
Stroitel`nye Materialy №8

Table of contents

V.Yu. MELESHKO, engineer-chemist, Head of NIL Ceramic materials, Zh.P. CHIGRINOVA, engineer-chemist- technologist, head of test sector, the Scientific Research Institute UE “NIISM” (Minsk, Republic of Belarus)

The testing complex for frost resistance of ceramic wall materials by methods of volumetric and one-sided freezing installed at NIISM is described. Shortcomings revealed in GOST 7025 and GOST 530 during the long time operation according to these standards are shown; proposals for improving these standards are formulated. It is recommended to normalize the methods for frost resistance definition depending on climatic zones of using ceramic wall materials.

V.S. SEMENOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, T.A. ROZOVSKAYA, engineer (, the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
Test Methods for Ceramic Wall Materials According to Russian and European Standards

Basic test methods for ceramic wall materials according to Russian (GOST) and European (EN) normative documents are considered; their comparative analysis is made; similarities and differences are shown. Changes in the part of testing methods of wall ceramics in connection with adoption of a new version of GOST 530-2012 are analyzed; relevant borrowings from the standards EN 771-1 and EN 772 are shown.

Keywords: ceramic brick, ceramic stone, wall ceramics, brick masonry, brick quality index, test methods of brick, standardization of brick, Eurostandards.

G.P. VASYANOV, senior staff scientist, B.F. GORBACHEV, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, E.V. KRASNIKOVA, scientist, R.K. SADYKOV, Candidate of Geographic Sciences, FSUE “TsNIIgeonerud” (Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan)

Trends in the development of ceramic brick subindustry in the Republic of Tatarstan are characterized. The detailed characteristic of a mineral-raw material base of ceramic industry is made. It is shown that in Tatarstan for the first time among the RF regions the local white-burning clay which makes it possible to produce all-coloured brick of light tones is used. It is substantiated that the development of ceramic industry favours the positive transformation of the territory on the basis of institutionary reformation in case of coordinated actions of the state (an owner of mineral resources) and the business-structures (users of mineral resources).

Keywords: ceramic brick, mineral-raw material base, deposits, clayey brick raw materials, white-burning clay.

A.A. SANDULYAK, Candidate of Technical Sciences, D.V. ERSHOV, engineer, D.V. ORESHKIN, Doctor of Technical Sciences, A.V. SANDULYAK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

It is shown that the magnetic separator of cartridge type with periodical regeneration of a filter-matrix is the most efficient and handy for operation. A design of a magnetized filtering ring-shaped matrix encircling the block of magnets is presented. With the aim to define the efficiency of trapping of ferro-impurities at different distances from the source of magnetic field the character of distribution of magnetic flow is studied. Relative characteristics of changing the average induction of the field in filter-separators of ceramic suspensions of different diameters are obtained. It is shown that as moving away from the magnetic block the average induction of the field reduces, at large diameters of filter-matrix – very significantly. This should be taken into account in the course of designing apparatuses of different capacity.

Keywords: ceramic suspensions, ferro-impurities, magnetic filter-separator

А.YU. STOLBOUSHKIN, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Siberian State Industrial University

The results of bulk coloring research of ceramic samples made of technogenic and natural resourses are given. Differences in bulk coloring of wall ceramic prodused of iron ore slimy wastes and natural clayey materials using various color additives are identified, dependence between their quantitative content and physical mechanical properties of ceramic is determined.

Keywords: ceramic brick, technogenic material, bulk coloring, coloring additives.

1. Zhironkin P.V., Gerashchenko V.N. The history and prospects of ceramic building materials industry in Russia // Construction materials. 2012. Vol. 4. P. 13–18 (in Russian).
2. Alperovitch I.A., Smirnov A.V. Facing ceramic brick of bulk coloring in modern architecture // Construction materials. 1990. Vol. 12. P. 4–6 (in Russian).
3. Stolboushkin A.Yu., Saybulatov S.Zh., Storozenko G.I. Technological assessment of slimy iron ore waists of concentration agglomeration plant as raw material for ceramic building materials industry // Integrated use of mineral resources. 1992. Vol. 10. P. 67–72 (In Russian).

I.F. SHLEGEL, Candidate of Technical Sciences, General Director, the Institute of New Technologies and Automation of the Industry of Construction Materials (OOO “INTA-Stroy”, Omsk)

Two types of drying – clay drying during the semi-dry pressing and drying of air-brick – are considered. It is shown that the design of drying drums developed by “INTA-Story” makes it possible to significantly reduce the fuel consumption in the course of raw material preparation using the semi-dry pressing technology. The comparison between the moving of a heat carrier flow in tunnel or chamber dryers with side feed of heat carrier and in the vertical dryer developed by “INTA-Story” with underfeed is made. It is concluded that the vertical dryer makes it possible to significantly improve the quality of products and reduce the cost of production.

Keywords: semi-dry pressing, drying of clay, drying of adobe brick, vertical dryer, heat carrier.

A.I. ZAKHAROV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, T.V. GUSEVA, Doctor of Technical Sciences, M.A. VARTANYAN, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Ya.P. MOLCHANOVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, E.M. AVEROCHKIN, engineer (, the D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia; S.V. KASTRITSKAYA, Chief Technologist, OAO “Nefrit-Keramika” (Nikolskoye, Leningrad Oblast)

A comparative analysis of the experience of Russian and foreign manufacturers of ceramic tile in the field of improving energy efficiency and ecological effectiveness is presented. Characteristics of productions operating now in Russia as well as prospects of their improvement are discussed. Possibilities of voluntary confirmation of correspondence (certification) of Russian enterprises to parameters of the best available technologies are considered.

Keywords: energy efficiency, power consumption, ceramic tile, voluntary standards, certification systems.

L.V. SAPACHEVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, OOO RIF “STROYMATERIALY” (Moscow)

At the present time «KNAUF» Co. in Uzbekistan works on all main directions of its activity - extraction of gypsum stone and manufacture of products, the development of the market of advanced building technologies and materials, which are impossible without training Uzbek builders for innovative technologies of application of KNAUF products. In October of 2009 Uzbekistan began the production of dry building mixes of KNAUF, in September of 2011 an enterprise “KNAUF GIPS Bukhara” for up-to-date production of high qualitative KNAUF gypsum plasterboards was commissioned. A review of the press-tour organized by KNAUF representative offices in Russia and Uzbekistan is presented.

Keywords: standards of quality, KNAUF production, environmentally safe production.

A.A. SEMENOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, General Director, OOO “GS-Expert” (Moscow)

It is shown that producing 3% of lime production Russia occupies the fourth place in the world and the first one in Europe. The ascertained data on lime production in Russia is given. It is shown that after the crisis the lime production is recovering very rapidly and in 2012 reached 11.1 million tons (according to the revised data), which is slightly below the pre-crisis level. But already in 2011 the volume of production of building lime reached the pre-crisis level, and by the end of 2012 was 113,7% comparing with the refined data for 2011. The situation at the lime market is analyzed depending on the season and region. It is concluded that within the next few years the production of building lime will leave behind the production of technological lime.

K. DELLAY, representative, Terruzzi Fercalx SPA (Bergamo, Italia); A.V. NESTEROV, General Director, ZAO “KIANIT” (St. Petersburg) Shaft Kilns of Terruzzi Fercalx Co. – Modern Technologies in Lime Production

“Terruzzi Fercalx” Co. supplies equipment for lime production – shaft kilns, lime-slaking plants, preparation of limestone for burning, storehouses for lump lime and milled lime. A brief characteristic of shaft kilns with bar burners and structural features for production of high quality lime is given. The kiln installed at the Stary Oskol bilding materials combine is described.

Among main problems covering the protection of equipment against abrasive wear, corrosion, mechanical failures there is an acute problem of adhesion of components or ready-made product to the walls of details and assemblies of various aggregates. The brief information on hard and soft materials for rehabilitation and protection of equipment, their features, advantages and shortcomings is presented.
The characteristic of metallopolymers and materials on their base used as coatings for reducing the abrasive wear, elastomers of cold sputtering MetaLine in particular, is given.

N.I. KARPENKO, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of RAACS, V.N. YARMAKOVSKY, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Honorary Member of RAACS, the Research Institute of Building Physics of RAACS (Moscow)

Main ways of resource-energy saving at the stages of manufacturing structural light concretes, including high strength (compression strength up to B60), of new modifications and bearing elements of structural-technological systems of buildings made of them are scientifically substantiated and formulated.

Keywords: resource-energy saving, structural light concretes, manufacture technology, structure, construction-technical properties, bearing structures.

V.S. GRYZLOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, S.N. KUROCHKIN, engineer, the Cherepovets State University

Proposals for accounting the thermal inertia of materials in the course of thermotecnical calculations of enclosing structures of residential buildings are considered. Results of the long-term in-place test of wall fragments and calculations of coefficients of heat retention and resistance to heat transmission of these fragments are presented.

Keywords: enclosing structures, thermal inertia, massivity, non-stationary thermal transmission.

V.P. SELYAEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of RAACS, V.N. NEVEROV, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, O.G. MASHTAEV, V.V. SIDOROV, engineers, the N.P.Ogarev Mordovia State University

Results of the study of the microstructure of diatomite of the Atemarsk deposit and some disperse microsilicas are presented. The comparative analysis of their structural characteristics and parameters of a powdery filler of a foreign vacuum insulating panel is made. A possibility to use the Atemarsk diatomite as a component of the filler of the vacuum insulating panel is shown.

Keywords: diatomite, disperse microsilica, vacuum insulating panel.

A.G. PEREKHOZHENTSEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Methods of calculating coefficients of heat conductivity under different temperatures and moisture content are considered.
Keywords: wet porous materials, coefficient of heat conductivity

V.V. NAZAROVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, OOO “Poligon-Servis” (Belgorod); N.P. KUDEYAROVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov

The difference in a mineralogical composition of chalk fractions consisting of coccoliths and foraminifer shells is proved by the methods of IR spectroscopy, X-ray phase, differential-thermal and chemical analyses. The presence of aragonite and dolomite even in small quantities in the structure of foraminifer shells improves their strength and hardness relative to the main coccolith component and this explains the difference in grindability of some chalk fractions.

A.A. GUVALOV (, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan); T.V. KUZNETSOVA, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (Moscow)

Regularities of the influence of oligomers on the aggregative stability and rheological properties of water suspensions of cement mixes is established. It is found that the improvement of aggregative stability of water mineral suspensions with modifiers on the basis of oligomers is caused by joint effect of electrostatic and adsorption-solvate factors.

Keywords: modifier, suspension, aggregative stability, rheological properties, viscosity.

E.B. TUYUKINA, marketer-analyst, “Domostroitel” Group of Companies (Moscow)

On the basis of data of the RF State Committee for Statistics and as a result of their mathematical treatment the picture of extraction, processing, realization and use in production of concrete products and monolithic construction with the use of non-metallic materials – sand, gravel and crushed stone – is presented. Price characteristics of each category of products are considered in accordance with the extent of exploration of deposits and their location relative to routes. The dynamics of price changes depending on regions as well as the influence of listed factors on the self-cost of concrete products of different types is studied
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