
Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №6

Table of contents

D.V. MIKHEYEV, Candidate of Sciences (Economics) (, Director Federal center of rationing Standardization and a technical evaluation of compliance in construction (str. 1, 45, Volgogradskij Avenue, 109316, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Review of a Condition of Regulatory Base of Technical Regulation Constructions and Tasks of Her Development

In 1994 the statement new Construction Norms and Regulations 10-01–94 «System of normative documents in construction. Basic provisions» the State Committee for Construction of Russia has begun work on reforming, the system operating then for transition from administrative to more flexible system of normative documents in construction. But this work hasn’t been complete in connection with adoption in 2002 of the Federal law No. 184-FZ «On technical regulation». The law provided within 7 years to replace all existing obligatory normative documents, the technical regulations of legislative level containing obligatory requirements in the field of safety in exhaustive volume. In 2015, the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing of Russia has begun system work in the field of technical regulation, including development and implementation of the three-year program for reforming of system of technical rationing. As the mechanism, providing consistency and coherence of requirements of the normative documents approved by various authorities the organization of their system development, carrying out mutual coordination of draft documents and entering of the coordinated and approved documents into the unified register is provided.

Keywords: technical regulation; system work; Ministry of Construction.

V.G. GAGARIN1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, V.V. KOZLOV1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (; K.P. ZUBAREV2, Engineer (
1 Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences (RAACS) (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation)
2 Moscow state university of civil engineering (National Research University) (26, Yaroslavskoe Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation)

Analysis of the Area’s Location of Maximum Moisture in the Wall System with Different Thickness of Insulation Layer

The paper presents substantiation of the method of the determining the plan of the maximum moisture in the wall system. The potential moisture has been used for deriving the calculation formulas. The study of the area’s location of the maximum moisture of the masonry walls of aerated concrete blocks with a facade system with thin plaster layer with different thickness of insulation has been done with this method. It has been found, that when the thickness in the insulation exceeds 37 cm, the maximum moisture is in the inner layer of aerated concrete. This phenomenon has been suggested to call «overheating effect».

Keywords: moisture conditions; excessive moisture protection; maximum moisture; overheating effect, facade with thin plaster layer.

1. Kozlov V.V. Engineering assessment of moisture condition of modern wall structures with increased heat-insulating level accounting for vapor permeability, moisture conductivity and air filtration. Doct. Diss. (Engineering). Moscow, 2004. 24 p. (In Russian).
2. Gagarin V.G., Zubarev K.P., Kozlov V.V. Determination of the maximum moisture zone in the walls with facade insulation composite systems with external plaster layers. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno-stroitel’nogo universiteta. 2016. No. 1 (54), pp. 125–132. (In Russian).
3. Gagarin V.G. Istoriya razvitiya teorii potentialа vlazhnosti do i poslele V.N. Bogoslovskogo. V kn. Bogoslovskii V.N. Osnovi teoriihih potentsialalov vlazhnosti materiala primenitelno k naruzhnym ograzhdeniyam obolochki zdaniy [The history of the development of the theory of building humidity before and after Bogoslovskiy V.N. In the book Basics humidity potential theory of the material applied to the outer shell of buildings guards. Bogoslovskiy V.N.]. Monograph edited V.G. Gagarina. M. 2013, pp. 55–74.
4. Gagarin V.G. The theory of the state and the transfer of moisture in building materials and thermal insulation properties of building envelopes. Doctor Diss. (Engineering). Moscow. 2000. 396 p.
5. Bogoslovskiy V.N. Osnovy teorii potentsiala vlazhnosti materiala primenitel’no k naruzhnym ograzhdeniyam obolochki zdanii: monografiya [Fundamentals of material potential moisture theory used in wall structures]. Moscow: MGSU Publ. 2013. 112 p. (In Russian).
6. Künzel H.M. Verfahren zur ein- und zweidimensionalen Berechnung des gekoppelten Wärme- und Feuchtetransports in Bauteilen mit einfachen Kennwerten. Dissertation des Doktor-Ingenieurs. Stuttgart. 1994. 68 S.
7. Perekhozhentsev A.G., Gruzdo I.Yu. Investigation of moisture diffusion in porous building materials. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno-stroitel’ nogo universiteta. Seriya Stroitel’stvo i arkhitektura. 2014. Vol. 35, pp. 116–120. (In Russian).
8. Pastushkov P.P, Pavlenko NV, Sorokin EV Using the calculated determination of the operational humidity of thermal insulation materials. Stroitel’stvo i rekonstruktsiya. 2015. No. 4 (60), pp. 168–172. (In Russian).
9. Pastushkov P.P., Stallions A.V. About efficiency of using extruded foam polystyrene in enclosing structures of first and socle floors. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 7, pp. 68–71. (In Russian).
10. Pastushkov P.P., Grinfel’d G.I., Pavlenko N.V., Bespalov A.E., Korkina E.V. Theoretical calculation of moisture in autoclaved aerated concrete in different climatic construction zones. Vestnik MGSU. 2015. No. 2, pp. 60–69. (In Russian).
11. Hagersedt S. Olof, Harderup Lars-Erik. Control of moisture safety design by comparison between calculations and measurement in passive house walls made of wood. XII DBMC. International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components. Porto, Portugal, April 12th–15th, 2011.
12. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V. Thermal protection and energy efficiency requirements in SNiP «Thermal protection of buildings”. Vestnik MGSU. 2011. No. 7, pp. 59–66. (In Russian).
13. Hägerstedt O. Calculations and field measurements method in wood framed hoses, Department of Building Physics, Lund University, Report TVBH-XXXX, 2010, In press.
14. Hägerstedt O. & Arfvidsson J. Comparison of Field measurements and Calculations of relative humidity and Temperature in Wood Framed Walls. Thermophysics 2010. Conference proceedings, Bruno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry 2010.
15. Sandberg K., Pousette A., Dahlquist S. Wireless in situ measurements of moisture content and temperature in timber constructions. XII DBMC – Conference proceedings. Porto, Portugal. 2011.

E.G. MALYAVINA, ( National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoe Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation)

Revealing of Economic Reasonability of Heat Insulation of Three-Storey Building’s External Enclosing Structures

Comparison of total discounted costs for various variants of the heat insulation of the kindergarten in Vladimir is made. Comparison is made for variants of the heat protection of the building’s enclosing structures corresponding, at first, to Table 3 SP 50.13330.2012 “Heat Protection of Buildings”, secondly, to the heat protection reduced to permitted values according to the mentioned SP, and, thirdly, when the heat insulation thickness is increased by two times comparing with the first option. The traditional approach to the substantiation of the required thickness of heat insulation of external enclosing structures in various options takes into account only the cost of the heat insulator and expenditures for heat for heating. In this work, the comparison is made with due regard for one-time investments in the building heat insulation, the heating system, joining the heat networks, annual expenditures for heat energy and equipment amortization. The cost of power energy for heat carrier transfer in the heating system and the cost of joining the electric network are adopted, for the time being, as irrelevant.

Keywords: reduced resistance to heat transfer, heating system, heat energy, total discounted costs.

1. Danilov N.D., Sobakin A.A., P.A.Fedotov A.A. Selection of optimal insulation of a wall joint with basement overlapping of frame-monolithic buildings with ventilated underground. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2016. No. 3, pp. 49–52. (In Russian).
2. Samarin O.D., Nasonova O.E. The study of dependence of thermotechnical uniformity of external enclosures on geometrical adjectives of buildings. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2016. No. 1–2, pp. 19–22. (In Russian).
3. Zherebtsov A.V. Assessment of specific heat losses factor of groups of joints of external enclosing structures with a heat insulation layer of PENOPLEX®. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2015. No. 8, pp.18–23. (In Russian).
4. Sheina S.G., Martynova E.V. Assessment of energy saving potential of housing stock of a municipal formation. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2015. No. 8, pp. 28–31. (In Russian).
5. Vytchikov Ju.S., Saparev M.E. Increase of thermal protection characteristics of the construction building enclosing structures and historical cultural heritage objects. Promyshlennoye i grazhdanskoye stroitel’stvo. 2014. No. 4, pp. 52–55. (In Russian).
6. Chernoivan V.N., Novoseltsev V.G., Chernoivan N.V. Technical state of construction layers of the heat performed exterior walls of operating buildings. Promyshlennoye I grazhdanskoye stroitel’stvo. 2014, No. 4, pp. 37–39. (In Russian).
7. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V. Thermal performance and power efficiency in the draft actualized edition of SNiP Thermal protection of the buildings. Inzhenernye sisyemy. AVOK. Severo-Zapad. 2012. No. 1, pp. 10–16. (In Russian).
8. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V. Prospects of the power efficiency increase of residential buildings in Russia. Energya, economika, tekhnika, ecologiya. 2012. No. 5, pp. 25–32. (In Russian).

N.I. KARPENKO, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, S.N. KARPENKO, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences (RAACS) (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation)

The Construction of Physical Relations for Account of Reinforced Concrete Structures under Triaxial Stress State

Taking into Account of Physical Nonlinearity of Materials Examines the construction of relations between stresses and deformations along with their increments (in incremental form), for reinforced concrete elements under volumetric stress states (triaxial compression as well as different cases of compression-tension), running without any cracks. Physical equations for the calculation of the volumetric elements with cracks are considered by the authors earlier. The reinforcement of the elements are made of bulky frames, reinforcing bars which are placed along three orthogonal axes x, y, z. Each direction of the reinforcing bars is characterized by the coefficient of reinforcement µsi(i = х, у, z). Concrete is represented as a nonlinear orthotropic material orthotropic axes of which coincides with the directions of the principal stresses. Physical relationships established in the axes of principal stresses, then are transformed to the axes x, y, z. When considering the joint work of concrete and reinforcement are introduced under two conditions: 1) the condition of equality of relative longitudinal deformation of reinforcement and concrete in axes x, y, z; 2) the condition of equality of shearing stresses in the reinforcement and the concrete in axes x, y, z.

Keywords: stress, relative deformations, increments, the volume stress state, concrete, reinforcement , reinforced concrete, physical relationships, the stiffness matrix.

1. Karpenko N.I. Obshchie modeli mekhaniki zhelezobetona [General models of mechanics of reinforced concrete]. Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1996. 412 p. (In Russian).
2. Karpenko N.I., Karpenko S.N. On the formation of physical relations for concrete elements under volumetric stress state. Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2015. No. 3, pp. 10–13. (In Russian).
3. Karpenko S.N. About building a common method of calculation of reinforced concrete flat designs in finite increments. Beton i zhelezobeton. 2015. No. 3, p. 22–26. (In Russian).
4. Karpenko N.I., Karpenko S.N., Petrov A.N., Palyuvina S.N. Model’ deformirovaniya zhelezobetona v prirashcheniyakh i raschet balok-stenok i izgibaemykh plit s treshchinami [The model of deformation of reinforced concrete in increments and calculation of beams-walls and bended plates with cracks]. Petrozavodsk: PSU, 2013, 153 p. (In Russian).

N.P. UMNYAKOVA1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (; V.A. KUZMIN2, Engineer (
1 Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences (RAACS) (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation)
2 ZAO “Zavod LIT” (1, Sovetskaya Street, Pereslavl-Zalessky, 152020, Yaroslavl Oblast, Russian Federation)

The Use of Reflective Heat Insulation in Multilayer Panels with Effect of Multiple Reflection of a Heat Flow

Various schemes of the use of the reflective heat insulation in power saving multi-chamber panels with the effect of multiple reflection which are used as enclosing structures when constructing industrial, quickly erected buildings of public, production, special purpose, as well as welfare spaces are considered. The program has been developed and the course of experiment on the study of samples of multi-chamber panels with the use of reflective heat insulation with the effect of multiple reflection of the heat flow are described, results of the experiment on the study of these samples of panels are presented. Links on the current normative- technical documentation, instruments for automatic calculation of thermal-technical characteristics of the building, and enclosing structures are presented.

Keywords: reflective heat insulation, multiple reflection, panel, thermal resistance, aluminum foil, energy efficiency.

1. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V. Requirements for thermal performance and energy efficiency in the project actualized SNiP «Thermal protection of buildings». Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2011. No. 8, pp. 2–6. (In Russian).
2. Kuzmin V.A., Shabanin D.A., Tsirlin A.M., Tsygankov V.M., Akhremenkov An.A. Techno-economic comparison of methods of energy saving by insulation of buildings. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Problemy energetiki. 2014. No. 9-10, pp. 82–90.(In Russian).
3. Kuzmin V.A., Shabanin D.A., Tsirlin A.M. Mathematical and computer modeling of temperature and moisture mode of fencing in construction. Papers of XVIII annual youth scientific and practical conference «High Information Technologies» SIT-2014, pp. 43–59 (In Russian).
4. Kuzmin V.A., Akhremenkov A.A., Tsirlin A.M., Tsygankov V.M. The energy efficiency of coatings for the internal surface areas of the reflective insulation. Stroitel’nye materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 12, pp. 65–67. (In Russian).
5. Umnyakova N.P. Thermal protection of closed air layers with reflective insulation. Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. № 1-2, pp. 16-20. (In Russian).
6. Umnyakova N.P. Heat transfer through the building envelope taking account of the emissivity of the internal surfaces of the room. Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 6, pp. 14-17. (In Russian).
7. Umnyakova N.P. Decrease of a heat loss surface cardiotomy wall. Zhilishchnoe stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2015. No. 2, pp. 21-24.(In Russian).
8. Manankov V.M. Reflective insulation in energy-efficient construction. Vestnik MGSU. 2011. No. 3, pp. ????. (In Russian).
9. Manankov V.M. Reflective insulation in energy-efficient construction. Vse o ZhKKh. 2011. No. 2, pp. ?????(In Russian).
10. Fokin K.F. Stroitel’naya teplotekhnika ograzhdayushchikh chastei zdanii. [Building heat engineering of enclosing parts of buildings.] Moscow: ABOK-PRESS, 2006. ??? p. (In Russian).
11. Andreev D.A., Mogutov V.A. Thermal performance of multilayer enclosing structures with layers of reflective insulation. Sbornik trudov NIISF, 2002. Pp. ????(In Russian).
12. Andreev D.A., Mogutov V.A., Tsirlin A.M. The choice of location of the layers enclosing structures subject to prevent internal condensation. Stroitel’nye materialy [Construction Materials].2001. No. 1, pp. ???? (In Russian).

A.Yu. OKUNEV, Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), (о, E.V. LEVIN, Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics) Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences (RAACS) (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation)

Methods for Calculation of Heat Losses through Foundations of Buildings and Structures
Methods for determining heat losses through foundations of buildings including the method of zones of the current SP 50.13330.2012, analytical methods of calculation published earlier and according to ISO 13370–2007 as well as multidimensional calculation with the use of the finite elements method and the numerical non-steady grid calculation are considered. On the basis of some examples, the accuracy of these methods is analyzed. It is shown that the non-steady calculation makes it possible to obtain separate values of heat flows for warm and cold seasons. For the cold season, the values of resistance to heat transfer significantly exceed the average annual values due to a great temperature drop at changing little heat flows. For more accurate accounting of heat losses and heat flows connected with them, it is reasonable to use non-stationary models which take into account the effect of heat accumulation by the foundation soil.

Keywords: energy saving, heat transfer, heat losses, heat protection, building foundation.

1. Sotnikov A.G. Heatphysical calculation of heatlosses of underground part of buildings. Teploehnergoehffektivnye tekhnologii. 2010. No. 4, pp. 23–28. (In Russian).
2. Anderson B.R. The effect of edge insulation on the steadystate heat transfer through a slab-on-ground floor // Building and Environment. 1993. Vol. 28, pp. 361–367.
3. Macey H.H., Heat loss through a solid floor // Journal of the Institute of Fuel. 1949. Vol. 22, pp. 369–371.

V.A. IL’ICHEV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Academician of RAACS, N.S. NIKIFOROVA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, A.V. KONNOV, Engineer, V.R. IRTUGANOVA, Engineer Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences (RAACS) (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation)

Monitoring of Construction of Multifunctional Residential Complex with Underground Car Parking
Results of the geotechnical monitoring of an object under construction at the address 97–99 Leninsky Avenue, Moscow is considered. The object is a high-rise building of 33 storeys and a separate three-level parking. Construction conditions of the object were complicated by the presence of buildings and structures including engineering communications and the three-level school located close to its underground part. On the basis of this, the construction of the underground three-level parking was conducted by the “Moscow method”: precast-monolithic slurry wall was used as an enclosure, the construction was carried out by a modified “top-down” method. Three underground levels of car parking were excavated fully. On the basis of the geo-technical monitoring results, conclusions on the efficiency of this method using are made.

Keywords: protective measures, Moscow method, tight urban development, deep pits, monitoring.

1. Patent RF 2220258. Sposob vozvedeniya mnogoetazhnogo podzemnogo sooruzheniya [Way of construction of a multystoried underground construction] Zege S.O., Zege I.A., Zege N.S.; Declared 04.04.2003. Published 27.12.2003. (In Russian).
2. Konyukhov D.S., Sviridov A.V. Deformation process`s calculation of the existing building during shoring of excavation. Vestnik MGSU. 2011. No. 5, pp. 99–103. (In Russian).
3. Il’ichev V.A. Nikiforova N.S., Gotman Y.A., Tupikov M.M., Trofimov E.J. Analysis of the application of active and passive methods of protection in underground construction. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 6, pp. 25–27. (In Russian).
4. Leushin V.Yu., Shishkin V.Ya., Karabaev M.I., Konyukhov D.S., Shmykov V.E. Analyses of neibouring biulding deformations upon deep- excavation. BST – Byulleten’ stroitel’noi tekhniki. 2011. No. 3, pp. 57–63. (In Russian).

V.A. SMIRNOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) ( Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences (RAACS) (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation)

Experimental – Numerical Study of Precision Equipment’s Foundation Vibration Levels

This work is devoted to the numerical estimation of the effectiveness of high-precision lithography scanner foundation and its vibration isolation system when it is installed in a reconstructed building. In the course of this work, we performed field measurements of the vibration levels of the construction site, as well as at the bottom of the excavation. The results of the measurements revealed the presence of non-stationary random vibration sources at frequencies from 7 up to 150 Hz. The problem of assigning the appropriate thicknesses of elastic and damping elements of the vibration isolation system is that at the time of designing the system, there was no information available about the levels of dynamic influence from the installed in the building vibrating equipment. To evaluate the effectiveness of the designed vibration isolation system, an analysis of vibration propagation from vibrating equipment through the supporting structures of the building and the ground layers to the scanner’s foundation was performed using finite element package MSC Patran/Nastran. The results of non-stationary dynamic analysis of vibration propagation allowed us to estimate the amplitudes of foundation oscillations and to adjust the parameters of the vibration isolating materials both in the scanner’s foundation, and at the sources of vibration.

Keywords: vibration isolation, precision equipment, numerical estimation, lithography scanner, vibration isolation materials, FEM, MSC Patran.

1. Smirnov V.A., Mondrus V.L. Probability Analysis of Precision Equipment Vibration Isolation System. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014. Vol. 467, pp. 410–415.
2. Smirnov V.A., Mondrus V.L. Optical Tables Vibration Isolation during Precision Measurements. Proc. E. 2015. Vol. 111, pp. 561–568.
3. Gazetas G. Analysis of machine foundation vibrations: State of the art. Int. J. of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 1983. Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 2–42.
4. Michael Gendreau and Hal Amick Maturation of the Vibration Environment in Advanced Technology Facilities. Journalofthe IEST. 2005. Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 83–93.
5. Smirnov V.A. Numerical modelling of nonlinear vibration isolation system free oscillations. Advancedmaterialsresearch. 2014. Vols. 1025–1026, pp. 80–84.

I.E. TSUKERNIKOV 1 , Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), L.A. TIKHOMIROV 1 , Engineer (, N.E. SCHСUROVA 1 , Engineer; T.О. NEVENCHANNAYA 2 , Doctor of Sciences (Engineering),
1 Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy architecture and construction sciences (RAACS) (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation)
2 Moscow State University of Printing Arts named after Ivan Fedorov (2A, Prianishnikova Street, 127550, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Assessment of Possibility to Reduce Noise from MKAD at Residential Territory «Zarechie»
The instrumental and calculated assessment of existing noise levels at the territory of residential development with a soundproofing barrier on the border of the territory has been performed. An acoustic situation at the territory without the soundproofing barrier has been simulated, the assessment of efficiency of noise reduction by the barrier has been made with the help of results obtained. Calculations to assess the feasibility of a further increase in the height of the existing barrier have been made. Noise maps, which make it possible to identify the main sources of acoustic discomfort at the territory of residential development, have been built. The analysis of the impact of the building being built near which has a wall configuration, on the acoustic environment has been made. With due regard for the situation, options of the territory protection against increased noise are proposed.

Keywords: noise protection, calculation, software.

1. ARM «Acoustic» // ООО «ТЕХНОПРОЕКТ»: web-site 2016. URL: (date: 22.03.2016). (In Russian).
2. Tsukernikov I.E., Tikhomirov L.A.Comparison of results of calculation of road noise in a residential area of Moscow, obtained using three software tools. Proceedings of the 4th Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation. St. Petersburg, Baltic state technical University, 2013. рp. 409–419. (In Russian).
3. Benz Kotzen, Colin English. Environmental noise barriers. A guide to their acoustic and visual design. Tailor & Francis, London, New York, 2009. 257 p. (In Russian).
4. ODM 218.2.013–2011. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po zashite ot transportnogo shuma territori, prilegaiushih k avtomobilnim dorogam. М.: Tehnormativ, 2013. p. 116.
The development of modern architecture is unthinkable without the respectful treatment to the historical experience and achievements balanced, delicate interaction between tradition and innovation. The level of professionalism in many ways determined by the depth of pre-analysis of the original historical and architectural, urban planning and archaeological materials and sensitive creative interpretation of its results. In response to the challenges of constantly time RAASN put forward as the most important directions of its activity the development of actual problems of study and preservation historical and architectural and urban heritage of Russia. April 20-22, 2016 at the Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy) held a general meeting of members RAASN 2016.

S.G. SHEINA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), E.N. MINENKO, Engineer ( Rostov State University of Civil Engineering (RSUCE), (162, Sotcialisticheskaya Street, Rostov-na-Donu, 344022, Russian Federation)

Methods for Choosing Organizational-Technological Resource Saving Solutions in Housing Construction by Multi-Criteria Evaluation System
The article considers the main provisions of methods proposed by authors for choosing optimal organizational-technological resource saving solutions in housing construction on the basis of the multi-criteria evaluation system. The base of this system is an evaluation of the cost of life cycle of a building and its stability reached by it in the course of realization of various variants of energy-resource saving measures. The authors have developed the group of factors and characterizing them criteria of ecological, economical, and social stability of residential buildings as well as introduced the concept of integrated value of stability calculated by summarization of obtained values of importance of all the criteria obtained. Peculiarities of the proposed approach and its advantages over other methods are noted. The use of this methodology for choosing optimal organizational-technological resource saving solutions in housing construction will promote the ecologization of the building industry and its transition to the principles of sustainable development.

Keywords: energy-resource saving, housing construction, sustainable development, integrated value of building stability.

1. Gagarin V.G., Pastushkov P.P. Quantitative Assessment of Energy Efficiency of Energy Saving Measures. Stroitel’nye materialy [Constructin Materials].2013. No. 6, pp. 7–9. (In Russian).
2. Samarin O.D. On the methodology of assessing the energy performance of buildings // Ekologicheskie sistemy: elektronnyi zhurnal energoservisnoi kompanii. 2008. No 4. (date of access 20.01.2016). (In Russian).
3. Grabovyi P.G., Manukhina L.A. The national strategy for the implementation of energy and environmentally friendly (green) technologies and industries in construction and housing communal services. Nedvizhimost’: ekonomika, upravlenie. 2014. No. 1–2, pp. 6–8. . ( In Russian).
4. Sheina S.G., Vigand D., Minenko A.N. Environmental component of the concept of sustainable development in energy projects, sanitation of residential buildings // Nauchnoe obozrenie. 2014. No. 7–2, pp. 583–586. ( In Russian).
5. Petrov K.S., Vongai A.O., Sakovskaya K.A. Increased thermal protection of different assignments buildings in conditions of the city // Naukovedenie: internet-zhurnal. Tom
6. No. 3 (2015). pdf (date of access 01.04.2016). (In Russian).
7. Sheina S.G., Minenko E.N., Fedyaeva P.V. Experimental and theoretical study on energy conservation in housing municipal entities. Nauchnoe obozrenie. 2014. No. 11–2, pp. 419–424. (In Russian).
8. Begun T.V. Sustainable development: concept definition and factors in the context of single-industry towns. Economics, management, finance: Proceedings of the II International Scientific Conference. Perm’: Merkurii. 2012, pp.158-163.
9. Kachan Yu.G., Bratkovskaya E.A. The cost-effectiveness of energy saving projects and its providing. News of scientific thought. Economics: Materials ІI international scientificpractical conference. 2008, pp. 35847–35848. http://www. (date of accsess 11.08.2014).
Modern realities of the world are responsible for the development of new economic models with the introduction of "Green" technologies. They became the basis of the policy of many countries. Russia also creates the necessary legal preconditions for the development of green economy. In 2012, it approved the Bases the state policy in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. In 2014, passed laws that form the basis for the transition of sectors of the economy to the best available technology and the creation of modern waste management industry. The first International Exhibition and Forum "Ecotech 2016", organized by Ministry of Natural Resources, held 26-29 April 2016 in Crocus Expo, is designed to identify the direction of development environmentally efficient economy, to become a practical tool for the presentation of foreign and Russian innovative environmental development and efficient spaces.

T.A. EL’CHISHCHEVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) ( Tambov State Technical University (106, Sovetskaya Street, 392000, Tambov, Russian Federation)

Dynamics of Admixtures Content in Air of Central Black Earth Economic Region for Designing of External Enclosing Structures of Buildings

One of the factors adversely influencing on the appearance, operation qualities and durability of external enveloping structures is air pollution of cities and rural settlements with impurities of pollutants capable to accumulate, in the form of solutions of salts and gases, in the material of external walls and claddings. Pollutants are emitted by natural and anthropogenic sources including the use of building materials with large energy expenditure for production. The paper evaluates the dynamics of pollutant emissions in the atmospheric air during 2007– 2011 and 2012–2014. It is revealed that the average annual value of emissions didn’t practically change but there was their redistribution in some cities of the region. The information is presented in the form of maps with plotted contours of pollution levels and is useful for assessing the reliability criterion of a design solution of the construction system.

Keywords: air environment, pollutants, external walls, building materials, pollution levels.

1. El’chishcheva T.F. Evaluation of Pollutant Amount in the Air of Central Black Earth Region for Designing External Walls of Buildings. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2015. No. 7, pp. 9–11. (In Russian).
2. Umnyakova N.P. Relationship of Ecological Condition of Atmosphere of Cities and Durability of Building Materials and Structures. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 1, pp. 30–33. (In Russian).
3. Valyal’shchikova S.N., Volodina G.B. Features of the development of an information system for environmental management. Voprosy sovremennoi nauki i praktiki. Universitet im. V.I. Vernadskogo. 2015. No. 4, pp. 9–15. (In Russian).
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15. Ezhegodnik sostoyaniya zagryazneniya atmosfery v gorodakh na territorii Rossii za 2014 g. [Yearbook of the state of air pollution in cities in Russia in 2014]. S.-Peterburg: GU «GGO» Rosgidrometa. 2015. 288 p.
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