
Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №7

Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №7
July, 2013

Table of contents

V.V. DANEL, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
Joint of External Wall Panels with Monolithic Reinforced Concrete Belt

The design of the horizontal joint of external three-layer wall panels with the monolithic reinforced concrete belt is offered. This design makes it possible to ensure the central transfer of compressive strength, increase the rigidity of floors and external walls, use pre-stressed reinforcement while ensuring heat insulation of the joint. These joints can be used for designing buildings with any number of storeys. It is also recommended for use in earthquake-resistant large-panel buildings.

Keywords: external and internal reinforced concrete layers, heat-insulation layer, insert, water isolation, protruding reinforcement, pre-stressed reinforcement, earthquake-resistant buildings, monolithic reinforced concrete belt.

S.A. ZENIN, Candidate of Technical Sciences, A.A. Gvozdev NIIZhB (OAO «NIC Stroytelstvo» (Moscow)
Designing of Residential Large-Panel Buildings with the Use of Joints without Welding on Cable Clasp Joints

The description of a new normative document developed at A.A. Gvozdev NIIZhB in 2012 for designing of large-panel residential buildings with the use of joints without welding on cable clasp joints is presented.

Keywords: standard, large-panel residential building, joints of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements, designing, calculation.

V.S. BELYAEV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, OAO “Central Research and Design Institute for Residential and Public Buildings”
Heat Transfer in Joints of External Walls of Large-Panel Buildings at Two-Dimensional Air Filtration

The necessity to develop both the methodology of experimental study and the theory of heat transfer through the joint in the course of two-dimensional air filtration corresponding to the physics of this process, for large-panel housing construction in the first place, is shown.

Keywords: two-dimensional air filtration through the joint, heat transfer, heat exchange coefficient, heat losses.

G.P. VASILIEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V.A. LICHMAN, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, NIIMosstroy; N.V. PESKOV, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, MSU (Moscow)

During the commissioning a building there is a great possibility that the building accumulated moisture in the course of construction did not still dry out, and a part of thermal energy consumed by him is spent for drying of building structures. The software based on the improving the model of successive moistening of K.F. Fokin (1) which takes into account the condensation and evaporation of liquid moisture has been developed for the detailed description of processes of heat and moisture transfer in building structures and definition of a part of transmission losses spent for drying.

Keywords: energy audit, three-layer panel, heat conductivity, vapour conductivity, continuity of steam pressure.

N.I. KARPENKO, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of RAACS; S.N. KARPENKO, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Research Institute for Building Physics (Moscow)

A criterion of the concrete strength under triaxial compression is offered. It is shown that the strength depends not only on basic stresses and their relations, but also on an average stress. This influence is expressed the most simply by the function of Lode-Nadai parameter.

Keywords: triaxial compression, criterion of strength, basic stresses, Lode-Nadai parameter.

A.I. IVANTSOV, engineer-architect (, V.N. KUPRIYANOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of RAACS, I.Sh. SAFIN, engineer-builder (, the Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Full-Scale Study of Operational Effects on Fasade Systems with Various Types of Efficient Heat Insulation
Results of the full-scale study of operational effects on materials of three-façade systems with a thin plaster layer are presented. Methods of the calculation of operational heat-humidity state of materials of external heat insulation and facing layers based on the interaction of climatic factors and properties of enclosing structures have been developed.

Keywords: full-scale study, operational effects, heat-humidity state, method.

A.I. ANTONOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, O.A. ZHOGOLEVA, bachelor, V.I. LEDENEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Tambov State Technical University (Tambov); I.L. SHUBIN, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director, RAACS (Moscow)

A new method of calculation of noise spreading in apartments with a cell system of layout is presented. A feature of this method is an account of redistribution of energy in apartment rooms as a system of volumes having the acoustic connection among them. The method and computer program for its realization make it possible to assess objectively the noise regime in buildings with cells and develop efficient noise-protection measures.

Keywords: noise regime, sound field, cell system of layout, reducing noise.

O.S. SUBBOTIN, Candidate of Architecture (, the Kuban State Agrarian University

The architecture of noble estates of Russia is considered. Special attention is paid to the city manors of Yekaterinodar, their architectural-artistic and town planning solutions in the system of the city, as well as villas on the Black Sea coast. It is noted that the leading role belongs to the problem of preservation of historical and cultural values and architectural heritage.

Keywords: estate, park, mansion, villa, country house, architectural heritage, architectural monuments.

M.A. GADZHIEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (Baku); V.V. BABANOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering; V.M. DRAAZ, engineer, the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (Baku); Ya.I. GUSEYNOV (, engineer, the Azerbaijan Research Institute for Construction and Architecture

The numerical methodology of the study of stressed-strained state of beams used for the elastic foundation of a model of half-space non-uniform in depth has been developed. It is shown that the use of this model makes it possible to reduce the distributive ability; an influence of parameters of non-uniformity of the foundation and the flexibility index on the stressed-strained state has been studied.

Keywords: foundation, beam, non-uniformity, flexibility, moment, contact pressure

A.L. BOLSHEROTOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (NRU MSUCI)

It is substantiated that the existing approach to the assessment of publication activity of scientific institutions of higher education and scientists including the use of the Russian Science Citation Index does not fully reflect the efficiency of scientific activity. A new algorithm of evaluation is offered.

Keywords: rating of universities, methodology of compilation of university ratings, publication activity, Hirsch index.
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