


About Publishing House

The STROYMATERIALY publishing house is created in 1993. Specializes on issue of scientific and technical periodic Journals, educational and special technical literature in the field of construction and architecture.
Monthly publishes:
• the scientific and technical “Stroitel’nye Materialy®” Journal (it is founded in 1955), in which development more than fifteen subsectors of the industry of construction materials, modern achievements in the field of materials science, equipment and technologies.
• the scientific and technical and production “Zhilishchnoe Stroitel`stvo” Journal (is founded in 1958) covering technological and economic aspects of construction of housing and social and cultural facilities.

Books of scientific and technical subject are published by orders of authors and according to own publishing plan. It is possible to study information on the published books in the section "Books".

Digests of the Improvement of Construction Materials series are issued according to publications of the “Stroitel’nye Materialy®” Journal. It is possible to study information on the issued digests in the section "Digests". The publishing technology is based on the existing specifications and technical documentation in the field of publishing. In the staff of publishing house highly skilled scientific editors – Candidates of Technical Sciences; the division of prepress preparation is completed with the modern computer equipment and the license software. We cooperate with a number of the printing enterprises providing expeditious production of quality production.
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