
Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №11

Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №11
November, 2013

Table of contents

V.M. OSTRETSOV, Academician, Honored Builder of RF, Director, OAO “Central Research and Design Institute for Residential and Public Buildings (TSNIIEPzhilishcha)” (Moscow)

Necessity and efficiency of involvement of a building contractor to participate in the development of the project at the earliest stage of this work is briefly substantiated on the example of preparation of design documents concerning the construction projects of the Far Eastern Federal University on the Russky Island. Special attention is paid to the use of an innovative approach to problems of architectural designing, the newest technologies in construction designing with the purpose to achieve the most optimal decisions in the process of development of all sections of designing documentation, reduction in time and cost of construction. Brief descriptions of the General design organization and the General building contractor which in the shortest terms under the most difficult natural conditions have designed and built objects of FEFU with a total area of 900 thousand m2 are presented. As an example of the design solution the brief description of the main dominating facility in structure of FEFU – the University Student Center – is given.

Keywords: innovative approach, Far Eastern Federal University, APEK-2012, architectural designing, author's message, newest technologies, Russky Island, student center, medical center.

N.K. KAPUSTYAN, Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences, A.N. KLIMOV, engineer, “Central Research and Design Institute for Residential and Public Buildings (TSNIIEPzhilishcha)” (Moscow); G.N. ANTONOVSKAYA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Institute of Ecological Problems of the North, the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Arkhangelsk)

The experience in instrumental monitoring of high-rise buildings structures with the use of seismometric methods is considered. New opportunities allowing the engineer to predict the behaviour of the structure after its construction at the stage of designing are shown on experimental examples. These materials can be practically used as examples of solution of enough common tasks of the assessment of impacts and also form the basis of the scientific research developments to identify the fundamental laws of the structures operation.

Keywords: high-rise building, seismometric monitoring, vibration effect, self-excited vibrations, dynamical calculation.

1. Katzenbach R., Veidle A., Ramm H. Geotechnical modeling framework of joint work of the building and soils // Reconstruction of cities and geotechnical construction. Saint-Petersburg.: DIA, 2003. № 7. Pp. 105–114.
2. Nikolaev S.V., Ostretsov V.M., Gendelman L.B., Voznyuk A.B., Kapustyan N.K., Nesterkina M.A. Methods and results of monitoring seismometric interaction of high-rise buildings with foundation soil // City building complex safety and livelihood of citizens. M. MGRS , 2005 . Part 1. Рр. 166–173.
3. Tarakanovskiy V.K., Kapustyan N.K., Klimov A.N. Tools and monitoring capabilities of soil processes study for highrise buildings in Moscow // Geoecology . Engineering geology. Hydrogeology. Geokriologiya. Moscow, 2010. № 6. Рр. 551–562.
4. Ostretsov V.M., Gendelman L.B., Dykhovichnaya N.A., Voznuk A.B., Boldyrev S.S., Kapustyan N.K. Experience in testing of high-rise buildings by recording the natural oscillations // Reinforced concrete structures of high-rise buildings M.MGSU, 2004. Рp. 86–95.
5. Antonovskaya G.N., Kapustyan N.K., Basakina I.M., Klimov A.N. Structural dynamics and calculations. Seismological research in the Arctic and subarctic regions. Ed. F.N. Yudahina Ekaterinburg. Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2011 Рр. 154–168.
6. Kapustian N., Antonovskaya G., Agafonov V., Neumoin K., Safonov M. Seismic monitoring of linear and rotational oscillations of the multistory buildings in Moscow // Seismic Behavior of Irregular and Complex Structures // Geotechnical, geological and Earthquake Engineering v. 24 // Ed. O. Lavan, M. DeStefano. Springer. XIV. 2013. Pр. 353–363.

A.N. KLIMOV, engineer, OAO “Central Research and Design Institute for Residential and Public Buildings (TSNIIEPzhilishcha)” (Moscow)

The experience in instrumental monitoring of bearing structures of a 43-storey residential building in Moscow is presented. Methods of solving the main task of monitoring – prediction of the stress-strain state of structures – are considered. The statistical analysis of experimental data, including the analysis of time-series by the method of auto-structure function is used in the course of the study. The conducted study can be used in the process of scientific-technical support of construction of high-rise buildings and also for the further study of operation of bearing structures of high-rise buildings.

Keywords: monitoring, high-rise buildings, stress-strain state, experimental data, structural analysis.

L.M. KOLCHEDANTSEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, I.G. OSIPENKOVA, engineer, (, the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

The appropriateness of location of a mobile concrete mixing unit at the construction site is substantiated. Ways of increasing the pace of construction are presented. The essence of the new technology of joint grouting in precast-monolithic construction with the use of heated mixtures is set forth. The attention is accentuated on the need to respect the principle of complexity of designing, conduct research, design and development works and scientific-technical support.

Keywords: high-rise construction, organizational and technological decisions, mobile concrete mixing unit at construction site, thermos method, precast-monolithic frame, joint grouting.

G.V. ESAULOV, Doctor of Architecture, Academician of RAACS, Chief Scientific Secretary of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Pro-Rector for research, the Moscow Architectural Institute

Problems of the modern architecture in Russia are considered. Among them are development of housing stock, development of new technology and formation of humane environment, new types of building for different groups of population; transition to rating systems of assessment of buildings quality, technology of management and project realization, formation of public service systems, protection of historical heritage, improvement of energy efficiency and ecological compatibility of buildings, and influence of a computer as an instrument of a designer on architectural creativity. At present the development of the Russian architecture takes place jointly with processes of globalization and regionalization, increased influence of mass culture involving all spheres of society life. Within this context, the main factors that determine the appearance of modern architecture, its four main streams, are considered.

Keywords: problems, modern architecture, globalization, regionalization, mains streams and trends.

K.V. MALININA, Doctor of Economic Sciences, N.A. MALININA, Candidate of Economic Sciences, the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, E.V. TULIEVA, Candidate of Economic Sciences, (, the Government of Saint Petersburg, Committee for industrial policy and innovations of St. Petersburg, GKU “St. Petersburg Agency for Industrial Investments”

The mechanism of formation of the rental housing market in Russia with determination of main trends of prospective development on the basis of the analysis of draft laws regulating the economic relations in the sphere of crediting, construction, purchase, sale and lease of housing as well as the system of taxation, methods of state regulation of property relations are considered. The theme of development of tenement houses in Europe, USA and Russia, appearance of their prototypes under modern conditions – apartments and apart-hotels – is studied. The conclusion about reasonability of a more precise definition of certain categories in the system of market relations concerning the housing construction and about the necessity to use the social-economic approach to the development of town planning policy is made.

Keywords: residential real estate market, methods of state regulation of property relations, apartments, apart-hotel, tenement house, leasing of housing.

G.I. GRINFELD, Executive Director, National Association of Autoclaved Gas Concrete Manufacturers; A.P. KHARCHENKO, Head of OS “VNIIGSertifilatsiya”, ZAO “«Testing Centre VNIIGS» (St. Petersburg)

It is shown, that the masonry made of stones and blocks of regular form with high accuracy of geometric sizes on adhesive compositions ensuring the formation of a thin masonry joint is not defined in domestic regulatory documents and has no design characteristics. Results of comparative tests of fragments of autoclaved gas concrete masonry with the various execution of the masonry joint are presented.

Keywords: masonry on adhesion composition, masonry with thin joint, strength and deformability of stone masonry, glue for masonry, FPU-glue (foamed polyurethane glue)

O.S. SUBBOTIN, Candidate of Architecture, associate professor(, the Kuban State Agrarian University (Krasnodar)

The history of formation of country houses complexes at the Black Sea shore of Russia in the end of XIX – beginning of XX century is considered. A significant place is given to the architecture of villas and cottages of Sochi, characteristic environment associated with the historic architectural planning composition. Aspects of the actuality of the topic are marked out. Problems of preservation of monuments of historical and architectural heritage are covered.

Keywords: country house, villa, architectural monument, heritage, aspects

M.Yu. VOLKOVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, (, the Ivanovo Power Engineering Institute named after V.I. Lenin; E.V. SHMELEVA, architect(, the Ivanovo State Polytechnic University

The actuality of improvement of industrial architecture projects with the use of the historical context expressed in small architectural forms is substantiated. Retrospective analysis is shown; importance of each stage of forming the artistic image of small architectural forms grouped at the compact site of the central part of Ivanovo is revealed. For creating the urban environment of new information-cognitive quality, the method of arrangement of extant small architectural forms of different stylistic epoch as thematic grounds is offered.

Keywords: industrial architecture, improvement, small architectural forms, urban environment, artistic image.

V.P. SHKATOV, Director, Allbau Software GmbH (Berlin)

It is known that in the West since the 1980s, there is no concept of «series», implying the construction of houses-twins from the same products. In Europe they speak about reusable buildings, but with individual geometry. Each panel is designed and manufactured individually. Specialists of Allbau Software GmbH decided to find out whether there is a difference between the level of design in Russia and European countries.

Keywords: large-panel housing prefabrication, flexible designing, Allplan Precast, specification.

N.D. DANILOV (, А.А. SOBAKIN (, Е.G. SLOBODCHIKOV(, P.А. FEDOTOV(, engineers, V.V. PROKOPIEV, student, the M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk, The Sakha Republic)

An analysis of the formation of a temperature field in an external wall of a building with façade reinforced concrete panel is made by conducting calculation with the use of the program of calculation of spatial temperature fields and inspecting in the climatic chamber including the TV shooting. It is shown that the heat-conducting inclusion in the form of a reinforced concrete connector with a steel hook in the butt leads to significant reduction of temperature, but within the limits required by designing standards.

Keywords: temperature field, calculation, thermocouples, thermal imager.

L.A. OPARINA, Candidate of Economic Sciences (, the Ivanovo State Polytechnic University

The actuality of calculation of energy consumption of buildings from a position of system approach to the organization of their life cycle is substantiated. Results of the calculation of energy consumption of the life cycle of a 10-storey brick residential building are presented. The structure of energy inputs during the life cycle of buildings is shown. Dynamics of energy consumption of buildings in the form of piecewise-linear function is presented. Ways of application of calculation results are offered.

Keywords: life cycle, energy requirement, systematic approach, aggregates of energy consumption, buildings.
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