Editorial requirements to articles sent for publication

Files of the following documents should be sent by e-mail (originals are to be sent by post or handed to the editorial office)

1. A letter of recommendation from the organization (higher education establishment, research institute, etc.), where the work will be protected, signed by the Vice-Rector for science or the Deputy Director for science;
3. COMPLETED AND SIGNED AGREEMENT FOR TRANSFER OF PIBLISHING RIGHT (LICENSE AGREEMENT) (without the completed and signed license agreement the article will not be taken for consideration and publication)
4. An article text
5. An abstract and key words in Russian (the length of the abstract is not less than 100 words, key words – not over five);
7. Illustrative material: graphs, schemes, drawings, diagrams, logotypes etc. should be executed in graphic editors: Corel Draw (no higher v.12), Adobe Illustrator (no higher v. CS2) and stored in formats *.cdr, *.ai, *.eps, respectively. Scanning of the graphic material and its importing to editors listed above is unacceptable.
8. A ceroscopy of the paid FORM OF PAYMENT OF REGISTRATION FEE
Taking into account increased requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) and Data Bases Scopus, CAS, GEO REF to print scientific and scientific-technical journals (a higher volume of abstracts, transliteration and translation of a significant part of information in English) which significantly increase the volume of works executed, the number of log pages and, respectively, expenditures for the journal publishing, the editorial board is forced to introduce a registration fee (Journal submission fees 100 euro) for all articles except advertising (this corresponds to the foreign practice including journals of Elsevier).
The payment of the registration fee guarantees the author that his article will be processed in full accordance with requirements. The fee is not a payment for the publication and does NOT GUARANTEE PUBLISHING.
A journal scientific-technical article is the writing of small size (up to 3 log pages) which by itself defines the boundaries of presenting of the topic of the article.
NECESSARY elements of a scientific-technical article are: problem statement in general and its connections with important scientific or practical tasks; a brief analysis of recent achievements and publications in which the solution of this problem began and on which the author relies, the allocation of previously unsolved parts of generic problem, which the article is dedicated. formulation of purposes of the article (task statement); presentation of the main material of research with substantiation of results received; conclusions made on the basis of this study and perspectives of further search in the chosen direction or practical use.
In 2006 the editorial board prepared and published a series of articles in the section “To budding author”. Familiarization with these articles significantly helps the young author, makes it possible to avoid many mistakes in the course of article preparation and, consequently, shorten the way to the desirable publication. “Construction Materials”® and “Housing Construction” Journals publish original articles which have not been previously published and not intended for simultaneous publication in other journals.
Technical requirements for the articles:
1. UDC is indicated in the beginning of the article;
2. Authors are listed in coordinated with each other sequence. Initials and surname in capital letters
3. The text of the article should be typed in the editor Microsoft Word and saved in the format *.doc, *.docs или *.rtf and should not contain illustrations ( recommended text volume is up to 15,000 characters, the font size – 14, typing – via 1.5 intervals, borders – 3-4 cm0;
4. For names of chemical compounds it is necessary to use the terminology recommended by IUPAC;
5. Units of physical quantities should be presented in the International System of Units (SI). If it is necessary to use off-system units, values in SI should be shown in brackets;
6. All the symbols used by the author, except common constants e, h, c, π, etc., and abbreviations, should be defined at their first mention in the text;
7. Greek letter designations should be transliterated in Russian in brackets. For example, α (альфа); θ (тэта); σ (сигма) etc.
8. It is not allowed to “curve” the formulae typed with the use of the equation editor, that is to convert to a graphic file and insert it in the text;
9. Graphic material (graphs, schemes, drawings, diagrams, logotypes etc.) should be executed in graphic editors: Corel Draw (no higher v.12), Adobe Illustrator (no higher v. CS2) and stored in formats *.cdr, *.ai, *.eps, respectively. Scanning of the graphic material and its importing to editors listed above is unacceptable.
10. Illustrative material (photos, collages etc.) should be stored in the format *.tif, *.psd, *.jpg (maximal quality) or *.eps (Adobe PhotoShop) with resolution not less than 300 dpi, size not less 115 mm by width, color model CMYK or Grayscale.
11. The whole material passed to the editorial office should be accompanied by electronic files on CD-R, DVD-R or sent by e-mail. The editorial board draws attention of authors to the need for careful preparation of the manuscript and the attached list of references.

1. To include links to Federal Laws, by-laws, GOSTs, SNiPs and other normative literature in the list of references. The reference of normative documents relied upon by the author in tests or calculations or reasoning is better made directly in the text of the article.
2. To refer to training and training-methodical manuals; articles in the materials of conferences and collections of papers which have no ISBN and are not sent to leading libraries of the country and not indexed in the relevant databases.
3. To refer to dissertations and extended abstracts of dissertations.
4. Self-citation, that is links to own publications of the author. This practice not only violates ethical norms but leads to the decrease in quantitative indicators of the author.

1. To refer to articles published during the last 2-3 years in leading sectoral scientific-technical and scientific publications are relied upon by the author in constructing the argument or the statement of the research problem.
2. To refer to the monographs published during the last 5 years. Older sources also negatively influence on the indicators of publication activity of the author. Undoubtedly, references to classical works are possible, but it should not be forgotten that science is always developing progressively forward and the ignoring by authors the latest advances in research may lead to the duplication of results, errors in the formulation of research problems and interpretation of data.
To Attention of Authors! About Author’s Copies of the Journal.
To improve the accessibility of and “Construction Materials”® Journals for a wide audience of specialists as well as for improving the efficiency of computer technologies in publishing, the management of “STROYMATERIALY” Publishing House has made a decision, beginning from the First January of 2015, to send ONE copyright copy of the journal in hard copy to the authoring team as well as to send an electronic version of the journal to the author who was delegated the right to solve the issues with the editor, make a decision concerning the correction of the manuscript and approve the article layout according to the information card of articles. Additional copies of the journal in paper form can be ordered in the editorial office (subscription price is indicated on the website http://www.rifsm.ru/page/5/).

The editorial office draws attention of ALL research workers and higher education teaching personnel that since 2012 the model of the state sector of science is changed, the transition from the academic model to the higher educational one is made. Accordingly, requirements for the efficiency and effectiveness of the state science sector are tightened; there is a transition from financing the process to financing the result. For this, a ranking tool which includes qualitative and quantitative indexes, publication activity including, a citation index namely, has been created. By 2015 the citation index of teaching staff of leading higher educational establishments should be increased by 1.5 times.

The use of mechanisms of evaluation of teachers and scientists with an orientation to the indexes of public activity, as well as mechanisms of termination of the contract with teachers and scientists, who are not involved in research activities at a competitive level, will become the norm.
Subsequently, the criteria of assessment of the journals are changed. In particular, various indexes of publications calculated in the system of Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY.ru) and Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
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