
Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №7

Table of contents

S.I. KRYSHOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (, I.S. KURILYUK, Engineer-Builder, ( The Centre of Expertise, Research and Testing in Construction (GBU “TsEIIS”) (8, structure 1, Vinnitskaya Street, 119192, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Problems of Expert Assessment of Heat Protection of Buildings Statistical data on the experimental assessment of resistance to heat transfer of building structures of over 100 modern buildings under natural conditions are presented. Contradictions in normative-legislative acts, design and normative documentation are indicated. Based on the statistics of tests, 99% of panel walls and over 90% of walls with ventilated facades don’t conform to the design and normative requirements (at normative value of reduced resistance of walls to heat transfer – 3,13 m2.оС/Вт). The root cause of the non-conformance of thermal-technical indicators of walls, coatings, and other non-translucent enclosing structures stated in designs to the test results is a methodology of calculation of SNiP 23-02–2003 “Heat Protection of Buildings” which was in force till July 01, 2015, leading to the overvaluation of thermal-technical indicators. The recalculation of technical passports of buildings with the use of thermal-technical indicators measured by GBU «TsEIIS» shows that the specific energy consumption of commissioned multistory buildings is higher than design values by 1.5–2 times. For the real progress in the field of energy saving it is necessary to immediately harmonize the designing with requirements and methods of calculation of thermaltechnical characteristics of buildings of SP 50.13330.2012 “Heat Protection of Buildings. Actualized Edition of SNiP 23.02.2003”.

Keywords: energy efficiency, resistance to heat transfer, enclosing structures, construction control.

1. Vasiliev G.P. One of the main problems of energy efficiency – the lack of construction quality control. Energosberezhenie. 2014. No. 6, pp. 10–12. (In Russian).
2. Gasho E.G., Puzakov V.S., Stepanova M.V. Reserves and priorities heat and power supply of Russian cities in modern conditions. Proceedings of the open workshop «Analysis and forecast of development of industries of fuel and energy complex». May 26, 2015. IEF RAS, pp. 26–28. (In Russian).
3. Kryshov S.I., Kurilyuk I.S. Experience GBU «CEIIS» in the experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of energy saving measures in residential and public buildings. Proceedings of the open workshop «Analysis and forecast of development of industries of fuel and energy complex». September 26, 2015. IEF RAS, pp. 20–39. (In Russian).
4. Gagarin V.G., Dmitriev K.A. Accounting heat engineering heterogeneities when assessing the thermal protection of enveloping structures in Russia and European countries. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 6, pp. 14–16. (In Russian).
5. Sursanov D.N., Ponomarev A.B. Determination of the reduced thermal resistance of the self-supporting wall panels. Vestnik PNIPU. 2015. No. 4, pp. 144–165. (In Russian).
6. Kravchuk A.N. Control of energy efficiency in the implementation of the state construction supervision. Santekhnika. Otoplenie. Konditsionirovanie. 2015. No. 8, pp. 62–65. (In Russian).
7. Antosenko O.D. Compliance with energy efficiency requirements in the exercise of state supervision of construction in Moscow Regional’naya energetika i energosberezhenie. 2015. No. 4, pp. 80–81. uploads/2015/09/Antosenko.pdf (In Russian).

D.V. KRAYNOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) ( Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (1, Zelenaya Street, Kazan, 420043, Russian Federation)

Relative Energy Saving When Changing the Level of Thermal Protection of Buildings In the course of designing the thermal protection of buildings the problem of selecting the values of reduced resistance to heat transfer of fragments of heat protection of the envelope (walls, windows, etc.) which meet all the three requirements – element-by-element, complex, and sanitary-hygienic – arises. Main tasks of designing, along with the strength and durability, are minimization of expenditures for construction of enveloping structures and losses of thermal energy through enveloping structures of buildings during the heating period. The expenditure of thermal energy for heating of building during the heating period depends on the degree day. The distribution of degree days of the heating period (DDHP) and their connection with the required resistance of enclosures to heat transfer has been analyzed for 458 cities of Russia. The constant component and the component depending on DDHP of specific heat losses have been determined. The concept of the relative energy saving, when changing the level of thermal protection of enveloping structures of buildings, is introduced. The interconnection of the relative energy saving and the relative change in the reduced resistance of enclosing structures to heat transfer has been found.

Keywords: heat losses, resistance to heat transfer, normalization, degree day of heating period.

1. Gagarin V.G. Economic analysis of improving the thermal performance of the buildings of building envelopes. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2008. No. 8, pp. 41–47. (In Russian).
2. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V. About standardizing thermal performance and energy consumption for heating and ventilation requirements in the draft version of the actualized edition SNiP «Thermal performance of the buildings». Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturnostroitel’nogo universiteta. Seriya: Stroitel’stvo i arkhitektura. 2013. № 31–2 (50). pp. 468–474. (In Russian).
3. Gagarin V.G., Pastushkov P.P. An estimate of the energy efficiency of energy-saving measures. Inzhenernye sistemy. AVOK – Severo-Zapad. 2014. No. 2, pp. 26–29. (In Russian).
4. Tsygankov V.M. Energy efficiency and energy savings during overhaul of buildings. Energosovet. 2016. No. 1 (43), pp. 12–16. (In Russian).
5. SP 50.13330.2012. Teplovaya zashchita zdanii. Aktualizirovannaya redaktsiya SNiP 23-02–2003 [Thermal performance of the buildings. Actualized edition of SNiP 23-02–2003]. Moscow: Minregion Rossii. 2012. 95 p. (In Russian).
6. SNiP II-V.3–54. Stroitel’nye normy i pravila. Chast’ II. Normy stroitel’nogo proektirovaniya [Building regulations. Part II. The norms of building design]. Moscow: Gosizdat. 1954. 402 p. (In Russian).
7. SNiP II-3–79. Stroitel’naya teplotekhnika [Building heat engineering]. Moscow: Gosstroi SSSR. 1979. 33 p. (In Russian).
8. SNiP II-3–79*. Stroitel’naya teplotekhnika [Building heat engineering]. Moscow: TsITP Gosstroya Rossii. 1998. 32 p. (In Russian).
9. SNiP 23-02–2003. Teplovaya zashchita zdanii [Thermal performance of the buildings]. Moscow: TsITP Gosstroya Rossii. 2003. 70 p. (In Russian).
10. SP 131.13330.2012. Stroitel’naya klimatologiya. Aktualizirovannaya redaktsiya SNiP 23-01–99* [Building climatology. Actualized edition of SNiP 23-01–99*]. Moscow: Minregion Rossii. 2012. 116 p. (In Russian).
11. Gasho E.G. Features of development and problems of increasing the efficiency of energy-supply systems of cities. Novosti teplosnabzheniya. 2007. No. 11, pp. 27–32. (In Russian).
A.Yu. NEKLYUDOV, Engineer ( Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences (RAACS) (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation)

Calculation of Characteristics of Power Consumption of a Building When Determining Transmission Heat Loss The article considers the calculation of power consumption associated with determining the transmission component of the thermal load on the heating systems. The value of the specific heat protection characteristic is determined on the basis of the values of partial heat protection characteristics which are calculated with the help of the matrix method in parallel with transmission heat loss. An analytical transition from the mandatory methodology of the Annex G SP 50.13330.2012 “Heat Protection of Buildings” to the possibility of similar calculations with the help of the matrix method is shown. The concept of local heat protection characteristics is considered. Indicative calculations of heat protection characteristics for a typical residential building are made. The sphere of the use of these parameters is determined.

Keywords: specific heat protection characteristic, transmission heat loss, matrix method, partial heat protection characteristic, local heat protection characteristic, power consumption.

1. Gagarin V.G., Dmitriev K.A. Accounting for thermal inhomogeneities when evaluating the thermal performance of enclosing structures in Russia and European countries. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 6, рр. 14–16. (In Russian).
2. Umnjakova N.P., Butovskij I.N., Chebotarev A.G. The development of of rationing methods of thermal performance of energy-efficient buildings. Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 7, рр. 19–23. (In Russian).
3. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V., Neklyudov A.Yu. Accounting of thermal inhomogeneities when determining the thermal load on the building heating system. BST: Bjulleten’ stroitel’noj tehniki. 2016. No. 2 (978), рр. 57–61. (In Russian).
4. Gagarin V.G., Neklyudov A.Yu. Accounting of thermal bridges when determining the thermal load on the building heating system. Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 6, рр. 3–7. (In Russian).
5. Gagarin V., Neklyudov A.Y. Improving the accuracy of the calculation of thermal capacity of heating systems when designing the buildings with high energy efficiency. International journal for housing science and its applications. 2015. V. 39. No. 2, рр. 79–87.
6. Gagarin V.G., Neklyudov A.Yu. Using of the matrix method to determine the ventilation component of heat load on the building heating system. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2014. No. 7, рр. 21–25. (In Russian).
7. Umnjakova N.P. Heat transfer through the building envelope, taking into account the emission coefficients of internal surfaces of the room. Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 6, рр. 14–17. (In Russian).
8. Pastushkov P.P., Pavlenko N.V., Korkina E.V. Using the calculated determination of the operational humidity of thermal insulation materials. Stroitel’stvo i rekonstrukcija. 2015. No. 4 (60), рр. 168–172. (In Russian).
9. Kiseljov I.Ja. Influence of the thermal conductivity of building materials depending on the temperature on the R-value of buildings. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo arhitekturno-stroitel’nogo universiteta. Serija: Stroitel’stvo i arhitektura. 2013. No. 31-2 (50), рр. 42–45. (In Russian).
10. Shubin I.L., Anan’ev A.I. Thermal performance and air permeability of ceramic block izoteks in the masonry wall. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2013. No. 3, рр. 57–59. (In Russian).
11. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V., Lushin K.I. Calculation of the velocity of air in the air gap facade systems, where natural ventilation. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. V. 10, No. 23 (2015), рр. 43438–43441.
A.A. KOCHKIN1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (; I.L. SHUBIN2, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), N.A. KOCHKIN2, Post-graduate
1 Vologda State University (15 Lenina Street, 160000, Vologda, Russian Federation)
2 Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences (RAACS) (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation)

Calculation of Vibration Speed and Emitted Power of Elements of Finite Sizes under Conditions of Various Resonances Theoretical bases of sound transmission and radiation in layered vibro-damping elements of finite sizes with hinge support along the contour in the opening of the acoustically hard endless screen re considered. On the basis of the theory of self-consistency of the acoustic field of the space and the vibration field of the element, the process of sound transmission in the most practically important frequency fields – complete spatial resonances (CSR), incomplete spatial resonances (ISR), simple spatial resonances (SSR) – has been investigated. An expression for the own function of the three-layer hinge supported element with a vibro-damping interlayer has been obtained. An expression for the amplitude of forced vibrations of the element in various frequency domains are analyzed, Conditions of the sound transmission through the element with due regard for its finite sizes in the fields of CSR, ISR, and SSR have been studied. A value of emitted acoustic power according to the ratio connecting the value of vibration speed of the element and the pressure of sound waves passed over the entire area of the element for various computational regions has been determined. Expressions for vibration speeds and emitted acoustic power obtained in this work make it possible to calculate the sound insulation of layered vibro-damping elements in various frequency domains.

Keywords: vibration speed, emitted power, sound insulation, layered vibro-damping element.

1. Bobylev V.N., Monich D.V., Tishkov V.A., Grebnev P.A. Rezervy povysheniya zvukoizolyatsii odnosloinykh ograzhdayushchikh konstruktsiy. Monografiya. [Reserves of increase of sound insulation of the single-layer protecting designs. Monograph]. N. Novgorod. NNGASU. 2014. 118 p. (In Russian).
2. Grebnev P.A., Monich D.V Research of the soundproofing properties the frameless of the protecting designs from a sandwich panels. Privolzhskii nauchnyi zhurnal. 2014. No. 3 (31). pp. 53–58. (In Russian).
3. Antonov A.I., Zhogoleva O.A., Ledenev V.I., Shubin I.L. Method of calculation of noise in apartments with cell systems of planning. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 7, pp. 33–35. (In Russian).
4. Antonov A.I., Zhogoleva O.A., Ledenev V.I. Method of calculation of the noise mode in buildings with corridor systems of planning. Stroitel’stvo i rekonstruktsiya. 2013. No. 3 (47), pp. 28–32. (In Russian).
5. Osipov L.G., Bobylev V.N., Borisov L.A. Zvukoizolyatsiya i zvukopogloshchenie [Sound insulation and sound absorption]. M.: AST Publishing house. 2004. 450 p. (In Russian).
6. Kochkin A.A. The easy soundproofing protecting designs from elements with vibration-absorbing layers. Izvestiya Yugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2011. No. 5 (38). Part 2, pp. 152–156. (In Russian).
7. Kochkin A.A. Sound insulation of laminated vibrodamped elements of translucent enclosing structures. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2012. No. 6, pp. 40–41. (In Russian).
8. Certificate of state registration of the computer program № 2011610940. Calculation of sound insulation of threelayer panels with the intermediate vibrodamping layer. A.A. Kochkin. Application No. 2010617526. Declared. 30.11.2010; Published 25.01.2011.
T.A. KORNILOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), G.N. GERASIMOV, Engineer M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (58, Belinsky Street, Yakutsk, 677000, Russian Federation)

External Walls of Low-Rise Houses Made of Light Steel Thin-Walled Structures for the Far North Conditions Multi-layered wall constructions with due regard for climatic features of the Far North and the experience in construction of low-rise houses with the use of light steel thin-walled structures (LSTS) are proposed. As an additional windproof shell it is proposed to use oriented structural boards (OSB) between heat-insulating layers. An analysis of temperature fields obtained for different wall structures with the use of LSTS is made. Results of the calculation of values of the reduced resistance to heat transfer and the coefficient of thermo-technical uniformity are presented. It is established that for providing the heat protection of buildings with two-layered wall structures it is most efficient to vary the thickness of the external layer at constant thickness of internal layer adopted according to minimal sizes of studs which are determined on the basis of its bearing capacity. The inner heat insulating layer of three-layered structures negatively influences on the temperature distribution inside the wall. On the basis of the analysis of thermo-technical calculation and technical-economic comparison, the optimal designs of enclosure walls for low-rise houses with the use LSTS under conditions of the Far North are recommended.

Keywords: wall structures, heat protection, light steel thin-walled structures, infiltration, temperature, cold bridges.

1. Kornilov T.A., Gerasimov G.N. About some errors of design and construction of low houses from LSTK in the conditions of Far North. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2015. No. 3, pp. 42–46. (In Russian).
2. Kuz’menko D.V., Vatin N.I. The protecting design of «the zero thickness» – the thermopanel. Inzhenerno-stroitel’nyi zhurnal. 2015. No. 3, pp. 42-46. (In Russian).
3. Airumyan E.L. Rekomendatsii po proektirovaniyu, izgotovleniyu i montazhu konstruktsii karkasa maloetazhnykh zdanii i mansard iz kholodnognutykh stal’nykh otsinkovannykh profilei proizvodstva OOO «Balt-Profil’» [Recommendations about design, production and installation of designs of a framework of low buildings and penthouses from the holodnognutykh of steel galvanized profiles of production of OOO “Balt-Profil”]. Moscow: TsNIIPSK im. Mel’nikova. 2004. 69 p.
4. V. Fayst. Osnovnye polozheniya proektirovaniya passivnykh domov [Basic provisions of design of passive houses]. Moscow: ASV. 2011. 148 p.
5. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V., Sadchikov A.V., Mekhnetsov I.A. Longitudinal filtration of air in the modern protecting designs. AVOK. 2005. No. 8, pp. 60–70. (In Russian).
6. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V., Sadchikov A.V. The accounting of a longitudinal filtration of air at a wall heat-shielding assessment with the ventilated faade. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2005. No. 6, pp. 42–45. (In Russian).
7. Danilov N.D., Shadrin V.Yu., Pavlov N.N. Forecasting of temperature condition of angular connections of the external protecting designs. 2010. No. 4, pp. 20-22. (In Russian).
8. Danilov N.D., Sobakin A.A., Slobodchikov E.G., Fedotov P.A., Prokop’ev V.V. Analysis of Formation of Temperature Field of External Wall with Faade Reinforced Concrete Panel. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 11, pp. 46–49. (In Russian).
N.I. KARPENKO, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, Academician RAACS, (, V.N. YARMAKOVSKIY, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Honorary member of RAACS ( Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences (RAACS) (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation)

To the Standardization of Physical-Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Lightweight Aggregate Concrete and to the Calculation Methods of Structures Made of them A brief analytical review of data on the of structural lightweight concrete standardization, including high-strength and high-durable concretes, in domestic and foreign regulations is presented. The necessity of standardization of the strength and deformation characteristics as well as indicators of the durability of such concretes, produced not only with the use of traditional highly energy-intensive expanded clay gravel (type of сlaydite ceramizite), but by low power consumption (mostly without roasting) porous aggregates on the basis of by-products recycling is substantiated. This standardization in current Set of Rules 63.13339.2012 “Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures. The basic provisions. Revised edition of Construction Norm and Rules 52-01–2003” is missing, as well as the calculation methods of structures made of lightweight aggregate concrete. In this regard, the necessity of creating a “Set of Rules “ for the standardization of a full range of physical-mechanical properties of structural lightweight aggregate concretes of new modifications, including high strength and high durable concretes, as well as on modern methods of calculation of constructions made of such concretes, in particular, on the most effective diagram method of physical relationships building or concrete and reinforced concrete elements under triaxial stress state is justified.

Keywords: lightweight aggregate concrete, structures, physical-mechanical properties, strength, deformability, durability, standardization , calculation methods.

1. Petrov V.P., Makridin N.I., Sokolova Yu.A., Yarmakovskiy V.N. Tekhnologiya i materialovedenie poristykh zapolniteley i legkikh betonov. Monografiya [Technology and Materials Porous aggregates and lightweight concrete. Monograph]. M.: “Paleotip”: RAACS. 2013. 332 p.
2. Karpenko N.I., Yarmakovskiy V.N. Structural lightweight concrete new modifications. Rossiiskiy stroitel’nyi kompleks. 2011. No. 10, pp. 122–126. (In Russian).
3. Hoff G.C. The use of structural lightweight aggregates in offshore concretes platforms. Proceeding of the International Symposium on Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete. Sandefjord. Norway. 20-24 June, 1995, pp. 363–371.
4. Spitzner J. A review of the development of lightweight aggregate concrete – history and actual survey. Proceeding of the International Symposium on Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete. Sandefjord. Norway. 20-24 June, 1995, pp. 13–21.
5. Design and Control of Concrete. The Guide to Application, Methods and Materials. Eight Canadian Edition by S. Kosmatka, B. Kerkoff and other. Cement Association of Canada. Engineering Bulletin. Ottawa. 2011. 411 p.
6. Karpenko N.I., Karpenko S.N., Yarmakovskiy V.N., Erofeev V.T. About modern methods of ensuring the durability of reinforced concrete structures. Akademiya. 2014. No. 4, pp. 72–82. (In Russian).
7. Yarmakovskiy V.N. To the Standardization of physicalmechanical properties of high strength lightweight aggregate concrete and to the calculation methods of structures made of them. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2016. No. 6, pp. 6–11. (In Russian).
8. Karpenko N.I., Yarmakovskiy V.N. Structural lightweight concrete to oil platforms in the North Sea tidal and seas of the Far East. Vestnik inzhenernoi shkoly DVFU. 2015. No. 2, pp. 105–114.
9. Lightweight Aggregate Concrete. Codes and standards. State-of-art report, bulletin 4. CEB-FIP (fib, Task Group 8G LAC). Stuttgart. 1999. 35 p.
10. Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (LAC). Recommended extensions to Model Code 90, Guide. Identification of research needs, technical report. Case Studies, State-of-art report, CEB-FIP (fib, Task Group 8G LAC). Stuttgart. 2000. 465 p.
11. Eurocode-2. Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures. Chapter 11. «Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Structures». CEN. Stuttgart. 2002. pp. 51–73.
E.G. SLOBODCHIKOV, Engineer (, A.E. MESTNIKOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (58, Belinsky Street, Yakutsk, 677000, Russian Federation)

Energy Efficiency of Individual Houses on the Basis of Foam Concrete in Conditions of Yakutia
Results of the on-site inspection of individual houses built with the use of new technical solutions for foundations construction on permafrost soils and design of wall enclosures on the basis of various modification of foam concrete are presented. Advantages of enclosing structures made of foam concrete before the traditional walls made of solid wood materials for values of the specific energy consumption of buildings at the coldest winter period have been established. Ways of the further study in the field of energy consumption due to the use of non-traditional energy saving measures are clarified.

Keywords: energy efficiency, enclosing structures, foam concrete.

1. Gagarin V.G. Macroeconomic Aspects of Substantiation of Power Saving Measures Aimed at Improving the Heat Protection of Buildings’ Enclosing Structures. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2010. No. 3, pp. 8–16. (In Russian).
2. Gagarin V.G. Macroeconomic Aspects of Substantiation of Power Saving Measures Aimed at Improving the Heat Protection of Buildings’ Enclosing Structures. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2010. No. 3, pp. 8–16. (In Russian).
3. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V. Requirements for Thermal Protection and Energy Efficiency in the Draft of the Updated SNiP «Thermal Protection of Buildings» Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2011. No. 8, pp. 2–6. (In Russian).
4. Chuntonov V.S. The ecohouse – the choice of effective decisions. The Power and resursoeffektivnost of low residential buildings: Materials of the All-Russian scientific conference with the international participation. Novosibirsk: Institut teplofiziki SO RAN. 2015, pp. 55–64. http://www.itp. (date of access 09.06.2016). (In Russian).
5. Sazonova T.V., Kazakov D.S. Low construction. Problems and decisions. Vestnik UGUES. Nauka. Obrazovanie. Ekonomika. Seriya: Ekonomika. 2014. No. 1, pp. 194–198. (In Russian).
6. Rumyantsev B.M., Kritasarov D.S. Foam concrete. Development problems. Stroitel’nye materialy, oborudovanie, tekhnologii XXI veka. 2002. No. 1, pp. 14–16. (In Russian).
7. Lundyshev I.A. Low construction with complex use of monolithic not autoclave foam concrete. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2005. No. 7, pp. 31. (In Russian).
8. VI International scientific and practical Experience of Production and Use of Cellular Concrete of Autoclave Curing conference. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2010. No. 7, pp. 6–10. (In Russian).
9. Kardashevskiy A.G., Rozhin V.N., Mestnikov A.E., Semenov S.S. Monolithic foam concrete in individual construction. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2012. No. 1, pp. 41–43. (In Russian).
10. Mestnikov A.E., Semenov S.S., Fedorov V.I. Production and use of foam concrete of autoclave curing in the conditions of Yakutia. Fundamental’nye issledovaniya. 2015. No. 12–3, pp. 490–494. view?id=39567. (date of access 09.06.2015). (In Russian).
11. Yakovlev R.N. Universal’nyi fundament. Tekhnologiya TISE [Universal base. TISE technology]. Moscow: Adelant. 2006. 271 p.
A.A. CAREV, Candidate of Sciences (Chemistry) General Delegation in Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries (8, Preobrazhenskaya Square, Moscow, 107061, Russian Federation)

The Parameters of Comfort Living Environment on the Example of Multi-Comfort Building "Academy of Saint-Gobain" In the article comfort assessment of energy-efficient office building «Academy» of Saint-Gobain is discussed. The factors affecting the comfort level: acoustic comfort, lighting, thermal comfort, indoor air quality as well as relationship between the emotional evaluation of environmental quality and indicators, obtained by instrumental methods are described. The conclusion was notes that to ensure high level of comfort it is needed to find a compromise, based on serious scientific approach, between a number of certain parameters.

Keywords: energy efficiency, multi-comfort house, comfort, Academy Saint-Gobain, the monitoring system.

1. How Europeans spend their time Everyday life of women and men. European commission. Eurostat survey. 2004.
2. Paramonov K.O., Shabaldin A.V. Experience in design, construction and operation of energy-efficient building, built by the concept of «Multi-Comfort House Saint-Gobain». Materials of the international scientific-practical conference «Environmental safety, energy efficiency in construction and housing and communal services.»
3. The World Health Organization. Fact Sheet number 313. March 2014.
4. Current Science. 2006. VOL. 90. No. 12.
5. Roenneberg T, Kantermann T, Juda M, Vetter C, Allebrandt KV. Light and the human 10 circadian clock. Handbook of experimental pharmacology. 2013:311-31.
6. IES LM-83-12 –Approved method: IES Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA) in standards LEED BD&Cv4.
7. Mishra A.K. Field studies on human thermal comfort. An overview «Building and Environment». 64. 2013.
ZHAO JINLING, Ph. D, ( LI JIE, Engineer, LV LIANYI, Engineer Dalian University of Technology (DUT) (No.2 Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District Dalian, 16024, P.R.China)

The impact of regional differences on the building designs of the cold climate in Сhina The paper studies on the differences in the building designs of different regions in cold climate of China based on the Weather tool software. The differences in the best orientation, the amount of solar radiation received and the energy-saving potential of the buildings in the eastern coastal region, the central plain region and the western desert region are presented quantitatively in the paper.

Keywords: building climate regions, regional differences, energy conservation measures

1. Bagina E.S., Suo J. Comparative Analysis of the Current Residential Building Codes in China and Russia. New Ideas of New Century: The Fourteenth International Scientific Conference Proceedings. 2014. Vol. 2, pp. 19-25.
2. Gagarin V.G., Zhou Zhibo. About Regulation of Thermal Performance of Buildings in China. Zhilishhnoe Stroitefstvo [Housing Construction]. 2015. №7, pp. 18-22. (In Russian).
3. Meteorological Information Center of China Meteorological Administration, Tsinghua University. Special Meteorological Data Set for Analysis of Thermal Environment of Building in China. Beijing, China Architecture & Building Press. 2006. (In Chinese).
4. Zhang Tongwei, Zhao Yufen, Zhang Xiaolian. Passive Design Strategies Based on Psychrometric Chart. Building Energy Efficiency. 2013. Vol. 41, pp. 40-42. (In Chinese).
5. Lu B., Solovyov А.К. Eneegy Efficiency of Residential Building in Northern Climate of China. Scientific and Technical Journal on Construction and Architecture. 2010. №3, pp. 10–15. (In Russian).
6. Zhao Jinling, Shelginsky. A. JA. Passive Solar Heating Systems. Experience of China. Jenergosberezhenie. 2009. № 2, pp. 72–75. (In Russian).
7. American Society of Heating Ventilating and Air-conditioning Engineers. ASHRAE Standard 55-Thermal Environment Conditions for Human Occupancy. Atlanta, 1992.
8. Anh-Tuan Nguyen, Reiter S. A Climate Analysis Tool for Passive Heating and Cooling Strategies in Hot Humid Climate Based on Typical Meteorological Year Data Sets. Energy and Buildings. 2014. Vol. 68, pp. 765-763.
P.D. ARLENINOV, Engineer (, S.B. KRYLOV, Doctor of Sciences Research Center of Construction, NIIZHB named after A.A. Gvozdev (6, 2nd Institutskaya Street, 109428, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Construction of a Calculation Model of a Car Ramp on the Basis of Inspection and Field Test On the basis of static field testing and inspection of structures of the car ramp, the algorithms of constructing the design scheme are presented. A very interesting feature is a fact that due to the compliance of the supporting bolted connection, the operation of the structure under loading significantly differs from the designed one. That’s why, when designing the cantilever platforms resting along one side on the two-console beam on two supports, it is necessary to take into consideration that under asymmetric loads the change in the sign of the support reaction on one of the supports is possible. In these cases, it is necessary to make appropriate additional calculations of this support and its fasteners for tensile.

Keywords: deformation, calculation, computer model, test, inspection.

1. Bondarenko V.M., Rimshin V.I. Primery rascheta zhelezobetonnykh i kamennykh konstruktsii. [Examples of calculation of reinforced concrete and stone designs]. Moskva: Vyshaya Shkola, 2014. 539 p. (In Russian).
2. Bondarenko V.M., Rimshin V.I. Residual resource of power resistance of the damaged reinforced concrete. Vestnik Otdeleniya stroitel’nykh nauk Rossiiskoi akademii arkhitektury i stroitel’nykh nauk. 2005. No. 9, pp. 119–126. (In Russian).
3. Bondarenko V.M., Rimshin V.I. The quasilinear equations of power resistance and the chart σ - ε concrete. Stroitel’naya mekhanika inzhenernykh konstruktsii i sooruzhenii. 2014. No. 6, pp. 40-44. (In Russian).
4. Rimshin V.I., Krishan A.L., Mukhametzyanov A.I. Creation of the chart of deformation odnoosno the compressed concrete. Vestnik MGSU. 2015. No. 6, pp. 23–31. (In Russian).
5. Rimshin V.I., Shubin L.I., Savko A.V. Resource of power resistance of reinforced concrete designs of engineering constructions. Academia. Arkhitektura i stroitel’stvo. 2009. No. 5, pp. 483–491. (In Russian).
6. Telichenko V.I., Rimshin V.I. Critical technologies in construction. Vestnik Otdeleniya stroitel’nykh nauk Rossiiskoi akademii arkhitektury i stroitel’nykh nauk. 1998. No. 4, pp. 16–18. (In Russian).
7. Rimshin V.I., Larionov E.A., Erofeyev V.T., Kurbatov V.L. Vibrocreep of concrete with a nonuniform stress state. Life Science Journal. 2014. T. No.11, pp. 278–280.
8. Antoshkin V.D., Erofeev V.T., Travush V.I., Rimshin V.I., Kurbatov V.L. The problem optimization triangular geometric line field. Modern Applied Science. 2015. Т. 9. No. 3, pp. 46–50.
9. Erofeev V.T., Bogatov A.D., Bogatova S.N., Smirnov V.F., Rimshin V.I., Kurbatov V.L. Bioresistant building composites on the basis of glass wastes. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia. 2015. Т. 12. No. 1, pp. 661-669.
10. Krishan A., Rimshin V., Erofeev V., Kurbatov V., Markov S. The energy integrity resistance to the destruction of the longterm strength concrete. Prosedia Engineering. 2015, 117 (1), pp. 211–217.
I.A. SHMAROV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), V.A. ZEMTSOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), E.V. KORKINA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), ( Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences (RAACS) (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation)

Insolation: Practice of Regulation and Calculation Insolation and natural lightning of premises of residential and public buildings and adjacent areas are important factors that should be considered when designing the urban development. Regulation and calculation of these factors are studied in Russia and abroad. Moreover, each country has its own approach to the regulation and calculation of the insolation duration with due regard for features of the light climate and urban development situation. This article analyzes approaches to the regulation and calculation of the insolation duration in Russia and abroad. It is shown that the use of Russian norms of insolation duration ensures the highest density of the urban development. Methods for calculating the insolation duration are considered; the comparison of them from the point of view of practical application is made. Some problems when regulating the insolation duration and proposals for their solution are formulated.

Keywords: insolation duration, natural lighting, density of development.

1. Skobareva Z.A., Teksheva L.M. Biological aspects of a hygienic assessment of natural and artificial lighting. Svetotehnika. 2003. No. 4, p. 7. (In Russian).
2. Fokin S.G., Bobkova T.E., Shishova M.S. Assessment of the hygienic principles of rationing of insolation in the conditions of the large city on the example of Moscow. Gigiena i sanitarija. 2003. No. 2, рр. 9–10. (In Russian).
3. Zemcov V.A., Gagarina E.V. Ecological aspects of insolation of residential and public buildings. BST: Bjulleten’ stroitel’noj tehniki. 2012. No. 2, pp. 38–41. (In Russian).
4. Zemcov V.A., Gagarin V.G. Insolation of residential and public buildings. Prospects of development. Academia. Arhitektura i stroitel’stvo. 2009. No. 5, pp. 147–151. (In Russian).
5. Shhepetkov N.I. About some shortcomings of norms and techniques of insolation and natural lighting. Svetotehnika. 2006. No. 1, pp. 55–56. (In Russian).
6. Kuprijanov V.N., Halikova F.R. About some shortcomings of norms and techniques of insolation and natural lighting. Zhilishhnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 6, pp. 50–53. (In Russian).
7. Spiridonov A.V., Shubin I.L. Development of translucent designs in Russia. Svetotehnika. 2014. № 3. S. 46–51. (In Russian).
8. Savin V.K., Savina N.V. Arkhitektura and energy efficiency of a window. Zhilishhnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2015. No. 10, pp. 47–50. (In Russian).
9. Korkina E.V. Complex comparison of window blocks in lighting and heattechnical parameters. Zhilishhnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2015. No. 6, pp. 60–62. (In Russian).
10. Kuprijanov V.N., Halikova F.R. Natural researches of power parameters of insolation of premises. Izvestija Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo arhitekturno-stroitel’nogo universiteta. 2012. No. 4, pp. 139–147. (In Russian).
11. Kratkaja medicinskaja jenciklopedija v 2-h tomah. Pod red. akademika RAMN V.I. Pokrovskogo [The short medical encyclopedia in 2 volumes]. Moscow.: Medicinskaja jenciklopedija, 1994. P. 1, pp. 271, P. 2, pp. 378. (In Russian).
12. Rukovodstvo po medicine. Diagnostika i terapija [Guide to medicine. Diagnostics and therapy]. Moscow: Mir, 1997. T. 1, pp. 84. (In Russian).
13. Dancig N.M. Gigiena osveshhenija i insoljacii zdanij i territorij zastrojki gorodov [Gigiyena of lighting and insolation of buildings and territories of building of the cities]. Moscow: BRJe, 1971. 129 p. (In Russian).
14. Impact of window size and sunlight penetration on office workers’ mood and satisfaction. a novel way of assessing sunlight. Boubekri M., Hull R.B., Boyer L.L. Environment and Behavior. 1991. Т. 23. No. 4. P. 474–493.
15. ECE/HBP/81 Compendium of Model Provisions for Building Regulations [The compendium of EEK including samples of provisions for construction rules]. New York: United Nations, 1992. 105 p.
16. Daylight, sunlight and solar gain in the urban environment. Littlefair P. Solar Energy. 2001. P. 70. No. 3, pp. 177–185.
17. Perceived performance of daylighting systems: lighting efficacy and agreeableness. Fontoynont M. Solar Energy. 2002. P. 73. № 2, pp. 83–94.
18. El Diasty R. Variable positioning of the sun using time duration. Renewable Energy. 1998. P. 14. No. 1–4, pp. 185–191.
M.A. POROZHENKO, Engineer (, N.A. MINAEVA, Engineer, V.N. SUKHOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences (RAACS) (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation) Assessment of Airborne Sound Insulation with a Wall with a Flexible Plate to Apply

A method for calculation of airborne sound insulation using the wall with flexible plate at some distance from it is presented. As an illustrative example, the calculation of airborne sound insulation with a structure in the form of a brick wall of 125 mm thickness with a sheet of plasterboard of 12.5 mm thickness, the air gap between them is filled with mineral wool, was made. To verify the theoretical calculation method and the results of experimental studies, the airborne sound insulation with some structures was measured in the rhythmic cells of NIISF of RAACS. It is shown that the experimental results correlate well with the results of calculations. The presented method for assessing the airborne sound insulation with such structures can be used for calculating the airborne sound insulation with a wall (brick, concrete, gypsum concrete, cam boards) with the presence of a flexible plate (plasterboard, gypsum fiber board) located at some distance from the wall. The use of this method makes it possible to evaluate the airborne sound insulation with analogue structures without additional studies of these structures in specialized rhythmic cells.

Keywords: sound, structure, airborne sound insulation.

1. Reference Noise abatement in manufacturing [Bor’ba s shumom na proizvodstve]. Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1985. 400 p.
2. Kochkin A.A. Calculation of the multilayered design sound prooainf. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoprakticheskoj konferencii «Garmonizacija evropejskih i rossijskih normativnyh dokumentov po zashhite naselenija ot povyshennogo shuma. Moscow – Sofia – Kavalla. 2009, pp. 75–77. (In Russian).
3. Porozhenko M.A. The evaluatipn soundproofing yalities fragments acoustic panels in reverberation chambers NIIAF RAASN. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konfe-rencii «Jenergosberezhenie i jekologija v stroitel’stve i ZhKH, transportnaja i promyshlennaja jekologija». Moscow – Budva. 2010, pp. 184–187. (In Russian).
4. Klimenko V.V. Research pf sound insulatipn of the internal enclosure in residential and public buildings. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Garmonizacija evropejskih i rossijskih normativnyh dokumentov po zashhite naselenija ot povyshennogo shuma». Moscow – Sofia – Kavalla. 2009, pp. 72–74. (In Russian).
5. Angela V.L., Porozhenko M.A. The question of an insulation airborne and impact sound enclosing structures. Materialy nauchno-tehnicheskogo seminara «Jekologija, voprosy zashhity ot shuma». Sevastopol, 2010, pp. 22–29. (In Russian).
6. Minaeva N.A. Experimental studies soundproofing pazogrebnevyh rlit, trimmed with plasterboard sheets. ACADEMIA. Arhitektura i stroitel’stvo. 2010. No. 3, pp. 194– 197. (In Russian).
D.B. FROG, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (, E.N. ZHIROV, Engineer, ( Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences (RAACS) (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation)

New in Regulation in the Field of “Water Supply and Sewerage”. Actualization of Codes of Practice Basic information on preconditions, features, and results of the work related to actualization of Codes of Practice “Water Supply. Outer Networks and Facilities” and “Sewerage. Outer Networks and Facilities”, acting in Russia at present, is presented. Methodical materials developed for the development of these Codes of Practice, concerning the use of normative technical documents in the course of designing and construction of buildings and facilities, are also listed. The assessment of the results of measures conducted and expected economic (social) efficiency in the field of water supply and sewerage is made.

Keywords: water supply, sewerage, standards, standardization, SNiP, construction

1. Platonova O.A., Kuz’mina N.P., Ishchenko I.G., Frog D.B., Tikhonov O.V. Increasing efficiency of water treatment technologies in water treatment facilities of city Ivanovo Projects of development of infrastructure of the city. Ecological aspects of engineering infrastructure. Collection of scientific works. Moscow: Prima-press-M. 2006. Vol. 6, pp. 47–53. (In Russian).
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4. Frog D.B. Klassifikator tonkosloinykh modulei dlya naruzhnykh setei vodosnabzheniya [Classifier thin-layer module for external water supply]. Moscow: Minstroy. 2015. 46 p.
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8. Frog B.N., Frog D.B., Skurlatov U.I. Ecological and chemical aspects of the processes of water treatment. Projects of development of infrastructure of the city. Comprehensive programs and engineering decisions in the field of ecology of an urban environment. Collection of scientific works. Moscow: Prima-press-M. 2004. Vol. 4, pp. 110–126. (In Russian).
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12. Frog N.P., Frog B.N., Frog D.B. Ensuring Russian population physiologically full drinking water (the “third water faucet»). Vodoochistka. Vodopodgotovka. Vodosnabzhenie. 2009. No. 1, pp. 56–59. (In Russian).
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