
Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №9

Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №9
September, 2015

Table of contents

УДК 624.131

R.A. MANGUSHEV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), D.A. SAPIN, Engineer ( Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (4, 2-nd Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, 190005, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Accounting of Influence of «Slurry Wall» Rigidity on Settlement of Neighboring Buildings
The influence of rigidity and also the embedment length of shoring below the excavation bottom on the additional settlement of foundations of neighboring buildings when arranging the deep excavation under conditions of dense urban development and significant thickness of weak silty-clayey soils is evaluated. The excavation wall made according to the «slurry wall» technique with excavation of the pit by «top-down» method is considered. The efficiency of the use of tee-bays of «slurry wall» is shown. The comparison with field observations at one of real objects built in the historical center of St. Petersburg is presented.

Keywords: numerical simulation, «slurry wall», additional settlement of neighboring development.

1. Mangushev R.A., Osokin A.I. Geotekhnika Sankt-Peterburga [Geotechnology of St. Petersburg]. Мoscow: АSV, 2010. 264 p. (In Russian).
2. Osokin A.I., Denisova O.O., Shakhtarina T.N. Technology support of underground construction under conditions of urban development Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 3, pp. 16–24. (In Russian).
3. Shashkin A.G., Bogov S.G. Approbation of diaphragm wall technology under geological engineering conditions of St. Petersburg. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2012. No. 11, pp. 20–22. (In Russian).
4. Mangushev, R.A. Proektirovanie i ustroistvo podzemnykh sooruzhenii v otkrytykh kotlovanakh [Design and installation of underground structures in open pits]. Мoscow, St. Petersburg: АSV, 2013. 256 p. (In Russian).
5. Il'ichev V.А., Mangushev, R.A., Nikiforova N.S. Experience in underground space development Russian megalopolises. Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov. 2012. No. 2, pp. 17–20. (In Russian).
6. Konyukhov D.S., Sviridov A.I. Deformation process’s calculation of the existing buildings during shoring of excavation. Vestnik MGSU. 2011. No. 5, pp. 99–103. (In Russian).
7. Mangushev R.A. Numerical simulation of adjoining developments technology settlement in process of trench slurry wall construction / R.A. Mangushev, A.A. Veselov, V.V. Konyushkov, D.A. Sapin. Vestnik grazhdanskikh inzhenerov. 2012. No. 5 (34), pp. 87–98. (In Russian).
8. Sapin D.A. Settlements of foundations of adjacent buildings when arranging the trench «slurry wall». Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2015. No. 4, pp. 8–13. (In Russian)

A.Z. TER-MARTIROSYAN, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (, Z.A. TER-MARTIROSYAN, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), E.S. SOBOLEV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Highway, 129337, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Settlement and Bearing Capacity of Long Piles of Finite Rigidity with Enlarged Base with Due Regard for Non-Linear Properties of Surrounding Ground

The article provides a formulation and analytical solution of the problem of interaction of a compressible long pile and surrounding nonlinear-deformable soils. It is shown that the force applied to the pile head is distributed between the side surface and the pile base unevenly, and that the share of the base is not more than one third of the total force. To improve this share it is proposed to find the optimal ratio between the length and diameter of the pile, and also to arrange the broadening at the pile base. Accounting non-linear deformation properties of soils around the pile, and the compressibility of the pile makes it possible to approach the solution of the set task. It is proposed, in the course of numerical integration of nonlinear differential equations obtained, to set the boundary conditions at the level of the pile base so that the stress does not exceed the initial critical load. To do this for this diameter of the pile or its base, define the initial critical load and the corresponding settlement, taking into account the depth of the pile.

Keywords: long piles, enlarged base, piles of finite rigidity, nonlinear properties of soils, initial critical load.

1. Bartolomej A.A. Osnovy raschjota svajnyh fundamentov po predel'no dopustimym osadkam [Basis of calculation of pile foundations for the maximum permissible draft]. Moscow: Strojizdat. 1982. 221 p. (In Russian).
2. Bartolomej A.A., Omel'chak I.M., Jushkov B.S. Prognoz osadok svajnyh fundamentov [Forecast sediment pile foundation]. Moscow: Strojizdat. 1994. 384 p. (In Russian).
3. Dalmatov B.I., Lapshin F.K., Rossihin Ju.V. Proektirovanie svajnyh fundamentov v uslovijah slabyh gruntov [Design of pile foundations in soft soils]. Leningrad:Strojizdat. 1975. 240 p. (In Russian).
4. Ter-Martirosjan Z.G. Stress-strain state in a ground massif and its interaction with the pile and deep foundations. Vestnik MGSU. 2006. No. 1. pp. 38–49. (In Russian).
5. Booker J., Poulos H. Analysis of creep settlement of Pile foundation. Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering division. Proc. of the ASCE.1976. Vol. 1.102 No GT. pp. 1–14.
6. Seed H.G., and Reese, L.C. The action of soft clay along friction piles. Transactions, ASCE. 1957. Vol. 122. pp. 731–754.
7. Ter-Martirosjan Z.G., Nguen Zang Nam. Interaction long piles with a two-layer elastic-creeping ground // Vestnik grazhdanskih inzhenerov SPbGASU. 2007. No. 1 (10). pp. 52–55. (In Russian).
8. Vjalov S.S. Reologicheskie osnovy mehaniki gruntov [Rheological basics of soil mechanics]. Moscow: Vysshaja shkola. 1978. 447 p. (In Russian).
9. Nguen Zang Nam. Determination of rainfall round stamp in recognition of his burial. Proceedings of the 4th International scientific conference of young scientists, post-graduate and doctoral students «Building-forming living environment». Moscow: MGSU, 2006. pp. 40–43. (In Russian).
10. Ter-Martirosjan Z.G., Ter-Martirosjan A.Z., Sidorov V.V. Initial critical pressure under the heel of the round foundation and bored piles under the heel of round section. Estestvennye i tehnicheskie nauki. 2014. No. 11–12 (78), pp. 372–376. (In Russian).

УДК 624.
A.N. GAYDO, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) ( Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (4, 2-nd Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, 190005, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Ways of Improving Technological Solutions of Construction of Pile Foundations of Residential Buildings Under Conditions of Urban Development

Modern technologies of constructing pile foundations of residential buildings are considered. For construction site located in the high-density urban development, advantages of using the technology of pressing of factory made piles are shown. Main limitations of the technology in the course of pressing piles in sections with layers of dense rocks when the soil resistance exceeds the maximum force of pressing have been established. In such cases it is proposed to use the combined impact of static loads and torsion moments on the pile. Experimental data confirming the efficiency of this method according to the criterion of reducing the applied force of pressing are presented. Main disadvantage of this method is a destruction of the pile head caused by the long-term impact of torsion moments. To solve this problem, the author has developed the technological parameters and sequence of works ensuring the preservation of the pile shaft implemented when a vibrator is installed on its side surface.

Keywords: pile foundation, pile pressing, vibration-torsion moment.

1. Abelev K.M., Bakhronov R.R., Nekrylov V.B. The results of studies of the construction of buildings and structures in areas with water-saturated clay soils. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2010. No. 8, pp. 57–59. (In Russian).
2. Mangushev R.A. Geotechnical supervision of the construction of a residential building adjacent the nearby in the center of St. Petersburg. Zhilishchnoe stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2011. No. 9, pp. 11–16. (In Russian).
3. Gaido A.N. Objectives of research technology solutions unit foundations of multi-storey buildings.Vestnik grazhdanskikh inzhenerov. 2011. No. 4 (29), pp. 81–90. (In Russian).
4. Gaido A.N. Investigation of technological parameters indentation piles. Vestnik grazhdanskikh inzhenerov. 2012. No. 4 (33), pp. 129–137. (In Russian).
5. Verstov V.V., Gaido A.N. The choice of rational ways pile foundations for manufacturability criteria in different conditions of construction. Montazhnye i spetsial'nye raboty v stroitel'stve. 2013. No. 4, pp. 6–12. (In Russian).
6. Shcherba V.G. Accounting cramped conditions in the construction of monolithic multi-storey residential buildings on soft soils. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2010. No. 6, pp. 55–57. (In Russian).
7. Shcherba V.G. Lunyakov M.A. Reduce the impact of sediment building under construction on nearby structures in the device of pile foundations. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2011. No. 1, pp. 57–59. (In Russian).
8. Shashkin A.G., Bogov S.G., Tukkiya A.L. Adapting the technology of driving without removing the soil to the geotechnical conditions of St. Petersburg. Zhilishchnoe stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 11, pp. 18–22. (In Russian).
9. Mangushev R. A., Konyushkov V.V., D'yakonov I.P. The analysis of the practical application of screw-piles. Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov. 2014. No. 5, pp. 11–16. (In Russian).
10. Tseitlin M.G., Kentsin O.Sh., Izofov V.O. Vibrational-rotational indentation tubular elements in the soil. Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov. 1992. No. 1, pp. 13–17. (In Russian).
УДК 624.1
S.S. ZUEV1, Deputy Director, M.A. TIMOFEEV1, Engineer, S.F. SELETKOV1, Engineer, O.A. MAKOVETSKY2, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
1 OAO «New Ground» (35, Kronshtadtskaya Street, 614081, Perm, Russian Federation)
2 Perm National Research Polytechnic University (29, Komsomolsky Avenue, 614019, Perm, Russian Federation)

Analysis of Changes in Hydro-geological Situation in the Course of Construction of Geotechnical Barrier of «Smart-Park-Ufa» Complex

The article provides engineering-geological conditions and structural solution of the underground part of the administrative complex being built in the city of Ufa. The assessment of hydro-geological conditions is made, the necessity of arrangement of a vertical geotechnical barrier made by using the technique of soil jet grouting is substantiated. Results of the computer simulation in PLAXIS program of the change in the underground water level when arranging the vertical geotechnical barrier around the underground part of the buildings complex are presented. The soil foundation is described with the use of an elastic-plastic model of hardening soil; ground water pressures, pressures in pore water and external pressure of water are created with the help of setting the level. The analysis of results of the simulation according to various scenarios shows the degree of influence of the geotechnical barrier on building conditions of the soil foundation of existing buildings.

Keywords: geotechnical barrier, underground water, computer simulation.

1. Makovetsky O.A. Vliyaniye of changes of the geological environment on reliability of system «the basis – the base building». Engineering geology and protection of the geological environment. Materials of year session of Scientific council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on problems of geoecology, engineering geology and hydrogeology. Mоscow: GEOS, 2004, pp. 398–402. (In Russian).
2. Makovetsky O.A., Ponomarev A.B., Savinov A.V. Of the Problem of engineering protection of urban areas against flooding. Reconstruction of the historical cities and geotechnical construction. Works of the international conference on geotechnics. Mоscow: ASV, 2003. V. 2, рр. 185–193. (In Russian).
3. Osipov V.I. Natural disasters at a turn of the XXI century. Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. 2001. V. 71. No. 4, pp. 291–302. (In Russian).
4. Ponomarev A.B. Geotechnical modeling of influence of a deep ditch at reconstruction of the building. Zhilishhnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 9, pp. 38–44. (In Russian).
УДК 624.1
O.A. SHULYATIEV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), O.N. ISAEV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), D.V. NAYATOV, Engineer, R.F. SHARAFUTDINOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), ( AO «NIC Stroytelsnvo» – NIIOSP named after N.M. Gersevanov (59, Ryazansky Avenue, 109428, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Experience in Construction of a Multifunctional Residential Complex

The article describes an experience in construction of a multifunctional residential complex (MRC) in the course of erection of which significant deviations of values of settlements and tilts of the foundation from predicted values obtained with the use of the program complex for structures calculation have been revealed. As a result, there was a danger of exceeding the limit values of settlements and tilts of the foundation. To clarify the reasons, additional research and corrected calculations of the foundation with due regard for pre-consolidation, filtration consolidation and creep of clay soils, as well as the influence of the enclosing structure of the pit have been carried out. Results of multi-variant calculations and their comparison with monitoring data made it possible to indentify the cause of deviations of monitoring results from calculated values.

Keywords: foundation, multifunctional complex, high-rise building, model of soil, enclosing structure of pit, filtration consolidation, creep, mathematical simulation.

1. Fedorovsky V.G., Kantsybko A.I., Shulyatyev S.O. Metodik of reduction of rigidity of the building with a full framework to rigidity of one floor. Stroitel'naya mekhanika i raschet sooruzhenii. 2013. No. 4, рр. 78. (In Russian).
2. Tsytovich of N.M. Mekhanika gruntov. [Mekhanik of soil]. Mоscow: Vysshaya shkola, 1979. 272 p. (In Russian).
3. Shulyatyev O.A., Pospekhov V.S., Shulyatyev S.O. From practice of design of the protecting design and a base plate of an administrative complex of buildings with four-level underground parking. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 9, pp. 50–53. (In Russian).
4. Shulyatyev O.A. The bases of high-rise buildings. Trudy Vserossiiskoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Fundamenty glubokogo zalozheniya i problemy osvoeniya podzemnogo prostranstva», posvyashchennaya 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora A.A. Bartolomeya (1934– 2003 gg.) [Works of the All-Russian conference with the international participation «The bases of a deep zalozheniye and a problem of development of underground space», devoted to the 80 anniversary since the birth of professor Bartolomey A.A. (1934–2003)]. Perm, 2014. P. 83–124. (In Russian).
5. Shulyatyev O.A., Bezvolev S.G., Sides I.A., Shulyatyev S.O. Natural researches of influence of a rheological factor at high-rise construction on solid clays. Achievements, problems and the perspective directions of development for the theory and practice of mechanics of soil and Foundation engineerings. Materialy XIII Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma po reologii gruntov i Mezhdunarodnogo soveshchaniya zaveduyushchikh kafedrami mekhaniki gruntov, osnovanii i fundamentov, podzeinogo stroitel'stva i gidrotekhnicheskikh rabot, inzhenernoi geologii i geoekologii stroitel'nykh vuzov i fakul'tetov [Materials XIII of the International symposium on a rheology of soil and the International meeting of managers of chairs of mechanics of soil, the bases and the bases, podzeiny construction and hydrotechnical works, engineering geology and geoecology of construction higher education institutions and faculties]. Kazan, 2012. P. 33–36. (In Russian).
УДК 624.153.524
A.G. SHASHKIN, Doctor of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy) (, К.G. SHASHKIN, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), ООО «Project Institute «Georeconstruction» (4, Izmaylovsky Avenue, 190005, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Soil-Structure Interaction Calculations for the High-Rise Building Taking into Account Non-Linearity of Structural Materials and Soils

Soil-structure interaction calculations are crucial for making design decisions on construction of a structure even of a usual building. Importance of SSI calculations considerably increases at design of unique structures while there is no practice of their construction in geotechnical conditions of a given area. Calculations of a high-rise building based on soils pose special interest as we face necessity to evaluate deformations of soils under unusually high loads with account of nonlinear properties of structural materials and soils.

Keywords: high-rise building, underground structure, soil-structure interaction, non-linear and reological properties.

1. Ulitskii V.M., Shashkin A.G., Shashkin K.G. Interaction of buildings and bases // Geotekhnika. 2009. № 1, pp. 6–19.
2. Shashkin V.A. Effects of concentration of tension in building designs at interaction with the basis. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 9, pp. 9–14. (In Russian).
3. Shashkin V.A. Effects of interaction of the bases and constructions // Razvitie gorodov i geotekhnicheskoe stroitel’stvo. 2012. No. 14, pp. 141–167.
4. Ulitskii V.M., Shashkin A.G., Shashkin K.G., Paramonov V.N. Effects of interaction of the bases and constructions by means of MKE “FEM models”. Rekonstruktsiya gorodov i geotekhnicheskoe stroitel’stvo. 2000. No. 2, pp. 76–79.
5. Shashkin A.G. The accounting of deformations of forming at calculation of foundations of buildings and underground constructions. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2011. No. 7, pp. 17–21. (In Russian).
6. Schanz T., Vermeer P.A., Bonnier P.G. The hardening soil model: formulation and verification. Beyond 2000 in Computional Geotechnics.10 years of PLAXIS. Balkema, Rotterdam. 1999, pp. 281–296. (In Russian).
7. Shashkin A.G. The description of deformation behavior of clay soil by means of viscous and elasto-plastic model. Inzhenernaya geologiya. 2010. No. 4, pp. 22–32. (In Russian).
8. Klovanich S.F., Mironenko I.N. Metod konechnykh elementov v mekhanike zhelezobetona [Method of final elements in mechanics of reinforced concrete]. Odessa, 2007. 110 p. (In Russian).
9. Karpenko N.I. Obshchie modeli mekhaniki zhelezobetona [General models of mechanics of reinforced concrete]. Moscow: Stroiizdat, 1996. 416 p. (In Russian).
УДК 624.164.7
A.G. MALININ1, Technical Director (, A.N. SMIRNOV1, Engineer; D.A. MALININ2, Engineer
1 OOO «InzhProektStroy» (34, Komsomolsky Avenue, 614000, Perm, Russian Federation)
2 OOO «Ankernye Sistemy» (34, office 103, Komsomolsky Avenue, 614000, Perm, Russian Federation)

Retractable Screw Anchors «Atlant»

Under conditions of dense urban development anchor systems have a significant drawback: output of the anchor outside the limit of the construction site. This is unacceptable in the case of subsequent construction of new excavations and trenchless laying of communication at adjoining areas. To solve the problem of cutting the tubular pull of the anchor «Atlant» in the area of coupling of the free length and the root, specialists of «InzhProektStroy» and «Ankernye Sistemy» have developed the technique of burning of walls of steel pipes with a high-temperature gas jet released during the combustion of fireworks (termites). The technical feasibility to cut anchor tie rods and extract them, if necessary, from the surrounding soil massive is proved.

Keywords: screw anchors «Atlant», anchor tie rod, underground construction, slurry wall, sheet-pile wall, termite mix.

1. Il'ichev V.А., Mangushev, R.A., Nikiforova N.S. Experience in underground space development Russian megalopolises. Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov. 2012. № 2, pp. 17–20. (In Russian).
2. Konyukhov D.S., Sviridov A.I. Deformation process’s calculation of the existing buildings during shoring of excavation. Vestnik MGSU. 2011. No. 5, pp. 99–103. (In Russian).
3. Shashkin A.G., Bogov S.G. Approbation of diaphragm wall technology under geological engineering conditions of St. Petersburg. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2012. No. 11, pp. 20–22. (In Russian).
4. Mangushev, R.A. Proektirovanie i ustroistvo podzemnykh sooruzhenii v otkrytykh kotlovanakh [Design and installation of underground structures in open pits]. Мoscow, St. Petersburg: АSV, 2013. 256 p. (In Russian).
5. Paramonov V.N., Kravchenko P.A. Effect of increase in the bearing ability of piles of strengthening under loading. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Stroitrl’stvo. 2012. No. 7–8, pp. 117–121. (In Russian).
6. Malinin A.G., Malinin D.A. Research of adhesive durability of the reinforcing elements at the device of anchor piles. Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov. 2011. No. 2, pp. 13–15. (In Russian).
7. Malinin A.G., Gladkov I.L., Zhemchugov A.A. Strengthening of weak soil in the highway embankment basis by means of technology of jet cementation. Transportnoe stroitel'stvo. 2013. No. 1, pp. 4–6. (In Russian).
8. Malinin D.A. Новое инъекционное оборудование для ра боты в подземных выработках. Metro i tonneli. 2013. No. 2, pp. 22–23. (In Russian).
9. Malinin A.G., Malinin D.A. Ultrasonic way of quality control of the antifiltrational veil executed on technology of jet cementation. Metro i tonneli. 2013. No. 1, pp. 16–19. (In Russian).
10. Malinin A.G., Vakutin A.P., Smirnov A.N., Malinin D.A. Production of the screw self-spudded anchors in Russia. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2011. No. 8, pp. 65–67. (In Russian).
УДК 69.058
A.B. PONOMAREV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, A.V. ZAKHAROV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), S.A. SAZONOVA, Master, S.V. KALOSHINA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), M.A. BEZGODOV, Master, R.I. SHENKMAN, Master, D.G. ZOLOTOZUBOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Perm National Research Polytechnic University (29, Komsomolsky Avenue, 614019, Perm, Russian Federation)

Geotechnical Monitoring of a Residential House

During the construction of a residential house, differential settlements of the building foundation, surpassing normative values, were revealed; this became the reason to conduct geotechnical monitoring. The purpose of geotechnical monitoring is to develop recommendations for preventing the further development of non-uniform deformations of the building ground base. In the course of geotechnical monitoring the following works were conducted: visual survey of building constructions of the building; geodesic and instrumental monitoring of building deformations; additional engineering-geological surveys; execution of check calculations; analysis of geotechnical monitoring results, and development of recommendations for further safe construction and operation of the buildings. On the basis of the results of conducted geotechnical monitoring, technical recommendations for strengthening the ground base, which make it possible to stabilize non-uniform settlements of the building, have been developed.

Keywords: geotechnical monitoring, non-uniform settlements of foundation, visual survey, geodesic and instrumental monitoring, simulation, strengthening of foundation.

1. Ponomaryov A.B., Ofrikhter V.G. Need of system monitoring of operated constructions for the purpose of ensuring their constructive safety. Vestnik tsentral'nogo regional'nogo otdeleniya Rossiiskoi akademii arkhitektury i stroitel'nykh nauk. 2006, pp. 134. (In Russian).
2. Ponomaryov A.B., Zaharov A.V., Sursanov D.N. On the question of using upper Permian sediments as soil bases. Vestnik Permskogo nacional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politehnicheskogo universiteta. Prikladnaja jekologija. Urbanistika. 2011. No. 1, pp. 74–80. (In Russian).
3. Sazonova S.A., Ponomaryov A.B. On the need for a comprehensive study of the properties of technogenic soil and use them as bases of buildings. Vestnik Permskogo nacional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politehnicheskogo universiteta. Stroitel'stvo i arhitektura. 2013. No. 2, pp. 98–106. (In Russian).
4. Novodzinskij A.L., Ponomaryov A.B., Statun A.S. Assessing the impact of penetration municipal collector surrounding buildings. Aktual'nye problemy geotehniki Sbornik statej, posvjashhennyj 60-letiju professora A.N. Bogomolova. Volgograd. 2014, pp. 187–193. (In Russian).
5. Ponomaryov A.B. Rekonstruktsiya podzemnogo prostranstva. [Reconstruction of underground space]. Moskow: ASV, 2006. 232 p. (In Russian).
6. Ponomaryov A.B., Kaloshina S.V., Zaharov A.V., Zolotozubov D.G., Bezgodov M.A., Shenkman R.I. Geotechnical modeling of deep excavation in the reconstruction of buildings // Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 9, pp. 38–42. (In Russian).
УДК 624.159.5
A.I. POLISHCHUK1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, D.G. SAMARIN2, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), A.A. FILIPPOVICH2, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
1 Kuban State Agrarian University (13, Kalinina Street, 350044, Krasnodar, Russian Federation)
2 Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building (2, Solyanaya Square, 634003 Tomsk, Russian Federation)

Strengthening of Strip Foundations by Injection Piles in Terms of Reconstruction of Buildings

Results of the study of load redistribution in the system «strip foundation – injection piles» depending on its geometrical parameters (foundation base width, pile length etc.) are presented. The simulation was executed in the program PLAXIS 3D Foundation. Equations, which make it possible to calculate load proportions transmitted to the base ground by the strip shallow foundation and injection piles, when they operate together, have been obtained. The proposed method of assessment of joint operation of strip foundations and injection piles in clay soils increases the reliability of technical solutions aimed at strengthening of reconstructed buildings foundations.

Keywords: strip foundation, injection pile, redistributions of loads, strengthening of foundations, reconstruction of buildings.

1. Polishchuk A.I., Petuhov A.A. Strengthening of the bases of the reconstructed buildings in Tomsk with use of injection piles. Interuniversity thematic collection of the works «Scientific and Practical and Theoretical Problems of Geotechnics». St. Petersburg. 2007., pp. 162–171. (In Russian).
2. Sernov V.A. Effective designs of the pile bases with the bearing grillages. Prospects of development of new technologies in construction and preparation of engineering shots of Republic of Belarus: collection of scientific works of the XVI International scientific and methodical seminar. Brest. 2009. Vol. 2, pp. 147–178. (In Russian).
3. Paramonov V.N., Kravchenko P.A. Effect of increase in the bearing ability of piles of strengthening under loading. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Stroitrl’stvo. 2012. No. 7–8., pp. 117–121. (In Russian).
4. Polishchuk A.I., Samarin D.G., Filippovich A.A. Results of modeling processes of interaction of foundations with clay soil. Vestnik TGASU. 2013, No. 1 (38), pp. 253–259. (In Russian).
5. Polishchuk A.I., Samarin D.G., Osipov S.P., Filippovich A.A. The research of joint behavior of sallow foundation with strengthening injection piles in clay soil. Vestnik TGASU. 2014. No. 3 (44), pp. 177–190. (In Russian).
6. Voskoboynikov Yu.E. Regressionnyy analiz dannykh v pakete Mathcad. [The regression analysis of data in Mathcad]. Sankt-Peterburg: Lan', 2011. 224 p. (In Russian).
7. Panyukova T.A. Chislennye metody [The numerical method]. Moscow: Librokom. 2010. 226 p. (In Russian).
8. Kir'yanov D.V. Mathcad 14 [Mathcad 14]. Sankt-Peterburg: BVKH-Peterburg. 2007. 704 p. (In Russian).
9. Porshnev S.V., Belenkova I.V. Chislennye metody na baze Mathcad [The numerical method on base in Mathcad ]. Sankt- Peterburg: BVKh-Peterburg. 2012. 465 p. (In Russian).
УДК 624.15
P.A. MALININ, Technical Director of Moscow Representative (, P.V. STRUNIN, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Head of Design Department, Moscow Representative OOO «InzhProektStroy» (34, Komsomolsky Avenue, 614000, Perm, Russian Federation)

Development and Application of Jet Cementation of Soils for Installing Self-Drilling Anchor Piles

A review of new trends in the development of jet cementation techniques is done; an issue of the use of jet cementation for installing self-drilling anchor piles (AtlantJet technique) is considered in details. The use of capabilities of jet cementation for installing piles of this type makes it possible to form the pile body of 300–600 mm diameter, this allows to improve the bearing capacity of piles several times. Screw rods «Atlant» are used for the application of jet grouting. An experience in the use of ground anchors «Atlant» for strengthening the deep excavation in Moscow is described.

Keywords: self-drilling anchor, ground anchors, deep excavation, jet cementation (grouting) of soils.

1. Malinin A.G. Struinaya tsementatsiya gruntov [Jet cementation of soil]. Moscow: Stroiizdat, 2010. 238 р. (In Russian).
2. Malinin A.G. New opportunities of jet cementation of soil. Transportnoe stroitel'stvo. 2014. No. 7, pp. 10–14. (In Russian).
3. Gul'shina Yu.G., Malinin P.A., Salmin I.A., Strunin P.V. Experience of application of new technology of soil anchors of AtlantJet when fastening a deep ditch in Moscow. Papers of the international scientific and technical conference «Modern geotechnologies in construction and their scientific and technical maintenance. Sankt-Peterburg, 2014, pp. 142–148. (In Russian).
УДК 624.05
L.V. KIEVSKIY1, Doctor of Sciences, Honored Builder of the Russian Federation (; A.S. SERGEEV2, Head of Department Evaluation and Consulting (
1 Research and design center «CITY DEVELOPMENT» (bld. 3, 19, Prospect Mira Street, Moscow, 129090, Russian Federation)
2 «SWISS APPRAISAL LLC» (15-2, Embankment Akademika Tupoleva, Moscow, 105005, Russian Federation)

Urban Development and Labor Performance

The issue of urban development process organization and planning influence on the labor performance has not been systematically analyzed In Russian and foreign practice. Labor performance is one of the basic indicators of characteristics variety to determine the economy status, particularly in the construction industry. This article analyses the interrelation of the urban development organization and planning and labor performance on an example of the actual urban development process organization - design, preparation, construction and settlement of residential houses, schools, preschool, as well as its influence on the labor performance growth reserves in Moscow construction complex. The cost-based approach was used to value labor performance, which is regarded as triple economic characteristics. The normative settled object value is counted as a targeted investment program in accordance with the structure confirmed in construction cost estimate summary. The actual value corresponds to the payments of state organization customer net the damage amount identified during the retreat of the actual organization of the urban planning regulations process. The purpose of this article is to show the direct influence of the urban development process organization and planning on labor performance. This research identifies reserves of labor performance growth in the nowadays-urban development and the construction policy of Moscow. This is valid due to evaluation approach of the labor performance as a socio-economical, but not technological variable. Main reserves of labor performance growth, according to this approach, are associated with the reduction of the postponed settlement terms, compliance with the regulatory procedures to ensure timely execution of all stages of the urban development process, the reduction of wasteful expenditure and losses of the municipal and contractors’ budgets.

Keywords: urban development processes modeling, integrated economical evaluation of the urban development processes efficiency, performance growth reserves, recommendations on economical analysis of urban development processes.

1. Morozov E.V. Labor efficiency intension and its main components. Problemy i perspektivy upravlenija jekonomikoj i marketingom v organizacii. 2003. No. 3, p. 49. (In Russian).
2. Levkin S.I., Kievskiy L.V. Program-oriented and goaloriented approach to urban planning policy. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2011. No. 8, pp. 6–9. (In Russian).
3. Levkin S.I., Kievskiy L.V., Shirov A.A. Multiplicative effect of Moscow building complex. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2014. No. 3, pp. 3–9. (In Russian).
4. Kievskiy L.V. From construction management to investment process in construction management. «CITY DEVELOPMENT» collection of proceedings 2006–2014. Pod red. prof. L.V. Kievskogo. Moscow: SvR-ARGUS. 2014. 592 p. (In Russian).
5. Kievskiy L.V. Planirovanie i organizacija stroitel'stva inzhenernyh kommunikacij [Planning and management of engineering services construction]. Moscow: SvR-ARGUS. 2008. 464 p.
6. Zhadanovskij B.V., Sinenko S.A., Kuzhin M.F. Practical organizational and technological diagrams of construction and erection work development in condition of operating enterprise reconstruction. Tehnologija i organizacija stroitel'nogo proizvodstva. 2014. No. 1, pp. 38–40. (In Russian).
7. Jushkova N.G. Urban development management: government and market cooperation. Academia. Arhitektura i stroitel'stvo. 2010. No. 1, pp. 66–69. (In Russian).
8. Semenov A.A. Current status of housing construction in Russia. Zhilishhnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 4, pp. 9–12. (In Russian).
9. Ilyichev V.A., Karimov A.M., Kolchunov V.I. et al. Proposals to the draft doctrine of urban development and resettlement (Strategic City Planning). Zhilishhnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 1, pp. 2–10. (In Russian).
10. David Dodman, Barry Dalal-Clayton, Gordon McGranahan. Integrating the environment in urban planning and management. Key principles and approaches for cities in the 21century. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) United Nations Environment Programme, 2013 ( files/publications/integrating_the_environment.pdf)
11. «Managing Asian Cities: Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Solutions». Asian Development Bank. Manila. 2008. p. XIV. ( Cities/part02-07.pdf (дата обращения 19.06.2015)).
12. Malojan G.A. Urban conglomeration forming problems. Academia. Arhitektura i stroitel'stvo. 2012. No. 2, pp. 83–85. (In Russian).
13. Malojan G.A. From the city to agglomeration. Academia. Arhitektura i stroitel'stvo. 2010. No. 1, pp. 47–53. (In Russian).
14. «Managing Asian Cities: Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Solutions». Asian Development Bank. Manila. 2008, p. XIV. ( Cities/part02-07.pdf (date of access 19.06.2015)).
15. «PlaNYC Progress Report 2010». City of New York, United States, April 2010, p. 22. ( planyc2030/downloads/pdf/planyc_progress_report_2010. pdf (date of access 19.06.2015)).
16. Malyha G.G., Sinenko S.A., Vajnshtejn M.S., Kulikova E.N. Structural modeling of data: requisites of data object in construction modeling. Vestnik MGSU. 2012. No. 4, pp. 226–230. (In Russian).
17. Sergeev A.S. Risc assessment in construction projects evaluation. Modernization of investment-building and housing-municipal complexes. International collection of proceedings. Moscow: MGAKHiS. 2011. 683 p. (In Russian).
18. Bogachev S.N., Shkol'nikov A.A., Rozentul R.Je., Klimova N.A. Construction risc ant its minimizing possibilities. Academia. Arhitektura i stroitel'stvo. 2015. No. 1, pp. 88–92. (In Russian).
УДК 721:502.3
M.A. GONCHAROVA1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (; A. HEZLA2, Engineer
1 Lipetsk State Technical University (30, Moskovskaya Street, 398600, Lipetsk, Russian Federation),
2 Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, (65, Ilyinskaya Street, 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation)

Techniques for Providing Comfort in Energy-Efficient Buildings in Hot Climate*

Results of the optimization of criteria influencing on the comfort under conditions of dry hot climate are presented. The contemporary experience in designing and construction of housing is considered; the complex approach in the course of the analysis of conditions for ensuring the comfortable habitation is used. Architectural-planning decisions organizing heat energy flows between the external and internal surfaces of a wall are proposed. For this purpose, the external heat insulation system, which makes it possible to protect wall materials against heating, is proposed. It is also proposed to include adaptation factors which make it possible to adapt to the climate, lifestyle, and local culture in the urban and architectural planning in countries with hot climate.

Keywords: comfort, energy-efficient buildings, heat insulation materials, polyurethane foam.

1. Savin V.K., Volkova N.G., Popova Yu.K. Role of ecological and climatic factors when building the territory. Zhilishhnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 6, pp. 56–59. (In Russian).
2. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V., Lushin K.I. Speed of the movement of air in a layer of hinged front system at natural ventilation. Zhilishhnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 10, pp. 14–17. (In Russian).
3. Subbotin O.S. Features of regeneration of quarters of historical building. Р. 1. Zhilishhnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 10, pp. 22–25. (In Russian).
4. Sadykov R.A. The theory of processes of stationary nonlinear transfer taking into account a filtration of air, condensation or evaporation of vaporous moisture. Izvestiya Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno-stroitel'nogo universiteta. 2011. No. 3, pp. 268–276. (In Russian).
5. Verkhovskii A.A., Shekhovtsov A.V., Nanasov I.M. Energy efficiency of high-rise buildings. Vysotnye zdaniya. 2011. No. 10–11, pp. 96–101. (In Russian).
6. Samarin O.D. Rationing of energy consumption of the building taking into account heatreceipts from solar radiation. Zhilishhnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 1, pp. 32–34. (In Russian).
7. Lesovik V.S. Arkhitekturnaya geonika [Arkhitekturnaya of a geonickname]. Zhilishhnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 1, pp. 9–13. (In Russian).
8. Umnyakova N.P. Construction of power effective buildings for reduction of impact on environment. Vestnik MGSU. 2011. No. 3, pp. 221–227. (In Russian).
9. Korneev A.D., Goncharova M.A., Shatalov G.A. Tekhnologiya of a composite tile with thermal insulation from the filled polyurethane foam. Stroitel'nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2014. No. 3, pp. 92–95. (In Russian).
10. Goncharova M.A., Bondarev B.A., Proskuryakova A.O. Forecasting of durability of the filled polyurethane foam in roofing a sandwich panel. Nauchnyi vestnik Voronezhskogo GASU. Stroitel'stvo i arkhitektura. 2014. No. 3 (35), pp. 31–37. (In Russian).
11. Popov A.D. Chelovek – tsvet – sreda [Chelovek – color – habitat]. Belgorod: BGTU im. V.G. Shukhova, 2010. 252 p. (In Russian).
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