Table of contents

E.I. YUMASHEVA, Engineer (
OOO RIF «STROYMATERIALY» (9, structure 3, office 225, Dmitrovskoye Hwy, 127434, Moscow, Russian Federation)
The Role of Scientific-Technical Periodicals in Development of Building Materials Industry and Branch Science Doesn’t Decrease
It is shown that, despite the development of computer communications, scientific and science-technical publications continue to play an important role of connecting information link
between enterprises of building materials industry, specialized higher educational establishments, and branch science. The periodization of the creation of branch scientific-technical
journals, coinciding with priorities of development of economy and science, is revealed. On the example of the “Construction Materials” Journal, the evolution of the mission of scientif
ic-technical periodicals, the transformation of relationship with the target readership and authors are considered. The enduring demand for the journal by industrial enterprises, scientific
organizations, specialized higher educational establishments is substantiated.
Keywords: scientific journal, higher education, industrial enterprise, branch exhibition, editorial board.
1. Khanova A. The first magazine in the world – «Journal des
Savants»: the history of creation. RELGA. 2004. No. 12.
wa/Main?textid=295&level1=main&level2=articles (date
of access 14.01.2015). (In Russian).
2. Akopov A.I. Otechestvennye spetsial’nye zhurnaly (1765–
1917). Istoriko-tipologicheskii obzor [Domestic special
magazines (1765–1917). Historical and typological over
view]. Rostov-on-Don. 1995. 132 p.
3. The journal “Tsement i ego primenenie” 110 years. Tsement i
ego primenenie. 2011. No. 1–2, pp. 20–23. (In Russian).
4. Shvetsov V.N. 95 years since the founding of the magazine.
Vodosnabzhenie i sanitarnaya tekhnika. 2008. No. 3. Part 1,
pp. 2–3. (In Russian).
5. Rublevskaya M.G. Journal “Stroitel’nye Materialy “1955–
1995. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 1995.
No. 2, pp. 3–6. (In Russian).
6. One cannot conquer alone: necessity of association of
branch has ripened (The information on a meeting of heads
of branch associations of the building materials industry of
Russia). Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials].
2009. No. 1, pp. 26–27. (In Russian).

O.A. FOMINA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (, A.Yu. STOLBOUSHKIN, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (
Siberian State Industrial University (42, Kirov Street, Novokuznetsk, 654007, Russian Federation)
Formation of Rational Porous Structure of Wall Ceramics from Slimy Iron-Ore Tailings*
Results of the study of the porous structure of ceramic matrix composites on the basis of the slime part of tailings of iron ores beneficiation by methods of mercury porometry, optical
and scanning electronic microscopy are presented. It is established that high values of flexural strength and frost resistance of a product are connected with peculiarities of formation of
the matrix structure of ceramic brick when using waste as an aggregated filler and activated loam as a tie as well as introducing the additive-flux into the composition of charge. It is
revealed that closed pores of a rounded shape are formed in granules, a boundary layer, formed of solidified melt, has its own developed porous structure and creates, at the macro
level, loopy texture of the ceramic material due to outlining of granules by concentric chain of macro-pores having the elongated form. It is established that macro-pores are filled, par
tially or fully, with a glass-crystal substance which is formed as a result of outlet of a pyroplastic phase into the inner space of pores that provides the significant increase in the frost
resistance of wall ceramics.
Keywords: iron-ore beneficiation, slime part, porous structure, ceramic matrix composite, wall ceramic, waste utilization.
1. Stolboushkin A.Yu. Theoretical foundations of forming
of ceramic matrix composites based on technogenic and
natural raw materials. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2011. No. 2. pp. 10–13. (In Russian).
2. Kotlyar V.D., Ustinov A.V., Kovalev V.Y. Ceramic
stones of compression moulding on the basis of gaizes and
coal preparation waste. Stroitel’nye Materialy
[Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 4. pp. 44–48.
(In Russian).
3. Gurieva V.A., Prokofieva V.V. Structural and phase features
of building ceramics based on technogenic magnesia
raw materials and low-grade clay. Stroitel’nye Materialy
[Construction Materials]. 2014. No. 4. pp. 55–57.
(In Russian).
4. Knigina G.I., Tatski L.N., Kucherova E.A. Sovremennyie
fiziko-himicheskie metodyi issledovaniya stroitelnyih
materialov. Termicheskiy analiz. Metodyi izucheniya
poristoy strukturyi. [Modern physical and chemical
methods of investigation of building materials. Thermal
analysis. Methods of study of the porous structure].
Novosibirsk. INEI. 1981. 81 p.
5. Pavlov V.F. Physical and chemical processes during the
fast firing and their regulation. Keramicheskaya promyishlennost.
Sat. Scien. tr. Institute-ESM. Moscow: 1982.
Vol. 2, pp. 30–45. (In Russian).
6. Stolboushkin A.Y., Ivanov A.I., Storozhenko G.I.,
Urazov S.I. Obtaining frost-resistant ceramic bricks of
moist pressing from industrial waste. Stroitel’nye Materialy
[Construction Materials]. 2011. No. 12, pp. 4–7.
(In Russian).
7. Patent RF 2500647. Syirevaya smes dlya izgotovleniya
stenovoy keramiki i sposob ee polucheniya [The raw material
mixture for the ceramic wall production and method
for its preparing]. Stolboushkin A.Y., Storozhenko G.I.,
Ivanov A.I., Berdov G.I., Stolboushkina O.A. Declared
20.04.2012. Published 10.12.2013. Bulletin No. 34.
(In Russian).
8. Plachenov T.G., Kolosentsev S.D. Porometriya
[Porosimetry]. Leningrad: Himiya. 1988. 175 p.
9. Wilson S.J., Stacey M.H. The porosity of aluminum oxide
phases derived from well-crystallized boehmite: correlated
electron microscope, adsorption, and porosimetry
studies. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 1981. Vol. 82. No. 2,
pp. 507–517. (In Russian).
10. Stolboushkin A.Y., Ivanov A.A., Druzhinin S.V.
Peculiarities of the pore structure of wall ceramic materials
based on coal wastes. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2014. No. 4, pp. 46–51. (In Russian).
11. Everett D.H. Manual of Symbols and Terminology for
Physicochemical Quantities and Units: Appendix II:
Definitions, terminology and symbols in colloid and surface
chemistry – part 1: Colloid and surface chemistry.
Pure Appl. Chem. 1972. No. 31, pp. 577–638.
12. Tihov S.F., Fenelonov V.B., Sadyikov V.A. Porous
Fe2O3/Al ceramics obtained by oxidation aluminum
powder under hydrothermal conditions, followed by thermal
dehydration. The composition and characteristics of
composites. Kinetics and Catalysis. 2000. Vol. 41. No. 6,
pp. 10–13. (In Russian).
13. Karnauhov A.P. Adsorbtsiya. Tekstura dispersnyih i poristyih
materialov [Adsorption. The texture of dispersed and
porous materials]. Novosibirsk: Nauka.1999. 470 p.

A.I. FOMENKO, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), (, A.G. KAPTYUSHINA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), (,
V.S. GRYZLOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), (
Cherepovets State University (5, Lunacharsky Avenue, 162600, Cherepovets, Russian Federation)
Expansion of Raw Material Resources Base for Construction Ceramics
Issues of the expansion of a raw material resources base of production of ceramic brick with high physical-mechanical properties and small coefficient of heat conductivity due to the use of
widespread large-tonnage waste of crushed brick which is formed when replacing the old brick masonry or crushing of rejected products are considered. The influence of an additive of this
scrap to clay raw materials on technological properties of the raw masses intended for production of construction ceramic brick is investigated. Main physical-mechanical and heat-technical
properties of ceramic crock making it possible to judge the possibility of using the crushed brick as anthropogenic raw materials for obtaining the ceramic brick are defined. Calculation of
the economic effect of using the secondary raw materials in production leads to reduction in the prime cost of one ton of production in comparison with the current production.
Keywords: ceramic brick, leaning additives, clay raw materials, waste of brick crushing, physical-mechanical properties, heat conductivity coefficient.
1. Semyonov A.A. The State of the Russian Market of
Ceramic Wall Materials. Stroitel’nye Materialy
[Construction Materials]. 2014. No. 8, pp. 9–12.
(In Russian).
2. Lisachuk G.V., Schukina L.P., Tsovma V.V.,
Belostotskaya L.A., Trusova Yu.D. Estimating the appli
cability of clay raw materials for wall and facing ceramics
production. Steklo i keramika. 2013. No. 3, pp. 14–19.
(In Russian).
3. Dovzhenko I.G. The influence of metallurgical slurries
on drying behaviour of ceramic masses for lining brick
production. Steklo i Keramika. 2013. No. 12, pp. 24–27.
4. Zubekhin A.P., Yatsenko N. D., Verevkin K.A.
Keramichesky a brick on the basis of various clays: phase
structure and properties. Stroitel’nye Materialy
[Construction Materials]. 2010. No. 11, pp. 47–49.
(In Russian).
5. Osipov V.I., Sokolov V.N. Gliny i ikh svoistva. Sostav,
stroenie i formirovanie svoistv [Clays and their properties.
Сomposition, structure and formation of properties].
Moscow.: GEOS. 2013. 576 p.
6. Ashmarin G.D., Kondratenko V.A., Lastochkin V.G.,
Pavlenko A.P. Ceramic Ecological Heat-Efficient Walls
– the Reality of Contemporary Construction. Stroitel`nye
Materialy [Constraction Materials]. 2011. No. 12,
pp. 10–11. (In Russian).
7. Tkachev A.G., Yatsenko E.A., Smolii V.A. et al. Influence
of coal-mining waste on the molding, drying and burning
properties of ceramic masses. Tekhnika i tekhnologiya si
likatov. 2013. No. 2, pp. 17–21. (In Russian).
8. Stolboushkin A.Yu., Berdov G.I., Stolboushkina O.V.,
Zlobin V.I. Firing temperature impact on structure form
ing in ceramic wall materials produced of fine dispersed
iron ore enrichment wastes. Izvestija vuzov. Stroitel’stvo.
2014. No. 1, pp. 33–42. (In Russian).
9. Andrianov N.T., Balkevich V.L., Belyakov A.V.,
Vlasov A.S., Guzman I.Ya., Lukin E.S., Mosin Yu.M.,
Skidan B.S. Khimicheskaya tekhnologiya keramiki
[Chemical engineering ceramics]. Moscow: OOO RIF
«Stroimaterialy». 2011. 496 p.

V.D. KOTLYAR, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, K.A. LAPUNOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (,
I.V. LAZAREVA, Engineer (, I.M. USEPYAN, Student
Rostov State University of Civil Engineering (162, Sotcialisticheskaya Street, Rostov-na-Donu, 344022, Russian Federation)
Main Trends and Prospective Types of Raw Material When Producing Ceramic Tile
Features of the use of ceramic tile in the modern construction and main interconnected trends of its production and application in construction – weight reduction, water absorption
reduction, strength increase, variety of decoration – are considered. The solution of assigned tasks is substantiated by means of selection of optimal raw material, formulation of multi-
component batch compositions of forming masses that determines the complication of technology. As a main raw material, it is proposed to use argillite-like clays properties of which
make it possible to conduct the production by the technology of compressive forming which is simpler and less costly. The account of identified trends will contribute to the develop
ment of the industry and increasing the production of ceramic tile in our country.
Keywords: ceramic tile, strength, water absorption, argillite-like clays.
1. Salakhov A.M. Keramika dlya stroiteley i arkhitektorov
[Ceramics for builders and architects]. Kazan: ID
Paradigm. 2009. 296 p.
2. Salakhov А.М., Tuktarova G.R., Mochalov A.Yu.,
Salakhova R.A. There is Ceramic tile in Russia and it
Should exist. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2007. No. 9, pp. 18–19. (In Russian).
3. Bender W. Vom Ziegelgott zum Jndustieelektroniker. Bonn.
4. STB EN 1304–2009. Cherepitsa krovel’naya glinyanaya i
dobornye elementy. Opredeleniya i tekhnicheskie usloviya
na produk-tsiyu» [Roofing clay tiles and non-standard
precast component. Definitions and technical conditions
for production]. Minsk: Gosstandart. 2009. 55 p.
5. EN 1304:2005 Dachziegel und Formziegel. Begriffe und
Produkt an forderunge. 22 р.
6. Eriton K. Roofing. Fine Homebuilding. Newtown.
Connecticut: Taunton press. 1997. 110 р.
7. GOST 530–2012 Kirpich i kamen’ keramicheskie.
Obshchie tekhnicheskie usloviya [All Union State stan
dard 530–2012. Bricks and stones made from ceramics.
General characteristics and conditions]. Мoscow:
Standardinform. 2012. 39 p.
8. Eremenko G.N. Compositional decisions ceramic and
tile decoration technology on basis of claystone-like
clays. Modern technology, building materials and building
quality: international student’s research and practice con
ference. Building and architecture. Rostov-on-Don:
RGSU. 2015, pр. 139–142. (In Russian).
9. Kotlyar V.D., Kozlov A.V., Terekhina U.V. The pecu
liarities of lithoid clay rock materials of east Donbass as
raw materials for wall tile production. Vestnik MGSU.
2014. No. 10, pp. 95–105. (In Russian).
10. Talpa B.V., Kotlyar V.D. Mineral and raw base of lith
ified clay materials of southern Russia for ceramics pro
duction. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials].
2015. No. 4, pp. 31–33. (In Russian).
11. Kotlyar V.D., Terekhina U.V., Kotlyar A.V. Lithoid raw
materials testing procedure for production of compres
sion-molding-type wall products. Stroitel’nye Materialy
[Construction Materials]. 2014. No. 4, pp. 24–27.
(In Russian).
12. Stolobushkin A.U., Storozhenko G.I. Waste of coal
preparation as a raw materials and energy base of wall
ceramic materials factories. Stroitel’nye Materialy
[Construction Materials]. 2011. No. 4, pp. 43–46.
(In Russian).
13. Stolobushkin A.U. Ceramic wall materials of matrix ar
rangement on basis of enrichment of carbon-bearing
clay-rock waste products. Izvestiya vuzov. Stroitel’stvo.
2013. No. 2–3, pp. 28–36. (In Russian).
14. Kara-sal B.K., Kotelnikov V.I., Sapelkina T.V. Getting
of ceramical wall materials from overburden rock coal
benefication. Estestvennye i tekhnicheskie nauki. 2015.
No. 2, pp. 160–163. (In Russian).
15. Kotlyar V.D., Talpa B.V. Lithoid clay rock of the east
Donbass perspective raw materials for production of wall
ceramics. Collected works of academic conference for stu
dents and young scientists with in-ternational participation
of «Geosciences topical issues». Rostov-on-Don. 2015,
pр. 49–51. (In Russian).
16. Kotlyar V.D., Talpa B.V. The peculiarities of claystone
like clays of the southern Russia as raw materials for arch
brick production. Collected works of academic conference
for students and young scientists with international partici
pation of «Geosciences topical issues». Rostov-on-Don.
2015, pр. 51–53. (In Russian).

A.A. SEMENOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), General Director (
OOO «GS-Expert» (18, 1st Tverskoy-Yamskoy Lane, Moscow, 125047, Russian Federation)
Silicate Wall Materials Market and Problems of Providing Industry with Raw Materials
The development of the Russian industry of silicate wall materials and problems providing the industry with raw material resources are analyzed. The dynamics and volumes of silicate
wall materials production are presented, regional structure of production is assessed, the rating of leading enterprise-manufacturers is prepared. Volumes of the production of the most
dynamically developing segment, medium- and large-format silicate wall and partition blocks, are evaluated both for the Russian Federation as a whole and for manufacturers. The
structure of piece wall materials consumption is presented, it is shown that silicate wall materials consistently occupy 21–22% on the background of significant reduction in the con
sumption of ceramic wall materials. Data on the provision of silicate industry enterprises with basic raw materials, the number and age of operating lime burning kilns, prospects of the
preservation of own lime production at enterprises of the industry are presented.
Keywords: silicate wall materials, silicate brick, piece wall materials, raw material base, lime production, depreciation of production capacities.

G.V. KUZNETSOVA, Engineer (
Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (1, Zelenaya Street, Kazan, Russian Federation)
Method for Pressing of Silicate Brick and Method for Defining Its Raw Strength
Data on the method for pressing (bed of brick, stretcher) of silicate brick at Russian silicate brick factories are presented. Raw strength is one of the indicators of press equipment operation and quality of molding sand composition. Press equipment of foreign producers requires strict compliance with a particular quality of the molding sand and raw components.
General recommendation on selecting the press equipment and dependence on the coarseness of sand are made. Methods for the determination of strength at adobe brick compression
(raw strength) are considered. It is shown that the methods of testing of adobe brick molded as bed of brick and as stretcher should be different. Studies of the influence of the method
for adobe brick molding on the value of raw strength and the testing methodology are presented.
Keywords:silicate brick, adobe brick, press, raw strength, molding mix
1. Khvostenkov S.I. Development of production of silica
brick in Russia. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials].2007. No. 10, pp. 4–8. (In Russian).
2. Ponomarev I.G. The Russian market of sand-lime brick.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials].2009.
No. 12, pp. 4–11. (In Russian).
3. Khavkin L.M. Tekhnologiya silikatnogo kirpicha
[Technology of sand-lime brick]. Moscow: Ekolit. 2011.
384 p.
4. Kuznetsova G.V. Optimization of calculating the
composition of lime-sand mixture to form a silicate brick.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials].2011.
No. 9, pp. 20–23. (In Russian).
5. Sulima-Grudzinskii A.V. Some topical issues in the field
of equipment for the production of silicate products.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials].2015.
No. 3, 53–62 pp. (In Russian).
6. Kuznetsova G.V., Morozova N.N. Problems replace
conventional technology with the preparation of a silicate
brick lime-silica binder on the line technology.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials].2013.
No. 9, рр. 14–18. (In Russian).
7. Shmit'ko E.I. Problems replace conventional technology
with the preparation of a silicate brick lime-silica binder
on the line technology. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials].2015. No. 10, рр. 5–7. (In Russian).

V.A. VOYTOVICH, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), I.N. KHRYAPCHENKOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (
Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (65 Ilyinskaya Street, 603950 Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation)
The Role of Nano-Technologies in Improving the Quality and Durability of Brick Masonry
An issue of improving the vibro- and earthquake resistance of brick masonries with the use of nano-technologies is considered. It is proposed to use methods which don’t require significant capital expenditures. The efficiency of using self-compacting cement mixes obtained with the help of superplasticizers– polycarboxylates, molecules of which are nano-particles, is shown. The use of the sol-gel method when preparing brickwork mortars, modification of cement polyvinyl acetate mortars with esters of orthosilicic acid is very effective.
A method for protection of silicate brick against destruction during the fire with the help of intumescent paints, which contain fullerene-like nano-particles – fulleroids, is proposed.
Introduction of basalt microfiber in the form of fibers with a nano-modifier fixed on them in cement mixes efficiently affects the strength of masonry mortar.
Keywords:nano-technology, brick masonry, silicate brick, sol-gel technology
1. Krogstad N.V. Shear keys. Masonry construction.2007.
July–August, pp. 32–35.
2. Bessonov I.V., Baranov V.S., Baranov V.V., Knyazeva V.P., El’chishcheva T.F. Causes and Remedies of efflorescence on the brick walls of buildings. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo[Housing Construction].2014. No. 7,
pp. 39–43. (In Russian).
3. Pogosyan V.V. Structural and mechanical characteristics
of concrete on the basis of the cement-polymer binder.
Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo.2009. No. 6,
pp. 54–44. (In Russian).
4. Khauk Kh.-G. High-performance superplasticizers
based on polycarboxylate ethers. Potential applications
in modern concrete technology. Alitinform. 2010. No. 1,
pp. 78–84. (In Russian).
5. Fedosov S.V., Ibragimov A.M., Solov’ev R.A.,
Murzin N.V., Tarakanov D.V., Lapshin S.S. A mathematical model of development of a fire in the premises. Vestnik MGSU.2013. No. 4, pp. 121–126.
(In Russian).
6. Babkin O.E., Zybina O.A., Tanklevskii L.T.,
Mnatsakanov S.S. Diagnostics application quality and
efficiency of gas-flame retardant coatings for steel
structures. Promyshlennye pokrytiya.2014. No. 7–8,
pp. 50–54. (In Russian).
7. Korolev E.V. Nanotechnology in construction materials.
Analysis of the status and achievements. Ways of
Development. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2014. No. 11, pp. 47–79. (In Russian).

E.S. SHINKEVICH, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (,
E.S. LUTSKIN, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (
Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (4, Didrihsona Street, Odessa, 65029, Ukraine)
Porous Composites of Non-Autoclave Hardening on the Basis of Complexly Activated Silicate Raw Mixes
The development of materials of a new generation on the basis of a complexly activated silicate mix, which combine a number of unique properties and are manufactured by the cast
technology, is presented. The transition from the autoclave treatment to curing with energy saving regimes is provided due to the realization of complex activation of the silicate-concrete mix that is one of the technological features of producing this kind of material. Advantages and prospects of the manufacture of silicate products of a new generation of non-autoclave hardening with the use of energy saving and environmentally friendly technologies and available technological methods aresubstantiated. Possibilities of the computerization of
production processes on the basis of software creation from the blocks of experimental-statistic models and developed methods for the mobile and qualitative selection of compositions
with a high degree of reliability of results are shown.
Keywords:silicate products of non-autoclave hardening, low-temperature porous making, cast technology, complex activation.
1. Bazhenov Yu.M., Chernyshov E.M., Korotkikh D.N.
The construction of modern concrete structures: defining
the principles and technological platforms. Stroitel’nye
Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2014. No. 3,
pp. 6–14. (In Russian).
2. Bedarev A.A., Shmitko E.I. Optimization of structure of
gas silicate whit using a multiparametric models.
Stroitel’nye Materialy[Construction Materials]. 2013.
No. 4. pp. 89–93. (In Russian).
3. Patent for invention 64603 А Ukraine, MKI 7 С04В28/20.
Syr’evaya smes’ dlya polucheniya modifitsirovannykh silikatnykh materialov i sposob ee prigotovleniya[The raw
mixture for the modified silicate material and a method
for it is prepared]. Shinkevich E.S., Sidorova N.V.,
Lutskin E.S., Sidirov V.I. Politkin S.I. Declared
15.07.2003. Published. 16.02.2004. Bulletin No. 2.
(In Russian).
4. Shinkevich E.S. Lutskin E.S. Technological features of
production of silicate articles of non-autoclave hardening. Stroitel’nye Materialy[Construction Materials].
2008. No. 11, pp. 15–17. (In Russian).
5. Babushkin V.I., Matveev G.M., Mchedlov-Petrosyan O.P.
Termodinamika silikatov [Thermodynamics of silicates].
Moskow: Stroiizdat, 1986. 407 p.
6. Prigozhin I., Kondepudi D. Sovremennaya termodinamika. Ot teplovykh dvigatelei do dissipativnykh struktur
[Modern Thermodynamics. From Heat Engines to
Dissipative Structures]: Trans. from English
Yu.A. Danilova and V.V. Belogo. Moscow: Mir. 2002.
461 p.
7. Shinkevich E., Zaytsev Yu., Lutskin E., Bondarenko G.,
Tymnyak A. Stracture durability, deformation properties
and fracture mechanics parameters of advanced silicate
materials. Proceeding of 2
Int. Conf. on Microstructural
related Durability of Cementitious Composites. Amsterdam,
Netherlands. 2012, pp. 244–252.

, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (,
, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (;
, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (
Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (46, Kostyukov Street, Belgorod, 308012, Russian Federation)
Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials named after I.V.Tananaev of the Kola Science Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences (26a, «Academic Town», Apatity, 184209, Murmansk region, Russian Federation)
Activation of Hydration of a Composite Binder on the Basis of Anthropogenic Raw*
The change in the kinetics of hydration of a silicate binding mix containing the belite phase of slag at the initial stages of hardening with the use of micro-calorimetry method has been
studied. The low hydraulic activity of the belite phase of slag under the natural conditions of hydration has been established.The level and conditions of the preliminary lime slaking significantly influence on the velocity and intensity of the hydration reaction of a lime-slag binder. The reasonability of increasing the reaction activity of a raw mix of the binder due to the
preliminary sulfate activation of lime with possible acceleration of processes of the hydration of slag belite phase is shown. In the complex, the use of the proposed methods will make it
possible to replace the cement in the composition of the raw mix of gas concretes by steel-smelting slag, to regulate the processes of hydration of the binder for combining the structure formation and gas release of cellular concrete mix when developing highly efficient construction materials.
Keywords:steel-smelting slag, anthropogenic waste, composite binder, hydration, autoclave, cellular concrete
1. Sheichenko M.S., Karatsupa S.V., Yakovlev E.A.,
Shapovalov N.N., Bogusevich V.A., Shadsky E.E.
Extraction as method of efficiency enhancement of industrial raw application as component in composite binders. Vestnik Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta im. V.G. Shukhova.2014. No. 1,
pp. 16–21. (In Russian).
2. Alfimova N.I., Shapovalov N.N. Autoclave materials
with using of industrial aluminosilicates. Fundamental’noe
Issledovanie.2013. No. 6. Part. 3, pp. 525–529.
(In Russian).
3. Shapovalov N.A., Zagorodnuk L. Kh.Tikunova I.V.,
Shekina A.Y. Rational ways of application of steelmaking
slags. Fundamental’noe Issledovanie.2013. No. 1,
pp. 439–443. (In Russian).
4. Lesovik V.S., Ageeva M.S., Ivanov A.V. Granullated
slags in composite binder production. Vestnik
Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta im. V.G. Shukhova.2011. No. 3, pp. 29–32.
(In Russian).
5. Shilova I.A. Energy saving and quality enhancement of
cement clinker by using of slag-chalk-lime mixture.
Uspekhi v khimiii i khimicheskoy tekhnologii.2008.
No. 7 (87). Vol. 22, pp. 63–68. (In Russian).
6. Klassen V.K., Shilova I.A., Tekucheva E.V. Features of
clinker formation processes and cement hydration when
using of steelmaking slag and partially decarbonized chalk
as raw components. Tekhnika i tekhnologiya silikatov.
2007. No. 2, pp. 2–10. (In Russian).
7. Shilova I.A. Energy saving and quality enhancement of
cement clinker by using of slag-chalk-lime component.
Cand. Diss. (Engineering). Belgorod. 2007. 153 pp.
(In Russian).
8. Kudeyarova N.P., Gostishcheva M.A. Hydration activity
of minerals in steelmaking slags under autoclave treatment. Stroitel’nye Materialy[Construction Materials].
2007. No. 8, pp. 34–35. (In Russian).
9. Gostishcheva M.A., Kudeyarova N.P. Activation of hydration process of belite phase in steelmaking slags under
hydrothermal treatment. Uspekhi v khimiii i khimicheskoy
tekhnologii. 2008. Vol. 22. No. 7 (87), pp. 77–80.
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10. Zeifman M.I. Izgotovlenie silikatnogo kirpicha i silikatnykh yacheistykh materialov [Production of silicate brick
and silicate cellular materials]. Moscow: Stroyisdat. 1990.
184 pp.
11. Fomina E.V., Strokova V.V., Altynnik N.I., Bukhalo A.B. Regulation ofrheological characteristics of binder
when formation of cellular structure of autoclave products. Stroitel’nye Materialy[Construction Materials].
2011. No. 9, pp. 33–35. (In Russian).
12. Fomina E.V., Strokova V.V., Kudeyarova N.P. Features
of usage of preliminary lime slacking in cellular autoclave
concretes. Izvestiya vuzov. Stroitel’stvo.2013. No. 5 (653),
pp. 29–34. (In Russian).
13. Fomina E.V., Kudeyarova N.P. Strength of blended
binder based on preliminary slacked lime and rock
gypsum. Izvestiya vuzov. Severo-Kavkazkiy region.
Tekhnicheskie nauki. 2006. No. 6, pp. 17–19.
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14. Fomina E.V., Strokova V.V., Kozhukhova M.I. Effect of
Previously Slacked Lime on Properties of Autoclave
Composite Binders. World Applied Sciences Journal. 2013.
Vol. 24. No. 11, pp. 1519–1524.

S.V FEDOSOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Academician of RAACS (,
N.A. GRUZINTSEVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (, A.Yu. MATROKHIN, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (
Ivanovo State Polytechnical University (20, 8 Martha Street, Ivanovo, 153037, Russian Federation)
Simulation of Conditions for Ensuring the Product Quality of Enterprises Manufacturing Building Materials
with Due Regard for Level of Professionalism of Staff Potential*
The quantitative analysis of the influence of the professional level of staff potential of enterprise manufacturing building materials on the quality of manufactured products has been
made. In the course of the study, main components of workers professionalism have been determined and appropriate scales for their transition into quantitative form have been established. With the help of geometric averaging, a generalized criterion of professionalism, which can be considered as a controlled independent variable, has been formed. On the basis of
accumulated empiric data, the mathematical model of the influence of workers professionalism, evaluated according to the proposed criterion, on the expected level of products defectiveness has been obtained. The use of this mathematical model will allow the employees of staff services of enterprises to plan and correct the personnel structure of employees of the
main production of building products on the basis of the criterion “professionalism” relying on established target indicators in the field of the quality of ready-made products.
Keywords:building complex enterprises, quality of products, professionalism criteria of staff potential, level of production defectiveness.
1. The Karpushin, E. S. the Relationship between quality of
work and professionalism of the staff. Upravlenie personalom.2012. No. 8 (
html?1643, date of access 11.09.15). (In Russian).
2. Mazaev E. V. development of a method of making management decisions based on programmed management
decisions (the case of SMEs). Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo.2015. No. 4–1 (57–1), pp. 950–953.
(In Russian).
3. Lysova M. A., Lomakin I. A., Lunkova S. V., Gusev B. N.
Matematicheskie metody v proektirovanii i otsenivanii
kachestva tekstil’nykh materialov i izdelii [Mathematical
methods in engineering and quality evaluation of textile
materials and products]. Ivanovo: IGT. 2012. 252 p.
4. Gitman E. K., Gitman M. B., Stolbov V. Yu., the Model
of resource planning, synchronized the producer and the
consumer products. Izvestiya vuzov. Tekhnologiya
tekstil’noi promyshlennosti.2012. No. 5, pp. 8–12.
(In Russian).
5. Fedyukin V.K. Qualimetry. Measuring the quality of industrial products. Series: Training manual. Moscow:
KnoRus. 2009. 320 p.
6. Treshchalin M.Yu., Kiselev M.V., Mukhamedzhanov
G.K., Treshchalina A.V. Tremaine Design, production
methods and quality evaluation of nonwovens. Kostroma:
KGTU. 2012. 360 p.
7. Lemeshko B. Yu., Lemeshko S. B., Gorbunova A. A. About
application and power of criteria for testing the homogeneity of variances. Part I. Parametric criteria. Izmeritel’naya
tekhnika.2010. No. 3, pp. 10–16. (In Russian).

, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (,
, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (, A.V. SINITSIN
Mechanobr-Tekhnika Research and Engineering Corporation (3, 22 liniya, V.O., 199106, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
Petrozavodsk State University (33, Lenin Street, Petrozavodsk, 185910, Russian Federation)
Mining company Basalt AG (Russian) (49, of. 507, Krasnaja Street, Petrozavodsk, 185000, Russian Federation)
Contemporary Methods for Study of Strength Characteristics of Building Rocks When Producing Crushed Stone*
Methods for the study of strength characteristics of building rocks are considered. The differences of methodic approaches to the evaluation of rock strength in domestic and foreign
practice are revealed. It is noted that the domestic practice of design of crushing-and-sorting complexes assesses the strength of rocks according to the value of ultimate compressive
strength. Abroad, the criterion of rock strength is a resistance to impact loads – the standardized method of drop weight (DWT), which makes it possible to determine the specific energy of destruction and impact strength of a material on the basis of which the simulation of crushing technology and selection of crushing equipment are executed. The need for comparing results of strength properties tests of rocks which are conducted with the use of different methods and assessed according to different values is indicated. Results of the strength
study, using different methods, of gabbro-diabase of one of industrially developed deposits of Karelia are presented. The comparative assessment of results obtained with the use of different methods is made. On the basis of experiments, significant fluctuations in the obtained values both of the specific energy of destruction and ultimate compressive strength are
revealed. The need to test a significant number of samples to obtain statistically significant and reliable results is indicated. The identification of heterogeneity in the strength properties
of rocks is of great importance for operative control over the process of disintegration. It is substantiated that the solutionof this problem requires the development and standardization
of techniques for operative determination of strength of rocks in factory laboratories.
Keywords:efficiency of production, standardization, rocks, methods for strength determination, statistical reliability, factory laboratory.
1. Napier-Munn T.J., Morrell S., Morrison R.D., Kojovic T.
Mineral comminution circuits: their operation and
optimization. Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research
Centre. Australia, Brisbane: JKMRC. 2005, pp. 57–66.
2. Skarin O.I., Arustamyan K.M. Modern estimation methods
of ores crushability in the semi self crushing cycles. Gornyi
Zhurnal.2012. No. 11, pp. 6–11. (In Russian).
, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (; H.-B. FISHER
, Doctor-Engineer; A.F. BURIANOV
, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)
ZAO «Ural-Omega» (89, structure 7, Lenina Avenue, 455037, Magnitigirsk, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russian Federation)
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (8, Geschwister-Scholl-Straβe, 99423 Weimar, Germany)
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoe Hwy, 129337, Moscow, Russian Federation)
Features of Crystallization Of Gypsum Dihydrate in the Course of Artificial Aging of Gypsum Binder
Features of the crystallization of gypsum dihydrate, appearing in the process of the artificial aging, in micro-pores of the initial gypsum binder are considered. The influence of artificial
aging conditions and the degree of supersaturation on the morphology of gypsum dihydrate crystals is established. The characterof crystallization and morphology of crystals are
defined by conditions of the initial hemihydrate surface.
Keywords:crystallization, gypsum dehydrate, artificial aging, gypsum binder.
1. Garkavi M., Nekrasova S., Melchaeva O., Garkavi S.,
Fischer H.-B., Nowak S. Thermodynamic explanation of
rational conditions of the “aging” of plaster binder.
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2. Greg S., Singh K. Adsorbtsiya, udel’naya poverkhnost’,
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3. Polak A.F., Babkov V.V., Andreeva E.P. Tverdenie
mineral’nykh vyazhushchikh veshchestv [Hardening of
mineral binders]. Ufa: Bashkirskoe knizhnoe izdatel’stvo.
1990. 216 p.
4. Melikhov I.V. Fiziko-khimicheskaya evolyutsiya tverdogo veshchestva [Physico-chemical evolution of the solid].
Moscow: BINOM. Laboratoriya znanii. 2012. 309 p.
5. Severin A.V., Melikhov I.V., Komarov V.F. Adsorption
inhibition of the growth of crystals of CaSO
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aqueous solutions. Kristallografiya.2009. Vol. 54. No. 1,
pp. 164–170. (In Russian).
6. Linnikov O.D. Kinetics and mechanism of the crystal
growth of calcium sulfate when crystallization is on the
surface of the heat exchange. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii.
1996. Vol. 69. No. 1, pp. 89–93. (In Russian).
7. Ustinov Y.V., Sivkov S.P., Barinov O.P., Sanzharovsky A.Y. Influence of various additives on the morphology
of gypsum dihydrate crystals. Vestnik MGSU.2012. No. 4,
pp. 140–144. (In Russian).
8. Nekrasova S.A., Garkavi M.S. Influence of aging conditions on the structural and mechanical properties of gypsum binder. Stroitel’nye Materialy[Construction Materials]. 2007. No. 5, pp. 72–73. (In Russian).
(, Director of Innovation Center,
, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (
University of West Hungary (4. Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Street, Sopron 9400 Hungary)
Moscow State Forest University (1, 1st Institutskaya Street, 141005, Mytischi, Moscow Region, Russia)
Balance of CO2
of Different Types of Wall Structures
Four different types of wall structures with the same heat transfer coefficient are considered. Values of the СО2emission during the process of their manufacturing are presented. It is shown that
in the course of manufacture of 1.0 m
of wall structures the significant emission of CO
2per 1.0 m
of wall surface takes place. In the course of production of timber wall structures, the amount of
tied carbon emitted during the manufacturing is lesser than the amount of carbon contained in materials which the wall is made of. The conclusion about ecological friendliness and energy efficiency of frame and timber buildings is made. It is shown that in the course of timber structures manufacturing the least amount of СО
is emitted comparing with the variants considered.
Keywords:energy efficiency, energy consumption, ecological friendliness, timber wall structures, accumulation of carbon, balance of СО
of wall structures, timber frame buildings, timber houses.
1. IPCC Climate Change 2014: Impacts, adaptation, and
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4. Upton B., Miner R., Spinney M., Heath L.S. The
greenhouse gas and energy impacts of using wood instead
of alternatives in residential construction in the United
States. Biomass and Bioenergy.2008. No. 32, pp. 1–10.
5. Bribián I.Z., Capilla A.V., Usón A.A. Life-cycle
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6. Shukla A., Tiwari G.N., Sodha M.S. Embodied energy
analysis of adobe house. Renewable Energy.2009. No. 34,
pp. 755–761.
7. Hammond G. P., Jones C. I. Embodied energy and
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8. Karjalainen T., Kellomäki S., Pussinen A. Role of woodbased products in absorbing atmospheric carbon. Silva
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10. Pingoud K., PeräläA.L., Pussinen A. Carbon dynamics
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, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, S.I. ABBASOVA
, Candidate of Sciences (Chemistry);
, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)
Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (5, Sultanova Street, Baku, AZ-1073)
D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (7, Miusskaya Square, 125047, Moscow, Russian Federation)
Improvement of High-Strength Concretes Structure Using Modifiers
It is established that the use of a complex additive consisting of a plasticizer and a fine mineral component (OMD) makes it possible to obtain high-strength self-compacting concrete.
It is found that the partial substitution of micro-silica for the equivalent rate of a fine filler, zeolite in particular, reduces deformations of autogenous shrinkage without reducing the
strength characteristics of concrete.
Keywords:modifier, high-strength concrete, autogenous shrinkage, additives.
1. Guvalov A.A. Influence the organomineralnykh of modifiers on concrete durability. The VI International conference “Durability and Destruction of Materials and
Designs”.Orenburg, 2010, pp. 221–225. (In Russian).
2. Guvalov A.A., Kuznetsova T.V. Influence of the modifier
on properties of cement suspensions. Stroitel’nye materialy[Construction materials]. 2013. No. 8, pp. 86–88.
(In Russian).
3. Guvalov A.A. Impact of poliarilsulphonosulphonic
Superplasticizer on hidration and hardening of cements
International Academy of Science H&E. Volume 3
2007\2008.Innsburk. 2009, pp. 605–610.
4. Guvalov A.A. The self-condensed high-strength concrete
in technology of monolithic housing construction.
Collection of scientific works of MGSU, on materials of the
International scientific and technical conference “Industrial
and Civil Engineering in Modern Conditions”.M.: MGSU,
2011, pp. 150–152. (In Russian).
5. Mounanga P., Bouasker M., Pertue A., Perronnet A.,
Khelidj A. Early-age autogenous and micro/macro investigations. Materials and Structures,2011, v. 44, No. 4,
pp. 749–772.
6. Nnadi F., Brave C. Environmentally friendly superabsorbent polymers for water conservation in agricultural
lands. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental
Management.2011, No. 2, pp. 206–211.
P.S. BASKAKOV, Engineer (, V.V. STROKOVA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (,
K.P. MAL’TSEVA, Student (
Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (46, Kostyukov Street, Belgorod, 308012, Russian Federation)
Influence of Alkaline Impact on Properties of Acrylic and Styrene-Acrylic Dispersions
for Water Paintwork Materials
Criteria of using water-dispersion synthetic polymers for interior finish of pre-plastered or pre-puttied premises are determined. Acrylic and styrene-acrylic dispersions, due to containing ion carboxylic groups, are exposed to the alkaline impact that requires their study in the course of their interaction withhigh-alkaline cement systems. To analyze the degrees of
influence of an alkaline agent, rheological peculiarities of dispersions have been determined with increasing the PH level. It is revealed that acrylic dispersions have higher viscosity at
high shear rates; styrene-acrylic dispersions are the least susceptible to the impact of calcium hydroxide, have low viscosity at an equal concentration and size of polymer particles.
These properties are used for producing efficient water priming compositions of deep penetration on the basis of styrene-acrylic dispersions, and, on the basis of acrylic dispersions,
for producing paints with a high content of pigments.
Keywords:water dispersions of polymers, acrylates, rheological peculiarities, alkaline impact.
1. Kozhukhova M.I., Flores-Vivian I., Rao S., Strokova V.V., Sobolev K.C. Complex siloxane coating for super-hydrophobicity of concrete surfaces. Stroitel’nye
Materialy[Construction Materials]. 2014. No. 3, pp. 26–
30. (In Russian).
2. Kozhukhova M.I., Strokova V.V., Sobolev K.G, Features
of hydrophobic fine grained concrete surfaces. Vestnik
BGTU im. V.G. Shukhova.2014. No. 4, pp. 33–35
(In Russian).
3. Yakovlev A.D. Khimiya i tekhnologiya lakokrasochnykh
pokrytii. [Chemistry and technology paint coatings]. SPb:
KhIMIZDAT. 2010. 448 p.
4. Tolmachev I.A., Petrenko N.A. Vodno-dispersionnyye
kraski: kratkoye rukovodstvo dlia inzhenerov-tekhnologov [Water-based paints a brief guide for industrial
engineers]. Moscow: Paint-Media. 2010. 106 p.
5. Onoprienko N.N., Rakhimbaev Sh.M. Influence of
viscosity water soluble polymers on their effectiveness
as components of construction mortars. Vestnik BGTU
im. V.G. Shukhova.2015. No. 3, pp. 62–66.
(In Russian).
6. Khailen V. Dobavki dlya vodorastvorimykh lakokrasochnykh materialov [Additives for water-based paints and
varnishes]. Moscow: Paint Media. 2011. 176 p.
7. Starovoitova I.A., Drogun A.V., Zykova E.S., Semenov A.N., Khozin V.G., Firsova E.B. Colloidal-chemical
stability of water dispersion of epoxy resins. Stroitel’nye
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8. Brok T. Evropeiskoe rukovodstvo po lakokrasochnym
materyalam y pokrytyiam [European guidance for paints
and coatings]. Moscow: Paint Media. 2004. 548 p.
N.I. KOZHUKHOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (,
I.V. ZHERNOVSKY, Candidate of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy) (,
E.V. FOMINA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (
Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (46, Kostyukov Street, Belgorod, 308012, Russian Federation)
Phase Formation in Geo-Polymer Systems on the Basis of Fly Ash of Apatity TPS*
A possibility to produce geo-polymer binders on the basis of fly ash of the Apatity TPS has been studies and proved. Main criteria of the efficiency of its use as an active component for
producing alkali-activated binders are identified. Among them, the content of free CaO is less than 5% and a high concentrationof the X-ray amorphous component (a glass phase) in
the composition of ash-slag mixture – over 60%. It is established that the mechanical activation positively effects on the reaction activity of the fly ash when it is alkali activated by two
types of alkali activators studied, in this case the most efficient agent for the fly ash of the Apatity TPS is NaOH.
Keywords:fly ash of Apatity TPS, alkali activation, mechanical activation, phase formation
1. Boroukhin D.S. Problems of sustainable development of
electric power enterprises in the Murmansk Region in
terms of global financial crisis. Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta. 2010.
Vol. 13. No. 1, pp. 165–170. (In Russian).
2. Pak. A.A., Sukhorukova R.N. Polistirolgasobeton: tekhnologia i svoistva kompositsionnyih materialov
[Polystyrene gas concrete: technology and properties of
composite products]. Apatity. 2012. 101 p.
3. Solovyov L.A. Includes Rietveld and Derivative
Difference Minimization (DDM) methods. J. Appl. Cryst.
2004. No. 37, pp. 743–749.
4. Fomina E.V., Kozhukhova M.I., Kozhukhova N.I.
Estimation of efficiency of aluminosilicate rocks application in composite binders. Vestnik Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta im. V.G. Shukhova.2013. No. 5, pp. 31–35. (In Russian).
5. Oh J.E., Moon J., Mancio M. Bulk modulus of basic sodalite, Na8[AlSiO
O, a possible zeolitic precursor in coal-fly-ash-based geopolymers // Cement and
Concrete Research.2011. No. 41, pp. 107–112.
, Doctor of Sciences (Medicine), D.D. ZHUKOV
, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Yu.A. KETOV
, Undergraduate (
Perm National Research Polytechnic University (29, Komsomolsky Avenue, 614600, Perm, Russian Feferation)
Belorussian State Academy of Arts (81, Nezavisimosti Avenue, 220012, Minsk, Republic of Belarus)
Utilization of Mineral Wools When Producing Cellular Glass
Issues of the utilization of mineral wool heat insulating material after the completion of the life cycle are considered. It isshown that one of the prospective ways of secondary use of
mineral wool can be its use as an additive when preparing the batch for manufacturing foam glass materials. Technological operations of utilization are substantiated. Proposals about
the boundaries of using the proposed method and the spheres of application of the material obtained are made.
Keywords:heat insulating materials, mineral wool, energy efficiency, foam glass
1. Bobrov Yu.L., Ovcharenko E.G., Shoikhet B.M.,
Petukhova E.Yu. Teploizolyatsionnye materialy i konstruktsii [Thermal insulation materials and constructions]. Moscow: INFRA-M. 2003. 268 p.
2. Bobrov Yu.L. Dolgovechnost’ teploizolyatsionnykh mineralovatnykh materialov [The durability of thermal insulation
of mineral materials]. Moscow: Stroiizdat. 1987. 164 p.
3. Lotov V.A., Krasheninnikova N.S., Nefedova I.N.
Method and technology of solid waste mineral wool production. Izvestiya Tomskogo Politekhnicheskogo universiteta. 2004. Vol. 307. No. 6, pp. 89–92. (In Russian).
4. Kadykova Yu.A. The polymer composite structural purpose, reinforced with basalt fiber. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii. 2012. Vol. 85. Book. 9, pp. 1523–1527. (In Russian).
5. Salthammer T., Mentese S., Marutzky R. Formaldehyde
in the Indoor Environment. Chemical Reviews. 2010.
No. 110, pp. 2536–2572.
6. Krasnovskikh M.P., Maksimovich N.G., Vaisman Ya.I.,
Ketov A.A. The thermal stability of mineral wool thermal
insulation materials. Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii. 2014.
Vol. 87. Book. 10, pp. 1429–1433. (In Russian).
7. Patent RF 2453510. Sposob polucheniya penosteklyannykh
izdelii[The process for producing foamed glass products].
Kapustinskii N.N., Ketov P.A., Ketov Yu.A. Declared
14.10.2010. Published 20.06.2012. Bulletin No. 17.
(In Russian).
8. Utility patent 115351. Tekhnologicheskaya liniya proizvodstva granulirovannogo penosilikatnogo materiala
[Technological line of granular foam silicat material].
Bubenkov O.A., Ketov P.A., Ketov Yu.A., Lobastov S.V.
Published 27.04.2012. Bulletin No. 12. (In Russian).
9. Vaisman Ya.I., Ketov A.A., Ketov P.A. Scientific and
technological aspects of the production of foam glass.
Fizika i khimiya stekla. 2015. Vol. 41. No. 2, pp. 214–221.
(In Russian)