
Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №5

Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №5
May, 2013

Table of contents

I.G. LEZHAVA, Doctor of Architecture, Academician of RAACS, Honoured Architect of RF, the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (Moscow)

Preconditions for the development of the Town Planning Doctrine of the Russian Federation and of the General Scheme of Population Distribution are presented. It is shown, that the program of “space pressing” initiated by state organizations presupposes the liquidation of 1809 small towns and urban villages. Big cities should have an economic and spatial forecast of development.
Keywords: regional schemes of population distribution, master plan, agglomeration formations, small towns, monocities, scientific support of town planning activity.

S.V. VAVRENYUK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of RAACS, Deputy Director for Science, the Far Eastern Research Institute for Construction of RAACS (Vladovostok)

Scientific Support of Unique Objects of the APEC Summit
On the example of construction of the most important objects for the APEC Summit in Vladivostok the necessity of scientific support in the area of application of building materials and structures, using new technologies, up-to-date methods of control over work quality, as well as the importance of expert-consultative support by specialists of DalNIIS and the Far Eastern Branch of RAACS are shown. Examples of specific objects - the bridge to the Russky island, Far Eastern Federal University, cable-stayed bridge across the Zolotoy Rog Bay, reconstruction of the Federal highway V60, low-water bridge across the Amur Bay etc. where scientific support made it possible to save considerable government funds – are presented.
Keywords: scientific support, town planning design decisions, concept of city complex development.

V.M. OSTRETSOV, Academician, I.G. KARNAUKHOV, Professor, OAO Central Research and Design Institute for Residential and Public Buildings (TSNIIEPzhilishcha) (Moscow)

A School Complex of the Present and the Future
A variant of the rational use of scientific-practical experience of TSNIIEPzhilishcha specialists in the course of development and realization of designs of urban school complexes on the territory of the Russian Federation is presented. The possibility to use school space for conducting events of city-wide importance is shown on the example of the concrete school complex built in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Oblast.

Keywords: traditions and modernity, school complex, cultural atmosphere, architectural-artistic accent, landscape, unity of appearance, free space, visual perception zone, urban landscape, creative search.

A.Yu. VARFOLOMEEV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, OOO “Research Laboratory of Building Expertise of Barents Region” Damage of Brick and Timber Buildings by Tall Trees in Sub-Arctic Climate

The accumulation of damages of brick and timber buildings as a result of the effect of the root system of poplars, fur-trees and pines has been investigated under the conditions of sub-arctic climate of Arkhangelsk Oblast. It is proposed to set a minimal distance from buildings and facilities to tall trees with due regard to their genetic characteristics, not less than 20 m for poplar for example. It is recommended to make changes in SP 42. 13330. 201.

Keywords: buildings, trees, roots, accumulation of damages.

T.S. KOPSOVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences(, A.A. KUTERGINA, architect(, the Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Housing Development of County Towns of the Kazan Governorate
Issues of the study and preservation of the historical-architectural environment of former towns of the Kazan Governorate are considered. Town planning and architectural peculiarities of these towns, the survived regional features of development of the whole system of population distribution of this area are presented.
Keywords: housing development, “original” design, country estate, functional differentiation of housing, county towns.

A.D. LOMAKIN, Candidate of Technical Sciences, TSNIISK named after V.A. Kucherenko, A.I. USTREKHOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Commercial Director, OOO “A + B” (Moscow)

Fire-Protection of Timber Glued Structures for Building and Facilities
Issues of the use of swelling fire-protecting compositions for glued timber structures and LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber) are considered. Results of the assessment of fire-protecting efficiency of compositions, their influence on reducing the combustibility and inflammability of LVL, compatibility with protective-decorative compositions used for treatment of structures at a manufacturing plant are presented. Results of the assessment of conditions of swelling coatings on glued timber beams after five years of exposure under the shed are described.

Keywords: fire-protecting composition, swelling coating, adhesion, water permeability, combustibility, fire-protecting efficiency,

A.L. BOLSHEROTOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (NRU MSUCI)

World Rating of Universities: to catch up and leave behind. But is it necessary? Part II. Ratings of World Universities
Ratings of the Russian universities don’t have a valid methodology of ranging, which would make it possible to objectively reflect the state of Russian education and science in general and at a certain university in particular. Ways to improve the quality of indicators of the Russian ratings are justified and suggested; principles of the methodology for compilation of ratings of the Russian universities are offered.

Keywords: world rating of universities, rating of Russian universities, rating of civil engineering universities, ТНЕ World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings, methodology of compilation of university ratings.

V.V. SOKOLNIKOV, engineer(, the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Simulation of Ensuring the Quality of Construction and Erection Work and Organizational Development of a Building Enterprise
A theoretical approach to the simulation of a building enterprise as a target system of ensuring the quality of CEW and organizational development of the enterprise is proposed. A methodology of modeling this target system which includes methods of the general theory of systems, mathematical and regressive analysis is presented. The dependence of CEW quality ensured by the building enterprise on the level of its organizational development, quality of a resource base as well as on the rate of production load is revealed. Ways of further investigations are shown.

Keywords: mathematical model, system, quality of construction and erection work, building enterprise, organization.

V.V. LALIN, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University; A.V. YAVAROV, engineer (, the St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, OOO “ISP Georekonstruktsiya” (St. Petersburg)

Construction and Testing of a Finite Element of (a) the Geometrically Non-Linear Bar of Bernoulli-Euler
A finite element of the geometrically non-linear bar which does not have limits on the rates of displacements, turns and deformations is constructed in this work. The method of solution of tasks of transverse-longitudinal bending and analysis of postbuckling behaviour of bars has been realized. The use of this method makes it possible to obtain a good coincidence of the numerical and analytic solutions in test problems.

Keywords: Bernoulli-Euler bar, finite element of geometrically non-linear bar, tangent matrix of rigidness, system of non-linear equations, Zhilin tensor, transverse-longitudinal bending of bars.

M.A. GADZHIEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (Baku); V.V. BABANOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering; V.M. DRAAZ, engineer, the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (Baku); Ya.I. GUSEYNOV (, engineer, the Azerbaijan Research Institute of Construction and Architecture

Solution of the Boussinesq Task and Its Use for Calculation of Beams on an Elastic Foundation for One Case of Heterogeneity in Depth
It is known that models of the elastic base in the form of a homogeneous half-space exaggerate their distribution capacity. Consideration for the increase in the elasticity modulus of half-space makes it possible to regulate the distribution ability. In this study for the particular law of increase in the elasticity modulus in depth, namely in the form of a square root of depth the Boussinesq task is solved, and the function of influence of subsidence of the day surface of the base as a result of the load uniformly distributed on the rectangular square is constructed; the calculation of a foundation strip is made with the use of this function. It is established that the consideration for the depth heterogeneity reduces the distribution ability of the base and also values of the maximal bending moment appearing in the foundation.

Keywords: flexibility, elastic half-space, heterogeneity, beam, subsidence, function of influence.
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