
Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №2

Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №2
February, 2013

Table of contents

A.V. POTAPENKO, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Specialist, GP MO “Architectural-Planning Administration of Moscow Oblast”

How to Modernize the Planning System in Town Planning

Problems of the existing system of planning in town planning in the Russian Federation which includes territorial planning, town planning zoning, and territory lay-out are considered. Proposals for modernization of the system, including the introduction of new types of documents of territorial planning, the exclusion of town-planning zoning as a separate form of town-planning activity, the complement of documentation on territory planning with legal provisions, the introduction of standards of city planning documentation and processes of its preparation are formulated. To reduce the time and cost of projects development, to simplify their approval, to protect against the competition when placing orders for these types of works the concept of an uniform self-developing geographical information system is proposed.

Keywords: planning system in town planning, territorial planning, master plan of human settlement, rules of land use and development, project of territory lay-out, uniform self-developing geographical information system.

O.S. SUBBOTIN, Candidate of Architecture (, the Kuban State Agrarian University Architecture of Railway Complexes in the System of a City

The initial stage of railways construction in Russia is presented. The studies covering the separate periods in the history of railway complexes of southern cities – Armavir, Tikhoretsk, Kropotkin – have been conducted. Attention is accentuated on the influence of a railway and railway stations on the formation and developments of human settlements. A comparative analysis of emergence and development of railway station complexes is made.

Keywords: railway, transport, railway station, station, human settlement, complex, planning structure.

I.G. MALKOV, Doctor of Architecture, I.I. MALKOV, Candidate of Architecture (, M.M. VLASYUK (, architect, the Belarusian State University of Transport (Gomel, the Republic of Belarus)

Architecture of Railway Stations of Byelorussia: History, Current Conditions and Prospects of Development Issues of the development of architecture of railway stations of Byelorussia, types and architectural-planning conceptions of the existing railway stations in Byelorussia are considered. The planning structure of railway stations as well as other functional and aesthetic parameters are shown. Trends of development of railway complexes with due regard for changing social and economic conditions are outlined.

Keywords: railway station, space-planning arrangement, constructive decision, composition of premises, railway station square, traffic flow, transport junction.

S.Yu. ALEKSEEV, architect, councillor of RAACS, N.N. ALEKSEEVA, architect, the Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don)

The Theory of Spatial Levels and Cultural Polyphony in Architecture
The modern cultural paradigm in the field of architecture and town planning is considered. The theory of spatial levels and the history of architecture from the position of the theory of spatial levels are briefly stated. The Baroque Epoch is defined as a transition phase to post-modernist ideology. Areas of theoretical research in the field of nonlinear history of architecture are defined.

A.G. MALININ, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Technical Director, D.A. MALININ, engineer, OOO “SK “InzhProektStroy” (Perm)

Method of Control of Continuity of Enclosures from Earth-Cement Piles around Deep Pits Results of benchmark and full-scale tests with the use of ultrasound method for monitoring the continuity of enclosures of deep pits constructed using the jet grouting are presented. It is shown, that this method is an efficient way to detect local defects in an earth-cement enclosure.

Keywords: jet grouting of soil, ultrasound method, pits.

A.L. BOLSHEROTOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering; L.V. BOLSHEROTOVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering

Strategy of Ensuring Ecological Safety of Construction. Part 3. Ecological Evaluation and Expertise at the Design Stage of Construction Examples of the assessment of influence of obligatory and desirable objects of construction on the environment using the method of deterministic planetary model are presented. The article is a continuation of the series of materials on the strategy of ensuring ecological safety of construction. [1, 2]

D.V. AZAROV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, N.A. MARININ, A.B. STRELYAEVA, V.A. IVANOV, V.A. SHIBAKOV, engineers, the Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Assessment of PM10 and PM2.5 in Housing Construction Dust generated in construction industry is one of the live examples of the negative impact on the environment manifested at all stages of the technological chain from the production of building materials and operation of ready-made objects up to their demolition and utilization of generated waste. It is shown, that with the help of the method of microscopic analysis of disperse composition of the dust generated in the course of construction and finishing works it is possible to assess a percentage of PM10 and PM2.5 particles for efficient control over the influence of dust on human health.

Keywords: fine-dispersed particles, concentration, working zone, construction and finishing works, disperse composition.

A.V. SNITKO, Candidate of Architecture (, I.V. DURTSEVA, architect (, the Ivanova State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Historical and Architectural Heritage of Railway Sector in the Ivanono Region The structure of historical and architectural heritage of the railway sector in the Ivanovo Region is presented; main characteristics of functionality, space-planning arrangements and architectural-artistic decisions of objects of this heritage are given; main directions of necessary scientific research connected with its analysis and use are emphasized.

Keywords: railway stations, residential buildings of railwaymen, running sheds, water towers, objects of cultural heritage.

I.N. TIKHONOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, NIIZhB named after A.A. Gvozdev

Principles of Strength Calculation and Designing of Reinforcement of Floor Girders of Monolithic Reinforced Concrete Buildings to Prevent Progressing Rupture
Principles of calculation and designing of reinforcement of floor girders of monolithic reinforced concrete buildings for the protection against progressing rupture at emergency loads are presented. The developed calculating methods of accounting plastic deformation of normal cross-sections of girders and the influence of thrust make it possible to minimize reinforcement consumption.

Keywords: reinforced concrete structures, strength, progressing rupture, emergency dynamic loads, reinforcement.

O.D. SAMARIN, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Moscow State University of civil Engineering

Selection of Parameters of Internal Microclimate in the Course of Heat Recovery in Ventilation Systems The dependence of processes in the ventilation systems on relative humidity in the room in the course of heat recovery with an intermediate heat medium is considered. Recommendations for the selection of optimum relative humidity are made.

Kewords: power consumption, heat recovery, relative humidity, intermediate heat medium, condensation.

V.M. KOMOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V.A. KADUSHKIN (, engineer, the Saint Petersburg State Agrarian University

Calculation of Agricultural Road Pavements Reinforced with Synthetic Lattices with the Help of Software Simulation The software simulation of pavements of automobile roads of the lowest categories is considered. An integral equation making it possible to simulate three-layered road pavements according to the geological characteristics of the site has been obtained. The comparison of road pavements reinforced and non-reinforced with synthetic lattices under the load is presented.

Keywords: road pavements, synthetic lattice, software simulation, vertical displacement.

A.D. LOMAKIN, Candidate of Technical Sciences, TSNIISK named after V.A. Kucherenko

Protection of Façade Surfaces of a Wooden House
Requirements for priming antiseptics and protective-decorative compositions for the protection of facade surfaces of wooden houses against atmospheric influences are presented. Structural measures of protection of facades of log and squared timber walls, variants of placement of decorative wood sidings and various methods of their fastening are considered.

Keywords: façade surface of wall, vapor permeability, priming antiseptic, façade covering, wood siding, warping.
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