
Stroitel`nye Materialy №5

Table of contents

K.A. DIAKOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Testing Laboratory, R.M. CHERSKOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Head of Testing Laboratory, OAO “Tunnel Group № 44”; E.V. ZINCHENKO, Deputy Head of OLK&SS Department, FKU DSD “Chernomorie” (Sochi, Krasnodar Krai)

Drainage Asphalt Concrete. Experience and Prospects of Application
For the production of drainage asphalt concretes, the modifying additives including crushed rubber are used. But it complicates the technology of asphalt concrete production, demands the re-equipment of asphalt concrete plants. The technology of producing rubberized drainage asphalt concretes when crushed rubber and related additives are directly delivered to the asphalt-mixing plant has been developed.

Keywords: drainage asphalt concrete, methodology of design, optimal composition of mix, rubberized drainage asphalt concrete, durability, safety of traffic

A.V. KOROCHKIN, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Engineer, Department of Motor Road Design, OOO “TransProekt”; K.M. PETROV, Head of Planning and Analyzing Department, ZAO “Engineering Corporation “Transstroy” (Moscow)

Calculation of Rigid Road Pavement with Asphalt Concrete Covering Using Software Packages
Preconditions for the creation of a profile software package, parameters, characteristics of the object studied are presented; a basis for doing the calculations is shown, the methodology and an algorithm of calculation are described in details. A comparison of the results with the technical and design solutions offered in normative documents are performed.

Keywords: cement concrete, asphalt concrete, durability, calculation

M.A. ZAVIALOV, A.M. ZAVIALOV, Doctors of Technical Sciences, the Omsk State Technical University

Variations of Thermodynamic Potentials of Material of Road Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Substantiation of Terms of Repairing Work
The connection between the value of entropy variation of road asphalt concrete pavement material and the degree of aging is established. Regularities of changing the values characterizing the condition of road asphalt concrete pavement are revealed on the basis of study of thermodynamic functions for substantiated fixing of time for repair.

Keywords: material of road asphalt concrete pavement, variations of entropy, variation of free energy, terms of repairing work.

P.B. RAPOPORT, Candidate of Technical Sciences, OOO “Tsentr dorozhnykh tekhnologiy “DOREKSPERT” (Novosibirsk); A.V. KOCHETKOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, FGBOU VPO “Perm National Research University”; S.M. EVTEEVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, FGBOU VPO “Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin”; V.A. POGULYAYKO (sо, Candidate of Technical Sciences, OOO “Research Center of Technical Regulation” (Sokolovy, Saratov District, Saratov Oblast)

Standardization of Bitumen Indicators
Results of the analysis of methods of standardization of indicators of road oil bitumen are presented. It is shown, that to compare foreign and domestic bitumen is not correct because of significant differences in normative documents and testing methods. Foreign norms provide to determine the coefficient of variations in the course of bitumen testing. It is necessary to recognize it as the most important deviation in the systems of technical regulation of indicators of bitumen in Russia and abroad.

Keywords: bitumen, standardization methods, indicators, operation characteristics, quality.

D.E. BARABASH, Doctor of Technical Sciences, military training centre of RF Air Force “Air Force Academy” (Voronezh); Yu.M. BORISOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, A.V. ANISIMOV, engineer (, the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Non-Isocyanate Polyurethanes are the Basis of Structural Composites
Fundamentals of the synthesis and production of non-isocyanate polyurethanes are considered. Their use as ecologically safe binders of building composites is substantiated. Results of experiments on defining structural properties of non-isocyanate polyurethane concretes are presented. Prospects of the use of developed compositions in elements of buildings and structures operating in aggressive media are shown.

Keywords: non-isocyanate polyurethanes, structural composites.

V.V. LYNNINK, engineer, Yu.G. BORISENKO, O.A. BORISENKO, Candidate of Technical Sciences, E.V. GORDIENKO, engineer, the North-Caucasus Federal University (NCFU) (Stavropol)

Ways to Reduce Bitumen Content of Bitumen Mineral Compositions with a Filler on the Basis of Claydite
On the basis of studies conducted the ways to reduce the bitumen content in light bitumen mineral compositions by means of modifying bitumen binders with residual products of oil refining (tars) and using the two-stage technology of these mixes preparation are determined. The optimal quantity of tar addition which makes it possible to reduce the bitumen content of light bitumen-mineral compositions by 14.3-27.3 % is established.

Keywords: bitumen content, bitumen-mineral composition, tar, two-stage technology, claydite gravel, crushed claydite.

S.Yu. ANDRONOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin (SSTU)

Power Saving and Environmentally Sound Technology of Cold Composite Vibro-Cast Reclaimed Asphalt
The cold technology of production and application of vibro-cast reclaimed asphalt has been developed. Processes of the structure formation are analyzed. Properties of asphalt and methods of their improvement are investigated. The technology of cold composite vibro-cast reclaimed asphalt is power saving, resources saving and environmentally sound.

Keywords: vibro-cast asphalt, composite, cold regeneration of asphalt, ecology, power saving, resource saving.

L.I. KHUDYAKOVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, O.V. VOYLOSHNIKOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, I.Yu. KOTOVA, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, the Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ulan-Ude, the Republic of Buryatia )

Mineral Powder from Natural Raw Materials of the Republic of Buryatia
The possibility to use troctolites as mineral powder in the production of asphalt concrete is considered. It is established, that mineral powder prepared from troctolites posses high adsorption activity. It is shown that its physical-chemical characteristics meet the requirements of GOST and it can be used in road construction.

Keywords: mineral powder, asphalt concrete, adsorption activity

A.N. MAMAEV, Technical Director, G.D. LITVINOVA, Chief Specialist, Industrial Furnaces Department, OAO “Lipetskstalproekt”; S.A. SKOKOV, Deputy General Director, OOO “ Starooskolsky kombinat stroitelnykh materialov” (Belgorod Oblast)

Upgrading of Design of a Shaft Gas Furnace of Terruzzi Fercalx SPA for Burning of Limestone
The design of the furnace does not exclude the bridging and arching on girder burners and is very demanding to the quality of limestone to be burned. These shortcomings were avoided by installing the cross-shaped ceramic core in the burning zone. Advantages of the core installation are shown; its structure is briefly described.

A.B. LIPILIN, General Director, N.V. KORENYUGINA, Chief Technologist, M.V. VEKSLER, engineer, “TEKHPRIBOR” Plant (Tula Oblast)

Mills Can Work Better
An analysis of the operation of grinding aggregates and air classifiers is made. The experiment on separation of mineral powder with the help of centrifugal classifiers of different design (air-through and air-centrifugal) is described. Conclusions about the optimal use of different types are made.

Keywords: mineral powder, air classification, grinding

A.B. LOSKUTOV, Head of Design and Engineering Department, OAO “NIIproektasbest”(Sverdlovsk Oblast); Ya.Ya. GOSSEN, Director for construction, ZAO “Kombinat Stroitelnykh Materialov” (Tymen Oblast”; O.Yu. GORBACHEVA, Head of Marketing Department, OAO “NIIproektasbest”(Sverdlovsk Oblast)

Perfection of Technology of Silicate Blocks Production at ZAO “Kombinat Stroitelnykh Materialov”
Two sorting to remove extraneous clay and small admixtures have been introduced in the technology of production at the “Porevit” factory. It made it possible to increase the finished product output by 20%. The task of unloading of frozen sand during the winter or green sand during the autumn-spring period from the closed storehouse has been solved owing to the use of vibroactivator BA-1750.

V.G. KUZNETSOV, President, I.P. KUZNETSOV, Commercial Director, OOO “As-Tik KP” (Moscow); A.A. BORODIN, Chief Mechanic , Complex of Burning Machine № 3 under construction, pelletizing factory, OAO “Mikhaylovsky GOK” (Zheleznogorsk); D.I. IVANNIKOV, Head of Cooperation Management, OAO “Uralmashzavod” (Ekaterinburg); P.V. ZAOSTROVSKY, Chief Engineer of Project, OAO “Uralmekhobr” (Ekaterinburg); D.A. ANUFRIEV, Deputy General Director for production, OAO “Taganrogstalkonstruktsiya” (Taganrog); N.S. MOKROUSOV, Deputy General Director for production, OOO “Prommontazh” (Kursk)

Factory Production of Bunkers Equipped with Efficient Means of Struggle with Adhering of Materials – PPFP-Astiki
The experience in the undertime manufacturing of 20 bunkers equipped with 18 t of PPFP-Astiki under the factory conditions for the manufacturing line of the burning machine № 3 under construction at the palletizing factory of OAO “Mikhaylovsky GOK” by means of cooperation of a number enterprises is presented. It is recommended to be used at analogues enterprises of other branches of mining and processing industries.

Keywords: adhering, lining, PPFP-Astiki, bunker.

R.Z. RAKHIMOV, N.R. RAKHIMOVA, Doctors of Technical Sciences, the Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Construction and Mineral Binders of the Past, Present and Future
The development of the use of building materials on the basis of mineral binders in construction since ancient times to the present is considered. It is shown that one of the conditions for provision of «sustainable development» of the construction industry is to expand the research, development, production and application of clinker-free hydraulic binders and binders with a small content of clinker on the basis of and with addition of anthropogenic raw materials.

Keywords: sustainable development, clinker-free hydraulic binders.

M.A. GONCHAROVA, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Lipetsk State Technical University, E.M. CHERNYSHOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of RAACS, the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Formation of Hardening Systems of Composites on the Basis of Anthropogenic Raw Materials
Results of the formation of hardening systems on the basis of fine-dispersed converter slag are presented. Structural and technological parameters influencing on their quality are shown and analyzed. Special attention is paid to the development of optimal compositions of binders on the basis of these hardening systems with due regard for the specificity of anthropogenic raw materials used.

Keywords: hardening systems of building composites, anthropogenic raw materials, structure, activation, converter slag.

P.V. BORKOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, A.D. KORNEEV, B.A. BONDAREV, Doctors of Technical Sciences, M.F. MELESHKIN, engineer, the Lipetsk State Technical University

Durability of Composite Materials on the Basis of Furfurol-Acetone Monomer
Results of the study of long-term strength of composite materials on the basis of furfurol acetone monomer in different periods of time are presented. A methodology of the prediction of durability of polymeric composites on the basis of thermodynamic concepts is offered.

Keywords: polymeric composite material, long-term strength, durability.

A.V. KOMARICHEV, engineer(, M.A. GONCHAROVA, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V.V. KROKHOTIN, student, the Lipetsk State Technical University

Dry Building Mixes with the Use of Metallurgic Production Waste
The development and optimization of dry building mixes compositions on the basis of local materials and industrial waste have been made. Mortars for self-levelling floors and also heat insulating plaster mixes are the sphere of using developed compositions.

Keywords: dry building mixes, production waste, converter slag, heat insulating plasters, self-levelling floors.

R.K. SADYKOV, Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Deputy Director for research, G.N. BIRYULEV, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, F.V. SEMENOV, engineer, the Central Research Institute for Geology of Industrial Minerals (Kazan)

Unsolved Problems of Mineral-Raw Material Provision of Construction Industry with Sand-Gravel Raw Materials in Modern Russia
The situation in the Russian Federation with the provision of sand and sand-gravel raw materials, which are the most voluminous mined minerals comparing with other kinds of non-metallic raw materials on the supply of which the activity of enterprises of construction industry and development of the road-transport construction depends is considered. Problems encountered when the building sand and sand-gravel materials are attributed to generally used minerals are identified.

Keywords: sand, sand-gravel material, reserves, mining, gravel, crushed stone, construction complex, generally used.

P.G. VASILIK (, D.S. GREKOV, engineers, ZAO “EvroKhim-1” (Moscow), A.F. BURIANOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, A.P. PUSTOVGAR, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering; A.A. GLUSHKOV, engineer, D.A. DAVYDOV, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, D.V. NAZAROV, engineer ( OOO “Vaker Hemi Rus”, Moscow)

Up-to-Date Adhesives for Production of Gypsum Plasterboards
The technology of gypsum plasterboards production including the mechanism of adhering the cardboard to the core, and factors influencing on this process are considered. An analysis of the influence of polymer binders on the adhesion on the gypsum-cardboard boundary is made.

Keywords: gypsum cardboard, gypsum plasterboard, adhesion of core to cardboard, polyvinyl alcohol, styrene-acrylic dispersion.

V.B. PETROPAVLOVSKAYA (, T.B. NOVICHENKOVA, Candidates of Technical Sciences, Yu.Yu. POLEONOVA, engineer, the Tver State Technical University; A.F. BURIANOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Moscow State University of civil Engineering

Modified Gypsum Unburned Composites
Results of the study of properties of pressed gypsum composites on the basis of calcium sulfate dehydrate are presented. The modification with Portland blastfurnace cement, polycarboxylate and microcalcite makes it possible to enhance operational and technological properties of composites obtained.

Keywords: calcium sulfate dehydrate, pressing, modification, ground marble, composite structure, strength, density

A.S. BAGDASAROV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, D.A. URUSOV, engineer(, the North Caucasian State Technological Academy of Humanities (Cherkessk)

Technological Line of Semi-Dry Pressing for Production of Phosphogypsum Wall Products
The technological line of semi-dry pressing of raw mixes on the basis of phosphogypsum from the dumps of OAO “Nevinnomysky Azot” containing a large amount of water, as well as the impurities of phosphorus and fluorine is described. This technology makes it possible to produce wall products made of phosphogypsum of 10-12 Mpa, which can be used for the construction of residential buildings of cottage type. The technology has been approbated in the shop for manufacturing facing silicate brick where the test batch of pressed brick has been produced.

Keywords: phosphogypsum, semi-dry pressing, pressed brick.

V.G. KHOZIN, Doctor of Technical Sciences, O.V. KHOKHRYAKOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, FGBOU VPO “Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering; B.K. SARSENBAEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director, NII “Construction Materials, Civil Engineering and Architecture”; N.B. SARSENBAEV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, S.D. KARYMSAKHOV, engineer(, RGP “South-Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov”.

About Efficiency of the Use of Industrial Waste of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Production of Cements of Low Water Demand
The experience in production and assessment of properties of low water demand cement of (LWDC) with the use of blast-furnace and electrothermophosphoric slag (the Republic of Kazakhstan) are presented. Obtained high physical-mechanical characteristics of LWDC substantiate the technical-economical efficiency of the use of slag as a raw component of LWDC.

Keywords: low water demand cement, slag, grindability.

L.K. KAZANTSEVA, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, SB RAS; G.I. STOROZHENKO, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director, «Baskey LTD» (Novosibirsk); A.I. NIKITIN, General Director, «Baskey Ceramics LTD» (Chelyabinsk); G.A. KISELEV, engineer, «Ki Ko Stroy Service» (Uralsk, the Republic of Kazakhstan)

Heat Insulators Based on Silica Clay Raw Materials
The paper presents the results of laboratory studies and pilot tests of the production of foamed glass based on the silica clay from Shipovo field ( the Republic of Kazakhstan). It is shown that the granulated foamed glass can be commercially produced from widespread siliceous raw material with the use of home equipment.

Keywords: siliceous raw material, silica clay, granulated foamed glass

A.G. PEREKHOZHENTSEV, Doctor of technical Sciences, the Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Simulation of Temperature and Humidity Processes in Porous Building Materials. Part 6. Energy Potential of Humidity of Capillary-Porous Materials
The development of the theory and practice of the use of humidity potential of capillary-porous materials are considered.

Keywords: humid porous materials, humidity potential

S.N. LEONOVICH, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Belarusian State Technical University; A.V. PRASOL, Master of Engineering, the Belarusian State University of Transport (Minsk)

Reinforced Concrete Under Conditions of Chloride Corrosion: Deformation and Destruction
Several mechanisms of the reduction in operational reliability and safety of a reinforced concrete structure as a result of corrosion are considered. It is shown, that reducing the concrete cross-section (as a result of cracks and peeling), reducing the area of reinforcement and loss of cohesion between reinforcement and concrete effect on the bearing capacity of these structures.

Keywords: corrosion of reinforcement, concrete strength, passivation, depassivation, destruction of structure.
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