
Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №11

Table of contents

I.L. KIEVSKY, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), General Director (, L.V. KIEVSKY, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Chief Research Scientist (, Yu.A. MAREEV, Chief Specialist ( OOO NPTS “Razvitie Goroda” (structure 3, 19, Mira Avenue, 129090, Moscow, Russian Federation)

International Rankings of Cities as Criteria of Urban Development The relevance of this study is determined by the possibility to obtain the objective assessment of urban development of the world largest megacities. International rankings are one of the leading tools for this comparative assessment. International ratings assess cities from various positions. It is revealed that among the wellknown world rankings there is no rating devoted to just urban development, which, according to the Moscow Urban Development Code (provision 11) includes the development of various real estate objects (areas including) aimed at creating the favorable environment for activity of population and guests of the city. It is established that the well known world rankings consider only separate urban indicators that don’t give a complete picture of urban development of the city as a whole. It is concluded that for making the complex urban development rating assessment, representation of all the spheres of urban activity is required that is not observed in the existing rankings. In this connection, it is reasoned to state that the resulting assessments of largest cities ratings conducted by the largest agencies can’t be objective indicators for comparing the cities according to the level of urban development.

Keywords:international rankings, urban development, megacities, comparative assessments

1. Jushkova N.G. Urban development management: government and market cooperation. Academia. Arhitektura i stroitel'stvo.2010. No. 1, pp. 66–69. (In Russian).
2. Semenov A.A. Current status of housing construction in Russia. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 4, pp. 9–12. (In Russian).
3. Ilyichev V.A., Karimov A.M., Kolchunov V.I. et al. Proposals to the draft doctrine of urban development and resettlement (strategic city planning). Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo[Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 1, pp. 2–10. (In Russian).
4. Malyha G.G., Sinenko S.A., Vajnshtejn M.S., Kulikova E.N. Structural modeling of data: requisites of data object in construction modeling. Vestnik MGSU.2012. No. 4, pp. 226– 230. (In Russian).
5. Bogachev S.N., Shkol'nikov A.A., Rozentul R.Je., Klimova N.A. Construction risks and means of their minimization. Academia. Arhitektura i stroitel'stvo. 2015. No. 1. pp. 88–92. (In Russian).
6. David Dodman, Barry Dalal-Clayton, Gordon McGranahan. Integrating the environment in urban planning and management: key principles and approaches for cities in the 21 century. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) United Nations Environment Programme.2013.
7. PlaNYC Progress Report 2010. Report. New York, United States, April 2010, p. 22. URL: planyc2030/downloads/pdf/planyc_progress_report_2010. pdf. (date of access 05.08.2015).
8. Malojan G.A. Urban conglomeration forming problems. Academia. Arhitektura i stroitel'stvo.2012. No. 2, pp. 83–85. (In Russian).
9. Malojan G.A. From the city to agglomeration. Academia. Arhitektura i stroitel'stvo. 2010. No. 1, pp. 47–53. (In Russian).
V.I. SARCHENKO, Candidate of Sciences (Economics) ( Siberian Federal University (79/10, Svobodny Avenue, 660041, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation)

Concept of Rational Use of Urban Areas with Due Regard for Their Hidden Potential The substantiation of principles of the scientific problem solution of ensuring efficient development of urban territories for the purpose of creating the comfortable urban environment is presented. The author proposes the concept of rational use of urban areas with due regard for their hidden potential. This concept assumes the modernization of large cities for creating the infrastructure which provides favorable conditions for the accommodation of population and differential strategy of urban environment development in relation to every quarter (micro-district, district, county) with due regard for interests and partnership of all the groups of participants of investment-construction activity – population, business, and administration of the city. At that, in the first place, the hidden infrastructureinvestment potential of urban areas, which is defined as a resource of unused or non-rationally used urban areas, is used for creation of comfortable conditions for accommodation, attractiveness for business and assurance of social functions. The main instrument for implementing the concept of rational use of urban areas is scientifically substantiated investment programs of development and models of development of urban areas.

Keywords:investment project, investment program, infrastructure potential, hidden potential, urban areas.

1. Korolevsky K.Yu. Evaluation criteria of innovations in construction. Ekonomika stroitel'stva.2012. No. 5, рp. 58–61. (In Russian).
2. Krushlinsky V.I., Sarchenko V.I. The problems of the anticrisis master plan (on the base of Krasnoyarsk). International scientific-practical conference «Problems and trends of urban development», Proceedings of the Conference. Moscow. 2013, рp. 144–151. (In Russian).
3. Sarchenko V.I., Krushlinskij V.I. Genplan i kachestvo sredy goroda. [Master plan and quality of a city environment.] Krasnojarsk: SFU. 2014. 226 p.
4. Sarchenko V.I. A new approach to implementation of master plans of cities. Ekonomika stroitel'stva.2012. No. 3, рp. 3–10. (In Russian).
5. Ulturgasheva O.G., Lavrenko A.V., Profatilov D.A. The economic essence and structure of investment potential of a region. Problemy sovremennoj ekonomiki. 2011. No. 1, рp. 42–49. (In Russian).
A.S. BOCHARNIKOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), M.A. GONCHAROVA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, A.V. KOMARICHEV, Engineer, N.A. KASHIRINA, Engineer Lipetsk State Technical University (30, Moscovskaya Street, 398600, Lipetsk, Russian Federation)

Air Permeability as a Parameter of Assessment of Quality of Injection Filling of Cracks in Concrete Enclosing Structures Results of experimental studies of cement backfill composite materials for solving the problem of ensuring the tightness of the input devices (doors and hatches) and inlets of engineering services (ventilation, heat-, water-, gas- and electricity supply) are presented. It is shown that the assessment of injection backfill works, when cracks in concrete are plugged with cement composite materials, is reasonably made by the method of evaluation of gas permeability of repaired places (for example, by the method of air pumping through these materials due to creation of overpressure on one side of the structure). It is concluded that the quality of injection backfill works connected with the plugging of cracks in concrete structures can assessed by the method of gas permeability of materials.

Keywords:activated system, magnetic treatment, injection compaction, concrete, cement-backfill composition.

1. Bocharnikov A.S. The gas permeability of the enclosing building structures. Vestnik LGTU–LEGI. 1999. No. 2, pp. 46–50. (In Russian).
2. Bocharnikov, A.S. Dispersnoarmirovannye kompoziczionnye materialy na osnove czementnyx vyazhushhix dlya konstrukczij zashhitnyx sooruzhenij [Dispersnoarmirovanny composite materials on the basis of the cement protective constructions knitting for designs]. Lipeczk: LGTU. 2004. 261 р.
3. Bocharnikov A.S., Korneev A.D. Consolidation of defective places of contact metal–concrete in designs magnetic compositions. Izvestiya vuzov. Severo-Kavkazskij region. Texnicheskie nauki. Prilozhenie 3.Rostov-na-Donu, RGU – Novocherkassk. 2005, рр. 89–94. (In Russian).
4. Bocharnikov A.S., Korneev A.D., Goncharova M.A. The magnetic pressurizing compositions. Stroitel'nye Materialy [Construction materiаls]. 2007. No. 2, рр. 2–3. (In Russian).
5. Bocharnikov A.S., Goncharova M.A., Komarichev A.V. Composite materials on the basis of the cement and water activated systems for injection consolidation of concrete of the protecting designs. Stroitel'nye Materialy [Construction materiаls]. 2015. No. 5, рр. 31–33. (In Russian).
6. Bocharnikov A.S., Goncharova M.A., Glazunov A.V. Magnitnye germetiziruyushhie epoksidnye kompoziczionnye materialy s napolnitelyami iz otxodov proizvodstv [The magnetic pressurizing epoxy composite materials with fillers from waste of productions]. Lipeczk: LGTU. 2009. 119 р.
7. Patent RF № 2550712. Ustrojstvo dlya germetizacii mest primykaniya metall–beton v ograzhdayushhix konstrukciyax zashhitnyx sooruzhenij [The device for sealing of places of an adjunction metal–concrete in the protecting designs of protective constructions] / Goncharova M.A., Bocharnikov A.S. Declared 8.04.2014. Pablished 10.05.2015. Bulletein No. 13. (In Russian).
8. Goncharova M.A. Sistemy tverdeniya i stroitelnye kompozity na osnove konverternyx shlakov [Systems of curing and construction composites on the basis of converter slags]. Voronezh: VGASU. 2012. 138 p.
A.A. MAGAY, Director for research, Honored Architect, Candidate of Architecture (, V.S. ZYRIANOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), E.Yu. SHALYGINA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) AO «TSNIIEP zhilishcha – institute for complex design of residential and public buildings» (AO «TSNIIEP zhilishcha») (9, structure 3, Dmitrovskoye Highway, 127434, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Importance of Special Technical Conditions for Design of High-Rise Buildings The need for development of norms and the importance of Special Technical Conditions (STC) for design of high-rise buildings and complexes with the description of problems when determining architectural, structural, engineering-technical solutions, temperature-humidity regime, fire safety are presented. The necessity to study aerodynamic properties of architectural-structural parts of a high-rise building is emphasized. A possibility to use the engineering equipment operating on renewable energy sources (RES), wind, solar, energy of the Earth, bio-fuel, is shown.

Keywords:energy saving, innovations, sustainable construction, special technical conditions (STC), norms for designing, high-rise buildings and complexes, height of building, fire safety.

1. Magay A.A. Arkhitektura of high-rise agricultural farms. Collection of the 9th International scientific and practical conference «Formation of Modern Science».Moscow: 2013, pp. 48–53. (In Russian).
2. Magay A.A., Semikin P.P. Innovative technologies in a glazing of facades of high-rise buildings. Еnergosovet.2012. No. 4 (23), pp. 48–51. (In Russian).
3. Magay A.A. Аrhitekturnoe proektirovanie vysotnyh zdanij i kompleksov. [Ar chitectural design of high-rise buildings and complexes]. Moscow: ASV,2015. 245 p. (In Russian).
4. Magay A.A., Dubynin N.V. Glass in architecture of facades of multipurpose high-rise buildings. Collection of articles of Scientific and practical conference «The 150 anniversary since the birth of the architect F.O. Schechtel». Moscow: МGAКHS, 2011, рp. 149–153. (In Russian).
5. Magay A.A. Innovative agricultural high-rise buildings. Collection of articles of Scientific and practical conference «The 150 anniversary since the birth of the architect F.O. Schechtel». Moscow: МGAКHS, 2011, рp. 154–158. (In Russian).
6. Magay A.A. Energy efficiency of high-rise buildings. Collection of articles of Scientific and practical conference «The 150 anniversary since the birth of the architect F.O. Schechtel». МGAКHS, 2011, pp. 158–163. (In Russian).
7. Magay A.A. Town-planning aspects of high-rise buildings. Materials of the International scientific and practical conference «Problems and Directions of Development of Town Planning».Moscow: TsNIIP gradostroitel'stva RAASN. 2013, рp. 128. (In Russian).
8. Magay A.A. The power generating high-rise buildings. Collection of articles of the «Ecological Safety and Energy Saving in Construction» conference. Greece, on August 17–27, 2013,pp. 94–100. (In Russian).
9. Korotich M.A., Korotich A.V. Composite features of a structural shaping of covers of high-rise buildings // Akademicheskij vestnik UralNIIproekt RAASN.2009. No. 2, pp. 66–69. (In Russian).
L.M. KOLCHEDANTSEV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), S.V. VOLKOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) ( Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (4, 2 nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Street, 190005, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Organizational-Technological Solutions for Transporting Concrete Mix to Place of Concreting of High-Rise Buildings Structures Issues of the organizational-technological design of high-rise buildings construction concerning substantiation and selection of lifting appliances as well as the method for transporting the concrete mix to the place of structures concreting are considered. On the example of construction of the 86-storey building “Lakhta Center” in Saint Petersburg, the necessity to use various lifting appliances in the course of work execution at different graded levels is substantiated. Schemes of the transportation of concrete mix to the place of high-rise building structures concreting are presented; the dependence of the method for delivery and placing of concrete mix on the height and gross floor area of the building, specified properties of the mix, adopted organizational-technological decisions for object construction is shown. The technical-economical comparison of schemes and methods of concrete mix transportation is made. Technological advantages of the pipeline transport are shown, stages and features of the method statement as well as the order of assessment of the efficiency of monolithic frameworks of highrise buildings according to market indexes are determined.

Keywords:construction of high-rise buildings, rational sphere of lifting appliances and concrete pumping technology, assessment of efficiency of organizationaltechnological solutions

1. Kolchedantsev L.M., Osipenkova I.G. Features of organizational and technological decisions at construction of high-rise buildings. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 10, pp. 17–19. (In Russian).
2. Kolchedantsev L.M., Volkov S.V., Drozdov A.D. The organization of a building site for construction of highrise buildings at placement of priobjektny concrete knot. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2015. No. 2, pp. 27–29. (In Russian).
3. Volkov S.V., Shvedov V.N. Influence of organizational and technological decisions on a level of quality of construction and safety of the built buildings. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Stroitel''stvo.2014. No. 2, pp. 32–39. (In Russian).
4. Volkov S.V., Shvedov V.N. Justification of a way of warming up and keeping of concrete at construction of high-rise buildings in the conditions of low temperatures. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Stroitel''stvo.2014. No. 9–10, pp. 29– 38. (In Russian).
5. Alekseev S.N. Pump transport of concrete mix [Nasosnyi transport betonnoi smesi]. M.: Gosizdat po stroitel'stvu i arkhitekture. 2002. 32 p.
6. Volkov S.V., Volkova L.V. Technical and economic assessment of organizational and technological schemes of building of inhabited objects on market indicators. Vestnik grazhdanskikh inzhenerov.2014. No. 1, pp. 66–73. (In Russian).
M.V. ZOLOTAREVA, Candidate of Architecture ( Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (4, 2 nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Street, 190005, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Principles of Spatial Development of High-Rise Zoning of the Center of St. Petersburg The article analyses the evolution of spatial and space-planning development of high-rise zoning of the central part of St. Petersburg. The silhouette has played and plays at present the significant role in the volume-spatial composition of St. Petersburg. Determining factors of this role are the landscape of the city – a flat relief of the Neva lowland required to be accentuated by dominant components of the city development; the mirror of the Neva – the main compositional axis of the city which forms architectural ensembles of the city center around itself; compositional separation of the central and peripheral parts of the city which vary in their space-planning qualities including the distribution of dominants of different level (from the city to local). St. Petersburg presents the unity of spatial-planning structures, formation of which took place during the XVIII-XX centuries. At that, each subsequent town-planning concept of the city development has been working both for the development of the city and in the system of subordination to previous concepts. The analysis of regularities of the development of the high-rise dominants system of St. Petersburg conducted in accordance with historical stages of space-planning formation of its urban environment is presented.

Keywords:high-rise zoning, historical landscape, center of city, volumetric-spatial structure, town-planning carcass, Saint-Petersburg.

1. Zavarikhin S.P. About a silhouette and not only. Kapitel'. 2012. No. 1, pp. 34–37. (In Russian).
2. Shvidkovsky D. V. The founding of Peterburg and the history of Russian architecture. State Academy of the Fine Arts of Russia. 2005. No. 66, p. 79–97.
3. Shvidkovsky D. V. Russian architecture and the West. Yale University Press, 2007, 480 p.
4. Craft W. A History of Russian Architecture. USA: Univ. of Washington press. 2004. 106 p.
5. Kurbatov J.I. , Gorunov V.I. The fate of the creative legacy in modern architecture in Russia. Department of Architectural Design Bulletin of Civil Engineers.2013. 23 (13), pp. 203–206.
6. Zolotareva M. Le Vieux Pe’tersburg - L’animation d’une zone prote’ge’e. Monuments Historigves, 1992, janvier, Fe’vrier No. 179, pр. 87–88.
7. Zolotareva M.V. Detection of historical regularities of development of system of high-rise dominants in the central part of St. Petersburg (on the basis of works of artists and schedules XVIII – the beginnings of the XIX century). The Collection of articles of the international scientific and practical conference «Modern science: theoretical and practical look». Ufa: Aeterna, 2014, рр. 105–109. (In Russian).
8. Makhrovskaya A.V. Rekonstruktsiya starykh zhilykh raionov krupnykh gorodov: Na primere Leningrada [Reconstruction of old residential areas of the large cities: On the example of Leningrad.]. Leningrad: Stroiizdat. 1986. 352 p.
9. Kurbatov Yu.I. Petrograd. Leningrad. Sankt-Peterburg: Arkhitekturno-gradostroitel'nye uroki [Petrograd. Leningrad. St. Petersburg: Architectural and town-planning lessons.]. SPb.: Iskusstvo SPb, 2008. 280 p.
10. Zavarikhin S.P. Modern construction in historic center of St. Petersburg. Reports of the scientific and practical conference «Modern Problems of History and Theory of Architecture». SPb: SPbGASU. 2015, рр. 115–122. (In Russian).
11. Zolotareva M.V. Development of system of high-rise dominants in a zone of historic center and a problem of new construction. Reports of the scientific and practical conference «Modern Problems of History and Theory of Architecture». SPb: SPbGASU. 2015, рр. 130–133. (In Russian)
G.V. AFANASIEVA (, Candidate of Sciences (Chemistry), OOO DuPont Science and Technology (17, structure 3, Krylatskaya Street, 121614, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Hydrowind-shelter barrier as important element of durable and non-hazardous buildings In this article the link between energy efficiency of construction and application of windbarrier (diffusion membrane) as one of the element of construction is discussed. There are several articles analyzed, that are showing the reducing thermal efficiency due to wind washing effect. Also facts are presented, that in combination with wind barrier (diffusion membrane) the effect of wind washing is reduced and as a result thermal efficiency of the construction was improved. Fire safety of construction materials are becoming vital today due to toughening fire regulations. This requirements contain all components of the system, when there is process of designing buildings with higher requirements of fire safety. In the article new technology is described to improve fire safety of polymeric membranes and fields of application are described for new product Tyvek ® FireCurb™. After author gives several examples of buildings in different countries (Turkey, Norway, Ireland and Czech Republic), where Tyvek ® FireCurb™ was used.

Keywords:wind barrier (diffusion membrane), fire safety, wind washing, energy efficiency, flame retardant covering.

1. Swinton M.C., Brown W.C., Chown G.A. Controlling the transfer of heat, air and moisture through the building envelope, small buildings: technology in transition. Proceeding for the Building Science Insight.1990. Vol. 17, pp. 17–31.
2. Gagarin V.G., Guvernyuk S.V., Kozlov V.V., Ledenev P.V., Zikanovskiy E.U. Results of research of ventilated facades with ventilated space in the frame of grant of RFFI «Airthermophysics of permable bodies in low speed air flows» Academia. Arkhitektura i stroitel'stvo. 2009. No. 5, pp. 261–278. (In Russian).
3. Palyvos J.A. A survey of wind convection coefficient correlations for building envelope energy systems’ modeling. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2008. No. 28, pp. 801–808.
4. David C. Jones Impact of airflow on the thermal performance of various residential wall systems utilizing a calibrated hot box. Thermal Envelope VI/Heat Transfer in Walls II – Principles. 1994, pp. 247–260.
5. David C. Jones, P.E., Member ASHRAE Impact of Air flow on the Thermal Performance of Various Residential Wall Systems Utilizing a Calibrated Hot Box, Thermal Envelopes VI/Heat transferrin Walls II–Principles. 1996, pp. 247–260.
6. Uvslokk S. The importance of wind barriers for insulated timber frame constructions. Thermal Insul. And Bldg. Envs. 1996. Vol. 20, pp. 40-62.
7. Konstantinova N.I., Veber K., Afanasieva G.V., Frey N. Research in fire safety of hydro-windproof membranes for enclosing structures. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2014. No. 11, pp. 21–27. (In Russian).
8. Konstantinova N.I., Molchadskii O.I., Merkulov A.A. Features assessment of fire hazard of polymeric finishing materials. Pozharnaya bezopasnost'. 2011. No. 1, pp. 84–89. (In Russian)
O.S. SUBBOTIN, Doctor of Architecture ( Kuban State Agrarian University (13, Kalinina Street., 350044, Krasnodar, Russian Federation)

Innovation Materials in Monuments of Architectural-Urban Heritage of Kuban Architectural-construction solutions with the use of innovative materials are considered. At present, many monuments of the historical-cultural heritage require serious restoration for realization of which it is necessary to use contemporary technologies. Certified products and structures of KNAUF Co. occupy the special place in the study. The main priorities of these materials in the course of restoration, reconstruction, and overhaul of monuments of the architectural-town planning heritage of Krasnodar Krai are emphasized. Significant attention is paid to the architectural monuments of Federal and regional importance – the Winter Theatre, the Railway Station in Sochi and the Mansion of B.B. Shardanov in Krasnodar. Features of the planning and compositional-spatial structure of analyzed objects are revealed. The practical significance of this paper can serve as a historical-theoretical base for the further development of activities related to the use of innovative materials in the monuments of architectural heritage.

Keywords:innovation, material, structure, heritage, reconstruction, mansion, theatre, architecture.

1. Subbotin O. S. Features of regeneration of quarters of historical building. P.1. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing construction]. 2012. No. 10, pp. 22–25. (In Russian).
2. Yumasheva E.I. The German industrialists in Russia: historical analogies and continuity of traditions. Stroitel'nye Materialy [Construction materials]. 2015. No. 5, pp. 44 (In Russian).
3. Yumasheva E.I. The Russian plaster branch reached the European technological level and qualities. Stroitel'nye Materialy [Construction materials]. 2014. No. 11, pp. 36. (In Russian).
4. Subbotin O. S., Nerot G. V. Arkhitektur of the railway station of Sochi. Architecture and art in the context of culture: collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Rostov-on-Don: AAI SFU, 2014, pp. 199–201. (In Russian)..
5. Subbotin O. S. Architectural and planning heritage of Sochi. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing construction]. 2012. No. 5, pp. 48–51. (In Russian).
6. Bardadym V.P. Arkhitektura Ekaterinodara [Ekaterinodar's architecture]. Krasnodar: Lebedev Yu. Yu., 2000. 400 p. (In Russian).
7. Subbotin O. S. Leading role of training center in preparation vysokvalifitsirovannykh of experts. Interaction of the state and corporate educational institutions as resource of improvement of quality of professional education: materials of the international scientific and practical conference in Kazan on April 25, 2013. Kazan, 2013, рp. 179–181. (In Russian)
L.I. IVANOVA-VEEN, Candidate of Architecture, Director of MARKHI Museum Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy) (11/4, Rozhdestvenka Street, 127493, Moscow, Russian Federation)

A Residential House in Training Projects of Moscow Architectural Schools of the XIX – beginning of the XX Century It is shown that at different stages of the history of one or the other architectural school, the theme of a residential house was corrected depending on the social order or style addiction of the epoch. Training projects “Housing” carried out at the Moscow Palace School of Architecture, the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (SPSA) and other educational establishments of Moscow in the beginning of the XX century are considered. Training projects which are stored in the collections of Moscow museums are analyzed in a chronological sequence. It is shown that the training to design tenement buildings began after the reforms of 1861, which abolished serfdom throughout the Russian Empire, when the population of cities began to grow. Early unpublished materials are introduced into the scientific circulation.

Keywords:design of residential house, Palace School of Architecture, museum collections.

1. Ivanova-Veen L.I. Reform of architectural art education in regions of 1918–1920: studying problems. Papers of reports of the international conference «Actual Problems of the Theory and History of Art — 2013».Moscow: MGU. 2013, pp. 94–96. (In Russian).
2. Ivanova-Veen L.I. Geography and system of architectural art education in Russia 1918–1930. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta tekhnologii i dizaina.2013. No. 3, pp. 10–20. (In Russian).
3. Ivanova-Veen L.I. The museum of history of the Moscow architectural school (at MARKHA). Muzei istorii Moskovskoi arkhitekturnoi shkoly (pri MARKhI). In book: Entsiklopediya russkogo avangarda [Encyclopedia of the Russian avanguard]. Vol. III. Book. 1. M.: MARKhI, 2014, pp. 375–376.
4. Prokof'eva I.A., Vasil'eva A. History of the comfortable dwelling on the example of the Moscow low ensembles. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2011. No. 5, pp. 5–8. (In Russian).
5. Sarab'yanov A.P. MUZhVZ (Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture). In book: Entsiklopediya russkogo avangarda [Encyclopedia of the Russian vanguard]. Vol. III. Book. 1. M.: MARKhI, 2014, pp. 374.
S.A. SYCHEV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), (, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (4, 2-nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Street, 190005 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Methods for Ensuring Accuracy of Erection of Buildings and Structures from Volumetric Modules of Increased Factory Preparedness On the basis of results of conducted tests, analysis of standards, with due regard for the modern level of building production technology, criteria of the assessment of erection of structures from volumetric-spatial modules of different types and modifications produced by an industrial method including a “sandwich” type or from combined structures that is dictated by the variability of construction projects, are proposed and substantiated. The formation method of erection is the search for rational solutions by means of the sequential analysis of components of organization-technological structure. When selecting methods and measuring tools, it is necessary to take into account the necessity for ensuring minimal expenditures for conducting measurements and their processing and the most complete elimination of systematic errors. As an example, a preliminary evaluation of the accuracy of measuring of the length of some volumetric block-modules with an extensiometer at the control of the accuracy of their manufacturing under factory conditions is presented.

Keywords:convertible structures, fast construction, block-modules, factory made blocks, module buildings.

1. Golovnev S.G, Bajburin A.H., Dmitrin S.P. Indicators of quality of technology of the accelerated construction of buildingsю Izvestija vuzov. Stroitel'stvo. 2002. No. 7, pp. 52–55 (In Russia).
2. Sychev S.A. Technologies of installation of buildings from the volume unified elements. Collection of materials IV of the international scientific conference: «Scientific prospects of the XXI century. Achievements and prospects of new century».Novosibirsk, 19–20 September 2014, рp. 89–90. (In Russia).
3. Sychev S.A., Pavlova N.A. Methods of acceleration of speed of construction. Collection of materials VI of the international scientific and practical conference: «Modern concepts of scientific researches». Moscow, 26–27 September 2014, рp. 125–127. (In Russia).
4. Verstov V.V., Bad'in G.M. Features of design and construction of buildings and constructions in St. Petersburg. Vestnik grazhdanskikh inzhenerov. 2010. No. 1 (22), pp. 96–105. (In Russia).
5. Sychev S.A. The accelerated installation of penthouses from unified a sandwich panels. Zhilishchnoe stroitel'stvo [Housing construction]. 2008. No. 6, pp. 6–9. (In Russia).
6. Anderson, M., Anderson, P. Prefab prototypes: Site-specific design for offsite construction.Princeton Architectural Press, 2007. 123 р.
7. Knaack U., Chung-Klatte Sh., Hasselbach, R. Prefabricated systems: Principles of construction. De Gruyter, 2012. 67 р
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