
Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №8

Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №8
August, 2014

Table of contents

S.G. SHEINA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, A.N. MINENKO, engineer Rostov State University of Civil Engineering (162, Sotsialisticheskaya Street, 344, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

Development of an Optimization Model of Control over Sustainable Energy Saving of Buildings

Decisions on the reasonability of carrying out energy efficient measures are often made without due regard for requirements for sustainable energy saving. The aim of this study is the development of an optimization model of selecting the complex of heat insulation measures which are the most efficient from technical, economical and ecological points of view. To do this, calculations of thermotechnical indicators, carbon dioxide emissions and the cost of heat insulating works are made. It is expected that the optimization model will promote the sustainable control over energy saving.

Keywords: sustainable energy saving, thermotechnical calculation, heat insulation, ecosystem, required resistance to heat transfer.

1. Telichenko V.I., Bolsherotov A.L. Criteria and principles of ecological safety in the building sphere assessment system functioning. Vestnik MGSU. 2012. No. 1, pp. 106–112. (In Russian).
2. Telichenko V.I., Bolsherotov A.L. Complex system of ecological safety in the building sphere. Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo. 2010. No. 12, pp. 2–5. (In Russian).
3. Tabunshikov U.A. Energy saving and energy efficiency- worldwide problem of maximal utility. Energosberezhenie. 2010. No. 6, pp. 4. (In Russian).
4. Pavlenko V.B. Miphi «ustoichivogo razvitiya». Global’noe poteplenie ili polzuchii global’nii perevorot? [Mythos of «sustainable development». Global warming or «creeping» global turn?] Moscow: Ob’edinennoe gumanitarnoe izdatel’stvo. 2011. 944 p. (In Russian).
5. Enzeling A., Bele H. Methodology of economic efficiency assessment for the energy saving’s investments. Izdatel’stvo universiteta upravleniia nedvizhimost’u. 2010. No. 2, pp. 3–5. (In Russian).
6. Genzler I.V., Petrova E.F., Sivaev S.B. Energosberezhenie v mnogokbartirnom dome [Energy saving in the apartment building]. Tver: Nauchnaya kniga. 2009. 130 p. (In Russian).
7. Sheina S.G., Minenko A.N. Algorithm design of ecosystem concept implementation in the construction object’s preproject phase. Inzhenernii vestnik Dona. 2012. No. 4, pp. 132. http:// (date of access 18.09.13). (In Russian).
8. Dudnikova L.V., Masleeva O.V., Kuragina T. I., Pachurin G.V. Rise of ecological safety of enterprise’s heat and power supply objects. Sovremennie problemi nauki i obrazovaniia. 2010. No. 1, pp. 113– 118 (In Russian).

V.S. BELYAEV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) ( OAO “Central Research and Designing Institute for Residential and Public Buildings (TSNIIEPzhilishcha)” (9, structure 3, Dmitrovskoye Hwy, 127434, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Energy Saving when Selecting Translucent External Enclosures
The article analyzes the ways to reduce heat loss through windows, improve their heat efficiency, notes the heat effect of new designs of windows developed at OAO “TSNIIEPzhilishcha” and also tested in climatic chambers of this institute. Design features of façade translucent external enclosures including those with heat recuperation are presented; possibilities and ways of improving their heat efficiency are disclosed. An example of energy saving calculation when selecting translucent external enclosures is given.

Keywords: façade translucent external enclosures, heat recuperation, ventilated windows, resistance and heat transfer factor, energy saving, transmission infiltration factor of heat transfer.

1. Korniyenko S.V. Improvement of the constructive solution of translucent protections at an assessment of heatlosses. Stroitel'nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2010 . No. 6, рр. 72–73. (In Russian).
2. Belyaev V.S. External protections with recovery of trans mission and ventilating heat. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Hou sing Construction]. 2013. No. 12, рр. 39–44. (In Russian).
3. Samarin O.D., Vinskiy P.V. Features of a heat transfer in a modern power effective glazing. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 10, рр. 11–13. (In Russian).
4. Belyaev V.S. Techniques of heattechnical calculations of external protections with recovery of a transmission and ventilating thermal stream. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 1–2, рр. 21–26. (In Russian).

L.A. OPARINA, Candidate of Sciences (Economics) (, Ivanovo State Polytechnic University (20, 8 Marta Street, 153037, Ivanovo, Russian Federation)

System Approach to Organization of Life Cycle of Energy Efficient Buildings
Problems of the building industry which prevent the designs and construction of energy efficient buildings are revealed. It is established that the use of the system approach to the organization of the life cycle of energy efficient buildings is necessary for solution of these problems. It is substantiated that the system approach to the organization of the life cycle of energy efficient buildings meets the principles of sustainable development of living environment and system-technical principles of energy efficiency. The main goal of system approach in this direction is formulated. The scheme of organization of the building life cycle as a system developed by the author on the basis of standards of system engineering is offered. On the scheme of a stage of life cycle form structure of works and processes for the detailed modeling of life cycle of the building as systems.

Keywords: system approach, energy efficient buildings, system engineering, life cycle, organization.

1. Pets T. How to make energy saving effective quickly and without tragic conse-quences. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2010. No. 2, pp. 10–13. (In Russian).
2. Gagarin V.G. Macroeconomic aspects of justification of energy saving actions at increase of a heat-shielding of protecting designs of buildings. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2010. No. 2, pp. 8–16. (In Russian).
3. Il’ichev V.A., Karpenkon N.I., Yarmakovskiy V.N. About development of production of construction materials on the basis of industry by products Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2011. No. 4, pp. 36–42. (In Russian).
4. Dyachkova O.N. System approach to an assessment of efficiency of life cycle of residential multystoried buildings. Promyshlennoe I grazhdanskoe stroitelstvo [Industrial and civil engineering]. 2008. No. 11, pp. 41–42. (In Russian).
5. Marszal A.J., Heiselberg P., Bourrelle J.S., Musall E., Voss K., Sartori I., Napolitano A. Zero Energy building a review of definitions and calculation methodologies. Energy and Buildings. 2011 . No. 43, pp. 971–979.
6. Yakushevsky L.E. Ekologo-tipologichesky approach to system design of residential buildings. Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing construction]. 2003. No. 8, pp. 4–7. (In Russian).
7. Oparina L.A. Justification of application of methodology of process approach to modeling of life cycle of power effective buildings. Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing construction]. 2011. No. 5, pp. 8–10. (In Russian).
8. Aloyan R.M., Oparina L.A., Varamashvili N.I. Formation sis temotekhnicheskikh of the principles of energy efficiency of buildings. Vestnik MGSU. 2012. No. 8, pp. 147–153. (In Russian).
9. Golubtsov N.V., Efremov L.G., Ismyatullin R.G. Energeti cheskaya efficiency of buildings and constructions in aspect of management of their life cycle. Vestnik of the Chuvash university. 2013. No. 11, pp. 247–255. (In Russian).

O.D. SAMARIN, Сandidate of Technical Sciences (, D.A. SIROTKIN, Engineer Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoe Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation)

The Possibilities of Decreasing of Thermal Performance of Non-Transparent External Enclosures in Public Buildings

The possibility of using decreased level of thermal performance of external enclosures in terms of demands of SP 50.13330.2012 in public buildings is considered. The calculation results of design and required specific thermal performance for the series of fourteen buildings with the different sizes and assignment using procedure of SP, determination of the factor of compactness, heated volume and other geometry and energy parameters at the different values of thermal resistance of the main non-transparent external enclosures are presented. The analysis of obtained data is given and conditions of using of decreased level of thermal performance in dependence of the heated volume and constructive peculiarities of the building and also from climatic parameters of the building region are shown. The paper is illustrated graphically including correlation dependences between the compared factors and also with necessary tabulated data..

Keywords: specific thermal performance, enclosures, heated volume, degree-day, regional factor.

1. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V. The requirements to the thermal performance and energy efficiency in the project of the actualizationed SNiP «Thermal performance of the buildings». Zhilishchnoye stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2011. № 8, pp. 2–6. (In Russian).
2. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V. On the requirements to the thermal performance and energy efficiency in the project of the actualizationed SNiP «Thermal performance of the buildings». Vestnik MGSU. 2011. № 7, pp. 59–66. (In Russian).
3. Samarin O.D. Teplofizika. Energosberezheniye. Energoeffek tivnost’ [Thermal physics. Energy saving. Energy efficiency]. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo ASV [ASV Publishers]. 2011. 296 p. (In Russian).
4. Samarin O.D., Lushin K.I. On energetic balance of residential buildings]. Novosti teplosnabzheniya. 2007. № 8, pp. 44–46. (In Russian).
5. Samarin O.D. Once more on expedience of increase of thermal performance of non-transparent enclosures. Stroitel’nye materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013. № 9, pp. 56–59. (In Russian).
6. Gagarin V.G. Macroeconomic features of justification of energy saving measures during increase of thermal performance of building enclosures. Stroitel’nye materialy [Construction Materials]. 2010. № 3, pp. 8–16. (In Russian).
7. Gorshkov A.S. Energy efficiency in construction: problems of standardizing and measures to decrease energy consumption of buildings. Inzhenerno-stroitel’ny zhurnal. 2010. No. 1, pp. 9–13. (In Russian).
8. Robert Dylewski, Janusz Adamczyk. Economic and ecological indicators for thermal insulating building investments. Energy and Buildings. 2012. No. 54, pp. 88–95.
9. Vilune Lapinskiene, Sabina Paulauskaite, Violeta Motuziene. The analysis of the efficiency of passive energy saving measures in office buildings. Papers of the 8th International Conference “Environmental Engineering”. Vilnius. 2011, pp. 769–775.

A.G. BOLSHAKOV 1 , Doctor of Architecture (; D.A. LONSHAKOV 2 , Architect,
1 National Research Irkutsk State Technical University (83 Lermontova str., Irkutsk, 664074, Russian Federation)
2 Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (46 Kostyukova Street, Belgorod, 308012, Russian Federation);

Principles of Planning and Improvement Dell City Grove Within the Urban Environment

If the size of the protected green area ( PA ) in the city is not more than group of blocks , and the city‘s engineering network has already launched into the core of the area and recreation is scat-tered on the grove’s slopes, such PA in the aggressive environment of the city, can only exist as a park with environmental features. Standard procedure in the organization PAs considered core preservation and recreation is permitted in the peripheral zone. Work shows the inapplicability of this methodology to a variety of objects. Dell landscapes is analyzed, utilities in the nucleus and that recreational load on boundary slopes have led to degradation. Primarily affected watercourse. The dell side and bottom ravines are usually developed in the city dell grove. The principles of planning and remediation of such landscapes and their improvement are developed in order to streamlining the recreational pressure and increasing the environmental capacity of the projected urban groves.

Keywords: Dell City Grove, engineering and recreational pressure, ravine growth, protection of the watercourse , riprap drain, axial planning structure on base of the creek, zoning of the dell core and peripheral slopes, recreational architecture of the grove improvement.

1. Pulyaevskaya E.V. Historical and cultural potential of Prilenya in borders of Zhigalovsky municipality of the Irkutsk region. News of higher education institutions. Investments. Construction. Real estate. 2013. No. 2, рр. 220–225. (In Russian).
2. Grishina M.P. About parks and gardens in Russia. News of the Kazan state are-hitekturno-construction university. 2013. T. 26. No. 4, рр. 25–31. (In Russian).
3. Bednova O.V. Rationing of recreational loads of forest ecosystems of urban especially protected natural areas. Traditions and reality. Use and protection of natural resources in Russia. 2012. No. 1, рр. 47–51. (In Russian).
4. Bashkatov A.N. Topologichesky analysis of valleys of the city of Saratov and model range. News of the Saratov university. Series: Sciences about the earth. 2012. V. 10. No. 2, pp. 3–9. (In Russian).
5. Bolshakov A.G. Entropiya in the broken landscapes and a geoplasticity method. The Messenger of Irkutsk state technical university. 2005 . No. 2, pp. 164–171. (In Russian).
6. Bolshakov A.G. Geoplastika in architecture and landscape planning [Geoplastika v arkhitekture i planirovke landshafta]. Irkutsk: Institute of geography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 2008. 146 p.
7. Bolshakov A.G. Town-planning form of a city landscape as a condition and result of planning and regulation of town- planning activity in Irkutsk. The Messenger of Irkutsk state technical university. 2010. No. 7, pp. 70–80. (In Russian).
8. Bauer N.W., Shabatura L.N. Kultura of formation of a steady urban environment. The Messenger of Ishimsky state teacher training college of P.P. Yershov. 2013. Т. 9. No. 3, pp. 4–9. (In Russian).
9. Constructed Wetlands Treatment of Municipal Wastewaters. Manual. Cincinnati, Ohio: National Risk Management Research Laboratory, 2010. 165 p.

V.P. GUSEV 1 , Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, I.V. MATVEEVA 2 , Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), E.O. SOLOMATIN 2 , Engineer
1 Research Institute for Building Physics of RAACS (21, Lokomotivny Passage, 127238, Moscow, Russian Federation)
2 Tambov State Technical University (106, Sovetskaya Street, 392000, Tambov, Russian Ftderation)

Computer Simulation of Noise Propagation from Various Sources in Urban Development

Principles of the simulation of processes of noise propagation in the urban development which has industrial objects with powerful sources of noise are considered. The description of a complex computer program, based on the methods of noise field calculation, developed by the authors of the article is given. It is shown that the offered program can be efficiently used for development of noise protection measures. The program makes it possible to calculate the noise levels inside the production premises and gives the opportunity to develop noise protection measures inside them. In the course of calculating the noise inside the premises it is possible to receive information about noise levels on external surfaces of a building. These data are the basis for calculation of noise in the urban development from buildings as volumetric, flat, linear, and point sources. In addition to these sources, the program can take into account other noise sources located in urban areas, such as motor transport highways.

Keywords: computer simulation, noise calculation, urban development.

1. Certificate of state registration of computer program № 2012613166. Raschet shumovogo polya v proizvodstvennykh pomeshcheniyakh energeticheskikh ob»ektov s krupnogabaritnym oborudovaniem [Calculation of the noise field in the premises of energy facilities with large equipment]. Antonov A.I., Solomatin E.O. Application № 2012610818; date receipts. 08.02.2012; regist. 03.04.2012. (In Russian).
2. Certificate of state registration of computer program № 2012613167. Otsenka shumovogo rezhima na territoriyakh, prilegayushchikh k energeticheskim predpriyatiyam [Evaluation mode noise in the areas adjacent to the energy enterprises]. Antonov A.I., Solomatin E.O. Application № 2012610819; date receipts. 08.02.2012; regist. 03.04.2012. (In Russian).
3. Solomatin E.O., Antonov A.I., Ledenev V.I., Gusev V.P. Method of estimation noise mode in industrial premises of energy facilities. Academia. Arkhitektura i stroitel'stvo. 2009. No. 5, pp. 250–252. (In Russian).
4. Antonov A.I., Ledenev V.I., Solomatin E.O. Combined method of calculation mode noise in industrial buildings cogeneration plants. Nauchnyi vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno-stroitel'nogo universiteta. Stroitel'stvo i arkhitektura. 2011. No. 2, pp. 16–24. (In Russian).
5. Antonov A.I., Ledenev V.I., Solomatin E.O., Gusev V.P. Methods for calculating the level of the direct sound emitted by planar noise sources in the urban environment. Zhilishchnoe stroitel'stvo. 2013. No. 6, pp. 13–15. (In Russian).
6. Antonov A.I., Ledenev V.I., Solomatin E.O. The calculation of the direct sound from the linear noise sources which are located at industrial enterprises and urban environment. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno- stroitel'nogo universiteta. Seriya: Stroitel'stvo i arkhitektura. 2013. No. 31–1 (50), pp. 329–335. (In Russian).
7. Gusev V.P., Ledenev V.I., Solodova M.A., Solomatin E.O. Combined method calculating the noise levels in large gas- air channels. Vestnik MGSU. 2011. Vol. 1. No. 3, pp. 33–38. (In Russian).
8. Gusev V.P., Zhogoleva O.A., Ledenev V.I., Solomatin E.O. Method of estimation of noise propagation through the air passage of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning. Zhilishchnoe stroitel'stvo. 2012. No. 6, pp. 52–54. (In Russian).
9. Ledenev V.I., Matveeva I.V., Kryshov S.I. Engineering evaluation of noise propagation in tunnels and corridors. Izvestiya Yugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2011. No. 5–2, pp. 393–396. (In Russian).

O.S. SUBBOTIN, Candidate of Sciences (Architecture) (, Kuban State Agrarian University (13, Kalinina Street, 350044, Krasnodar, Russian Federation)

Methodology of Study of Architectural-Town Planning Development of Kuban

Historical regularities of architectural-town planning development of Kuban settlements at key stages of their formation fixed in architectural and town planning objects of historical and cultural heritage which need new principles of preservation and rational use are determined. Methodical technique and key concepts corresponding to the theme of the study are considered. The theme is justified not only by the research method, created on the description of facts, but also with the subsequent conclusions and theoretical proposals. Substantiated conclusions and proposals are in compliance with the factual material, on the basis of which they are made. The attention is focused on the analysis of the architectural-town planning development of Kuban which involves the application of analytical tools and methods to historical material in order to reveal the significant relationships and characteristics required for scientific research.

Keywords: methodology, principle, development, preservation, heritage, monument, architecture, town planning, strategy.

1. Kuban': ot neverojatnogo – k ochevidnomu [Kuban: from the improbable – to obvious]. Compiler by E.A. Tonchu. M.: Tonchu's publishing house, 2010. 256 p. (In Russian).
2. Subbotin O. S. Landscape and topographical features of Kuban in a context of formation of the cities and settlements. Vestnik VolgGASU. Construction and architecture. 2013. No. 33 (52), pp. 218–224. (In Russian).
3. Subbotin O.S. Monuments of architectural heritage of Tobolsk. Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing construction]. 2011. No. 10, pp. 48–50. (In Russian).
4. Shhenkov A.S. Rekonstrukcija istoricheskoj zastrojki v Evrope vo vtoroj polovine XX veka: Istoriko-kul'turnye problemy Puppies of Ampere-second. [Reconstruction of historical building in Europe in the second half of the XX century: Historical and cultural problems]. M.: Lenand. 2011. 280 p. (In Russian).

B.L. KRUNDYSHEV, Candidate of Architecture ( Saint-Petersburg Petersburg State University of Civil Engineering (4, 2nd Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, St. Petersburg 190005, Russian Federation)

Architectural Adaptation of a Living Section for Disabled Wheelchair Persons

Ensuring availability of disabled wheelchair persons to inhabited sections of mass building is considered. The classification parameters necessary for reconstruction actions are specified and examples of planning solutions of entrance knots, standard and entrance floors are offered. Range of necessary architectural and planning actions is defined. All offers are based on inspection of mass housing construction of St. Petersburg during 1960–1980. Possibility of ensuring availability of disabled wheelchair persons practically in all houses of standard construction is justified.

Keywords: reconstruction, modernization, modification, living block-section, accessibility, wheelchair, disabled.

1. Safronov K.E. Integrated approach to formation of an available urban environment. Economy. Business. Environment. 2009. No. 1, рр. 138–142. (In Russian).
2. Chernyshov M.Yu. Obshchestvo for all by 2010 – search of ways of the fastest improvement of economic and social situation of disabled people of Russia through the solution of social and legal problems. Business and the law. International economical and legal magazine. 2009 . No. 3, рр. 28–35. (In Russian).
3. Smurov A.R., Krukov N. Yu., Semkin P.P. Prisposobleniye of housing stock for accommodation of handicapped groups of the population. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012 . No. 11, рр. 22–25. (In Russian).

A.A. MUSATOV, Candidate of Sciences (Art Criticism) (, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy) (11/4, building 1, structure 4, Rozhdestvenka Street, 107031, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Palaces of Minoan Crete: Living Function and Utilities. Part 2: Minoan Crete – a Civilization that was Ahead of Time

The article analyzes the remains of engineering systems in the palace complexes of Crete. It analyses the places of localization, its organization, and makes a dating by periods according to the design and materials. On the basis of these studies it attempts to determine the purpose of those areas , where the water systems were arranged. The article concludes that Minoan Crete was on the extremely high technical level.

Keywords: Minoan palaces, layout , living functions , water carriage.

1. Musatov A.A. Architecture оrigin: a dwelling and a palace in the first state systems. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 8, pp. 5–8. (In Russian).
2. Musatov A.A. Functions of a temple-palace complex of Minoan Crete. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 10, pp. 37–41. (In Russian).
3. Musatov A.A. Residential function of the palaces of the Minoan Crete. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 12, pp. 26–30. (In Russian).
4. Musatov A.A. Palaces of Minoan Crete: living function and utilities. Part 1: Problems of study of ruined architectural objects. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 4, pp. 29–33. (In Russian).
5. Musatov A.A. Periodization of palaces of Minoan Crete on materials of natural researches. ACADEMIA. 2010. No. 3, рр. 43–48. (In Russian).
6. Musatov A.A. To a question of a periodization of Minoan palaces on the lake of Crete. Researches on architecture and radostroitelstvo history. Works of chair of History of architecture and town planning of the Moscow Architectural institute. Vol. 2. M.: DPK Press. 2011, рр. 117–120. (In Russian).
7. Wildung D. Egypt. From Prehistory to the Romans. GmbH, TASCHEN. 2001. 140 р.
8. K. Aslanidou. Some ornamental scene on the wall paintings from tell el-dabca: iconography and context. M. Bietak, E. Czerny. The Synchronization of civilizations in the second millennium B.C. III. Wien, 2007, рр. 191–205.
9. Lehner М. The Complete Pyramids. The American University in Cairo press, 2004. Р. 181–183.
10. Bersted D., Turayev B. Istoriya Drevnego Egipta [History of Ancient Egypt]. Minsk: Harvest. 2003, рр. 191–192.

E.G. VELICHKO1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, E.S. TSKHOVREBOV2, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), A.E. MEDNOV3, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
1 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Hwy, 129337, Moscow, Russian Federation)
2 Academy of Security and Special Programs (100A, Profsoyuznaya Street, 117485, Moscow, Russian Federation)
3 Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (9, structure 9, Obraztsova Street, 127994, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Assessment of Ecological-Economic Damage in the Course of Construction and Erection Works

The problem of providing ecological safety in the process of building materials handling in the course of construction and erection works, the negative impact of building products on human health, methods and ways of preventing this impact is considered. The assessment of the impact of building materials on the environment and human health in the course of construction of foundations, frames, overlaps, structures and facilities is presented. The ecological and economic damage during construction and erection works is evaluated. On the basis of the analysis of dangerous properties of construction products which are used in the course of construction and erection works, the number of criteria of ecological assessment of building materials are selected. Problems of reducing the hard to remove losses of building materials at all stages of construction, resource saving and increasing the level of ecological safety during construction works are considered. Measures aimed at reducing and minimizing the ecological and economic damage to aquatic medium, air medium, land resources, harm to human health as a result of violations of the ecological, sanitary and epidemiological legislation, norms and rules of safety and labor protection are analyzed.

Keywords: construction and erection works, environment, waste treatment, building materials, ecological and economic damage.

1. Komarichev A.V., Goncharova M. A., Krokhotin V. V. Dry Building Mixes with the Use of Metallurgic Production Waste. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013 . No. 5, рр. 66–67. (In Russian).
2. Galenko A.A., Pleshko M. V. Ceramic tile for interior finishing of walls with the use of anthropogenic raw materials . Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2014. No. 4, рр. 60–66. (In Russian).
3. Lunev G.G. Otsenka of efficiency of use of secondary construction resources// Ecological systems and devices. 2010 . No. 7, рр. 50–54. (In Russian).
4. Pugin K.G. Issues of Ecology of Use of Ferrous Metallurgy Solid Waste in Building Materials. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2012. No. 8, рр. 54–56. (In Russian).
5. Kanayev A.Yu. Current state of technology of construction materials on the basis of technogenic production wastes. Science and the present. 2011. No. 11, рр. 254–257. (In Russian).
6. Tskhovrebov E.S. Ekologo-ekonomichesky aspects of the address of construction materials. Тhe Messenger of the Kostroma state university of N. A. Nekrasov. 2013. No. 3, рр. 10–14. (In Russian).
7. Tskhovrebov E.S. Yayli E.A. Obespechenie ekologicheskoi bezopasnosti pri proektirovanii ob»ektov nedvizhimosti i provedenii stroitel'nykh rabot [Ensuring ecological safety at design of real estate objects and carrying out construction works]. SPb: RGGMU, 2013. 470 p.
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