About Journal

“Stroitel’nye Materialy” [Construction Materials] is scientific-technical monthly journal established in 1955 for covering the state technical policy in the field of building industry and construction materials industry. Over 55 years the journal covers the main stages of formation and development of sub-branches of construction materials industry, the most important discoveries and inventions in the field of construction material science, technics, and technology.

History in the Soviet Union Which We Are Proud Of

In 1955, the publication of the press organ of the USSR Ministry of the Building Materials Industry – the “Stroitel’nye Materialy” Journal - began. In the postwar years the construction materials industry in fact was re-established again, the course on industrialization of construction was taken, and the journal was entrusted with the tasks “to summarize and distribute the experience of innovators, help the industry cadres to enhance the technique of production, create new efficient products and designs, improve the quality of production…”

At present, the material base of construction became the developed, high technological branch of the heavy industry, an integral part of which is the sectoral, scientific-technical journal “Stroitel’nye Materialy” Issues of the journal cover the most important events, taking place at the enterprises of the industry, at specialized exhibitions and fairs, widely present works both of aspiring researchers and scientists with worldwide reputation. Since 1993 the “Stroitel’nye Materialy” Journal is published by advertising-publishing company “Stroymaterialy”.

A New History Which We Are Making

In 1992, in connection with reforming the structure of state executive power and liquidating branch ministries, the journal lost the founder and, according to the Law “About Mass Media” could no longer be issued. At that time, it was decided to create a publishing house “Stroymarerialy” for establishing under new conditions and continuing to publish the “Stroitel’nye Materialy” journal.
Since the first years of publishing, the journal has liaised closely with enterprises of the building materials industry. This connection is not lost and now, when the industry and industry science, experiencing significant difficulties, drift away increasingly from each other. At present, over five hundred authors - engineers, candidates and doctors of sciences, academicians, directors, and leading specialists of industrial enterprises practically from all the regions of Russia, countries of the CIS and Baltia as well as from foreign countries – appear annually in the journal.
In 2002, the Federal Institute of Industrial Property assigned a trademark to the “Stroitel’nye Materialy” journal in recognition of the journal as a Soviet brand as well as an appreciated value of scientific, technical and economic information concentrated on the pages of the journal and published in the best traditions of publishing culture.

Our Editors-in-Chief Thanks to Whom We Are What We Are

Speaking about the journal, it is impossible not to pay tribute to our editors-in-chief thanks to whom we are what we are.

During many years the editor-in-chief of the journal was Petr Ivanovich Budnikov, an outstanding scientist in the field of chemistry and technology of silicates, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He drew the greatest scientists working in various fields of the building material science to the journal and initiated the cooperation with relevant institutes.

Great contribution to the strengthening of ties of the journal with sectoral research institutes has been made by Arkady Antonovich Krupin, who was appointed an editor-in-chief of the journal in 1970. Veteran, defender of the Leningrad “Road of Life”, A.A. Krupin, in peacetime, was in charge of the building materials industry in Estonia and at the Urals, then, became a head of the lead institute for building materials (VNIISTROM), which later was named after Petr Petrovich Budnikov.

In 1977, the USSR Ministry of the Building Materials Industry entrusted Anatoly Nikolaevich Sadovsky, a known organizer of the industry, who paid a great attention to technical reconstruction of operating enterprises, to manage the journal. Anatoly Nikolaevich has made a great contribution to the creation of the first national automated brick factories and other enterprises of the industry. Thanks to A.N. Sadovsky, contacts of the journal with the industry were significantly strengthened.

In 1990, Margarita Grigorievna Rublevskaya headed the journal. By this time, she worked already 29 years in the journal, over 15 years of them she actually managed the whole operative activity in the capacity of the deputy editor-in-chief. The sectoral scientific-technical journal “Stroitel’nye Materialy” was saved just due to her personal efforts in the years of perestroika. It is a personal contribution of Margarita Grigorievna Rublevskaya to the development of the building materials industry in our country.

In 2002 Elena Ivanovna Yumasheva, a graduate of the silicate faculty of the D. Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology (MCTI) (now RCTU) engineer chemist-technologist, Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, Honored Builder of Russia, became Editor-in-Chief of the journal. She sees her main task being the preservation of publishing culture and traditions formed during the long years; strengthening the role of the journal as an informal information link between industry science and industry as well as the practice of contemporary construction; raising the journal to a new qualitative level corresponding to new challenges of the time.

Our Authors Who Make the Journal Interesting

Since the first years of its existence, the “Stroitel’nye Materialy” journal publishes fundamental works in the field of construction materials science, research in traditional ceramic materials, chemistry and technology of cement, technology of concrete, asbestos cement, heat insulation, soft roof, waterproofing and other materials. Not without reason, in the first years prominent scientists, employees of branch and academic institutes became authors of the journal.

Theoretical issues of the clay science, processes taking place in the course of thermal treatment of clays are covered in articles by P.P. Budnikov, E.L. Rokhvarger, M.O. Yushkevich. Theoretical issues of drying and burning of ceramics were presented by works of A.V. Lykov, K.A. Nokhratyan. Issues of the cement technology and hardening of hydraulic binders were covered by Yu.M. Butt, S.M. Royak, I.F. Ponomarev, N.A. Toropov and others.

In the first years, B.G. Skramtaev and A.N. Popov, founders of concrete science, were the authors of articles in the journal; factory technology of concretes was presented by works of V.V. Mikhaylov, S.A. Mironov, S.A. Satalkin, V.I. Soroker and others, technology of roofing materials – by works of V.A. Vorobiev, O.B. Rozen and others.

In the building materials industry, many technologies include the grinding of raw materials. In one of the first issues of the journal, Academician P.A. Rebinder has substantiated the prospects of the use of vibro-milling in production of building materials. Theoretical basis and practical developments in the field of impact on the substance under increased atmospheric pressure and in high temperature conditions were published in the journal by scientists who head a number of scientific directions: Yu.M. Butt, P.P. Budnikov, A.V. Volzhensky and others.

In 1955 the journal published the article of A.V. Volzhensky and R.A. Ivannikova in which the principal possibility to obtain a water resistant binder with valuable construction properties on the basis of gypsum and cement was theoretically substantiated. The rapid development of the precast reinforced concrete industry required the growth of cement industry, development and adoption of new types of cement which meet the requirements of producing complex progressive structures made of precast reinforced concrete. Scientists of TSNIICement and other institutes, organizers of production, factory workers were energetically working in this direction. The topic was covered in articles by B.G. Skramtaev, I.V. Kravchenko, Kh.S. Vorobiev, D.N. Yageman and others.

In fact, a new ceramic industry has been created, a leading place in which belonged to factories with high productive tunnel kilns and driers. Among the first authors, who covered this topic in the magazine, were M.I. Rogovoy, V.L. Bil’dyukevich, M.G. Lundina, A.N. Zhukov, M.I. Lurie and others.

In the new history of Russia, the journal, keeping the status of an information link between science and practice, develops business relationship with higher education institutions where the main volume of research has moved, scientific-production companies directly realizing scientific results in the production, industrial enterprises and branch associations, foreign companies investing in the building complex of Russia. Among the authors, who actively cooperated with the journal, were Doctors of Sciences (Engineering) P.G. Komokhov, A.P. Proshin, V.F. Zavadsky, A.A. Akhundov, I.B. Udachkin, T.I. Baranova and many others.

At present, close business contacts with the editorial board are maintained by Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences L.A. Vaysberg, Doctors of Sciences (Engineering), Academicians of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences (RAASN) V.A. Il’ichev, Yu.M. Bazhenov, E.M. Chernyshov, S.V. Fedosov, N.I. Karpenko, V.I. Kolchunov; Doctors of Sciences (Engineering) V.V. Babkov, G.I. Berdov, V.I. Vereshchagin, V.G. Gagarin, D.R. Damdinova, V.T. Erofeev, A.P. Zubekhin, V.I. Kalashnikov, V.I. Kondrashchenko, V.D. Kotlyar, L.Ya. Kramar, V.N. Kupriyanov, V.S. Lesovik, G.V. Nesvetaev, D.V. Oreshkin, A.G. Perekhozhentsev, A.P. Pichugin, Yu.V. Pukharenko, R.Z. Rakhimov, B.S. Sokolov, V.F. Stepanova, B.Ya. Trofimov, L.A. Urkhanova, A.V. Usherov-Marshak, V.G. Khozin, G.I. Yakovlev and their progeny.

Among scientists, who successfully introduce their developments into production, Doctors of Sciences (Engineering) A.F. Burianov, S.S. Kaprielov, G.S. Kardumyan, L.V. Morgun, V.M. Pograbenkov, G.I. Storozhenko, A.M. Sokolov, S.N. Leonovich and also Candidates of Sciences (Engineering) I.M. Baranov, V.B. Ivanova, I.F. Shlegel are to be noted.

Young scientists don’t lag behind colleagues of the older generation. Works of Doctors of Sciences (Engineering) D.E. Barabash, Yu.A. Belentsov, E.V. Korolev, V.V. Strokova, A.E. Cherevatova and others have been highly evaluated by the scientific and professional community.
Every year, new names of Doctors and Candidates of Sciences (Engineering) are added to the glorious constellation of Russian material scientists. It means that the mutual interest of authors and readers of the journal will not wane.


Since 1955 the monthly journal “Stroitel’nye Materialy” has become an indispensable companion of engineer-technologists of all branches of building materials industry and construction industry and scientists who work in the field of construction materials science. It is of great interest to designers creating new equipment for production and application of construction materials, architects and developers who maximally use possibilities of traditional and new materials and constructions. The journal is also a great assistant for students learning the basics of the speciality.


The “Stroitel’nye Materialy” Journal is included in the list of “Leading reviewed scientific journals and publications, in which should be published a major scientific results of dissertations on competition for a scientific degree of doctor and candidate of sciences” of the Higher Attestation Commission and in the project the Russian Science Citation Index system (RINC) since 2008.

During the time of its publication, the “Stroitel’nye Materialy” Journal was awarded with diplomas, certificates of honor and letters of thanks over 100 times.
The most important:

1989 – Honorary Diploma of the USSR Chamber of Commerce and Industry Presidium.
2003 – The Grand gold medal of the Siberian Fair for high scientific-technical level of publications and long-term work
2005 – Appreciation of the Minister of Construction of the Moscow Oblast E.V. Seregin for the great contribution to the promotion of the achievements of the construction industry and in connection with the 50-th anniversary since the release of the “Stroitel’nye Materialy” Journal.
2009 – The Grand gold medal of the Siberian Fair for publishing the new scientific-technical information about development and manufacture of domestic and foreign building materials and others.
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