
Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №4

Table of contents

L.I. KIVILEVICH, Civil Engineer, N.V. MASLOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), E.V. ODOKIENKO, Civil Engineer Togliatti State University (14, Belorusskaya Street, 445667, Togliatti, Samara oblast, Russian Federation)

Problems of maintenance, routine repair and general overhaul of apartment houses and ways of their solution
In recent years a great attention is paid to the problems of maintenance, routine repair and general overhaul of apartment houses. However, despite the efforts of the Government, every year a number of dilapidated and dangerous stock of apartment houses and houses needed the general overhaul increases. Low quality of technical service, untimely or complete absence of current repair causes the increased wear of some constructive elements of a building and engineering equipment that leads to the premature general overhaul with considerable expenditures. Reasons causing the aging of housing stock, problems demanding solutions at different levels, as well as measures taken for improving the situation with maintenance of housing stock on the example of city of Togliatti of Samara oblast within the frames of realization of various federal, regional and municipal programs are considered.

Keywords: general overhaul and current repair, apartment houses, maintenance of housing stock, dilapidated and dangerous housing stock.

1. Anufriyev D.P., Zolina T.V. Boronina L.V. Kupchikova N.V., Zholobov A.L. Novye konstruktsii i tekhnologii pri rekonstruktsii i stroitel'stve [New designs and technologies at reconstruction and construction]. Moscow: ASV, 2013. 208 p.
2. Badyin G.M., Tanicheva N.V. Usilenie stroitel'nykh konstruktsii pri rekonstruktsii i kapital'nom remonte zdanii [Strengthening of construction designs at reconstruction and capital repairs of buildings]. Moscow: ASV, 2013. 112 p.
3. Teryanik V.V., Podnebesov P.G. new ways of strengthening of the squeezed elements of ferroconcrete designs. Vestnik RUDN. «Inzhenernyie issledovaniya». 2010 . No. 2, pp. 36– 39 (In Russian).
4. Belyaev V.S. External protections with recovery of transmission and ventilating heat. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 12, pp. 39–44 (In Russian).
5. Belyaev V.S. Techniques of heattechnical calculations of external protections with recovery of a transmission and ventilating thermal stream. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 1–2, pp. 21–27 (In Russian).
6 . Belyaev. B.C., Tikhonova V.F. Power effective roofs and their heattechnical calculation. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 3, pp. 49–52 (In Russian).
7. Maslova N.V., Odokiyenko E.V., Antashev A.S. Effective use of thermal energy. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2004. No. 4, pp. 19–20 (In Russian).
8. Belyaev V. S., Granik Yu. G., Sailors Yu.A. Energoeffektivnost' i teplozashchita zdanii [Energy efficiency and heat-shielding of buildings]. Moscow: ASV, 2012. 400 p.
9. Maslova N.V., Yakupov D.V., Semenov I.V. Kivilevich L.B. Technical inspection of houses in Tolyatti / Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2006. No. 11, pp. 4–6 (In Russian).

E.P. GORDEEVA, Head of Research Department, “Central Research and Designing Institute for Residential and Public Buildings” OAO (TSNIIEPzhilishcha) (9, structure 3, Dmitrovskoye Hwy, 127434, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Organization of medical service of population in remote micro-districts
The problem of medical care for residents of new remote districts of large cities is considered. The existing situation is disclosed. The location of general practitioners’ offices (ambulance rooms) on the first floors of residential buildings is offered as one of the possible solutions of this problem. Functions of such offices are listed; a possibility of their location in residential houses and also some existing limitations are defined. Requirements of normative documents in force to medical posts in residential buildings are generalized and analyzed. The structure of premises of the medical post is determined, requirements for arrangement and equipment of doctor’s offices are presented with due regard for functions of the medical post and number of population served are presented; recommendations on designing systems of ventilation, power supply, water supply, and sewage are made; measures for ensuring the sanitary-epidemiological regime are pointed out.

Keywords: general practitioner’s office, sanitary norms, medical establishment, designing of medical posts.

1. Resin V.I. Crisis – time of opportunities // Arkhitektura i stroitel'stvo Moskvy. 2010 . V. 549 . No. 1, pp. 2–10 (In Russian).
2. Skobeleva T.S. New types of residential and public buildings for ensuring complexity of building // Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2006 . No. 4, pp. 36–37 (In Russian).
3. Piskunova E.A. Poryadok of the conclusion of lease contracts of the non-residential premises which are state ownership // Yurist. 2008. No. 10, pp. 30–36 (In Russian).

A.A. SEMYONOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), director general «GS-Eхpert», ООО (18, office 207, the 1st Tverskoy-Yamskoy lane, 125047, Moscow, Russian Federation)

The current state of housing construction in the Russian Federation

The assessment of the state of housing construction in the Russian Federation is presented. It is shown that commissioning of housing was 69.39 mil. m2 that 5.6% more than in 2012. The irregularity of commissioning of habitation in regions, and also among cities and rural areas is recorded. It is noted that the mortgage lending plays a major role in the development of housing construction; the dynamics of crediting of the population since 2008 is presented. The forecast of housing commissioning in 2014 is made, and the factors influencing on the dynamics of housing construction are analyzed.

Keywords: results of activities in 2013, housing construction, housing commissioning, rates of growth, mortgage lending.

A.Yu. VARFOLOMEEV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Research Laboratory of Building Expertise of Barents Region, ООО (21, Romana Kulikova Street, 163002, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)

Systematization of formation of heat insulation defects in wooden modular housing construction
Capital repair or replacement of the old wooden housing stock is an extremely actual problem for the northern territories of Russia. In addition, during the development of the Arctic areas it is necessary to use the existing world experience in housing construction in cold climates. Modular buildings have the highest level of investment attractiveness and sustainability. But this type of housing construction demands detailed planning of all logistic operations and quality control over all technological processes from the designing stage up to the site assembly of modules on ready-made foundations. Results of the instrumental study of enclosing structures of a modular building built within the frames of the international scientific project are presented; qualitative and quantitative analyses of main defects and damages and their systematization are made.

Keywords: wooden module, infrared scanning, defect, modeling, climatic chamber, thermocouple.

1. Varfolomeev A., Sveen S.E. Analysis of thermal investigations at experimental module house built in Archangel. Proceedings of the workshop on Sustainable energy solutions for buildings in the High North. Archangel, Russia, 9-10 June 2011, pp. 29–35.
2. Burdin N.A., Peshkov V.V. Global and Russian markets of laminated wooden structural materials. Derevoobraba- tyivayushaya promyishlennost. 2005. No. 5, pp. 2–5 (In Russian).
3. Varfolomeev A., Sveen S.E., Sorensen B.R. Monitoring of temperatures of a research wooden module house built in Archangel. Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management. Stavanger, Norway, 30 May – 1 June 2011, pp. 1466–1474.
4. Varfolomeev A.Y. Automated remote monitoring of structures and engineering systems at operating buildings. Proceedings of the international scientific-technical conference on Information support of decision making in the management of social, natural and industrial objects. Arhangelsk, Russia, 24–25 March 2011, pp. 124–128 (In Russian).
5. Varfolomeev A., Roaldset E., The development of experimental models of wooden modular residential homes for the North of Russia. Derevoobrabatyivayushaya promyishlennost. 2007. No. 4, pp. 25–27 (In Russian).
6. Ramstad E. Ventilation and heating systems for a residential passivhouses in Archangel. Proceedings of the workshop on Sustainable energy solutions for buildings in the High North. Archangel, Russia, 9–10 June 2011, pp. 36–47.
7. Varfolomeev A.Yu. Improvement of Maintainability of Timber Houses with Stove Heating. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2009. No. 10, pp. 27–28 (In Russian).
8. Vorontsova A., Varfolomeev A. Simulation of heat consumption at wooden house in Severodvinsk. Proceedings of the workshop on Sustainable energy solutions for buildings in the High North. Archangel, Russia, 9–10 June 2011, pp. 48–52.
9. Krogstad F. A., Fagerjord J. A. Module based houses versus on-site built houses. Energy efficiency and indoor climate in wooden houses. Proceedings of the workshop on Sustainable energy solutions for buildings in the High North. Archangel, Russia, 9–10 June 2011, pp. 59–62.
10. Varfolomeev A.Y., Pochinkova A.V., Vasiliev, M.N. Impact of the construction quality on energy efficiency of low-rise buildings in cold climates. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference on Building: Problems and Prospects. Mahachkala, Russia, 29–30 March 2013, pp. 50–53 (In Russian).

L.S. FEDOSOV, Candidate of Sciences (Architecture), Syktyvkar State University (55, Oktyabr’sky Avenue, 167001, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russian Federation)

Issues of management of town planning development
Issues of the legal support of town planning activity are considered. The emphasis is made on the problem of dualism in the assessment of legislative heritage and modern law making in the town planning. The absence of consolidation of the architectural community and refusal of the state to solve town planning problems are considered as main reasons for lowering the status of town planning and excluding it from the “major players field” of the emerging market system. The necessity of formation of the urban (town planning) law as an independent branch of the law is shown.

Keywords: town planning, urban law, copyright law, responsibility of customer, town planning management.

1. Karimov A.M. Main Directions of Architecture and Town Planning Development in the XXI Century. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2009. No. 5, pp. 5–7 (In Russian).
2. Esaulov G.V. Modern Problems and Trends in Architecture. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 11, pp. 20–15 (In Russian).
3. Vilner M. Ya., Akbiyev R. T., Morozova T.V. About problems of town-planning policy and management of development of territories in the Russian Federation. Natural and technological hazards. Safety of constructions. 2011 . No. 5, pp. 37–40 (In Russian).
4. Fayzulin I.E. Town-planning policy and development of territories. Role of town-planning policy in development of territorial planning. The Russian business. 2010. No. 7–2, pp. 112–116 (In Russian).
5. Vavakin L.V. About formation of the state control system by town-planning development of territories, the cities and settlements. Academia. Architecture and construction. 2011. No. 1, pp. 63–66 (In Russian).
6. Lezhava I. G. Problems of design of the cities of Russian. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 5, pp. 5–13 (In Russian).

Yu.V. ALEKSEEV1, Doctor of Architecture, B.V. LEONTIEV2, engineer
1 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Hwy, 129337, Moscow, Russian Federation)
2 “NDV”, ООО (22, structure 1, Tsvetnoy Blvd., 127051, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Calculation of car parking spaces in a housing development under above-ground areas
Above-ground areas make it possible to locate car parking spaces in a modern housing development in pedestrian access zones, use the urban territory maximum efficiently, allow a developer to use in mass construction more economic parking structures under above-ground areas in comparison with underground and surface parking lots. Methods of calculation of car parking spaces in parking lots under above-ground areas integrated-attached to residential buildings which include actions of a town planner, take into account the configuration of plots and disposition of residential buildings on them are offered. Layout schemes of residential buildings with parking lots under above-ground areas for executing planning schemes and schemes of planning organization of land plots are presented. Methods of calculation of car parking spaces make it possible to obtain efficient technical-and-economic indexes of projects of layout and planning organization of land plots which ensure the location in a pedestrian access zone in 1.2–2 time mores(?) cars in comparison with planar car parking lots.

Keywords: above-ground area, car parking lot, housing development, development area, number of parking spaces, methods of calculation of car parking spaces.

1. Alekseev Yu.V. Leontyev B.V. Features of formation of parkings in inhabited educations with elevated territories. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2009. No. 9, pp. 2–5 (In Russian).
2. Alekseev Yu.V. Leontyev B.V. Otsenka of parameters of parkings in a housing estate with elevated territories. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2011. No. 11, pp. 29–32 (In Russian).
3. Alekseev Yu.V., Somov G.Yu. , Shevchenko E.A. Gradostroi tel'noe planirovanie dostoprimechatel'nykh mest. T. 1. Osnovy planirovaniya [Town-planning planning of noteworthy places. Vol. 1. Planning bases]. Moscow: ASV, 2012. 224 p.
4. Alekseev Yu.V., Somov G.Yu. , Shevchenko E.A. Gradostroi tel'noe planirovanie dostoprimechatel'nykh mest. T. 2. Metody i priemy planirovaniya [Town-planning planning of noteworthy places. Vol. 2. Methods and techniques for of planning]. Moscow: ASV, 2012. 176 p.

L.V. SAPACHEVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), RIF “Building Materials”, ООО (9, structure 3, Dmitrovskoye Hwy, 127434, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Creative architecture for complex development of a territory
The contemporaryarchitectural community pays a great attention to creating the comfort environment. Unique engineering and architectural technologies are used for this purpose. The task of an architect is not only to use known methods and ways of designing but to combine the rhythm of a modern city with the formation of harmonious friendly environment in the designed living complex for complex development of the territory. This task is complicated when it is necessary to combine the cost of economy-class, comfort of business-class, and architecture of premium segment. The use of architectural method which makes it possible to present the complex as a city which was built gradually and in different styles is a unique experiment.

Keywords: living complex, comfort environment, ring house, round house, complex development of territory.

1. Sapacheva L.V. Elite Architectural Comceptions in a Residential Complex of Economy Class. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2011. No. 10, pp. 21–22 (In Russian).
2. Ishchuk M.K. Domestic experience of construction of buildings with external walls from the multilayered facilitated laying. Stroitel'nye materialy [Construction Materials]. 2008. No. 4, pp. 101–105 (In Russian).
3. Yumasheva E.I. Revival of Traditions of Brick Construction Requires Not Only High Quality Materials, but Also Training of Highly Qualified Personnel. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 1–2, pp. 42–44 (In Russian).
4. Ishchuk M.K., Shirai M.V. Strength and Deformation of Large Size Ceramic Stone Masonry with Filling of Voids with Heat Insulation. Stroitel'nye materialy [Construction Materials]. 2012. No. 5, pp. 93–95 (In Russian).
5. Klevakin V.A. The Use of Ceramic Large-Size Stone for Filling of Enclosures in Monolithic and Frame Multistory House Building. Stroitel'nye materialy [Construction Materials]. 2011. No. 4, pp. 76–78 (In Russian).

A.A. MUSATOV, Candidate of Sciences (Art Criticism), Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy) (11/4, building 1, structure 4, Rozhdestvenka Street, 107031, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Palaces of Minoan Crete: living function and utilities. Part 1: Problems of study of ruined architectural objects
The study of ruined palaces of Crete is a methodically complex problem. The new methodology of study is substantiated: it is an effort to look at the monument by the eyes of a designing architect in order to restore lost functional connections of the object. Principles of organization of accessibility, communicative connections, organization of life activity of the complex can be considered from the point of view of designing modern buildings with due regard for the changed technique. It is shown that such approach to the analysis of ruins of ancient monuments is a prospective one and transform into an independent direction of research in the tideway of historical-architectural science. To this effect it is necessary to develop the accurate and adjusted methods which connect the ways of town planning studies (revelation of flows and communicative connections), functional studies (connected with zoning of the object and technology of structure functioning) as well as to develop formal methods of the study of architectural monuments (investigations of structures, planning schemes, proportions et al.) Possible ways of developing these studies are offered.

Keywords: Crete, palaces, functional zoning, technique, study.

1. Musatov A.A. Architecture Origin: a Dwelling and a Palace in the First State Systems. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 8, pp. 5–8 (In Russian).
2. Musatov A.A. Functions of a Temple-Palace Complex of Minoan Crete. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 10, pp. 37–41 (In Russian).
3. Musatov A.A. Residential Function of the Palaces of the Minoan Crete. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 12, pp. 26–30 (In Russian). 4
. Hadzifoti L.I. Minoiskii Krit [Minoan Crete]. Athens: M. Tubis, 2005. P. 70–102.
5. Vasilakis A. Minoan Crete. From Myth to History. Athens, Adam Editions, 2001. 185 p.

V.V. DANEL, Candidate of Sciences(Engineering), Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Highway, 129337, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Reinforced concrete with tube-confined concrete elements
At the same consumption of concrete and metal the strength of cross-sections of tube-confined elements is higher by 11–19% than the strength of cross-sections of reinforced concrete elements with rigid reinforcement. The use of high-strength concrete in tube-confined concrete elements increases these figures several times. By their bearing capacity tube-confined reinforced concrete elements for cases of compression by eccentricities of external axial loads not beyond the core occupy an intermediate position between conventional reinforced concrete elements with flexible and rigid reinforcement and tube-confined concrete elements with round or square cross-sections. Variants of locating tube-confined concrete elements of different cross-sections in the body of reinforced concrete elements of various purposes are offered. Reinforced concrete elements with tube-confined reinforced concrete elements combine the best properties of conventional and tube-confined elements: they better withstand fire without additional protection, there is no need to protect them against corrosion, it is possible to use standard joints with them for conventional reinforced structures (with ceilings for example), different concretes can be used in one reinforced concrete element with tube- confined concrete elements, they can be produced under factory conditions, at the construction site or combined. Due to the good protection against fire it is possible to use the tube made of non-metallic materials, preliminary compressed shells with pre-stressed reinforcement which is winded helically on the external surface of the shell. Fiber concrete properties make it possible to interact with the shell of tube-confined concrete elements better than conventional concrete. That’s why it is possible to use tube-confined-fiber concrete elements instead of tube-confined concrete ones. The sphere of using tube-confined reinforced concrete elements is considerably wider than the sphere of using tube-confined concrete elements in buildings and structures of various purposes.

Keywords: tube-confined concrete column, tube-confined reinforced concrete, preliminary compressed concrete of core, tube, supports, reinforcement, reinforced concrete, fiber concrete.

1. Krishan A.L. Melnichuk A.S. Trubobetonnye of a column of square section. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 5, рр. 19–20 (In Russian).
2. Kapriyelov S.S., Sheynfeld A.V. Kiselyova Yu.A. Prigozhen ko O.V., Kardumyan G.S., Urgalov V.I. Experience of construction of unique designs from the modified concrete on complex construction «Federation». Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2006. No. 8, рр. 20–22 (In Russian).
3. Tamrazyan A.G. Avetisyan L.A. To bearing ability of ferro concrete columns of high-rise buildings in the conditions of a progressing collapse and fire influences. Modern problems of a problem of calculation and design of ferroconcrete designs of multystoried buildings: the collection of reports of the International scientific conference devoted to the 100 anniversary of P.F. Drozdov. Moscow: MGSU, 2013, рр. 227–234 (In Russian).

A.V. MASLYAEV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Research Seismic Laboratory (1, Akademicheskaya Street, 400074, Volgograd, Russian Federation)

Protection of Russian settlements against effect of dangerous natural phenomena
A human settlement in the Russian Federation is considered as an object of effect of dangerous natural phenomena. The regularity in the nature according to which for the longer period of time the large amplitude of effect of a dangerous natural phenomenon is possible is known. It is shown that the settlement protection in standard documents of the Russian Federation does not consider the big duration of life cycle of a settlement that predetermines in calculations of its basic buildings and constructions to consider only the underestimated level of influence of dangerous natural phenomena. For example, the seismic protection of the settlement at earthquake with due regard for the long duration of the life cycle demands the calculation of basic residential buildings for the maximum seismic influence, but the standard document of the SP 14. 13330.2011 “Construction in seismic regions. Updated version of SNiP II-7–81*” only for the minimum seismic danger. In SP 42.13330.2011 “Town planning. Layout and development of urban and rural settlements” there are no requirements for indicating calculation levels of all dangerous natural phenomena in the documentation of the master plan of these settlements. As in due course strength characteristics of the basic buildings and constructions can be underestimated, it is offered to show, through the certain time interval, on general plans of settlements in the form of the general scheme their stability (instability) to calculated influences of the dangerous natural phenomena. It is proposed to add the Federal Law № 68–ФЗ “About protection of population and territories against emergency situations of natural and anthropogenic character” with a provision requiring the regional authorities of the Russian Federation to specify all influences of the dangerous natural phenomena in territories of their settlements in local laws on emergency situations.

Keywords: settlements, natural phenomena, buildings and structures, human life.

1. Scientists discussed possibilities of preventing natural and anthropo-genic disasters. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 12, pp. 13 (In Russian).
2. Kivva K.V. Analysis of Town-Planning Risk Factors in Documents of Territorial Planning. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 12, pp. 19–22 (In Russian).
3. Arleninov P.D. Typical Damages of Residential Houses Impounded During the Flood in Amur Oblast. Zhilishch noe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 12, pp. 19–22 (In Russian).
4. Vilner M. Ya. Levchenko E.S. Klimov D. V., Morozova T.V. Zabolotskaya E.N. Features of problems and measures of ensuring town-planning safety in seismodangerous regions. Prirodnyie i technogennii risky. Bezopasnost sooruzhenyi. 2013 . No. 6, рр. 19–22 (In Russian).
5. Maslyaev A.V. Seismoprotection of the city at an earthquake depending on a level of responsibility of residential buildings. Vestnik VOLGGASU: Stroitelstvo and architectura. 2013. No. 33 (52), рр. 57–62 (In Russian).
6. Maslyaev A.V. Seismoprotection of buildings with a large number of people at an earthquake according to requirements of Federal laws of the Russian Federation. Vestnik VOLGGASU: Strоitelstvo and architectura. 2013. No. 34 (53), рр. 30–36 (In Russian).

I.S. RODIONOVSKAYA1, Candidate of Architecture; L.V. ZHELNAKOVA2, architect
1 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering(26, Yaroslavskoye Highway, 129337, Moscow, Russian Federation)
2 “PROEKT-REALIZATSIYA” PPF, ООО (11, Dobrolyubova Avenue, 127254, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Importance of living environment planting for people under social guardianship
Citizens with limited abilities can successfully live active, busy life, adapt to the environment. The greening of an apartment space has a positive-emotional, medical-health improving, aesthetic-artistic impact on people, whose life is connected with the limitation of their mobility. This influence is even more significant for an immobile person or a person with limited mobility, who most of the time due to his illness is forced to be in the same confined space of a city apartment. Greening in the structure of apartments for low-mobile groups of population has profoundly humanist and medical content. Plants help to remove physical and nervous tension, diversify activities of a sick person, heals the indoor climate. Under urban conditions, not only biological, but also social ties of the man with plants occur.

Keywords: people under social guardianship, integrated greening, microclimate of premises.

1. Rau U. Barrier-free building for the future. Berlin. 2008. P. 132–181.
2. Rodionovskaya I.S. Living environment for the disabled. Greening intra space. Stroitel'nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 1999. No. 7–8, pp. 52–60 (In Russian).
3. Yahkind S.I. Wednesday for disabled. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2004. No. 4, pp. 6–8 (In Russian).
4. Korotkova S.G. Adaptation resources of the inhabited environment for people with limited mobility. Izvestya KAZGASU. 2011. No. 3, рр. 57–62 (In Russian).
5. Suleymanova Z.N. Use of tropical and subtropical plants for improvement of quality of air in premises. Vestnik Oren burgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2009. No. 6, рр. 519–522 (In Russian).
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