
Stroitel`nye Materialy №3

Table of contents

M.Ya. CHERNYAK, General Director, ZAO “KKPD” (Rostov-on-Don)
The history of development and modernization of the large-panel houses prefabrication factory in the city of Rostov-on-Don is presented. It is shown, that the timely scaled reconstruction of the enterprise directed to the change of the production flow chart makes it possible to erect houses up to 19 stories with comfortable apartments.
Keywords: large-panel housing construction, capacity, technology, equipment selection.

S.E. SHMELEV, General Director, ZAO “PATRIOT-Engineering” (Moscow)
On the basis of studies conducted, a numerical method of selection of the optimal set of power-saving measures from a number of measures offered according to the results of energy inspection of an industrial enterprise is proposed.
Keywords: power saving, energy audit, power-saving measures, industrial enterprises, energy inspection.

O.V. BOGOMOLOV, General Director, ZAO “Engineering Company “INTERBLOK” A comparative analysis of gas consumption for curing reinforced concrete products before and after the modernization of steam and power services of an enterprise is given. It is shown, that after modernization the natural gas consumption can be reduced by more than three times.

Keywords: steam generator, steam and power services of enterprise, energy consumption.

V.V. BELOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, I.V. OBRAZTSOV, P.V. KULYAEV, engineers, the Tver State Technical University
A background of the optimal design of building mix compositions for producing concretes on cement bond based on regularities of formation of polydisperse structures is stated. An optimal grain structure of a filler for concrete has been selected; a computer model of its polydisperse structure has been built. Rheological characteristics of a concrete mix and strength properties of concrete are investigated by the method of mathematical simulation with the use of a three-factor planned experiment. Extremums of output properties of concrete have been defined.
Keywords: optimal granulometry, dense packing of grains, optimal formulation, carbonate filler, computer simulation.

P.I. GRIGORIEVA, engineer, OAO “Central Research and Design Institute for Residential and Public Buildings (TSNIIEPzhilishcha)” (Moscow)
Manufacture of Enclosing Structures of Buildings with Decorative Layers at Manufacturing Lines of Large-Panel House Prefabrication Enterprises The technology of manufacturing enclosing structures of a building with the use of prefabricated decorative layers at manufacturing lines of large-panel house prefabrication enterprises which makes it possible to improve the quality of façade finishing of products manufactured without the complication of the existing technology and the extension of the production cycle of enclosing elements of buildings is presented. A special device for gripping and placing decorative layers into the mould without damaging the design of decorative coatings has been developed. The device is a traverse with gripping mechanisms fixed on it, clips on the bottom part of which hold the decorative layer for anchors situated across the full width of it. The preliminary calculation shows that the process of placing decorative layers into the mould with afterjoining between themselves, if necessary, takes 10-15 minutes without delaying the manufacture of products on the conveyor line.
Keywords: large-panel house construction, technological lines for production of exterior wall panels, mechanized placing of large size decorative layers into mould, technology of production of enclosing elements with decorative layers.

A.N. DAVIDYUK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, NIIZHB named after A.A. Gvozdev (Moscow); G.V. NESVETAEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Rostov State University of Civil Engineering

It is shown, that at the prevailing market prices of building materials and construction and erection work large-panel house prefabrication meets the basic indicators of the cost price of construction of social housing included in the state programs on housing construction. It is proposed to establish a rational level of requirements for external wall panels. Comparative calculations of different structural conceptions of panel have been made. It is concluded, that only light concrete highly efficient structures with non-organic heat insulation can meet all requirements simultaneously. It is also proposed to change the scheme of panels cutting that makes it possible to enlarge their unit of area and shorten the length of vertical joints. As one of the variants of further reducing the cost price of large-panel production it is proposed to use self-compacting concrete mixes and special concretes for production of reinforced concrete roofs without surface waterproofing.

Keywords: large-panel house prefabrication, external wall panels, light concrete, efficient heat insulation, self-compacting concrete.

Yu.S. VOLKOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Counselor of RAACS, NIIZHB named after A.A. Gvozdev (Moscow)
About a Draft Eurostandard of Concrete EN-206
Recent innovations in the area of requirements for concrete in a new draft Eurostandard are considered. An analysis of requirements of the new document, and an order of implementation of updated normative documents are presented. Interconnection with the Eurocode-2 is shown; a necessity to conduct extensive studies concerning the use of Eurostandard requirements in the Russian practice is denoted.
Keywords: concrete, durability, Eurostandard, Eurocode.

I.N. TIKHONOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, NIIZHB named after A.A. Gvozdev (Moscow)
The efficiency of reinforcing bar with various types of profile should be assessed in the course of its production, technological treatment and operation in reinforced concrete structures. A comparative evaluation of annular, crescent-shaped, double-ended (European), and crescent-shaped four-sided (A500SP) profiles of reinforcement rod makes it possible to give a high rating to advantages of the latter and to recommend it for the mass application in reinforced concrete structures including those designed with due regard for emergency load.
Keywords: efficiency, reinforcement, adhesion, anchoring, crack resistance, emergency loads.

R.K. SADYKOV, Candidate of Geographic Sciences, FGUP “Central Research Institute for Geology of Industrial Minerals” (Kazan”
Problem issues of the development of mineral raw material base for the construction materials industry are considered. The possibilities of enlargement of the mineral raw material base for the purpose of social-economic development of the territories of different levels (federal districts, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipal areas, settlements) are shown. Institutional transformations connected with the mechanism of grant of rights to use mineral wealth for the purpose of exploration, survey and mining of widespread minerals having federal significance as well as the redistribution of the mineral extraction tax among the budgets of different levels are offered.
Keywords: mineral raw material base, construction materials production, minerals, region, budget.

N.V. SOMOV, Honorary Builder of Russia, Chairman of Board, Association of Silicate Products Manufacturers, General Director, OOO “Silikatstroy” (Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast)
On the basis of historical facts and current state of the silicate brick industry the main problems hindering the development of the industry are formulated. They are technological dependence on foreign suppliers of equipment and spare parts, high fares for transportation of finished product, by railway transport in particular, difficulties in legalization of open pits, obsolete normative-technical base of the silicate industry and appropriate documents.

E.V. BELYAEV, Managing Director, Russian Union of Dry Building Mixtures Manufacturers (St. Petersburg),
It is shown, that the peak of production and sale of counterfeit products in the field of dry building mixtures fells on 1998-2007 when there were the explosive growth of the industry and the formation of DBM market. Types and subjects of the damage as a result of production and sale of counterfeit as well as the most common scheme of counterfeit products of well-known companies are presented. An analysis of the current state of this problem and a forecast for the near term outlook are presented.
Keywords: dry building mixtures (DBM), market structure, localization of production, counterfeit products, protection of packing, holographic signs.

S. S. KAPRIELOV, Dr. Sc., A. L. GOLDENBERG, engineer, NIIZHB named after A.A Gvozdev (JSC «SRC «Building Construction» Department ) (Moscow)
The information is about self-healing high strength concrete performance properties under alternating temperature influence. Experimental quantitative mark of destruction and self-healing processes is given, processes developing in the cement stone at the micro-structure level are described. Degree of destruction of the concrete with the additive of MB-30C with frost effects in comparison with the usual is smaller, and the degree of selfhealing, however, is higher than for conventional concrete, which is associated with the intensity of the residual clinker hydration fund.

Keywords: durability, self-healing of concrete, high strength concrete, periodical influence of alternating temperatures.

A.G. PEREKHOZHENTSEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

A method of the calculation of isothermal moisture conductivity coefficients with due regard for characteristics of a porous structure depending on properties of water in pores of materials is considered.

Keywords: porous structure, isothermal moisture conductivity.

S.V. FEDOSOV, Academician of RAACN, Doctor of Technical Sciences, N.N. ELIN, V.E. MIZONOV, Doctors of Technical Sciences, A.A. SAKHAROV, engineer (, the Ivanovo State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

A non-linear mathematical model of the process of heat transfer through the enclosing structure containing moisture and undergoing the freezing-thawing phase change is offered. Two cases are considered: one-dimensional heat transfer through the wall and two-dimensional heat transfer through the angle joint. The model is made on the basis of the universal computational algorithm based on the mathematical apparatus of the theory of Markov chains and makes it possible to calculate transient and steady-state processes in the wall with due regard for moisture freezing and thawing. Examples of the calculation of freezing surface penetration under different external conditions are presented.

Keywords: flat wall, angle joint, heat conductivity, phase transition, freezing surface

A.S. TUTYGIN, engineer, A.M. AYZENSHTADT, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, the Northern (Arctic) Federal University V.S. LESOVIK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of RAACS, the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov; M.A. FROLOVA, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, M.P. BOBROVA, student, the Northern (Arctic) Federal University

The conducted study shows that this thermodynamic model based on the experimental definition of energetic parameters of fine grained systems surface with the consequent determination of the area of thermodynamic compatibility of constituent components can be offered for selection of an optimal composition of additives in the course of formation of building composites on the basis of rocks.
Keywords: surface tension, contact angle, rocks, thermodynamic compatibility.

A.Yu. STOLBOUSHKIN, Candidate of Technical Sciences, O.A. STOLBOUSHKINA (, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Siberian State Industrial University; G.I. BERDOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

It is established that the method of semidry pressing is the most efficient for production of wall ceramic materials on the basis of anthropogenic and natural raw materials. Pressing pressure, a density composition of grains (aggregates) and moisture content of moulding powder are the most critical factors for production of air-brick without cracks, unmixing, and overpress. The optimal values of parameters of pressing of granulated moulding powders are defined according to the developed methods with the use of compression curves.

Keywords: ceramic brick, granulation, anthropogenic raw material, moulding powder, compression curves.

I.M. BARANOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, OOO “NTTS EMIT” (Moscow)

To expand the role of rheology in technology of special concretes production, to improve their qualities and physical-mechanical properties, the method of definition of viscoelastic properties of deformed concrete mixes by means of defining rheological characteristics instead of the practiced now definition of their moulding properties – mobility and flow of the mix - is proposed.
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