Editorial Rules for Articles Publication

1. Registration of a received article (articles completely meeting the relevant requirements of the editorial office are acceptable for registration), assignment of the editorial file number.
2. Initial evaluation of the article (compliance with the thematic scope of the journal, availability of the independent review, choosing of a reviewer in accordance with the theme of article etc.).
3. Assignment of the senior scientific editor. The file number and the surname of the senior editor, the author can find out from Elena Lvovna Leskova, the executive secretary of the editorial board, by e-mail or by phone. At that, the surname of the FIRST author of the article should be named.
4. Clarification of preliminary issues of the senior editor by the author (if necessary)
5. Taking the decision on the sufficiency of the review in the article file (if it is available) or sending the article for an independent review. The sending for review is executed by traditional mailing, e-mail or by fax in agreement with the reviewer.
6. Receiving of the independent review (double blind review of articles is done)
7. Steps of the scientific editor after the review receiving
7.1. When receiving a negative review and recommendation of the reviewer not to publish the article, a letter about rejecting the article and a substantial part of the review are sent to the author. The file of rejected article is closed and deposited in the archives. The file is stored in the archives during three years.
7.2. When receiving a review with substantial comments and recommendation to revise the article, a letter about the need for revision of the article and a substantial part of the review are sent to the author. After significant revision, the article can be sent for re-reviewing.
7.3. When receiving a positive review with comments, a substantial part of the review or issues of the scientific editor with due regard for recommendations of the reviewer can be sent to the author.
8. The author detailed clarifies the issues of the scientific editor and reviewer. A new variant of the article is not sent.
9. The scientific editor makes an editorial correction of the article with due regard for answers of the author to issues.
10. A layout of the article is sent to the author for a visa by e-mail in *.pdf format or by fax.
11. After vising the article layout by the author, only a stylistic editorial correction and proofreading are permissible.
12. An issue in which the article will be published is determined depending on the sequence of dissertation articles and the editorial plan of thematic issues, selections and thematic supplements.
13. The original manuscript, accompanying documents, the review, correspondence between the editor and the author, vised layout, proofreading, and final version of the article are stored in the article file. The file of the article published is closed and deposited in the archives. The file is stored in the archives during three years. Reviews of the article are removed from the file and stored in the archives during five years.
14. After appearance of the journal, the author copy is sent to the authors, who are not Muscovites, by post. Authors-Muscovites receive the author copy at the editorial office personally.

The author has the right to withdraw the article from the editorial office in case of important remarks of the reviewer. Sending of the withdrawn or rejected article without making changes without due regard for comments and recommendations of the reviewer to another publisher, the editorial regards as contempt of employees both of publishers and the reviewer. The detection of these precedents is the basis for the denial of the author in subsequent publications for ethical reasons.
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