.A. CHEREVKO, Engineer ( Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (4, 2-nd Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, Saint Petersburg 190005, Russian Federation)

Binding system on the basis of salt slag

The problem of utilization of the salt slags received when melting secondary aluminum is considered. The major factors defining need of utilization of this slag are designated. By the method of the X-ray fluorescent analysis a chemical composition of the studied slags are specified .By the method of a powder diffractometerion the main structures of the studied salt slag and the received samples of sinter are determined. The rational area of use of salt slag in technology of the knitting substances in the presence of oxide of calcium is revealed and the key technological parameters of receiving the knitting substance are determined: time of a flash set and strength at compression. Results of researches on creation of the knitting substances on the basis of salt slags are given in the article.

Keywords: technogenic raw materials, salt slag, aluminous cement, X-ray fluorescent analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis, melting, agglomeration.

1. Schmitz K., Domagala J., Haag P. Retsikling alyuminiya [Recycling aluminum]. Moscow: Alusil MVT. 2008, 528 p.
2. Selnitsyn R.S, Lysenko A.P. Principles of complex processing of dumps oxide- aluminum-containing salt slag to form a new man-made raw materials for the aluminum industry. Sovremennaya nauka: aktual’nye problemy i puti ikh resheniya. 2014. No. 11, pp. 10–14. (In Russian).
3. Lysenko A.P, Puzanov D.S. Problems and Prospects of processing of oxide- salt waste secondary metallurgy of aluminum. Vestnik MGOU. 2011. No. 3 (5), pp. 10–14. (In Russian).
4. Panasyugin A.S., Mihalap D.P., Panasyugin S.A. Pollution of the atmosphere during storage of slag recycling aluminum. Lit’e i metallurgiya. 2013. No. 1 (69), pp. 66–70. (In Russian).
5. Konko O.I., Kuris Y.U., Gritsay V.P. About non-waste processing of salt aluminum slags Vostochno-evropeiskiy zhurnal peredovykh tekhnologiy. 2011. Vol. 3. No. 11 (51), pp. 11–12.
6. Ryazanov S.A., Nikitin K.V., Sokolov A.V. About the complex processing of aluminum salt slags. Metallurgiya mashinostroeniya. 2013. No 5, pp. 48–52. (In Russian).
7. Hewlett P.C. Lea’s Chemistry of Cement and Concrete. Ed. 4. London: Butterworth-Heinemann. 2004. 1092 p.
8. Budnikov P.P., Kravchenko I.V. Chemistry and Properties of aluminous cement and expanding. New in Cement Chemistry and Technology (Works Meeting on Cement Chemistry and Technology). 1961. Moscow. 1961, pp. 112–145.
9. Stark I., Wicht B. Tsement i izvest’ [Cement and lime]. Kiev: 2008. 480 p.

A.A. LUKASH, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) ( Bryansk State Engineering-Technological University (3, St. Dimitrov Avenue, Bryansk 241037, Russian Federation)

Glued Wood Concrete from Timber of Soft Broadleaved Species
The necessity of involvement of little-used wood of soft broadleaved species in recycling for expanding the raw material base of the construction industry is substantiated. Difficulties in the production of wood concrete connected with the presence of extractive substances in the wood of soft broadleaved species that hinder the hydration of cement are outlined. On the basis of the results of studies conducted, it is established that the use of known types of chemical additives doesn’t make it possible to produce the arbolite of required strength from the wood of soft broadleaved species. The proposed cardinal solution for producing the wood concrete from the timber of soft broadleaved species makes it possible to replace the binding cement with the water-resistant carbamide-formaldehyde glue on which extractive substances, containing in soft broadleaved wood, don’t have a negative effect. Maple syrup and d-erythrose, containing in hogged birch chips, were identified by the method of IR-spectrometry. Regressive dependences, which determine the influence of wood and glue con sumption on the compression strength of the laminated wood concrete, have been obtained.

Keywords: construction, arbolite (wood concrete), glue, production, strength.

1. Lukash A.A., Sviridova E.A., Ulivanova E.V. Multicoloured wall and door panels. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 12, pp. 7–9. (In Russian).
2. Lukash A.A., Grishina E.S. Houses made of rounded logs: prospects of manufacture, shortcomings and ways of their elimination. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 4, pp. 109–110. (In Russian).
3. Lukash A.A., Glotov G.V., Glotova T.I. Ensuring the stability of sizes and forms of relief plywood in the course of its operation. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 10, pp. 42–43. (In Russian).
4. Lukash A.A., Lukuttsova N.P. Methods for calculating the heat conductivity of an enclosing structure of variable crosssection made of rounded logs. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2015. No. 2, pp. 34–37. (In Russian).
5. Lukash A.A., Cherenkova M.S., Shitikova A.S., Matros V.A. Problems of production of wood concrete from soft deciduous breeds. Actual problems of development of a forest complex and landscape architecture: materials of the International scientific and practical conference. Bryansk: BGITU. 2016, pp. 151–156.
6. Lukash A.A. Building materials and products made of soft wood hardwood. Intelligent building composites for green building: collection of reports of the International scientificpractical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Honored Worker of Science, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.S. Lesovika. Part 2. Belgorod: BSTU. 2016, pp 187–193. (In Russian).
7. Serpik I.N., Alekseytsev A.V., Lukash A.A. Methods of analysis of deformations during the fabrication of relief plywood. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2012. No. 12, pp. 31–33. (In Russian).
8. Akulova M.V., Isakulov B.R., Tukashev J.B., Dzhumabaev M.D., Sartova A.M. Production of building materials on the basis of industrial wastes and local raw materials in Western Kazakhstan. Materials of the International scientific-practical conference «Recent advances in science 2013». Sofia. 2013, pp. 77–82. (In Russian).
9. Akulova M.V., Isakulov B.R., Tukashev J.B., Dzhumabaev M.D., Sartova A.M. Studying the properties of binders on the basis of waste oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan. Materials of the International scientific-practical conference «Science Days 2013». Prague. 2013, pp. 78–83. (In Russian).
10. Akulova M.V., Isakulov B.R., Dzhumabaev M.D., Sartova A.M. Studying the properties of alkali binder based on high calcium fly ash. University Infomedia: Proceedings XX International Scientific and Technical Conference. Ivanovo IGASOM. 2013, pp. 219–221. (In Russian).

S.N. LEONOVICH, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Foreign Academician of RAACS, N.L. POLEYKO, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) ( Belarusian National Technical University (65, Nezavisimosti Avenue, Minsk, 220013, Belarus)

Operating Characteristics of Concrete with a Filler from Secondary Rocks
The field of economic application of various types of fillers is expanding all the time due to permanently changing requirements for concretes concerning their operating qualities, appli cation fields, physical-technical properties, durability conditions etc. Numerous studies have established that the most rational use of various types of fillers in the concrete greatly influ ences on the technical characteristics of the concrete of building structures. Results of the studies of the concrete prepared with crushed fluxing limestone, which is a secondary prod uct of metallurgical industry, are presented. On the basis of the study conducted, it is shown that the fluxing limestone can be used for products and structures of heavy-weight concrete along with such fillers as granite macadam and natural gravel.

Keywords: granite macadam, fluxing limestone, crushed gravel, concrete.

1. Vaysberg L.A., Kameneva E.E., Aminov V.N. Assessment of technological capabilities of control over crushed stone quality in the course of disintegration of building rocks. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 11, pp. 30–34. (In Russian).
2. Dvorkin L.I., Dvorkin O.L. Stroitel’nye materialy iz otkhodov promyshlennosti [Construction materials from the waste industry]. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks. 2007. 368 p.
3. Vaysberg L.A., Kameneva E.E. Investigation of the structure of the pore space gneiss-granite by X-ray microtomography computer. Obogashchenie rud. 2013. No. 3, pp. 37–41. (In Russian).
4. Oleinik P.P., Oleinik S.P. Organizatsiya sistemy pererabotki stroitel’nykh otkhodov. [Organization of recycling construction waste]. Moscow: MGSU. 2009. 251 p.
5. Il’ichev V.A., Karpenko N.I., Yarmakovsky V.N. About development of building materials production on the basis of secondary industrial products (SIPs). Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2011. No. 4, pp. 36–42. (In Russian).
6. Gorshkov V.S., Alexandrov S.E., Ivashchenko S.I., Gorshkov I.V. Kompleksnaya pererabotka i ispol’zovanie metallurgicheskikh shlakov v stroitel’stve / Pod red. V.S. Gorshkova [Complex processing and use of metallurgical slag in construction. Ed. by V.S. Gorshkov]. Moscow: Stroyizdat. 1985. 272 p.
7. Veshnjakova L.A., Frolova M.A., Eisenstadt A.M., Lesovik V.S., Mikhailov O.N., Machova T.A. Evaluation of energetic state of raw material for production of building materials. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2012. No. 10, pp. 55–56. (In Russian).
8. Poleyko N.L., Leonovich S.N. Physical-mechanical characteristics of concrete with cubiform crushed stone. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 7, pp. 13–16. (In Russian).
9. Puchin K.G. Environmental matters of use of ferrous metallurgy solid waste in construction materials. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2012. No. 8, pp. 54–56. (In Russian).
10. Yushkov B.S., Semenov S.S. Metallurgical slag in production of reinforced concrete piles used in non-aggressive environment. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2012. No. 12, pp. 14–15. (In Russian).
11. Petrov V.P., Tokareva S.A. Porous aggregates based on industrial wastes. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2011. No. 11, pp. 46–50. (In Russian).
12. Starchukov D.S. Concrete of the accelerated curing with additives of strong substances of the inorganic nature. Beton i zhelezobeton. 2011. No. 4, pp. 22–24. (In Russian).
13. Zager I.Y., Yashinkina A.A., Andropova L.N. Comparative assessment of products of crushing of rocks of fields of nonmetallic construction materials of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2011. No. 5, pp. 84–86. (In Russian).
14. Dobshits L.M., Magomedeminov I.I. Determination of frost resistance of large filler for heavy concrete. Beton i zhelezobeton. 2012. No. 4, pp. 6–19. (In Russian).
15. Korneeva E.V. Studies of stell industry slag for secondary use. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2012. No. 8, pp. 62–63. (In Russian).

V.S. IZOTOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), R.Kh. MUKHAMETRAKHIMOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (, A.R. GALAUTDINOV, Engineer Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (1, Zelenaya Street, Kazan, 420043, Russian Federation)

A Complex Additive for Improving Efficiency of a Gypsum-Cement-Pozzolanic Binder
At present, a lot of hyper-plasticizers and super-plasticizers of various brands are presented at the Russian market of plasticizing additives. But the efficient use of these additives is announced by the producers for compositions on the cement base mainly. This raises the need to study the work of modern plasticizing additives and their complexes in gypsum- cement-pozzolanic compositions. The studies conducted make it possible to determine the effect of plasticizing additives and complexes on their basis on the rheological and physical- mechanical properties of a composite gypsum-cement-pozzolanic binder, as well as to determine the optimal content of plasticizers in the composition of the complex additive. It is shown that the introduction of plasticizing additives and their complexes makes it possible to improve the operating properties of products on the basis of gypsum-cement-pozzolanic binders that results in improving the flexural strength by 70.3%, compression strength – by 82.7%, as well as improving the water resistance by 66% at slowing the kinetics of initial structure formation. These results are achieved through the formation of the more dense porous structure of samples on the basis of the gypsum-cement-pozzolanic binder modified with plasticizing additives. Thus, the total volume of pores is reduced by 9%, open capillary pore is reduced by 16.8%, open non-capillary pores is reduced by 1%, the volume of condi tionally-closed pores is increasesd by 8.8%, an index of micro-porosity is increased by 0.38. This makes it possible to significantly expand the application field of products on the basis of the modified composite binder when producing a wide range of building products.

Keywords: gypsum, cement, complex additive, super-plasticizer, hyper-plasticizer.

1. Litvinenko S.V. Application of retarder for gypsum binders Retardan 225P. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2012. No. 7, pp. 26-27. (In Russian).
2. Pustovgar A.P., Bur’yanov A.F., Vasilik P.G. Features of the application of plasticizing additives in a dry building mixtures. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2010. No. 12, pp. 62–65. (In Russian).
3. Khaliullin M.I., Nuriev M.I., Rakhimov R.Z., Gaifullin A.R. Effect of plasticizers on the properties of gypsum cementpozzolan binder. Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta. 2015. No. 6, pp. 119–122. (In Russian).
4. Patent RF 2262490. Zamedlyayushchiy skhvatyvanie superplastifikator [Retarding superplasticizer]. Vovk A.I. Declared 02.12.2003. Published 20.10.2005. Bulletin No. 29. (In Russian).
5. Bur’yanov A.F. Effective gypsum materials for interior partitions. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2008. No. 8, pp. 30–33. (In Russian).
6. Izotov V.S., Mukhametrakhimov R.Kh., Galautdinov A.R. Influence of polypropylene fiber on the basic properties of gypsum cement-pozzolan binder. Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta. 2015. No. 1, pp. 135–137. (In Russian).
7. Izotov V.S., Mukhametrakhimov R.Kh., Galautdinov A.R. Investigation of the effect of active mineral admixtures on the rheological and mechanical properties of gypsum cement- pozzolan binder. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 5, pp. 20–23. (In Russian).
8. Ferronskaya A.V. Gipsovye materialy i izdeliya. Proizvodstvo i primenenie [Gypsum materials and products. The production and use]. Moscow. ASV. 2004. 451 p.
9. Patent RF 2519313. Kompleksnaya dobavka [Complex additive]. Izotov V.S., Mukhametrakhimov R.Kh., Galautdinov A.R. Declared 29.01.2013. Published 10.06.2014. Bulletin No. 16. (In Russian).

S.-A.Yu. MURTAZAEV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, M.Sh. SALAMANOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (, R.G. BISULTANOV, Engineer, T. S-A. MURTAZAEVA, Engineer Grozny State Oil Technical University named after academician M.D. Millionshtchikov (100, H.A. Isayev Avenue, Grozny, 364051, Chechen Repub-lic, Russian Federation)

High-Quality Modified Concretes with the Use of a Binder on the Basis of a Reaction-Active Mineral Component
Issues related to the development of high-quality concretes are considered. As a base of producing such concretes, the use of efficient chemical modifiers improving the rheological properties of concrete mixes and reaction-active fine mineral mineral components of natural and anthropogenic origin facilitating the improvement of their physical-mechanical charac teristics. A special attention is paid to the filler: the strength of coarse filler must be higher than the concrete strength by not less than 20% and maximum filler size should not exceed 8–20 mm. At present, significant experience in production of high-quality concretes is accumulated and it is necessary to implement it in practice. Results of the study conducted show that the raw material potential of the Chechen Republic makes it possible to produce high-quality concretes of B 40 class, and if to expand the geography of North Caucasian Federal District it can be possible to produce concretes of more high strength.

Keywords: high-quality concretes, composite binders, reaction-active mineral components, volcanic ash, ash of TPP, fractional filler.

1. Bazhenov Yu.M. Dem’yanova B.C., Kalashnikov V.I. Modifitsirovannye vysokokachestvennye betony [Modified high-quality concrete]. Moscow: ASV. 2006. 289 p.
2. Murtazaev S-A.Yu., Ismailova Z.Kh. Using local technogenic waste in fine grained concrete. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2008. No. 3, pp. 57–58. (In Russian).
3. Murtazaev S-A.Yu., Salamanova M.Sh., Aliev S.A., Bisultanov R.G. The rocks of volcanic origin as placeholders for lightweight concrete. Nauchnoe obozrenie. 2015. No. 7, pp. 105–113. (In Russian).
4. Murtazaev S-A.Yu., Salamanova M.Sh., Vataev U.V The cement industry of the Chechen Republic. Vestnik Akademii nauk Chechenskoy Respubliki. 2014. No. 1 (22), pp. 109–114. (In Russian).
5. Salamanova M.Sh., Ismailov Z.Kh. Structure formation and properties of an effective modified concrete. Topical issues in scientific research and educational activities: Proceedings of the International correspondence scientificpractical conference. Tambov. 2014, pp. 141–145. (In Russian).
6. Salamanova M.Sh., Tulaev Z.A., Gabashev A.A. Highquality concrete with the use of fillers from man-made materials. Articles XVII International interuniversity scientific- practical conference of young scientists. Moscow: MGSU. 2014, pp. 1062–1065. (In Russian).
7. Salamanova M.Sh., S.A. Aliev, Uspanova A.S., Gabashev A.A. Influence of natural fine and very fine sand on the basic parameters of multicomponent concretes. Scientific-practical conference devoted to the 85th anniversary of the honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, academician RAASN, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Yuri Mikhailovich Bazhenov (Electronic resource). Belgorod. 2015. 9. (In Russian).
8. Murtazaev S-A.Yu. Salamanova M.Sh., Bisultanov R.G. Influence of fine microfillers of volcanic ash on the properties of concrete. Collected papers of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of “Grozny State Oil Technical University named after academician M.D. Millionshtchikov”. Grozniy: GGNTU. Vol. 1, pp. 171–176. (In Russian).
9. Salamanova M.Sh., Saidumov M.S., Murtazaeva T.S-A., Khubaev M. S-M. High-modified concrete on the basis of mineral admixtures and superplasticizer different nature. Innovatsii i investitsii. 2015. No. 8, pp. 159–163. (In Russian).

B.P. JUR’EV1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (yurev–b@ mail. ru), V.A. GOL’CEV1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), V.A. MAL’CEV 1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering); V.A. SAVIN2 , Engineer (head @
1 Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (19, Mira Street, Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation)
2 JSC «Uralasbest» (66, Uralskaya Street, Asbest, Sverdlovsk Region, 624261, Russian Federation)

Drying of asbestos ore in vertical shaft type devices
Work of the Uralasbest plant shaft furnaces intended for drying asbestos ore and with different movement scheme and flows of gas-air material are considered. Some furnaces operates countercurrent scheme and the other furnaces on the combined scheme when part of the gases from the furnace is fed through the bypass to the top of the shaft. On the basis of the information obtained in the course of industrial research in shaft furnaces, the temperature distribution in the gas-flow and material flow adjustment shafts, data speeds and coolant flow rate, humidity changes ore the thermal balance in the shaft furnaces ore with different moisture contents are compiled and analyzed. It is shown that the ore humidity less than 6% is sufficient for the drying quality by supply of heat to only one horizon (the furnace is working on countercurrent scheme). At higher humidity heat input is required to at least two hori- zons layers: top-filtered coolant down and bottom-up filtering coolant (the furnace works on the combined scheme). Shaft furnace disadvantages are noted and recommendations, implementation of which will allow to optimize the drying process, and to obtain high quality final product with minimal cost of fuel and electricity.

Keywords: shaft furnace, asbestos ore, drying, moisture, temperature, research.

1. Lykov А.V. Teoriya sushki [Theory of Drying] Moscow: Energiya, 1968. 472 p.
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7. Gazaleeva G.I., Kochelaev V.А, Osintsev А.А. Improving the technology of asbestos production. Gornyj zhurnal, 2005. No. 8. pp. 24–28. (In Russian).
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