
Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №9

Table of contents

R.A. MANGUSHEV, Corresponding Member of RAACS, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), (, I.P. DIAKONOV, Engineer (, L.N. KONDRAT'EVA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (4, 2-ya Krasnoarmeiskaya Street, 190005, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Limits of Practical Application of «Fundex» Piles under Conditions of Weak Soils Basic principles of field tests of screwed piles with a lost shoe under conditions of weak soils and the existing development of Saint-Petersburg are described. The authors studied the stress-strain state of soils and also bearing capacity of the pile material. Both factors were considered with due regard for the manufacturing technology and design features of the working body which was used for well-drilling. The stress-strain state was evaluated quantitatively with the help of the method of cone penetration test. The main conclusion of this evaluation is the determination of sizes of the zone of pile influence on the surrounding soil array; the level of reducing soils characteristics after pile installation was also obtained. The bearing capacity of the pile material is assessed by observation of defects of the pile shaft. An analysis of the influence of the concreting method by the method of free dropping on the concrete mix disintegration is presented. In the process of destroying test of the concrete samples drilled out of the body of the ready pile, changes in its strength along the height were analyzed. Recommendations on the control over the fabrication quality, preliminary assessment of the risk of defects appearance and as well as the impact of the pile field on the surrounding development are presented.

Keywords: «Fundex» piles, bearing capacity, defects of cast-in-situ bored piles, technological effect.

For citation: Mangushev R.A., Diakonov I.P., Kondrat’eva L.N. Limits of practical application of «Fundex» piles under conditions of weak soils. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 9, pp. 3–8. (In Russian).

1. Mangushev R.A., Ershov A.V., Ershov S.V. Experimental assessment of change of a condition of the soil massif at production of a stuffed pile. Nauchno-prakticheskie i teoreti- cheskie problemy geotekhniki: mezhvuzovskii tematicheskii sbornik trudov. 2009. V. 1, pp. 101–108. (In Russian).
2. Ershov A.V., Nutrikhin V.V. Assessment of the bearing ability of stuffed piles with use of data of static soundin. Inzhenernye izyskaniya. 2011. No. 7, pp. 42–52. (In Russian).
3. Mangushev R.A. Fundeks bored piles: merits and demerits. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno- stroitel’nogo universiteta. 2013. No. 31–2 (50), pp. 264–271. (In Russian).
4. D’yakonov I.P., Konyushkov V.V. Features of work of the stuffed screwed-up pile of «Fundeks» in diverse soil. Vestnik grazhdan- skikh inzhenerov. 2014. No. 6, pp. 116–120. (In Russian).
5. D’yakonov I.P. Influence of manufacturing techniques on the bearing ability of material of a stuffed pile. Vestnik grazhdan- skikh inzhenerov. 2017. No. 1, pp. 133–136. (In Russian).
6. D’yakonov I.P. The analysis of work of a pile of «Fundeks» in weak clay soil. Vestnik grazhdanskikh inzhenerov. 2017. No. 3, pp. 55–58. (In Russian).
7. Dalmatov B.I., Lapshin F.K., Rossikhin Yu.V. Proektirovanie svainykh fundamentov v usloviyakh slabykh gruntov [Design of the pile bases in the conditions of weak soi]. Leningrad: Stroiizdat, 1975, pp. 30–38.
8. Ulitskii V.M., Shashkin A.G., Shashkin K.G. Gid po geotekhnike [Gid on geotechnics]. Saint Petersburg: Georekonstruktsiya, 2012. 284 p.
9. Mangushev R.A., Konyushkov V.V., D’yakonov I.P. The analysis of practical application of the screwed-up stuffed piles. Osnovaniya i fundamenty, mekhanika gruntov. 2014. No. 5, pp. 11–16. (In Russian).
10. Van Viil A.F. Rukovodstvo po svayam «Fundeks». Niderlandy. 1982, pp. 19–32.
11. Mangushev R.A., Ershov A.V., Osokin A.I. Sovremennye svainye tekhnologii [Modern pile technologies]. Moscow: ASV, 2010. 235 p.
12. Fleming K., Weltman А., Randolph М., Elson К. Piling Engineering. NY: Third Edition, 2009, pp. 127, 272–280.
13. Van Impe W.F. Deep foundation: trends and development. Reconstructсia gorodov i geotechnicheskoe stroitelstvo. 2005. No. 9, pp. 7–33. (In Russian).
14. Verstov V.V. Tekhnologiya i kompleksnaya mekhanizatsiya shpuntovykh i svainykh rabot [Technology and complex mechanization of tongue-and-groove and pile works]. Saint Petersburg: Lan’, 2012, pp. 118–124.
15. Chandra. Prediction and Observation of Pore Pressure Due to Pile Driving. Third International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering. No. 1.66., St. Louis, Missouri 1993.
16. Dan A. Brown. Design and Construction of Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) Piles. Geotechnical engineering circular. USA. Washington. 2007, No. 8, pp. 104–107, 42–43.
S.S. ZUEV 1 , Deputy Director (; O.A. MAKOVETSKY 2 , Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
1 OAO “New Ground” (35, Kronshtadskay Street, 614081, Perm. Russian Federation)
2 Perm National Research Polytechnic University (29, Komsomolsky Prosoect, 614019, Perm. Russian Federation)

Evaluation of Value of Technological Deformations when Arranging Soil-Concrete Elements Works for construction of underground parts of buildings and structures with the use of jet cementation is necessary to conduct with due regard for possible development of technological settlements of the base. The main method for control over the development of technological settlements is geodesic and hardware monitoring. The article presents the experimental data of the monitoring of technological settlements in characteristic geotechnical situations and conducts the analysis of the dynamic of their development.

Keywords: jet cementation of soil, technological settlements, geodesic monitoring.

For citation: Zuev S.S., Makovetsky O.A. Evaluation of value of technological deformations when arranging soil-concrete elements. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 9, pp. 9–12. (In Russian).

1. Astrakhanov B.N. Tendencies of development of technology of the device of a protection of ditches in the conditions of dense urban development. Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov. 2002. No. 4, pр. 4–8. (In Russian).
2. Mangushev R.A., Nikiforova N.S. Technological rainfall of buildings and constructions in a zone of influence of underground construction. Moscow: ASV, 2017. 168 p.
3. Ter-Martirosyan Z.G., Ter-Martirosyan A.Z. Some problems of underground construction. Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing construction]. 2013. No. 9, pp. 2–5. (In Russian).
4. Guide to observations of deformations of the bases and bases of buildings and constructions. Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1975. 156 p.
5. Razvodovsky D. E. Admissible deformations of the existing building. Vestnik NTC «Stroitelstvo». 2017. V. 13, pp. 106– 121. (In Russian).
6. Makovetsky O.A., Zuev S.S., Khusainov I.I. Justification of application of the artificial basis «structural block». Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing construction]. 2016. No. 9, pp. 23–27. (In Russian).
7. Karol Reuben H. Chemical grouting and soil stabilization. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2003. 536 р.
8. Henn Raymond W. Practical guide to grouting of underground structures. American Society of Civil Engineers, 1996. 200 р.
I.V. NIKONOROVA 1 , Candidate of Sciences (Geografic) N.S. SOKOLOV 1,2 , Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (, Director
1 Chuvash State University Named After I.N. Ulyanov (15, Moskovsky Avenue, Cheboksary, 428015, Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation)
2 OOO PPF «FORST» (109a, Kalinina Street, Cheboksary, 428000, Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation) Construction and Territorial Development of Landslide Slopes of the Cheboksary Water Reservoir The problems of construction and territorial development of landslide-dangerous slopes are quite complex and require the solution of many issues of sustainable development and rational nature management. Uncontrolled construction with insufficient account of the geotechnical and hydrogeological conditions of the territory, the increased technogenic impact on sloping surfaces in the face of growing urbanization led to the emergence of serious problems and emergency situations on the coasts of many Volgas reservoirs, including the Cheboksary Reservoir, in the Cheboksary City District and adjacent areas Territories of Chuvashia. The article is devoted to the substantiation of the possibility of rational construction development of landslide-dangerous slopes of the Cheboksary water reservoir (LDS ChR) to provide the population of the Chuvash Republic with qualitative objects of capital construction, social and industrial infrastructure.

Keywords: landslide slope, landscape, wall of disruption, reservoir, capital construction, anti-landslide measures, flight augering piles-EDT, soil anchors.

For citation: Nikonorova I.V., Sokolov N.S. Construction and territorial development of landslide slopes of the Cheboksary water reservoir. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 9, pp. 13–19. (In Russian).

1. Ilyin V.N., Bespalova L.A., Nikonorova I.V., Sushko K.S. The characteristic of a coastal zone of the Cheboksary reservoir in the Chuvash Republic: typology of coast, description of stability. Uspekhi sovremennogo estestvoznaniya. 2016. No. 12 (p. 2), pр. 395–400. (In Russian).
2. Nikonorova I.V. Geodynamic processes in a coastal zone of the Cheboksary reservoir and their influence on economic development. Theory and methods of modern geomorphology: Materials of the XXXV plenum of the Geomorphological commission of RAS, Simferopol, on October 3–8, 2016. Simferopol, 2016. V. 2, pp. 404–408. (In Russian).
3. Nikonorova I.V., Alexandrov A.N. Dynamics and functioning of geotechnical system of the Cheboksary reservoir (Volga River) // Ekological-geomorphological researches in the urbanized and technogenic landscapes (Archikovsky readings – 2015) // Collection of materials of All-Russian the summer youth school conference devoted to the 90 anniver- sary since birth Doctor of Geographical Sciences, professor E.I. Archikov. Cheboksary: CHGU, 2015, pp. 88–102. (In Russian).
4. Nikonorova I.V., Petrov N.F., Alexandrov A.N. Accumulative geodynamics in a coastal zone of the Cheboksary and Kuibyshev reservoirs and her influence on economic development. Regional geographical and ecological researches: urgent problems: The collection of materials of the All-Russian youth school conference devoted to the 15 anniversary of foundation of department of environmental management and geoecology and the 10 anniversary of revival of activity of the Chuvash republican office of All- Russian public organization ‘Russian Geographical Society’ (Cheboksary, on November 08–13, 2016). Chuvash stateuniversity of name I.N. Ulyanova. Cheboksary: TsNS «Interaktiv plyus», 2016, pp. 30–37. (In Russian).
5. Nikonorova I.V., Sokolov N.S. Economic development of a zone of influence of the Cheboksary reservoir. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Water Resources Management in Climate Change», dedicated to the World Water Day. March 21, 2017. Kyiv. Institute of Water Problems and Melioration NAAS, 2017, pp. 71–72.
6. Petrov N.F., Nikonorova I.V., Prokopyeva N.A. Experience of an assessment of stability of landslide systems. Prospects of development of engineering researches in construction in the Russian Federation: Materials of the 12th All- Russian conference of the prospecting organizations. On December 7–9, 2016. St. Petersburg. 2016, pp. 87–95. (In Russian).
7. Petrov N.F., Nikonorova I.V., Pavlov A.N. Studying of landslide risk on the coast of Volga in a zone of design of the high- speed highway «Moscow – Kazan». Regional geographical and ecological researches: urgent problems: The collection of materials of the All-Russian youth school conference devoted to the 15 anniversary of foundation of department of environmental management and geoecology and the 10 anniversary of revival of activity of the Chuvash republican office of All-Russian public organization ‘Russian Geographical Society’ (Cheboksary, on November 08–13, 2016). Chuvash state university of name I.N. Ulyanova. Cheboksary: TsNS «Interaktiv plyus», 2016, pр. 37–57. (In Russian).
8. Petrov N.F., Nikonorova I.V., Prokopyeva N.A. Strength characteristics of soil of a zone of shift of landslides. Sergeevsky readings. Issue 19. Geoecological safety of development of mineral deposits. Moscow: RUDN, 2017, 590 p.
9. Patent RF 2250958. Ustroistvo dlya izgotovleniya nabivnoi svai [The device for production of a stuffed pile]. N.S. Sokolov, V.Yu. Tavrin, V.A. Abramushkin. Declared 14.07.2003. Published 27.04.2005. Bulletin No. 12. (In Russian).
10. Patent RF 2250957. Sposob vozvedeniya nabivnoi svai [The method of production of a stuffed pile]. N.S. Sokolov, V.Yu. Tavrin, V.A. Abramushkin. Declared 14.07.2003. Published 27.04.2005. Bulletin No. 12. (In Russian). v11. Patent RF 2282936. Generator impul’snykh tokov [Generator of pulse currents]. N.S. Sokolov, Yu.P. Pichugin. Declared 4.02.2005. Published 27.08.2006. Bulletin No. 24. (In Russian).
12. Patent RF 2318960. Sposob vozvedeniya nabivnoi svai [The method of production of a stuffed pile]. N.S. Sokolov. Declared 26.12.2005. Published 10.03.2008. Bulletin No. 7. (In Russian).
13. Patent RF 2318961. Razryadnoe ustroistvo dlya izgotovleniya nabivnoi svai [Discharge device for production of a stuffed pile]. N.S. Sokolov. Declared 10.07.2007. Published 10.03.2008. Bulletin No. 7. (In Russian).
14. Russian Federation patent for utility model No. 161650. Ustroistvo dlya kamufletnogo ushireniya nabivnoi konstruktsii v grunte [The device for camouflage broadening of a stuffed design in soil]. N.S. Sokolov, H.A. Dzhantimirov, M.V. Kuzmin, S.N. Sokolov, A.N. Sokolov. Declared 16.03.2015. Published 27.04.2016. Bulletin No. 2. (In Russian).
15. Patent RF 2605213. Sposob vozvedeniya nabivnoi konstruktsii v grunte [Way of construction of a stuffed design in soil]. N.S. Sokolov, H.A. Dzhantimirov, M.V. Kuzmin, S.N. Sokolov, A.N. Sokolov. Declared 01.07.2015. Published 20.12.2016. Bulletin No. 35. (In Russian).
I.V. MANIAKHIN, Specialist, ( Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (4, 2-ya Krasnoarmeiskaya Street, 190005, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Design Forecast of Influence of Atmospheric Precipitation Infiltration on Stability of Slopes Formed by Gravel-Clay Soils The forecast of changes in humidity conditions of soils during the year (the depth of humidification and coefficient of water saturation were determined) for slopes, which have formed by gravel-clay soils, after cut is made; the dependence of the change in the amount of infiltration on the atmospheric precipitation and the change in the degree of water saturation (Sr) on the infiltration are obtained for disperse soils. The influence of atmospheric precipitation on the stability of slopes (the series of numerical calculations of the slope stability were made) is considered.

Keywords: stability factor, infiltration of atmospheric precipitation, degree of water saturation, numerical calculation of stability.

For citation: Maniakhin I.V. Design forecast of influence of atmospheric precipitation infiltration on stability of slopes formed by gravel-clay soils. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 9, pp. 20–24. (In Russian).

1. Baboshkina S.V., Puzanov A.V., Elchininova O.A., Rozhdestvenskaya T.A., Troshkova I.A. Modeling of moisture interprofile movement in chernozemse of agrolandscapes of uimon intermountain depression (Katun basin, central Altai). Vestnik Altayskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. 2016. No. 8 (142), pp. 29–39. (In Russian).
2. Bezukhov D.A., Schneider V.A. Influence of infiltration processes on local stability of slopes of road cover. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference (on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the SibADI FGBOU). Omsk. 2015. Vol. 1, pp. 28–34. (In Russian).
3. Nguyen F.Z. Influence of unsteady seepage on stability of earth slopes. Izvestia VNIIG im. B.E. Vedeneeva. 2012. No. 266, pp. 55–60. (In Russian).
4. Nguyen F.Z., Buryakov O.A. Influence of rainfall infiltration on the stability of soil slopes structures. Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitelstvo. 2013. No. 5, pp. 23–26. (In Russian).
5. Ogorodnikov L.P., Postnikov P.A. Precipitation infiltration into soil in the Middle Urals. APK Rossii. 2015. No. 73, pp. 116–119. (In Russian).
6. Panina S.S., Shein E.V. Mathematical models of soil moisture transfer: importance of the model’s experimental assurance and the upper boundary condition. Vestnik Moscovskogo Universiteta. 2014. No. 3, pp. 45–50. (In Russian).
7. Shein E.V., Shcheglov D.I., Moskvin V.V. Simulation of water permeability processes in chernozems of the Kamennaya Steppe. Pochvovedeniye. 2012. No. 6, pp. 648–657. (In Russian).
8. Terleev V.V., Mirschel W., Badenko V.L., Guseva I.Y., Gurin P.D. Physico-statistical interpretation of the soil water retention function’s parameters. Agrofizika. 2012. No. 4 (8), pp. 1–8. (In Russian).
9. Manyakhin I.V. Analysis of stress-strain condition of slopes reinforced with soil anchors taking into account the infiltration of atmospheric precipitation. Vestnik grazhdanskikh inzhenerov. 2017. No. 2 (61), pp. 143–153. (In Russian).
N.S. SOKOLOV 1,2 , Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Director (
1 OOO PPF «FORST» (109a, Kalinina Street, Cheboksary, 428000, Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation)
2 Chuvash State University Named After I.N. Ulyanov (15, Moskovsky Avenue, Cheboksary, 428015, Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation) Foundation of Increased Bearing Capacity Constructed with Use of Bored-Injection Edt-Piles with Multiple Enlargements Construction of foundations with increased values of bearing capacity is an objective of a current interest of modern geotechnical construction. It is especially in demand during construction of objects in constrained conditions and high-rise structures. There are a lot of frequent cases when using of boring piles is impractical due to technical and economics considerations. In that case bored-injection EDT-piles with multiple enlargements are highly in-demand. Keywords: bearing capacity, boring pile, grillage, EDT-piles, multiple enlargements, injections.

For citation: Sokolov N.S. Foundation of increased bearing capacity constructed with use of bored-injection edt-piles with multiple enlargements. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 9, pp. 25–28. (In Russian).

1. Il’ichev V.A., Mangushev R.A., Nikiforova N.S. Development of underground space in large Russian cities. Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov. 2012. No. 2, pp. 17–20. (In Russian).
2. Ulitsky V.M., Shashkin A.G., Shashkin K.G. Geotechnical maintenance of urban development. Saint-Petersburg: Georeconstructsiya, 2010. 551 p.
3. Ter-Martirosyan Z.G. Mekhanika gruntov [Soil Mechanics]. Moscow: ASV, 2009. 550 p. (In Russian).
4. Ulitsky V.M., Shashkin A.G., Shashkin K.G. Guide to geotechnical engineering (Guide to the grounds, foundations and underground structures). Saint-Petersburg: Georeconstructsiya, 2015, 284 p.
5. Sokolov N.S., Sokolov S.N. Using of bored-injection piles for securing slopes. Materials of 5th All-Russian conference «New in architecture, designing of building structures and reconstructions». (NASKR-2005). Cheboksary – 2005, pp. 292–293.
6. Sokolov N.S. Method of calculation bearing capacity of the bored-injection EDT-piles taking into account «thrust bearings». Materials of the 8th All-Russian (the 2nd International) the «New in Architecture, Designing of Construction Designs and Reconstructions» conference (NASKR-2014). Cheboksary – 2014, pp. 407–411. (In Russian).
7. Sokolov N.S., Ryabinov V.M. About one method of calculation of bearing capacity of bored-injection EDT-piles. Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov. 2015. No. 1, pp. 10–13. (In Russian).
8. Sokolov N.S., Ryabinov V.M. About Effectiveness of Installation of Bored-Injection Piles with Multiple Enlargements with Using of Electric Discharge Technology. Geotechnica. 2016. No. 2, pp. 28–34. (In Russian).
9. Sokolov N.S., Ryabinov V.M. Features of Installation and Calculation of Bored-Injection Piles with Multiple Enlargements. Geotechnica. 2016. No. 3, pp. 60–66. (In Russian).
10. Sokolov N.S., Ryabinov V.M. Technique of Construction of Bored-Injection Piles of Increased Bearing Capacity. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2016. No. 9, pp. 11–14. (In Russian).
11. Sokolov N.S. Criteria of economic efficiency of use of drilled piles. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 5, pр. 34–38. (In Russian).
I.A. SALMIN, Engineer ( OOO “InzhProektStroy” (34, office 105, Komsomolsky Prospect, P.O.B. 91, 614000, Perm, Russian Federation)

Monitoring of the Enclosing Structure of a Deep Pit The article presents an experience in optimization of the design solution of enclosing the pit of 14.4 m depth. The monitoring of moving of the pit enclosing by two methods shows comparable results (moving during the process of excavation of the pit and its further operation didn’t exceed 16 mm). Monitoring the readings of force sensors has made it possible to conclude that the effects of creep of the anchor root are absent and the stresses in anchors were significantly lesser that obtained according to the calculation. Low values of stresses in anchors are due to the low values of displacement of the excavation fence. Monitoring systems are an important instrument for obtaining factual information about the enclosing conditions during the process of pit excavation as well as its further operation.

Keywords: monitoring, pit enclosing, inclinometer, force sensor, GeoWall, Alterra, underground construction, anchor.

For citation: Salmin I.A. Monitoring of the enclosing structure of a deep pit. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 9, pp. 29–33. (In Russian).

1. Malinin A.G. Struinaya tsementatsiya gruntov [Jet cemen- tation of soil]. Moscow: Stroyizdat, 2010. 226 р.
2. Malinin P.A., Strunin P.V., Gulshina Yu.G., Salmin I.A. Experience of use of new technology of soil anchors «the Atlas of Jet» when fastening a deep ditch in Moscow». Works of the international scientific and technical conference «Modern Geotechnologies in Construction and Their Scientific and Technical Maintenance». St. Petersburg, 2014, рp. 142–148. (In Russian).
3. Klein G.K. Raschet podpornykh sten [Calculation of retaining walls]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 1964. 196 p.
4. Gorbunov-Posadov M.I., Ilyichev V. A., Krutov V.I. Osnovaniya, fundamenty i podzemnye sooruzheniya [Bases, bases and underground constructions]. Under. general edition of E.A. Sorochan and Yu.G. Trofimenkov. Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1985. 480 p.
5. Malinin P.A., Vorobyov A.V., Zhemchugov A.A. Shestakov A.P. A modern program complex for geotechnical calculations with a finite element method. Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing construction]. 2011. No. 9, рp. 32–33. (In Russian).
6. Malinin P.A., Strunin P.V. Experience of construction of a deep ditch with use of technology of jet cementation of soil. Geotekhnika [Geotechnics]. 2013. No. 2, рp. 4–13. (In Russian).
7. Malinin A.G., Malinin D.A. Anchor piles «Atlant». Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing construction]. 2010. No. 5, рp. 60–62. (In Russian).
8. Margolin V.M – Search of optimal solutions of a protection of a ditch «a wall in soil» with use the buroinjektsionnykh of anchors. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo [Industrial and civil engineering]. 2012. No. 12, рp. 23–26. (In Russian).
9. Malinin D.A. The bearing ability of screw anchors «Atlas». Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing construction]. 2012. No. 9, рp. 46–49. (In Russian).
10. Ter-Martirosyan Z.G., Ter-Martirosyan A.Z., Sobolev E.S. Analysis of data of geotechnical monitoring of the slabby bases of the big area. Geotekhnika [Geotechnics]. 2012. No. 4, рp. 28–34. (In Russian).
О.S. GLOZMAN 1,2 , Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Adviser RAACS (
1 Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy) (11/4, bldg. 1, structure 4, Rozhdestvenka Street, 107031, Moscow, Russian Federation)
2 RAACS (24, bldg.1, 107031, Bol’shaya Dmitrovka Street, Moscow, Russian Federation

Definition of Classification and Typology of the City Underground Infrastructural Zone The article focuses on the issue of including city underground spaces in the land use and site development regulations. The rules of land use and site development are based on the functional zoning of underground spaces. Previously it was shown that the city underground spaces can be classified into four categories: infrastructural, scientific and production, public, auxiliary. These four categories make up the typology of the city underground spaces. This work presents the author created classification of the city underground spaces of the infrastructural type which is based on the global experience of the underground development of the territory. This classification provides a means for allocating areas, defining ways of possible land use and creating urban development protocols for city underground spaces using city zoning document system. In order to simplify the use of the classification the article features different categories that fall into the classification as well as the examples that illustrate each category.

Keywords: urban planning, geo-urban planning, underground space, master plan, functional zoning, territorial planning, rules of land use and development, territorial zones.

For citation: Glozman О.S. Definition of classification and typology of the city underground infrastructural zone. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construc- tion]. 2017. No. 9, pp. 35–39. (In Russian).

1. Glozman O.S. Territorial planning of the underground part of the city. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction], 2017. No. 7, pp. 13–16. (In Russian).
2. Merkin V.E., Kaspe I.B. Ensuring preservation of town buildings during the construction of Lefortovo Tunnel. Transportnoe stroitel’stvo. 2005. No. 3, pp. 12–17. (In Russian).
3. Garber V.A. Interesting statistics on transport tunnels and metropolitenes. Metro i tonneli. 2015. No. 1, pp. 30–35. (In Russian).
4. Golitsynskii D.M., Snetkov V.A., Ryashin Yu.A. North- moums tunnel – the longest tunnel in Russia. Sbornik luchshikh dokladov studentov i aspirantov fakul’teta «Transportnoe stroitel’stvo». Sankt-Peterburg. 2016, pp. 17–21. (In Russian).
5. Tram of San-Frantsisko. Zheleznye dorogi mira. 2015. No. 8, pp. 32–36. (In Russian).
6. Chibizov A.E., Kozhevnikov A.P. Technological features of the unique Russian metrotram. Metro i tonneli. 2012. No. 3, pp. 18–19. (In Russian).
7. Ushakova A.I. Underground pedestrian transitions in Saint- Petersburg. Innovatsii na transporte i v mashinostroenii. Sbornik trudov III Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii. 2015, pp. 62–63. (In Russian).
8. Kokosadze A.E., Chesnokov S.A., Fridkin B.M. Constructive solutions of low-power underground nuclear power plants. Izvestiya Tul’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2011. No. 1, pp. 301–305. (In Russian).
Complex Development of Territory at Housing Cooperative (HC) «Nekrasovka» in Moscow (Information). . . . . . 40
I.L. KIEVSKY, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), General Director (, V.O. PETRUKHIN, Engineer of the department of computer-aided design, O.A. VOLOKHINA, Engineer of the department of computer-aided design OOO NPTS «Razvitie Goroda» (Structure 3, 19, Mira Avenue, 129090, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Information-Analytical Support of the «My Street» Program on the Example of Repair of Building Facades on Landscaped Streets Features of the realization of the sub-program “Landscaping of streets and public spaces “My Street” are considered. The structure of works for landscaping streets which includes vertical surfaces, engineering networks, transport-pedestrian network, small architectural forms, and pedestrian infrastructure, greening has been determined. The article presents such stages of preparation and execution of works for repair of building facades on landscaping streets as a preparatory one, determination of procedural nomenclature and distribution of responsibility, determination and approval of times of installation and construction works, and a final one (summing up). Structural schemes of these stages are presented. A practical experience in coordination of works for facade repair is generalized. The content of the “information-analytical support” concept is opened. Main measures of the information-analytical activity are determined; they are preparation of cartographic materials, photo-monitoring, information-cartographic control. The system of information-cartographic control is described. Conclusions about the necessity of information-analytical support for management activity when realizing town-planning programs are made.

Keywords: improvement, information application, control and coordination of progress of work execution, facades of buildings.

For citation: Kievsky I.L., Petrukhin V.O., Volokhina O.A. Information-analytical support of the «My Street» program on the example of repair of building facades on landscaped streets. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 9, pp. 42–47. (In Russian).

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