Table of contents
S.N. LEONOVICH1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (; D.V. SVIRIDOV2, Doctor of Sciences (Chemistry) (,
2, Candidate of Sciences (Chemistry), A.L. BELANOVICH2
, Candidate of Sciences (Chemistry),
2, Candidate of Sciences (Chemistry), V.P. SAVENKO2
, Senior Staff Scientist
1 Belarusian National Technical University (65, Nezavisimosti Avenue, Minsk, 220013, Belarus)
2 Belarusian State University (4, Nezavisimosti Avenue, Minsk, 220030, Belarus)
Concrete Shrinkage Compensation
The prospectivity of obtaining low shrinkage foam concrete of 200–400 kg/m3 density from cement mix containing dehydrated sodium citrate and expansive sulfoaluminate modifier
ESM has been established. The effect of shrinkage compensation reveals itself due to the synthesis under conditions of the foam-cement structure of low-basic hydrosilicates which are
overgrown with jellylike materials generated as a result of interaction of cement components, ESM additive and sodium citrate with the formation of a new block structure which resists
to shrinkage effects in the process of transition of the foam-cement frame of foam concrete to the elastic state. Such factors as water migration under the impact of the temperature
gradient, which leads to destructive effects, moist shrinkage, swelling of pore walls under steam condensation etc., resist to the progression of formation of hardening foam concrete
structure. Defining destructive processes in the production of foam concrete are heat- and mass transfer in humid porous solids and stresses caused by temperature expansion of the
material. To obtain the uniform distribution of heat flows in the course of drying of foam concrete massive, it is necessary to achieve the simultaneous heating of its volume. This can be
realized with the help of microwave radiation which ensures the uniform drying without shrinkage effects and noticeable cracks.
Keywords: foam concrete, cement, foam mass, shrinkage, sodium citrate.
1. Batrakov V.G. Modificirovannie betoni, teoriya i prakti
ka [The modified concrete, the theory and practice].
Moscow: Thehnoproect. 1998. 768 p.
2. Krivitskii M.Ya., Levin N.I., Makarichev V.V. Yacheistye
betony (tekhnologiya, svoistva i konstruktsii) [Cellular
concrete (technology, properties and structure)].
Moscow: Stroiizdat. 1972. 137 p.
3. Ruzhinsky S.R., Portik A.A., Savinih A.V. Vse o penob
etone [In total about foam concrete]. St. Petersburg:
ООО «Story Beton». 2006. 630 p.
4. Leonovich S.N. Sviridov D.V., Belanovich A.L., Shchu
kin G.L., Savenko V.P., Karpushenkov S.A. Prolongation of
working life of mortar mixes. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Const
ruction Materials]. 2012. No. 10, pp. 74–77. (In Russian).
5. Patent 18077 BY. Sposob polucheniya uskoritelya tverdeni
ya dlya betonov i stroitel’nykh rastvorov [Method of ob
taining the hardener for the concretes and the mortars].
Savenko V.P., Shchukin G.L., Leonovich S.N. ets.
Published. B.I. № 2. 2012.
6. Chindaprasirt P., Rattanasak U. Shrinkage behavior of
structural foam lightweight concrete containing glycolNo. 2, pp. 723–727.
7. Sakharov G.L. Complex assessment of crack resistance of
cellular concrete. Beton i zhelezobeton. 1990. No. 10,
pp. 39–41. (In Russian).
8. Kharkhardin, A.N. Structural topology of foam concrete.
Izvestiya vuzov. Stroitel’stvo. 2005. No. 2, pp. 18–26.
(In Russian).
9. Mechai A.A., Baranovskaya E.I. Formation of composi
tion and structure of products hydrosilicate hardening in
the presence of sulfomineral additives. Tsement i ego prim
enenie. 2010. No. 5, pp. 128–133. (In Russian).
10. Protko N.S., Mechay A.A. Expanding sulfoaluminate
modifier for compensating the shrinkage strain of con
cretes and solutions. The problems of contemporary con
crete and reinforced concrete: International Symposium.
Part 2. Minsk. 2007, pp. 255–271.
11. Dvorkin L.I., Dvorkin O.L. Stroitel’noe materialovede
nie [Construction materials science]. Moscow: Infra
Inzheneriya. 2013. 832 p.
12. Stark J. Recent advances in the field of cement hydration
and microstructure analysis. Cement and Concrete re
search. 2011. Vol. 41. No. 7, pp. 666–678.
13. Khudyakov A.I., Kiselev D.A.. Management of structure
and quality of foam concrete. Proektirovanie i stroitel’stvo
Sibiri. 2009. No. 4, pp. 29. (In Russian).
14. Mamontov A.V., Nefedov V.N., Nazarov I.V. ets.
Mikrovolnovye tekhnologii: monografiya [Microwave
technologies. Monograph]. Moscow: GNU of NII
(Scientific Research Institute) PMT. 2008. 308 p.
S.V. FEDOSOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Academician of RAACS (,
V.E. RUMYANTSEVA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Adviser of RAACS (,
V.A. KHRUNOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (, M.E. SHESTERKIN, Engineer (
Ivanovo State Polytechnical University (20, 8 Marta Street, Ivanovo,153037, Russian Federation)
On Some Problems of Security Technology and Durability of Buildings and Engineering Infrastructure
On the basis of the classical and latest theoretical and experimental studies, efficient recommendations on preventing the destruction of building structures due to corrosion are pro-
posed. The mathematical simulation of the corrosion mass-transfer in the course of corrosion of cement concretes of the first type, which occurs in the concrete under the impact of
water with low hardness when components of the cement stone are dissolved, washed away, and carried away by the moving aqueous media, has been carried out. The boundary prob-
lem of mass conductivity in dimensional and non-dimensional variables is presented. The final solution of the problem using the method of Laplace at low values of Fourier number for
mass exchange, as well as its practical application when inspecting the building structures of the water reservoir for fire fighting is presented.
Keywords: corrosion, cement concrete, liquid water environment, diffusion, mass transfer, safety, durability, Henry number
1. Moskvin V.M. Korroziya betona [Corrosion of concrete].
Moscow: Strojizdat. 1952. 342 p.
2. Fedosov S.V., Aloyan R.M., Ibragimov A.M., Gnedina
L.Yu., Aksakovskaya L.N. Promerzanie vlazhnyh grun-
tov, osnovanij i fundamentov [Freezing wet soils, base-
ments and foundations]. Moscow: ASV. 2005. 277 p.
3. Fedosov S.V., Rumyantceva V.E., Fedosova N.L.,
Smel’cov V.L. Modeling of mass transfer processes in
liquid corrosion of the concrete of the first kind.
Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2005.
No. 7, pp. 60–62. (In Russian).
4. Fedosov S.V., Rumyantceva V.E., Hrunov V.A.,
Aksakovskaya L.N. Modeling of mass transfer in the pro-
cesses of corrosion of the concrete of the first kind (small
values of the number of Fourier). Stroitel’nye Materialy
[Construction Materials]. 2007. No. 5, pp. 70–71.
(In Russian).
5. Fedosov S.V., Rumyantceva V.E., Hrunov V.A.,
Kas’yanenko N.S., Smel’cov V.L. Prediction of struc
tural durability with the positions of the calculated and
experimental investigations of the processes of corrosion
of concrete. Vestnik Volgogradskogo GASU. 2009.
No. 14 (33), pp. 117–122. (In Russian).
6. Fedosov S.V., Rumyantceva V.E., Hrunov V.A., Shester
kin M.E. The issues of predicting the durability of build
ing constructions. Stroitel’stvo i rekonstrukciya. 2011.
No. 5 (37), pp. 63–69. (In Russian).
7. Fedosov S.V., Rumyantceva V.E., Kas’yanenko N.S.,
Hrunov V.A. Mass transfer in the system «concrete – ag
gressive liquid phase», complicated chemical reaction at
the interface. Vestnik otdeleniya stroitel’nyh nauk [Bulletin
of the Department of construction Sciences]. 2011.
No. 15, pp. 216–219. (In Russian).
8. Fedosova N.L., Rumyantceva V.E., Shesterkin M.E.,
Manohina Yu.V. About some features of the modeling of
mass transfer in the processes of corrosion of the first type
of concrete in a closed system «container-fluid».
Stroitel’stvo i rekonstrukciya. 2013. No. 1 (45), pp. 86–94.
(In Russian).
9. Kayumov R.A., Fedosov S.V., Rumyantceva V.E.,
Hrunov V.A., Manohina Yu.V., Krasil’nikov I.V.
Mathematical modeling of corrosion mass transfer in
heterogeneous systems «liquid corrosive environment
– cement concrete». Special cases and solutions.
Izvestiya KGASU. 2013. No. 4 (26), pp. 343–348.
(In Russian).
G.I. BERDOV1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering); M.A. ELESIN2, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (,
2, Engineer (
1Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (113, Leningradskaya Street, Novosibirsk, 630008, Russian Federation)
2Norilsk Industrial Institute (7, 50 Let Oktyabrya, Norilsk, 663310, Russian Federation)
High-Strength Concrete on the Base of Lime-Sulfur Sealing Compound
The use of the lime-sulfur sealing compound obtained by means of dissolving the sulfur in the lime suspension heated up to 95°C at mechanical blending in the course of heavy con-
crete manufacturing ensures the improvement of its strength under compression by 30–50%. In doing this, up to 50% of Portland cement in the structure of the binder can be replaced
with disperse anthropogenic additives (metallurgical ferriferous slag or ferriferous cinders).
Keywords: concrete, lime-sulfur sealing compound, resource saving, power saving, slag
1. Vovk A.I. Hydration of three-calcic C3A aluminate and
the mixes C3A - plaster at presence surfactant: adsorption
or superficial phase formation? Kolloidnyi zhurnal. 2000.
Vol. 62. No. 1, pp. 31–38. (In Russian).
2. Guvalov A.A. Management of structurization of cement
systems with multifunctional super softeners. Tekhnika i
tekhnologiya silikatov. 2011. Vol. 18. No. 3, pp. 24–27.
(In Russian).
3. Kalashnikov V.I., Moroz M.N., Tarakanov O.V.,
Kalashnikov D.V., Suzdaltsev O.V. New ideas about ac
tion mechanism of superplasticizers grinded jointly with
cement or mineral rocks. Stroitel’nye Materialy
[Construction Materials]. 2014. No. 9, pp. 70–75.
(In Russian).
4. Bazhenov Yu.M., Dem’yanova V.S., Kalashnikov V.I.
Modifitsirovannye vysokokachestvennye betony [The
modified high-quality concrete] . Moscow: ASV. 2006.
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5. Malek K., Coppens M.O. Knudsen self and Fickian dif
fusion in rough nanoporous media. Journal of Chemical
Phуsics. 2003. Vol. 5. Issue 119, pp. 2801–2811.
6. Kalashnikov V.I., Gulyaeva E.V., Valiev D.M. Influence
of a look super and hyper softeners on rheological-tech
nology properties of cement and mineral suspensions,
powder mixes and strength properties of concrete.
Izvestiya vuzov. Stroitel’stvo. 2011. No. 12, pp. 40–45.
(In Russian).
7. Klassen V.K., Ermolenko E.P., Novoselov A.G.
Interaction in systems a calcium carbonate – alkaline
chlorides. Tekhnika i tekhnologiya silikatov. 2009. Vol. 16.
No. 4, pp. 7–16. (In Russian).
8. Spitatos N., Раgе М., Mailvanam N. et al. Superplasticizers
for concrete: fundamentals, technology and practice.
Quebec–Canada. 2006. 322 p.
9. Berdov G. I., Il’ina L. V. Interaction of silicate brick min
erals with water solutions of electrolytes. Izvestiya vuzov.
Stroitel’stvo. 2012. No. 10, pp. 3–9. (In Russian).
10. Mashkin N.A. Elesin M.A., Nizamutdinov A.R.,
Botvin’eva I.P. Hydrochemical modifying of concrete
mixes dilution in lime and sulfur liquor. Izvestiya vuzov.
Stroitel’stvo. 2013. No. 6, pp. 16–21. (In Russian).
V.I. KALASHNIKOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), O.V. SUZDALTSEV, Engineer,
M.N. MOROZ, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (, V.V. PAUSK, Engineer
Penza State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (28, G. Titova Street, Penza, 440028, Russian Federation)
Frost Resistance of Coloured Architectural-Decorative Powder-Activated Sand Concretes
Results of the assessment of frost resistance of self-compacting, colour, ultra-high-strength, powder-activated, carbonate fine concrete of 140–150 MPa strength produced without
microsilica are presented. It is significant that the lime disperse filler, fine lime sand, and lime sand-filler, which are contained in the high-strength carbonate concrete, are produced
from the waste of limestone crushing and in the course of testing for frost resistance the concrete withstands one thousand cycles of alternating freezing-thawing practically without
weight loss and with the decrease in strength by 2%.
Keywords: ultra-high-strength concretes, self-compacting concretes, architectural-decorative concrete, finishing materials, durability.
. 1 Daniel Pfeffer Seraphim. The use of glass fiber reinforced
concrete in structures with high architectural require
ments. SPI. Mezhdunarodnoe betonnoe proizvodstvo. 2012.
No. 2, рр. 130–134. (In Russian).
2. Flowers made of concrete. The new museum building in
Vorarlberg Bregenz. SPI. Mezhdunarodnoe betonnoe
proizvodstvo. 2013. No. 5, рр. 24–26. (In Russian).
3. Kuntcevich O.V. Betony vysokoj morozostojkosti dlja
sooruzhenij Krajnego Severa [Concrete structures for
high frost resistance of the Far North]. Leningrad:
Stroiizdat. 1983. 131 p.
4. Kalashnikov V.I., Suzdaltsev O.V., Dryanin R.A.,
Sehposyan G.P. The role of dispersed and fine-grained
fillers in concrete new generation. Izvestija vuzov.
Stroitel’stvo. 2014. No. 7, рр. 11–21. (In Russian).
5. Kalashnikov V., Kornienko P., Gorshkova L., Gakshte
ter G., Sarsenbayeva A. Development of compositions of
self-compacting fine-grained refractoty concrete. Journal of
Advanced Concrete Technology. 2014. Vol. 12, pp. 299–309.
6. Moroz M.N., Kalashnikov V.I., Petukhov A.V. Frost re
sistance hydrophobized concrete. Molodoj uchenyj. 2014.
No. 19, pp. 222–225.
7. Khozin V.G., Khokhryakov O.V., Sibgatullin I.R.,
Gizzatullin A.R., Kharchenko I.J. Carbonate Cements of
Low Water-Need is a Green Alternative for Cement
Industry of Russia. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2014. No. 5, pp. 76–83. (In Russian).
New GOST of Gypsum Plasterboard KNAUF (Information)
Permanent Formwork “PLASTBAU-3” . Prospects of Low-Rise Monolithic Housing Construction (Information)
V.V. BELOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), S. L. SUBBOTIN, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), P. V. KULYAEV, Engineer (
Tver State Technical University (22, Afanasiy Nikitin Еmbankment, Tver, 170026, Russian Federation)
Strength and Strain Properties of Concrete with Carbonate Microfillers
Knowledge of the stress-strain state distribution in concrete with limestone fines under compression is crucial for the design of certain kinds of reinforced concrete members, such as
shells and membranes. The study focuses on strain characteristics of concrete with limestone fines, such as short-term and long-term creep and shrinkage, in elastic and plastic areas
of their development, with comparison to ordinary concretes. The article enlightens such stress properties, as crack resistance and cubic strength. The comparison of theoretical figures
with test data is drawn on the basis of phenomenological approach to solution of similar tasks.
Keywords: concrete, limestone microfillers, creep and shrinkage strains, creep modulus, creep characteristic.
1. Tarun R. Naik, FethullahCanpolat, Yoon-moon Chun.
Limestone powder use in cement and concrete. Report
No. CBU-2003-31 REP-525 // Department of Civil
Engineering and Mechanics College of Engineering and
Applied Science. The University Of Wisconsin –
Milwaukee. July. 2003.
2. Khozin V.G., Khokhryakov O.V., Sibgatullin I.R.,
Gizzatullin A.R., Kharchenko I.Ya. Carbonate cements
of low water-need is a green alternative for cement
industry of Russia. Stroite’nye Materialy [Construction
Materials]. 2014. No. 5, pp. 76–82. (In Russian).
3. Berdov G.I., Ilyina L.V., Zyryanova V.N., Nikonen
ko N.I., Mel'nikov A.V. Improving the properties of
composite building materials by introduction of mineral
micro fillers. Stroiprofi: Stroitel'nye Tehnologiii Betony.
2012. No. 2, pp. 26–30. (In Russian).
4. Plugin A.A., Kostyuk T.A., Saliya M.G. Bondaren
ko D.A. Application of carbonate additives in cement
compositions for waterproofing and restoration of
buildings and structures. Collection of scientific papers of
the institute of civil engineering and architecture
MSUCE. 2012, pp. 224–227. (In Russian).
5. Chaid R., Jauberthie1 R. et Boukhaled A. Effet de l’ajout
calcairesur la durabilite des betons. Lebanese Science
Journal. 2010. Vol. 11. No. 1.
6. Amlan K Sengupta, Devdas Menon. Prestressed concrete
structures. Indian Institute of technology. 2002.
7. Pieter Desnerck, Geert De Schutter, Luc Taerwe. Stress
strain behavior of self-compacting concretes containing
limestone fillers. Structural Concrete. 2012. Vol. 13. Issue
2, pp. 95–101.
8. Lesovik V. S., Belentsov Yu.A., Kuprina A.A. The use of
provisions of geonik when designing structures for work
under dynamic and seismic loads. Izvestiya vysshih
uchebnyh zavedeniy. Stroitel'stvo. 2013. No. 2–3, pp. 121–
126. (In Russian).
9. Lesovik V.S. Ageeva M.S., Denisova Yu.V., Ivanov A.V.
The use of composite binding for durability of concrete
pavers. Vestnik Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnologi
cheskogo universitete im. V.G. Shuhova. 2011. No.4, pp.
52–54. (In Russian).
10. Lesovik V.S., Chulkova I.L. Upravlenie strukturo
obrazovaniem stroitel'nyh kompozitov [Management
structure formation building composites]. Omsk. SibADI.
2011. 459 p.
11. Belov, V.V., Smirnov M.A. Theoretical Foundations of
optimization techniques size distribution of compositions
for the manufacture of nonfired construction
conglomerates. Vestnik otdeleniya stroitel'nyh nauk.
RAACS. 2011. Vol. 15, pp 175–179. (In Russian).
12. Belov V.V., Smirnov M.A. New guidelines for determining
the composition of high-quality concrete. Vestnik
Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta.
2008. Vol. 13, pp. 341–346. (In Russian).
13. De Schutter G. Effect of limestone filler as mineral
addition in self compacting concrete. 36 Conference on
Our World in concrete & Structures. Singapore. October
14–16. 2011.
O.M. SMIRNOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (
Petersburg State Transport University of Emperor Alexander I (9, Moskovsky Avenue, 190031, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)
The Use of Mineral Micro-Filler for Increasing the Activity of Portland-Cement
Research in the choice of consumption and dispersion of the quartz micro-filler with the purpose to increase the activity of Portland-cement after the low temperature steam treatment
is presented. The efficiency of results obtained is the increase in the activity of Portland-cement and, consequently, in the strength of concrete after steam treatment with the isothermal
concrete curing temperature of 40°C instead of the applied temperature of 80°C and the Portland-cement saving comparing with nominal compositions.
Keywords: portland cement, mineral filler, precast reinforced concrete, steaming treatment, temperature of steaming treatment.
1. Serenko A.F., Petrova T.M. Besproparochnaya tekh
nologiya proizvodstva podrel’sovykh konstruktsii
[Non-steaming technology of sleepers production]
M.: Uchebno-metodicheskii tsentr po obrazovaniyu
na zheleznodorozhnom transporte. 2012. 136 р.
(In Russian).
2. Smirnova O.M. Requirements to granulometric compo
sition of Portland cement for precast reinforced con
crete production under low-heat steaming treatment.
Tsement i ego primenenie. 2012. No. 2, рр. 205–207.
(In Russian).
3. Jiong Hu, Zhi Ge, Kejin Wang. Influence of cement fine
ness and water-to-cement ratio on mortar early-age heat
of hydration and set times. Construction and Building
Materials. 2014. V. 50, pp. 657–663.
4. Khuzin A.F., Gabidullin M.G., Rakhimov R.Z.,
Gabidullina A.N., Stoyanov O.V. Acceleration of cement
composites hardening modified with additives and carbon
nanotubes. Vse materialy. Entsiklopedicheskii spravochnik.
2013. No. 11, pp. 32–36. (In Russian).
5. Khuzin A.F., Gabidullin M.G., Badertdinov I.R.,
Rakhimov R.Z., Abramov F.P., Yumakulov R.E.,
Nizembaev A.Sh., Perepelitsa E.M. Integrated supple
ments based on carbon nanotubes for high-strength con
cretes. Izvestiya Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitek
turno-stroitel’nogo universiteta. 2013. No. 1, pp. 221–226.
(In Russian).
6. Korobkova M.V., Ryabova A.A., Kharitonov A.M.
Influence low-hard dispersed additives on impact strength
of cement concrete. Estestvennye i tekhnicheskie nauki.
2014. No. 8 (76), pp. 154–156. (In Russian)
R.V. CHIZHOV1, Engineer (, N.I. KOZHUKHOVA1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) ,
1, Candidate of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy), D.N. KOROTKIH2
, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (
1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), M.I. KOZHUKHOVA1
, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (;
1 Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (46, Kostyukov Street, Belgorod, 308012, Russian Federation)
2 Voronezh State University of Architecture and Сivil Engineering (84, 20-letija Oktjabrja Street, Voronezh, 394006, Russian Federation)
Phase Formation and Properties of Aluminum-Silicate Binders of Dehydration Type of Hardening with the Use of Perlite*
Properties of the aluminum-silicate binder of dehydration type of hardening with the use of natural perlite have been studied. The interconnection of the influence of dispersion of perlite
raw material and the molar ratio of oxides in the alkaline-activated binding system of Na2O and Al2O3 on the final performance characteristics of obtained alkaline-perlite composites has
been established. When the degree of dispersion of perlite particles is low, to ensure higher strength characteristics of the stone the larger quantity of alkaline component is required
than for fine perlite. It is revealed that the introduction of excess amount of alkali into the aluminum-silicate system leads to the retardation of structure formation processes in the hard-
ening alkali-perlite matrix and, as a result, to reduced strength characteristics. Phase peculiarities of aluminum-silicate composites on the basis of perlite raw material, which are formed
under impacts of various time and temperature parameters, have been studied.
Keywords: aluminum silicates, perlite, zeolite, alkali-activation, phase formation, geopolymers.
1. Lesovik V.S., Zhernovoy F.E., Glagolev E.S. Application
of natural perlite in blended cements. Stroitel’nye
Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2009. No. 6, pp. 84–
87. (In Russian).
2. Korinevsky E.V. PetroExplorer – a new computer pro
gram for storage and calculation of chemical analysis for
minerals and rocks. Proceeding of VI International school
on Earth sciences named after L.L. Perchuk. Odessa. 2010,
pp. 63–66. (In Russian)
3. Solovyov L.A. Includes Rietveld and Derivative
Difference Minimization (DDM) methods. Journal of
Applied Crystallography. 2004. Vol. 37, pp. 743–749.
4. Criado M. Fernandez-Jimenez A., de la Torre A.G.,
Aranda M.A.G., Palomo A. An XRD study of the effect
of the SiO2/Na2O ratio on the alkali activation of fly ash.
Cement and Concrete Research. 2007. Vol. 37,
pp. 671–679.
5. Petrova V.V. Nizkotemperatutnie vtorichnie mineralyi i
ih rol v litogeneze [Low-temperature secondary minerals
and its role in lithogenesys]. Мoscow: GEOS. 2005. 240 p.
L.I. KHUDYAKOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (,
O.V. VOILOSHNIKOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), I.Yu. KOTOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Chemistry)
Baikal Institute of Nature Use, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(6, Sakhyanova Street, Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation)
Influence of Mechanical Activation on Process of Formation and Properties of Composite Binding Materials
The possibility of increasing the quality of composite binders with the addition of magnesia-silicate rocks by means of mechanical activation of raw mixes is considered. It is established
that the increase in the time of mechanical activation from one up to twenty minutes leads to the increase in the specific surface of the raw mix that promotes the increase in chemical
activity of the surface layer and acceleration of solid-phase reactions with generation of silicates of diopside, monticellite, and mervinite types. The optimal time of mechanical activation
(15 minutes), in which the hydrated system has the highest quantity of mixed hydro-silicates of calcium, magnesium and iron that leads to high physical-mechanical properties of bind-
ing compositions, has been determined. It is established that after 15 minute grinding of the raw mix the ultimate strength of binding compositions when bending, after 28 days of nor-
mal-humidity hardening, is equal to 20.2 MPa, under compression – to 66.7 MPa.
Keywords: mechanical activation, magnesia-silicate rocks, composite binders, dunite.
1. Fedorkin S.I., Makarova E.S. Mechanochemical
activation of secondary raw materials - effective direction
of improving the properties of building materials based on
it. Stroitel'stvo i tekhnogennaya bezopasnost'. 2011. Vol. 36,
pp. 67–72. (In Russian).
2. Zhernovsky I.V., Strokova V.V., Bondarenko A.I.,
Kozhukhova N.I., Sobolev K.G. Structural transforma
tions of silica raw material in the course of mechanical
activation. Stroiel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials].
2012. No. 10, pp. 56–58. (In Russian).
3. Tikhomirova I.N., Makarov A.V. Mechanism of phase
formation and hardening of mechanically activated lime
quartz mixes in the course of heat-humidity treatment.
Stroiel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013.
No. 1, pp. 44–49. (In Russian).
4. Gurevich B.I., Kalinkin A.M., Kalinkina E.V.,
Tyukavkina V.V. The influence of mechanical activation
of nepheline concentrate on its binding properties in
mixed cements. Zhurnal pricladnoi khimii. 2013. Vol. 86.
Issue. 7, pp. 1030–1035. (In Russian).
5. Peschanskaya V.V., Makarova A.S., Golub I.V. Effect of
mechanical activation on the curing process and the properties
of refractory concrete. Tekhnologicheskii audit i rezervy
proizvodstva. 2013. No. 1/2 (9), pp. 29–33. (In Russian).
6. Kosach A.F., Rashchupkina M.A., Gutareva N.A.,
Obadyanov A.V. The influence of the specific surface area of
the particles of river sand on the physico-mechanical
properties of fine-grained concrete. Vestnik Yugorskogo
gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2012. Vol. 2 (25), pp. 34–36.
(In Russian).
7. Khudyakova L.I., Voiloshnikov O.V., Kotova I.Y. Mine
waste as raw material for building materials. Vestnik DVO
RAN. 2010. No. 1, pp. 81–84. (In Russian).
8. Khudyakova L.I., Timofeeva S.S. Development of technology
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Vestnik IrGTU. 2012. No. 4 (63), pp. 74–77. (In Russian).
9. Gerasimova L.G., Maslova M.V., Shchukina E.S. The
role of mechanical activation in the preparation of mineral
pigment-filler titanite. Zhurnal pricladnoi khimii. 2010.
Vol. 83. No. 12, pp. 1953–1959. (In Russian).
10. Kozlova V.K., Ilievsky Yu.A., Karpova Yu.V. Produkty
gidratacii kal'cievo-silikatnykh faz cementa i smeshannykh
viazhushchikh veshchestv [Hydration products of
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Barnaul: AltGTU Publishing. 2005. 183 p
German Company LINGL at the Exhibition MosBuild 2015, One of the Most Important Exhibitions of This Year (Information)
A.V. NESTEROV1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), General Director (; D.Z. BATYZHEV2, General Director
1 OOO “KIANIT” (1, Yuriya Gagarina Avenue, 196105 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)
2 OAO “Uglovsky Izvestkovyi Kombinat” (2, Sportivnay Street, Uglovka, Okulovsky District, Novgorodskaya Oblast, Russian Federation)
A New Life of Shaft Kilns
The experience in reconstruction of kilns designed by GIPROSTROM and built in the 70-ies of XX century at OAO “Uglovsky Izvestkovyi Kombinat” is presented. Technical solutions of
the modernization have been developed jointly by OOO “KIANIT” and Uglovsky Izvestkovyi Kombinat. The reconstruction makes it possible to produce the lime of the first and second
grades with activity of 83–90% according to GOST 9179–77. In addition, it is possible to produce the slow-slaking lime for manufacturers of autoclaved concrete.
Keywords: lime, limestone, shaft counterflow kiln, console tuyere burner, central burner.
A.V. SULIMA-GRUDZINSKY, Chief Mechanic, Project Management Service (, OOO “UK ‘Glavnovosibirskstroy” (52a, 2nd Stantsionnaya
Street, 630041, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)
Some Actual Problems in the Field of Equipment for Silicate Products Manufacture
The sphere of modern technique for regulation of a volumetric hydraulic drive, development of the conception of power-efficient hydraulic drives of press equipment for manufacturing
the silicate brick are described; engineers who stand at the origins of this sphere formation are presented. Prospects of the domestic machine-building complex in the field of manufac-
turing the basic technological equipment for silicate industry are assessed.
Keywords: silicate brick, hydraulic presses, hydraulic drives, variable frequency drive
1. Khavkin L.M. Tekhnologiya silikatnogo kirpicha [Technology
of a silicate brick]. Moscow: Stroiizdat. 1982. 384 p.
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silikatnykh yacheistykh materialov [Production of a
silicate brick and silicate cellular materials]. Moscow:
Stroiizdat. 1990. 184 p.
3. Vetrov E.V. Automation of process of formation of a
silicate brick on the basis of microcontroller control units
the press equipment. Cand. Diss. (Engineering).
Belgorod. 2007. 167 p. (In Russian).
4. Bashta T.M., Rudnev S.S., Nekrasov B.B., etc.
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8. European patent specification EP 2000226. Improved
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10. Sveshnikov V.K. Innovative hydraulics RITM. 2014. No.
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11. Galeev I.A. Hydraulic the press of VIKING SG-710 for
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Stroitel'nyeMaterialy [Construction Materials]. 2010. No.
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12. Somov N.V. Problems of development of the Russian
silicate industry. Stroitel'nyeMaterialy [Construction
Materials]. 2013. No. 3, pp. 47–49. (InRussian).
V.A. BOBIN1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), A.V. BOBINA2, Engineer (
1 Institute of Complex Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences (4, Kryukovski Tupik, Moscow, 111020, Russian Federation)
2 Moscow mining institute of National University of Science and Technology MISiS (4, Leninskiy Avenue, 119049, Moscow)
Gyroscopic mill – new power effective equipment for unaccented destruction of solid materials
The design and principle of operation of a gyroscopic mill, a new, not having analogues, power efficient equipment for non-impact destruction of solid materials, are described. Results
of the laboratory testing of the experimental sample of the gyroscopic mill with the central loading of rock through the hollow shaft are presented. It is shown that for all types of tested
rock with hardness in the range of 8 units according to the scale of professor M.M. Protodiakonov, the efficiency of the gyroscopic mill operation is over 306 kg/h./kw and specific effi-
ciency is 62 kg/h./kw/t of the unit’s mass that 23 times and three orders of magnitude larger than the corresponding values of the traditional disk grinder.
Keywords: non-impact destruction of solid materials, gyroscopic mill
1. Trubetskoy K.N., Galchenko Y.P. Basics of mining.
Moscow: Nedra, 2010, 264 p. (In Russian).
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4. Kazakov S.V., Weisberg L.A., Lavrov B.P. Analysis one
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5. Bobin V.A., Voronyuk A.S., Lanyuk A.N. The idea of us
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6. Pokamestov A.V., Bobina A.V. Century a New physical
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(In Russian).
V.V. BELOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), I.V. OBRAZTSOV, Engineer (
Tver State Technical University (22, Afanasiya Nikitina Embankment, 170026, Tver, Russian Federation)
The Use of Virtual Simulators for Employees of Industrial Laboratories
Development, introduction and enhancement of information technologies (virtual laboratories, computer laboratory simulators, workshops), in the XXI century, the century of globaliza-
tion and computerization, have ceased to be the technologies of tomorrow and will contribute to the formation of the information society in our country. Issues connected with functional
units of programs, principles of their development as well as efficient using virtual laboratories in thetechnical education are covered. An example of virtual laboratory practical training
in the construction material science - the complex of programs imitating laboratory tests of building materials – is presented.
Keywords: virtual laboratory, physical process, imitation-numerical simulation, visualization.
1. Belov M.A., Antipov O.E. Testing and measuring system
for assessing the quality of teaching in a virtual computer
lab. Kachestvo. Innovatsii. Obrazovanie. 2012. No. 3,
pp. 28–32. (In Russian).
2. Lesovik V.S. Architectural Geonics. Zhilishchnoe
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pp. 14–17. (In Russian).
3. Lesovik V. S. Geonika (geomimetika) as the
transdisciplinary direction of researches. Vischee
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4. Solovov A.V. Virtual educational laboratories in
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6. Belov V.V., Obraztsov I.V. Virtualization of physical
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7. Afanasyev, V.O. Research and development of a system
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