
Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №9

Table of contents

Z.G. TER-MARTIROSYAN, Doctor of Technical Sciences, A.Z. TER-MARTIROSYAN, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Some Problems of Underground Construction
The quantitative assessment of mutual interaction of an underground part and a superstructure of high-rise buildings and structures of increased responsibility with a developed underground part erected in deep excavations is presented. It is shown that the main task is a quantitative assessment of stressed-strained state(SSS) of the soil body containing the underground part with due regard for their interaction. This assessment is necessary for determination of uniform and non-uniform settlements and also SSS of bearing structures of underground parts and superstructures at all stages of construction. It is connected with the solution of complex of problems, including engineering surveys, architectural-engineering developments and calculation-theoretical investigations of SSS of the “massif-underground and aboveground parts”(further – system) with the use of up-to-date methods of numerical simulation with the help of software packages including Plaxis, Ansys, FLAC at al. Examples of the solutions of such tasks in the course of scientific support of projects and construction of some high-rise buildings with the developed underground part executed by the Department of soil mechanics, beds and foundations of MGSU (MISI) during last decades are presented.

Keywords: scientific-technical support, underground construction, deep excavations, geotechnical surveys

I.L. GLADKOV, A.A. ZHEMCHUGOV, D.A. MALININ, engineers, SK “InzhProektStroy” (Perm)

Technology of Jet Grouting of Soils under Conditions of Dense Urban Development
An experience in construction of an enclosure of excavation works and an antifiltering curtain with the use of the technology of jet grouting of soils is presented. Results of numerical calculations and geotechnical monitoring are given. Problems connected with technological settlings of the surrounding development are considered.

Keywords: jet grouting, earth-cement column, geotechnical monitoring, ground anchorage.

S.S. ZUEV, Deputy General Director (, OAO “NewGround” (Perm); O.A. MAKOVETSKY, Candidate of Technical Sciences(, I.I.KHUSAINOV, engineer, the Perm National Research Polytechnic University

A simplest adequate mathematical model approximate to the reality is selected for calculation on the basis of the method of improving the geotechnical foundation secured with jet grouting. Optimal parameters of the technological process for ensuring the guaranteed diameter of a jet-element not less than 1200 mm have been determined.

Keywords: jet-grouting, deformation of foundations, geo-massif.

A.G. MALININ, SK “InzhProektStroy” (Perm); I.A. SALMIN, the Perm National Research Polytechnic University

The calculation of bearing capacity of reinforced soil-cement piles with due regard for different rigidity and strength of the soil-cement and material of a reinforcing bar is presented. The expression for determining the bearing capacity of a reinforced soil-cement pile with due regard for material at given stiffness and strength parameters and the system for defining acting tensions in the soil-cement and reinforcing bar depending on the load applied to the pile are presented. An analysis of the influence of parameters of the task on values of tensions in the soil-cement and steel bar is made.

Keywords: jet grouting of soils, bearing capacity depending on material, reinforced soil-cement pile, calculation.

Z.G. TER-MARTIROSYAN, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V.V. SIDOROV(, P.V. STRUNIN(, engineers, the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Description of the method for determining the settling of a single bearing element of the deep-laying foundation (DLF), finite rigidity (pile and barrett) (?)is presented. The solution of this task is based on considering the interaction of DLF with the soil body having elastic-plastic properties and on the basis of the modernization of elastic decision. With increasing load, tangential friction forces cause shear deformations leading to the appearance of tensions in the surrounding soil. At the same time these tangential tensions can develop up to a certain limit value which causes the transition of soil from the elastic state into the plastic one. The algorithm offered takes into account the settling accumulation at all stages of loading of DLF with due regard for the transition from elastic state into plastic one.

Keywords: deep-laying foundation, tangential tensions, settling, bearing capacity, pile, barrett.

Yu.A. SHISHKOV, Chief Designer, OAO «Novosibirskiy Gosudarstvennyy Proyektnyy Institut»,

Variants of the seismic protection of objects provided by jointly adopted space-planning and structural decisions with changing traditional vertical basement walls for inclined slopes with due regard for recommended conditions of application are considered. The possibility of optimum designing of buildings with multi-storey underground spaces as well as the expansion of the field of application of proposed technical solutions under different engineering-geological conditions including permanently frozen soils are shown. Maximum reduction of material and power consumption, the cost and laboriousness of construction are provided due to the exclusion of boost pressure on the walls and reduction of seismic effect on buildings; structural improvement of their reliability due to the universality of seismic protection according to solutions recommended and also fire safety and repairability; the use of external columns of streamlined section as well as the use of geosynthetic materials in the facing of slopes for water proofing and partial seismic protection. As a variant there is possibility to include into operation the paving slabs as flexible supports improving the sustainability of buildings (it is especially important for multi-storey objects or objects built without due regards for seismic requirements et al). It is shown that the exclusion of erection openings in basement walls with the object of connecting communications at any place is very important in the course of reconstruction as well as for objects with “flexible technology”. The fundamental solution is protected by the copyright certificate and implemented in practice

Keywords: optimal design solutions, flexible technology, basement floors, inclined wall-slopes, reduction of seismic effect, universality of seismic protection, reliability.

A.G. MALININ, Technical Director, SK “InzhProektStroy”(Perm) . Results of the experiment on construction of soil-cement columns according to the Jet-2 technology with the use of cementing nozzles of different diameters are presented. An analysis of influence of the number of nozzles and their cross section total area on the diameter of a soil-cement column has been conducted.

Keywords: jet cementation, Jet-2 technology, soil-cement column, full-scale experiment, cementing nozzle, one-nozzle/double nozzle monitor

I.S. RODIONOVSKAYA, Candidate of Architecture, the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering; P.V. UPOROVA, civil engineer(, OOO “Genplanproekt” (Moscow)

Existing at present architectural-planning methods for protection of territories of large main traffic arteries against the negative impact of traffic streams are considered. Alternative methods for improving the ecological situation on territories adjoining traffic arteries are offered.

Keywords: ecologization of territories adjoining traffic arteries, architectural technologies, noise-protection screens, promenade and recreation areas.

N.K. KAPUSTYAN, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, the Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences; G.N. ANTONOVSKAYA, I.M. BASAKINA, Candidates of Technical Sciences, I.V. PUDOVA, physicist, the Institute of Ecological Problems of the North, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Arkhangelsk)

Results of the application of seismometric methods in the course of assessment of conditions of the south wall (bay) of the Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery (the city of Vologda) situated near the railway road are presented. The vibration load from a passing train on the monastery has been determined.

Keywords: anthropogenic vibrations, seismometric methods, accelerogram, computational model, velocity model of foundation bed soils.

V.S. BELYAEV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, OAO “Central Research and Design Institute for Residential and Public Buildings (TSNIIEPzhilishcha)” (Moscow)

Theoretical propositions on transmission of temperature oscillations through the external wall panels are presented. The task of transmission of temperature waves through the external enclosing structures from the point of view of probability processes has been solved. Formulas for defining the velocity of temperature waves distribution, critical values of air consumption in the ventilated air space of external wall panels et. al are devised.

Keywords: heat exchange factor, damped vibrations, Lykov’s parameter, air space, air consumption, propagation speed of temperature wave.

A.M. PROTASEVICH, Candidate of Technical Sciences, V.V. LESHKEVICH, scientific worker, the Belarusian National Technical University (Minsk); A.B. KRUTILIN, Head of Sector of thermophysical research, RUP “Institut BelNIIS” (Minsk)

Results of the full-scale study of moisture conditions of external walls of residential buildings are presented. It is shown that actual moisture conditions of materials don’t correspond to values of calculated mass humidity ratios contained in normative documents of the Republic of Belarus.

Keywords: wall, humidity, material, full-scale study

A.D. LOMAKIN, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Sector, Timber structures laboratory, TSNIISK named after V.A. Koucherenko (Moscow)

Main factors influencing on the operation life of paint-and-lacquer coatings and reasons for their aging are described. Methods for evaluating the weather resistance of paint-and-lacquer coatings on timber specimens and fragments of structures under the polygon conditions are presented. Requirements to sizes and forms of timber specimens proceeding from peculiarities of their structures are concretized. The method of periodical assessment of moisture protection coatings on the exposed specimens without their destruction is proposed.

Keywords: paint-and-lacquer coatings, decorative and protective properties of coatings, water permeability, weather resistance, exposure.

E.I. KIREEVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, OAO “Central Research and Design Institute for Residential and Public Buildings (TSNIIEPzhilishcha)” (Moscow)

A possibility to make clasp connection ties in multi-storey large panel buildings under the ordinary conditions of construction with the use both of dowels anchored in panels and embedded cable loops produced by Western companies is considered. When using the cable loops made by HALFEN, PHILIPP (Germany), PEIKKO (Finland) it is necessary to take into account their bearing capacity for tension which forces appear in horizontal connections between panels in case of casual emergency impacts.

Keywords: large panel buildings, connection ties, protruding loops, vertical and horizontal joints, random emergency impacts.
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