
Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo №6

Table of contents

I.E. TSUKERNIKOV 1 , Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, I.L. SHUBIN 1 , Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), N.E. SHCHUROVA 1 , Engineer; T.O. NEVENCHANNAYA 2 , Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (
1 Research Institute of Building Physics of RAABS (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation)
2 Moscow State University of Printing Arts (2a, Pryanishnikova Street, Moscow, 127550, Russian Federation)

Features of International Standard ISO 717-1:2013 Application in Russia

The single-number estimation of airborne sound insulation in buildings and building elements in the form of weighted sound reduction indexes and spectrum adaptation terms, considering in general a spectrum nature of sound falling on a protection design, is widely applied in world practice. Corresponding parameters for all spectral characteristics of airborne sound insulation put into practice and a universal method of their definition are established by the International Standard ISO 717-1:2013. Features of introduction of the International Standard are considered, which take into account the requirements of the Russian standardization system. Comparison of the A-weighted noise spectra for various categories of the railway transportation, to be maintained on the Russian railways, to the sound level spectra, applied in the International Standard to calculate the spectral adaptation terms. The divergences in values of spectral adaptation terms received are shown by the concrete example and corresponding recommendations are offered.

Keywords: airborne sound insulation, rating, single-number quantity, weighted sound reduction index

1. Materialy dlya zvukoizolyatsii zdanii i sooruzhenii [Materials for sound insulation of buildings and constructions]. Kiev: SC «Acoustic Traffic». 2014. 16 p.
2. Tsukernikov I.E., Shubin I.L. Declaration and verification of airborne so-und insulation values for sound insulators in use in Russia. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2011. No. 10, pp. 37–39. (In Russian).
3. Osipov G.L., Bobilev V.N., Borisov L.A. et all. Zvukoizolyatsiya i zvukopogloshchenie [Sound insulation and absorption]. Мoscow: SC «Publishing house AST»: SC «Publishing house Astrel». 2004. 450 p.
4. Shubin I.L., Tsukernikov I.E., Nikolov N., Pisarsky A. Osnovy proektirovaniya transportnykh shumozashchitnykh ekranov [Bases of designing transport noise barriers]. Мoscow: PH «BASTET», 2015. 208 p.
5. Boganik A.G. Acoustic comfort. Part I. Sound- and vibro insulation from internal sources in a residential building. Tekhnologii stroitel'stva. 2008. No. 4 (59), pp. 1–7. (In Russian).
6. Boganik A.G. Acoustic comfort. Part I. Sound- and vibro insulation of a residential building from external sources of sound and vibration. Tekhnologii stroitel'stva. 2008. No. 7 (62), pp. 1–5. (In Russian).
7. Kraitan V.G. About rationing of sound insulation in houses. Protection against noise. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 1985. No. 2, pp. 18–20. (In Russian).
8. Bodlund K. Ljudklimatet i moderna svenska bostader. Buggforskningsradet. Boras. 1984. 84 p.
9. Kraitan V.G. Zashchita ot vnutrennih shumov v zhilyh domah [Protection against internal noise in houses]. Moscow: Stroiizdat.1990. 260 p.
10. Tsukernikov I.E., Nevenchannaya T.O., Nekrasov I.A. A-weighted sound pressure level calculation for penetrating noise. Proceedings of 37th Intern. Congr. Inter-Noise 2008, Shanghai, China. 2008. Paper in 08 860.
11. Tsukernikov I.E., Shubin I.L., Nevenchannaya T.O. Assessment of sound level decrease by noise barrier. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 6. pp. 40–44. (In Russian).

A.A. OVCHINNIKOV 1 (, Engineer, V.V. RODEVICH 2 , Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), A.V. MATVEEV 1 , Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
1 Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building (2, Solyanaya Sqyare, 634003, Tomsk, Russian Federation)
2 OOO «Stroytekhinnovatsii TDSK» (8/8, Akademichesky Avenue, 634oo3, Tomsk, Russian Federation)

Experience in Experimental Study of Energy Efficient Three-Layer Wall Panels with Composite Flexible Connections of Layers

Actual studies of operational and thermo-technical parameters of three-layer wall panels with composite flexible connections of layers used for construction of large-panel buildings are covered. Results of the series of experimental studies of three-layer external wall panels with the use of composite flexible bracings made of glass-plastic rods, they are the study of static vertical load for determining the strength, rigidity, crack resistance of three-layer wall panels, experimental determination of thermo-technical parameters of three-layer wall panels and determination of ultimate fire-resistance, are presented.

Keywords: tests, static loads, thermo-technical tests, fire tests, wall panel, energy efficient structures.

1. Yarmakovsky V.N., Semeniuk P.N. Rodevich V.V., Lugo voi A.V. To improve the structural and technological solutions of three-layer external wall panels of large buildings in the direction of increase of their thermal protection function and operational reliability. Aktual'nye voprosy stroitel'noi fiziki – energosberezhenie, nadezhnost', ekologicheskaya bezopasnost': Materialy IV Akademicheskikh chtenii RAASN [Actual issues of building physics – energy efficiency, reliability and environmental safety: Materials of the IV Academic readings RAACES]. Moscow, 2012, pp. 47–64. (In Russian).
2. Patent RF 35119. Layered Wall Panel of the building [Slois taya stenovaya panel' zdaniya]. Shapiro G.I., Yarmakov skii V.N., Roginskii S.L. Appl. 21.05.2003. Publ. 27.12.2003. Bulletin No. 36. (In Russian).
3. Granovskii A.V., Khaktaev S.S. The use of fiberglass reinforcement as flexible connections in the three-walls panels. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2013. No. 10, pp. 84–87. (In Russian).
4. Lugovoy A.N., Kovrigin A.G. Composite Flexible Bracings for Three-Layered Thermal Efficient Panels. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Constructions Materials]. 2014. No. 5, pp. 22–32. (In Russian).
5. Patent RF 2147655. The connecting element [Soedinitel'nyi element]. Roginskii S.L., Antipov V.V., Yarmakovsky V.N. Appl. 12.10.1999. Publ. 20.04.2000. Bulletin No. 11. (In Russian).
6. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V. The theoretical premises for cal- culating reduced R-value. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construc tions Materials]. 2010. No. 12, pp. 4–12. (In Russian).
7. Vasil'ev G.P., Lichman V.A., Golubev S.S. The results of determine the thermal resistance external wall panels. AVOK: ventilyatsiya, otoplenie, konditsionirovanie vozdukha, teplosnabzhenie i stroitel'naya teplofizika. 2012. No. 4, pp. 74–81. (In Russian).
8. Vasilenko A.A., Rak T.E. Experimental studies of the fire resistance of multilayer walling using magnesite boards. Vestnik komandno-inzhenernogo instituta MChS respubliki Belarus'. 2013. No. 2 (18), pp. 172–181.

V.A. ILYICHEV1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Academician of RAACS, N.S.NIKIFOROVA2 (, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), YU.A.GOTMAN3, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Director General , E.YU.TROFIMOV1, Engineer
1 Research Institute of Building Physics of RAAСS (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation)
2 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoe Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation)
3 Limited liability company «Podzemproekt» (34,Verhnya str, Moscow, 125040,Russian Federation)

The Efficiencyof Active and Passive Methods for Protection of Thebuildings Surrounding the Area of Underground Construction

The efficiency of using of active and passive methods for protection of the buildings located within the area affected by underground construction is considered. The construction of passive ways of protection changesinstantaneously the stress-strain state of soil mass with groundwater, which contains the underground structures, building foundations, underground winzes (subway tunnels, underground collectors, communications, etc.). During the construction of active ways for protectionof the buildings,which are located in the area affected by the process of construction of underground facilities, the stress-strain state of the soil masschanges gradually. According to the geotechnical simulation and the analysis of the data obtained from the observations of the precipitation of such buildings and constructions, the ratios reducing the settlement of a structure are established. These ratios characterize the decrease in the value of the building settlement when active or passive means of protection are used, in relation to the building sediment when no protection measure is used.

Keywords: active and passive protection, the surrounding buildings, affected area.

1. Mangushev R.A., Nikiforova N.S., Konyushkov V.V., Osokin A.A., Sapin DA. Proektirovanie i ustroistvo podzemnykh sooruzhenii v otkrytykh kotlovanakh [Design and construction of underground structures in open pits]. Moscow: ASV. 2013. 256 p. (In Russian).
2. Ilyichev V.A., Nikiforova N.S., Tupikov M.M. Building deformations, induced by shallow service tunnel construction and predictive measures for reducing of its influence. Proc. of the 18th Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Challenges and innovations in geotechnics. Paris, 2–6th September, 2013, pp. 1723–1726.
3. Il'ichev V.A. Nikiforova N.S., Gotman Y.A., Tupikov M.M., Trofimov E.J. Analysis of the application of active and passive methods of protection in underground construction. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 6, pp. 25–27. (In Russian).
4. Telichenko V.I., Zertsalov M.G., Konyuhov D.S., Korolevskiy K.Y., Korol E.A. Sovremennye tekhnologii kompleksnogo osvoeniya podzemnogo prostranstva megapolisov. [Modern technology integrated underground space development of megacities]. Moscow: ASV, 2010. 322 p. (In Russian).
5. Petrukhin, V.P., Shuljatjev, O.A., Mozgacheva O.A. Vertical Geotechnical Barrier Erected by Compensation Grouting. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. «Geotechnical aspects of underground construction in soft ground». Session 3. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 15–17 June 2005, pp. 69–73.
6. Rytov S.A., Vishnyakov Yu.V., Ovcharenko R.O. Measures to ensure the safety of the walls of buildings located in the zone of influence of construction or reconstruction of nonuniform sediment. [Sbornik nauchnykh trudov No. 100 NIIOSP im. N.M. Gersevanova] Collection of scientific works No. 100 NIIOSP after N.M. Gersevanova. M.: 2011, pp. 322–326. (In Russian).
7. Petruhin V.P., Shulyatev O.A., Popsuenko I.K., Mozgacheva O.A. Experience the unit root piles under the reconstruction of the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. [Sbornik nauchnykh trudov No. 100 NIIOSP im. N.M. Gersevanova] Collection of scientific works No. 100 NIIOSP after N.M. Gersevanova. M.: 2011, рр. 267–277. (In Russian).
8. Il'ichev V.A., Mangushev R.A. Construction of the underground part of the building of the State Academic Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg. Bases, foundations and soil mechanics. 2010. No. 4, pp. 2–7. (In Russian).
9. Zuev S.S., Makovetskii O.A., Khousainov I.I. Application of jet grouting device for underground parts of complexes. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 9, pp. 1–4. (In Russian).
10. Elgaev V.S. Providing non-settlement technology tunneling for the construction «Novokosino» – «Novogireevo» stations in Moscow. Metro and tunnels. 2012. No. 3, рp. 37. (In Russian).
11. Еrmolaev V.A., Matsegora A.G. Strengthening of the building foundations during deep excavations in urban areas. [Proektirovanie i stroitel'stvo podzemnoi chasti novogo zdaniya (vtoroi stseny) Gosudarstvennogo akademicheskogo Mariinskogo teatra: sb. nauch. statei pod obshchei redaktsiei V.A. Il'icheva, A.P. Ledyaeva. R.A. Mangusheva] Design and construction of the underground part of the new building (the second stage) of the Mariinsky Theatre: Collection of scientific papers edited by V.A. Ilichev, A.P. Ledyaev, R.A. Mangushev. Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi arkhitekturno-stroitel'nyi universitet. 2011, pp. 139–146. (In Russian).
12. Il'ichev V.A., Nikiforova N.S., Gotman Y.A., Trofimov E.Y. Anchors with additional grouting as an active method of protecting buildings and infrastructure in the zone of influence of deep pits. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 6, pp. 35–38. (In Russian).

A.A. VERKHOVSKY, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (, A.N. ZIMIN, Engineer, S.S. POTAPOV, Engineer Research Institute of Building Physics of RAAСS (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation)

The Applicability Of Modern Translucent Walling For The Climatic Regions Of Russia

The article is devoted to questions of use of the translucent building envelopes (windows and light transmission curtain walls) in climatic conditions of various regions of Russia. Results of experimental studies on author's techniques are given. Offers on creation of a new complex of the normative documents giving the chance accurately and unambiguously to estimate possibility of use of this or that of the translucent protecting designs in various climatic regions of Russia are given.

Keywords: translucent cladding, window, temperature, air leakage, thermal deformation.

1. Groshkov A.S., Livchak V.I. History, evolution and development of normative requirements for building envelopes. Stroitelstvo unikalnih zdanii I soorugenii. 2015. No. 3 (30), pp. 7–37. (In Russian)
2. Umnjakova N.P., Butovskij I.N., Chebotarev A.G. Development of methods of normalization of а thermal protection of energy-efficient buildings. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 7, pp. 19–23. (In Russian).
3. John Carmody, Stephen Selkowitz, Dariush Arasteh, Liza Heschong. Resinential Windows. London: W.W. Noton&Company. 2000. 232 p.
4. Oesterle Lieb., Lutz Heusler., Duoble-Skin Fasades. Munich: Prestel Verlag. 2001. 207 p.
5. Patent RF 2445610. Sposob opredelenija vozduhopronicaemosti stroitel'nyh ograzhdajushhih konstrukcij [Air permeability determination method for the building envelopes]. Verhovskij A.A., Shubin I.L., Shehovcov A.V. Declared 15.12.2010 . Published 20.03.2012. Bulletin No. 2. (In Russian).
6. Patent RF 105998. Stend dlja izmerenija soprotivlenija teploperedache stroitel'nyh ograzhdajushhih konstrukcij, osnashhjonnyj peredvizhnoj kassetoj dlja ustanovki obrazca [The stand for thermal resistance measurement of the building envelopes equipped with the mobile cartridge for installation of a sample]. Shubin I.L., Verhovskij A.A., Shehovcov A.V., Nanasov I.M., Krymov K.S. Declared 15.12.2010. Published 27.06.2011. (In Russian).
7. Andrey Shehovtsov, Alexey Verhovskiy. AirPermeability of a PVC-Window When Exposed to Freezing Temperatures: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii. Tampere: GLASS PERFORMANCE DAYS, 2011, pp. 90–93.
8. Verhovskij A.A., Shehovcov A.V., Nanasov I.M., Energy efficiency of tall buildings, Vysotnye zdanija. 2011, No. 5–6. pp. 96–101. (In Russian).
9. Vlasenko D.V., Why windows are deformed, or reinforcing why is necessary, Okonnaja i fasadnaja praktika. 2008. No. 4–5. (In Russian).
10. Beloedov A.Ju., Karjavkin A.V., Tihonov A.Ju. European approaches to a quality assessment, design and installation of translucent designs, Svetoprozrachnye konstrukcii. 2013. No. 3 (89), pp. 53–60. (In Russian).

O.O. EGORYCHEV, Engineer (, P.S. CHURIN, Engineer, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Highway, 129337, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Experimental Study of Wind Loads on High-Rise Buildings

The rapid development of high-rise construction in the end of XX – beginning of XXI century forced domestic architects and designers to pay great attention to the calculation of loads on the building, and in particular to study the impact of wind loads. Acting normative documents regulate the conduction of experimental aerodynamic studies of high-rise buildings and structures in specialized wind tunnels of an architectural-construction type. This article describes the conduction of such experiment on the example of studying the aerodynamics of a designed residential estate in Moscow. The definition of resultant aerodynamic forces and moments on high-rise buildings of the residential complex in a turbulent flow, as well as average and peak values of the aerodynamic pressure coefficients at the control points located on the surface of these structures is considered. The characteristics of the fabricated model and the results of conducted tests are presented.

Keywords: aerodynamics, wind tunnel, force-moment sensors, differential pressure sensors.

1. Guvernyuk S.V., Egorychev O.O., Isaev S.A., Kornev N.V., Poddaeva O.I. Numerical and physical modeling of wind effects on a group of high-rise buildings. Vestnik MGSU. 2011. No. 3–1, pp. 185–191. (In Russian).
2. Aly A.M. Atmospheric boundary-layer simulation for the built environment: Past, present and future/ Building and Environment, 75 (2014), рр. 206–221.
3. Günel M.H., Ilgin H.E. Tall Buildings: Structural Systems and Aerodynamic Form. Routledge. 2014. 214 p.
4. Buslaeva Yu.S., Gribach D.S., Poddaeva O.I., Experimental study of wind loads on high-rise multi-residential complex. Vestnik Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta im. V.G. Shukhova. 2014. No. 6. pp. 58–62. (In Russian).
5. Andrianne T., Denoel V. Statistical analysis of velocity measurements in an atmospheric boundary layer in wind tunnel. 11th biennal conference of the Wind Engineering Society. 2014. Birmingham (UK).
6. Povzun A.O., Buzun N.I., Zimin S.S. Wind load on buildings and structures. Stroitel'stvo unikal'nykh zdanii i sooruzhenii, 2015, No. 3, рр. 70–78. (In Russian).
7. Egorychev O.O., Poddaeva O.I., Churin P.S. Designing layouts unique buildings and structures in the experimental aerodynamics. Nauchno-tekhnicheskii vestnik Povolzh'ya. 2014. No. 5, pp. 332–335. (In Russian).
8. Chen X., Kwon D.K., Kareem A. High-frequency force balance technique for tall buildings: a critical review and some new insights. Wind and Structures, Vol. 18, No. 4 (2014), рр. 391–422.

D.M. BENOV1, Engineer(; N.D. NIKOLOV2, Engineer; I.L. SHUBIN3, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering); M.G. MAZHDRAKOV4, Engineer
1 OOO BENOVI ENGINEERING (58, Skombrius Street, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria)
2 AO GARANT INVEST (4, Volga Street, 6600, Kardzhali, Bulgaria)
3 Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of RAACS (21, Lokomotivny Passage, 127238, Moscow, Russian Federation)
4 MGU «St. Ivan Rilski» (1, Prof. Boyan Kamenov Street, 1700, Sofia, Bulgaria)

Automation of Calculations in Acoustics of Urban Environment

Acoustic phenomena in the urban environment are described with the help of complex mathematical models, their basis is equations of propagation of sound waves in the free and/or built-up space. This leads to the need to develop appropriate computing equipment. By tradition, this problem is solved with the help of so-called «engineering calculations». The analysis of this method shows the need for its quick (radical) or stage-by-stage replacement with automated calculations with the help of appropriate programs including automated systems for acoustic calculations. On the basis of conducted studies we have developed a number of programs for a personal computer. The authors present the development of CAD – a based system for automated acoustic calculations Urban Acoustics, which replaces traditional calculation methods, such as nomograms, tables, The operation of the system proposed is based on the creation of a general numerical model, which includes separate models for the urbanized territory, for the site surface, and for acoustic phenomena.

Keywords: acoustic calculations, automated systems.

1. Benov D.M., Mazhdrakov M.G., Nikolov N.D., Toshkov Y.L. Detailed modeling of the characteristic of noise of a transport stream on highways. Materialy Vserossiiskoi nauchnoprakticheskoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «zashchita ot povyshennogo shuma i vibratsii» [Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with the international participation «protection against the increased noise and vibration»]. St. Petersburg: Baltic state technical university «Voyenmekh» (St. Petersburg), 2013, pp. 477–482. (In Russian).
2. Veretina I.I. Software of acoustic calculations. In book: Stroitel'naya fizika v XXI veke [Construction physics in the XXI century]. Moscow: NIISF, 2006, pp. 339–340. (In Russian).
3. Nikolov N.D., Choubin I.L. A pilot study of a contribution of the reflected sound to sound fields in the territory of frontal building. Privolzhskii nauchnyi zhurnal. 2009. No. 3, pp. 59–64. (In Russian).
4. Mazhdrakov M., Nikolov N. Features of engineering calculations. Materialy VII Mezhd. nauchna konf. SGEM [Materials VII Mezhd. scientifically конф. SGEM]. Bulgaria: Albena, 2007, pp. 76–77. (In Russian).
5. Shubin I.L., Tsukernikov I.E., Nikolov N.D., Pisarski A.A. Osnovy proektirovaniya transportnykh shumozashchitnykh ekranov [Bases of design of transport noise screens]. Moscow: BASTET, 2014. 208 p.
6. Nikolov N.D., Shubin I.L. Research of influence of a configuration of buildings on sound fields in building the primagistralnykh of territories. Privolzhskii nauchnyi zhurnal. 2009. No. 3, pp. 54–58. (In Russian).

R.Yu. KLYCHNIKOV1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (; V.A. EZERSKIY2, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (; P.V. MONASTYREV3, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (
1 Independent noncommercial organization «Tambov center of legal expertise» (37, Rabochaya Street, Tambov, 392000, Russian Federation)
2 Bialystok University of Technology (45А, Wiejska Street, Białystok, 15-351, Poland)
3 Tambov State Technical University (106, Sovetskaya Street, Tambov, 392000, Russian Federation)

Sequence of Thermal Modernization of Residential Buildings and Its Impact on Economic Efficiency

The practicability of accounting of the sequence of thermal modernization of residential buildings in the course of development of the thermal modernization program for a large group of buildings of an arbitrary urban formation is considered. Optimization of the sequence of thermal modernization of the selected group of buildings consisting of 720 houses is made with the help of the methodology developed by the authors and described in various publications. For confrontation of conclusions, a different variant of the sequence giving the smallest economic efficiency has been calculated. By comparison of the results obtained, it is established that at the selected calculation conditions the optimization of the sequence of thermal modernization makes it possible to ensure an additional savings up to 8,53%. In conclusion, a simple engineering approach to the determination of the optimal sequence of thermal modernization is formulated. To explain the regularities of the optimal sequence formation, an indicator of reducing the specific characteristic of heat energy consumption for heating and ventilation of a building is proposed.

Keywords: heat protection of buildings, thermal modernization, economic assessment, net discounted savings, sequence of buildings modernization, energy saving.

1. Kozlov V.V. Fundamentals of optimization of enclosing structures thermal protection with due regard for payback of energy-saving measures. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 6, pp. 10–13. (In Russian).
2. Samarin O.D. Selection of the optimal combination of the energy saving measures during renewal of educational buildings. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2015. No. 2, pp. 25–28. (In Russian).
3. Sheina S.G., Minenko A.N. Development of algorithm of choice in the construction of energy efficient solutions. Inzhenernyiy vestnik Dona. 2012. Vol. 22. No. 4–1 (22), p. 133. (In Russian).
4. Bolotin S.A., Dadar A.H., Kotovskaya M.A. Model of the space-time analogy to optimize the sequence reconstructed objects. Inzhenerno-stroitelnyiy zhurnal. 2013. No. 7(42), pp. 51–57. (In Russian).
5. Ezerskiy V.A., Monastyirev P.V., Klyichnikov R.Yu. Simulation model parameters optimization of thermalresidential buildings in the city scale. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo arhitekturno-stroitelnogo universiteta. Stroitelstvo i arhitektura. 2013. No. 31. Part 2, pp. 475–484. (In Russian).
6. Klyichnikov R.Yu., Monastyirev P.V., Ezerskiy V.A. The calculation of the efficiency of thermo-urban education (CRC – City Retrofit Calculation) / Certificate of official registration of computer program №2014616197. Registered in Computer Program Register on June 16, 2014. (In Russian).

A.G. TAMRAZYAN, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, Councilor of RAACS, M.A. ORLOVA, Engineer ( Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Highway, 129337, Moscow, Russian Federation)

About Residual Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Cracks

Results of the study of bearing capacity of reinforced concrete beams with normal and horizontal cracks are presented. Experimental and theoretical values of the breaking bending moment and levels of reducing the bearing capacity of beams with cracks in comparison with analogous beams without cracks are given. A method for calculating the residual strength of bending elements with cracks based on empiric coefficients is proposed. A comparative analysis of experimental data and theoretical calculations is given.

Keywords: reinforced concrete beams, bearing capacity.

1. Tamrazyan A.G., Filimonova E.A. Method of search of a reserve of the bearing ability of ferroconcrete plates of overlappings. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2011. No. 3, pp. 23–25. (In Russian).
2. Orlova M.A. Test of reinforced concrete beams with cracks Part 1. Organization and conduct of experiment. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2010. No. 8, pp. 39–42. (In Russian).
3. Orlova M.A. Test of reinforced concrete beams with cracks Part 2. Results of experiment. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2010. No. 9, pp. 38–42. (In Russian).
4. Peresypkin E.N., Shevtsov S.V. Calculation of the bent reinforced concrete elements taking into account the concrete resistance to distribution of cracks. Izvestiya Sochinskogo gosud. un-ta. 2011. No. 1, pp. 106–115. (In Russian).
5. Peresypkin E.N. Raschet sterzhnevykh zhelezobetonnykh elementov. [Calculation of rod ferroconcrete elements]. М.: Stroiizdat, 1988. 168 p.
6. Tamrazyan A.G. Features of work of high-rise buildings. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2004. No. 3, pp. 19–20. (In Russian).

A. UJMA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) ( Czestochowa University of Technology (69, Dabrowskiego Street, Czestochowa, 42-201, Poland)

Requirements for Lighting of Premises in Normative Documents of the Republic of Poland and Their Relationship with Energy Saving

The Polish main building rules concerning the design and operation of buildings contain basic requirements for lighting of premises. Qualitatively new requirements for energy saving have been introduced in the building legislation of the Republic of Poland. They apply to the amount of energy spent for heating, ventilation and lighting of premises. In addition to the requirements included in building rules and regulations, there are various design recommendations that relate to the efficient lighting and efficient energy consumption in buildings.

Keywords: lighting of premises, requirements for natural and artificial lighting, recommendations on lighting design.

1. Rozporz dzenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 12 kwietnia 2002 r. w sprawie warunków technicznych, jakim powinny odpowiada budynki i ich usytuowanie (Dz. U. nr 75, poz. 690 z pó n. zm.). (In Poland).
2. Rozporz dzenie Ministra Pracy i Polityki Socjalnej z dnia 26 wrze nia 1997 r. w sprawie ogólnych przepisów bezpiecze stwa i higieny pracy (Dz. U. z 2003 r. nr 169, poz. 1650 z pó n. zm.). (In Poland).
3. PN-EN-12464-1: 2012. wiat o i o wietlenie. O wietlenie miejsc pracy. Cz 1: Miejsca pracy we wn trzach. (In Poland).
4. Górczewska M., Efektywno energetyczna w o wietleniu. Nowe wymagania i mo liwo ci. III Konferencja naukowotechnicznej „Energooszcz dno w o wietleniu”, Pozna , 8.05.2012. (In Poland).
5. Podpora E., Sasin T., Szymaoska-Rze nik K., ach J. Za o enia projektowania bry y, elewacji i przegród zewn trznych budynków w standardzie MBJ2030. Warszawa 2010. (In Poland).
6. Pawlak A., Zmiany w wymaganiach znowelizowanej europejskiej normy o wietleniowej. Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki, zeszyt 255.2012. No.9. (In Poland).
7. Pabjanczyk W., Inteligentne instalacje o wietlenia wn trz w kontek cie zmian normy PN-EN 12464-1 (cz 1). Elektroinfo. 2014. No. 1–2. (In Poland).

I.A. CHERNYSHKOVA, Docent, N.A. BUZALO, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (, A.A. BUDKO, Student South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platov (132, Prosveshenya Street, Novocherkassk, 346400, Russian Federation)

Formation of Professional Competences of Students in the Field of Energy Saving

The comparison of application program packages intended for thermotechnical calculations of enclosing structures of buildings is made. The selection of programs is made by the principle of accessibility for students training in construction professions. When designing energy efficient enclosing structures, it is necessary to determine the parameters of heat transfer with the help of calculations of two-dimensional or three-dimensional temperature fields, this is possible using the program Temper 3D. The calculation complex Elcut is only for two-dimensional simulation. The package LIT Thermo Engineer makes it possible to determine heat-protection characteristics of enclosures and contains editable and updated reference books about enclosing structures, materials, elements of heterogeneities of enclosing structures, climatic parameters. The graduate must have a number of professional competences, including knowledge of methods and means of computer simulation using universal and specialized software and computing systems, standard packages for automation of research.

Keywords: thermotechnical calculation, energy efficient enclosing structures, specialized packages of application programs.

1. Chernyshkova I.A, Buzalo N.A. Problems of introduction of information technologies in multilevel training of construction professionals and workers. Materials of the scientificallypractical conference. «Scientific and methodological basis for a two-tier system of education (state and prospects of development)». Moscow. 5–8 November 2008. MIKHIS, pp. 176–183. (In Russian).
2. Vygovskiy P.N., Kruglaya N.V., Buzalo N.A. Determination of thermal parameters of the main building of South-Russian State Technic University. Vestnik MGSU. 2012. Vol. 2, pp. 99–103. (In Russian).
3. Chernyshkova I.A, Buzalo N.A., Grigorov N.I. Reducing heat loss of the outer shell of buildings of historical buildings using innovative materials. Materials of the international scientifically-practical conference «The problems of ecological safety and energy efficiency in construction and GKH». Kavala (Greece). 18–29 August 2014, pp. 127–130.
4. Tusnina O.A. Software package for the thermal analysis of building structures. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2014. No. 4, pp. 51–54. (In Russian).
5. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V., A composite indicator of thermal shell of the building. AVOK. 2010. No. 4, pp. 1–10. (In Russian).
6. Matrosov U.A. Energosberezhenie v zdaniyakh. Problema i puti ee resheniya [Energy saving in buildings. The problem and its solution]. Мoscow: NIISF. 2008. 496 p.
7. Gagarin V.G., Dmitriev K.A. Accounting heat engineering heterogeneities when assessing the thermal protection of enveloping structures in Russia and European Countries. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2013. No. 6, pp. 14–16. (In Russian).
8. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V., Nekludov A.U. Accounting of heat-conducting inclusions in determining the thermal load on the heating system of the building. Materials of the international scientifically-practical conference «The problems of ecological safety and energy efficiency in construction and GKH». Kavala (Greece). 18–29 August 2014, pp. 127–130.
9. Umniykova N.P., Butovskiy I.N., Chebotarev A.G. From the history of regulation of thermal protection of buildings. Materials of the international scientifically-practical conference «The problems of ecological safety and energy efficiency in construction and GKH». Kavala (Greece). 18–29 August 2014, pp.108–126.

V.V. KOZLOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (, T.-E.A. TISHNER-EGOROVA, Engineer ( Research Institute of Building Physics of RAAСS (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation) LLC «AZ ARMATUREN EURASIA» (Liter B, 54, Shpalernaya Street, Saint-Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation)

Inter-Influence of Point Thermo-Technical Heterogeneities

Introducing the new methodology of calculation of the reduced resistance to heat transfer in the building practice according to SP 50.13330.2012 «Heat Protection of Buildings» requires knowledge of specific heat losses for the calculation. This work is devoted to the possibility of using the introduced in SP 50.13330.2012 approach, presentation of enclosing structures as independent heat protection elements, limits of interaction of point thermo-technical heterogeneities. The complexity of this problem forces to solve it for individual examples, generalizing then results obtained. The inter-influence of point heat-conducting inclusions is considered, since for linear heat-conducting inclusions the similar work has been made before. The general conclusion: inter-influence is small for the nodes which are of practical importance. So it is not necessary to consider additionally the interaction of linear and point heat-conducting inclusions between each other. Thus, the whole variety of possible variants of inter-influence of heat-conducting inclusions is covered.

Keywords: heat transmission, reduced resistance to heat transfer, temperature distribution, thermo-technical homogeneity, specific heat losses.

1. Kozlov V.V. Interference thermal bridges in calculation of total resistance to a heat transfer. Proceedings of the «Building Physics. Systems of microclimate and energy efficiency in buildings» International Conference – Academic Reading. MGSU. 2–4 July 2014, pp. 26–37. (In Russian).
2. Kozlov V.V. Research thermal specifications of plaster facade in area plug location. Academia. Arhitektura i stroitel’stvo. 2009. No. 5, pp. 346–355. (In Russian).
3. Samarin O.D. Calculation of specific heat losses through point thermal non-uniformities using actualized edition of SNIP 23-02. Izvestiya visshih uchebnih zavedeniy. Stroitel’stvo. 2014. No. 1 (661), pp. 81–85. (In Russian).
4. Krajnov D.V., Sadykov R.A. Detection of additional heat flows through the elements of the fragment of enclosing structure. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 6, pp. 10–12. (In Russian).
5. Roulet C.-A., Santé et qualité de l’environnement intérieur dans les b timents. Second ed. Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes. Lausanne, 2010.
6. Branco F., Tadeu A., Simoes N. Heat conduction across double brick walls via BEM. Building and Environment. 2004. Vol. 39. Is. 1, pp. 51–58.
7. Ghazi Wakili K., Simmler H., Frank T. Experimental and numerical thermal analysis of a balcony board with integrated glass fiber reinforced polymer GFRP elements. Energy and Buildings. 2007. Vol. 39. Is. 1, pp. 76–81.
8. Evola G., Margani G., Marletta L. Energy and cost evaluation of thermal bridge correction in Mediterranean climate. Energy and Buildings. 2011. Vol. 43. Is. 9, pp. 2385–2393.
9. Keller T., Riebel F., Zhou A. Multifunctional hybrid GFRP/ steel joint for concrete slab structures. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2006. Vol. 10. No. 6, pp. 550–560.
10. Goulouti K., Castro J., Vassilopoulos A.P., Keller T. Thermal performance evaluation of fiber-reinforced polymer thermal breaks for balcony connections. Energy and Buildings. 2014. Vol. 70, pp. 365–371.

M.V. BODROV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), V.Yu. KUZIN, Engineer, M.S. MOROZOV, Engineer Nizhni Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (65, Ilyinskaya Street, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russian Federation)

Improving the Energy Efficiency of Assurance System of Microclimate Parameters in Blocks of Flats*

The issue of selecting specific energy saving measures, which possess the most efficient potential when designing passive (heat contour) and active (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems assuring the microclimate parameters in low-rise multifamily residential houses, is considered. Recommendations on reducing the power consumption in low-rise multi-flat residential houses due to the optimization of technological decisions at the stage of their designing are presented. The potential of energy resources economy in the course of introducing standard energy saving measures on the example of one-, two-, and threesection five-storey blocks of flats has been determined. The general conclusion on impossibility to realize optimal economically feasible engineering solutions under conditions of individual design of each object of housing construction and revival of standard design of blocks of flats as a necessary condition for improving the energy efficiency of low-rise blocks of flats in general, and each its object in particular is made.

Keywords: energy saving, microclimate, heating, ventilation, air exchange, low-rise blocks of flats.

1. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V. About the complex index of thermal protection of the building envelope. AVOK: Ventiljacija, otoplenie, kondicionirovanie vozduha, teplosnabzhenie i stroitel'naja teplofizika. 2010. No. 4, pp. 52–61. (In Russian).
2. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V. Normalization of thermal insulation and energy consumption for heating and ventilation in the draft version of the updated SNiP «Thermal Protection of Buildings». Vestnik Central'nogo regional'nogo otdelenija RAASN. Tambov–Voronezh. 2012. No. 11, pp. 279–286. (In Russian).
3. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V. Requirements for Thermal Protection and Energy Efficiency in the Draft of the Updated SNiP «Thermal Protection of Buildings». Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2011. No. 8, pp. 2–6. (In Russian).
4. Fanger P.-O. Indoor air quality in buildings constructed in cold climates, and its impact on health, education and productivity of people. AVOK: Ventiljacija, otoplenie, kondicionirovanie vozduha, teplosnabzhenie i stroitel'naja teplofizika. 2006. No. 2, pp. 12–19. (In Russian).
5. Tabunschikov Y.A., Malyavina E.G., Dionov S.N. Mechanical ventilation – a way to comfort and energy saving. Energosberezhenie. 2000. No. 3, pp. 5–9. (In Russian).
6. Rossija-2014: Stat. Spravochnik [Rossiya-2014: Stat. Directory]. Moscow: Rosstat. 2014. 62 p.
7. Sbornik statisticheskih materialov 1985 g. [The collection of statistical 1985]. Moscow: Finansy i statistika. 1986. 286 p.
8. Narodnoe hozjajstvo SSSR. Stat. ezhegodnik [The national economy of the USSR. Stat. Yearbook]. Moscow: Finansy i statistika. 1986. 655 p.
9. Kuzin V.Y. Thermophysical rationale for the use of energy-efficient mechanical ventilation systems to ensure the rated air dwellings. Theoretical foundations of heat and ventilation: a collection of V International scientific and technical conference. MGSU. 2013, pp. 175–180. (In Russian).

E.V. LEVIN, Candidate of Sciences(Physics and Mathematics), (, A.Yu.OKUNEV, Candidate of Sciences(Physics and Mathematics) ( Research Institute of Building Physics of RAAСS (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation)

Infrared Thermography of Objects in Fog. Selection of Measuring Distance

Results of the theoretical and numerical study of absorption and transmittance of the infrared radiation in fog are presented. The study is conducted for working ranges of wave length of 3-5 mcm and 8-14 mcm used in the course of the infrared thermography and pyrometric measurement of temperature. Differences between the values of transmission factors within wave length ranges considered are shown. On the basis of study results, dependences, which show the link between the transmission factor, measuring distance and meteorological visual range, are given. Examples showing the methods for determining the permissible distance of measurement as well as characteristic permissible distances of measurement are presented. Data making it possible to determine, outside the limits of permissible distance of measurement, the value of the transmission factor, which, in its turn, can be used in the course of the thermograms processing for improving the accuracy of infrared thermography, are presented.

Keywords: infrared thermography, transmission factor, wave length, spectral range, energy saving.

1. Okunev A.Yu., Levin E.V., Shaginyan K.S. Modern approaches to thermal imaging survey of building objects. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 6, pp. 7–9. (In Russian).
2. Vavilov V.P., Larioshina I.A. Methodical errors of a building constructions thermovision energy audit. Vestnik Nauki Sibiri. 2012. No. 5 (6), pp. 49–53. (In Russian).
3. Vavilov V.P. Infrakrasnaya termografiya i teplovoy control [Infrared termografiya and thermal control]. 2nd edition. Moscow: Publishing house «Spektr». 2013. 575 p.
4. Enyushin V. N., Kraynov D. V. About of influence of radiating ability of a surface of the studied object on the accuracy of measurement of temperatures at thermovision inspection. Izvestiya KGASU. 2013. No. 1 (23), pp. 99–103. (In Russian).
5. Levin E.V., Okunev A.Yu., Umnyakova N.P., Shubin I.L. Osnovy sovremennoy stroitelnoy termografii [Basics of the modern construction termography]. Moscow: NIISF RAASN. 2012. 176 p.
6. Levin E.V., Okunev A.Yu. Research of temperature measurement accuracy on the basis of the power balance analysis on the IK-device radiation receiver. Izmeritelnaya tekhnika. 2015. No. 5, pp. 48–52 (In Russian).
7. Karmannoye rukovodstvo «Termografiya». Teoriya – Practicheskoye primenenie – Sovety i recomendacii [The Pocket handbook «Termography». The theory – Practical application – Advices and recommendations]. Moscow: JSC TNC «Spektr» – the Russian partner of «Testo-rus». 2010. 56 p.
8. Prishivalko A.P., Babenko V.A., Kuzmin V.N. Rasseyanie I pogloschenie sveta neodnorodnymi I anizotropnymi sfericheskimi chastitsami [Dispersion and absorption of light by non-uniform and anisotropic spherical particles]. Minsk: Nauka i tekhnika. 1984. 263 p.
9. Passman S., Larmore L. Atmosphere transmission. Rand Paper 897. Rand Corporation, Santa Monica. 1956.
10. Gaussorgues G. Infrakrasnaya termografiya. Osnovy, tekhnika, primenenie [Infrared thermography. Basics, equipment and application]. Moscow: Mir. 1988. 416 p.
11. Kerker M. The scattering of light and other electromagnetic radiation. New York: Academic. 1969. 670 p.
12. Bohren C., Huffman D. Pogloschenie i rasseyanie sveta malymi chastizami [Absorption and scattering of light by small particles. Moscow: Mir. 1986. 664 p.

A.M. KRYGINA, Candidate of Sciences(, Southwest State University (94. 50 let Oktyabrya Street, 305040, Kursk, Russian Federation)

Resource, Energy Saving and Ecological Compatibility of Construction as a Basis of Innovative Sustainable Development of Housing Estate

Conceptual issues of the innovative-sustainable development of housing construction in the Russian Federation are considered. It is shown that under conditions of increasing the anthropogenic impact and growing the imbalance between the production activity of enterprises of the investment-construction complex and assimilative capacities of the environment, it is necessary to proceed to the construction of objects of the eco-residential real estate, technologies of «green» construction involving the creation of comfort and safe living environment, rational use of the natural resources and minimization of the negative impact on the nature at all the stages of the building life cycle including at the stage of operation which accounts for 80% of total costs. Main issues of the innovativetechnological development of eco-residential objects with the use of prefabricated-frame techniques of timber housing construction are considered. The model of interaction of the construction organizational-economical systems-enterprises of the investment-construction complex with the natural environment and the social sub-system has been developed.

Keywords: energy efficiency, resource efficiency, eco-housing, ecological compatibility, energy saving, resource saving.

1. Krygina A.M. Prospects of development of regional social housing policy. Fundamental'nye issledovaniya. 2013. No. 4 (part 4), pp. 812–817. (In Russian).
2. Krygina A.M., Grabovy P.G., Kirillova A.N. Innovatsionnoe razvitie maloetazhnoi zhilishchnoi nedvizhimosti [Innovative development of low housing real estate]. Moscow: ASV. 2014. 232 p. (In Russian).
3. Krygina A.M. Innovatsionnoe zhilishchnoe stroitel'stvo: organizatsionno-tekhnicheskie resheniya [Innovative housing construction: organizational-technical solutions]. Kusrk: SWSU. 2013. 127 p. (In Russian).
4. Krygina A.M. Formirovanie konkurentosposobnykh territorial'no- vosproizvodstvennykh sistem v stroitel'stve [Formation of competitive territorial and reproduction systems in construction]. Kusrk: SWSU. 2012. 118 p. (In Russian).
5. Krygina A.M. Formation of organizational and economic decisions at innovative housing construction. Kreativnaya ekonomika. 2014. No. 7 (91), pp. 86–99. (In Russian).
6. Krygina A.M., Krygina N.M., Samohvalov А.М. Formation of organizational and economic system of a sustainable development of innovative ecoreal estate with use of instruments of public-private partnership. Mikroekonomika. 2014. No. 5, pp. 110–115. (In Russian).
7. Krygina A.M. Modeling of the program and target organization and management of competitiveness of territorial and reproduction systems in construction. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel'stvo. 2013. No. 10, pp. 59–62. (In Russian).
8. Krygina A.M. Conceptual bases of development and transformation of competitiveness of organizational territorial and reproduction systems in construction. Fundamental'nye issledovaniya. 2013. No. 10 (part 5), pp. 996–1000. (In Russian).

E.V. KORKINA, Engineer ( Research Institute of Building Physics of RAAСS (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation)

Comprehensive Comparison of Window Blocks for Lighting and Thermotechnical Parameters

To reduce heat losses of a building through the windows, the glasses with low-emission coatings having the lowered coefficient of transparency are used. When designing buildings with these glasses, it is necessary to determine dimensions of a light aperture which meets the norms of natural lighting. The problem to maintain the level of transmission losses through the building envelope and the level of natural lighting when measuring dimensions and filling the light aperture is considered. Equations of increment in the square of the lighting aperture are derived on the basis of two conditions: equality of illumination and equality of heat losses. For this, the coefficient of natural illumination (CNI) and the specific heat protection characteristic of the building are considered. On the basis of equations of increment in the area of lighting aperture, the criterion of equal efficiency of window blocks according to lighting and thermotechnical parameters has been obtained. The calculation of thermotechnical indicators included in the criterion is considered. In conclusion, the analysis of the impact of indicators included in the criterion on its value is presented.

Keywords: light transmission, energy saving, natural illumination, low-emission coatings.

1. Boriskina I.V., Plotnikov A.A., Zaharov A.V. Proektirovanie sovremennyh okonnyh sistem grazhdanskih zdanij [Design of modern window systems of civil buildings]. Saint- Petersburg: Vybor. 2008. 360 p.
2. Carmody J., Selkowitz S., Heschong L. Residential Windows. A guide to new technologies and energy performance. New York, London. 1996. 214 p.
3. Smith N, Isaacs N, Burgess J, Cox-Smith I. Thermal performance of secondary glazing as a retrofit alternative for single-glazed windows. Energy and Buildings. 2012. Vol. 54, pp. 47–51.
4. Savin V.K. Windows for mass construction of residential buildings in Moscow and Moscow region. Okna i dveri. 1997. No. 2, pp. 21–23. (In Russian).
5. Gagarin V.G., Zemcov V.A., Igumnov N.M. Equal efficiency window units in the parameters of thermal protection and light transmission. Vestnik otdelenija stroitel'nyh nauk. RAASN. Belgorod. 2008. No. 12, pp. 342–349. (In Russian).
6. Zemcov V.A., Gagarina E.V. Calculation-experimental method for the determination of total light transmittance of the window block. Academia. Arhitektura i stroitel'stvo. 2010. No. 3, pp. 472–476. (In Russian).
7. Zakirullin R.S. Selective control of the light transmission glass and glazing construction. Vestnik OGU. 2011. № 6 (125), pp. 172–180. (In Russian).
8. Halikova F.R., Kuprijanov V.N. Experimental studies of the penetration of UV radiation through glass window. Vestnik MGSU. 2011. No. 3. Vol. 2, pp. 30–35. (In Russian).
9. Solov'ev A.K. Fizika sredy [Physics of environment] Moscow: ASV. 2008. 344 p.
10. Gagarin V.G., Kozlov V.V. Requirements for thermal protection and energy efficiency in the draft of the updated SNiP «Thermal Protection of Buildings». Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2011. No. 8, pp. 2–6. (In Russian).

A.M.TSIRLIN1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (, V.A. KUZMIN1,Engineer, V.M. TSIGANКOV2, engineer (, A.A. AHREMENKOV1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
1 Program Systems Institute RAS (M.Botik, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl Region, 152020, Russian Federation)
2 «Zavod «LIT» ZAO (1, Sovetskaya Street , Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl Region, 152020, Russian Federation)

Optimal Organization and Ultimate Possibilities of Heating Systems with a Heat Pump

A lower estimate of energy consumption for heating (maintenance of the given temperature distribution in the system of communicating chambers) and also distributions of summary heat exchange coefficients and temperature of working fluid of the heat pump at its contact with chambers and environment corresponding to this estimate are obtained. A problem of a minimal power which should be spent for maintaining the set temperature field in the communicating chambers system in case of a limitation on the overall surface of the contact. Conditions to which the optimal distribution of heat exchange surfaces and temperature of contacts of the working fluid of the heat pump with heated premises and the environment in the problem of heating must satisfy are shown. The value of power usage obtained as a result of fulfillment of these conditions can serve as the lower estimate for the arbitrary heating system.

Keywords: estimate of power for heating, distribution of contact surfaces, heat pumps, selection of optimal temperatures.

1. Karno S. Razmyshlenie o dvizhushchei sile ognya i o mashinakh. Vtoroe nachalo termodinamiki. Moscow.- Leningrad: Gostekhizdat, 1934.
2. Novikov I.I. The efficiency of atomic power stations // At. Energ. 3 (11), 409 (1957); English translation in J. Nuclear Energy II 7, 25-128 (1958). No 2, 2002.
3. Curzon F.L., Ahlburn B. Efficiency of a Carnot engine at maximum power output. Amer.J. Physics. 1975. V. 43, pp. 22–24.
4. Rozonoer L.I., Tsirlin A.M. Optimal'noe upravlenie termodinamicheskimi sistemami. // Avtomatika i telemekhanika, ch. I, II, III, 1983. No. 1, No. 2, No. 3.
5. Tsirlin A.M., Kazakov V., Kolinko N.A. Irreversibility and Limiting Possibilities of Macrocontrolled Systems: I. Thermodynamics // Open Sys. & Information Dyn. 8: 315–328, 2001.
6. Zangvill U.I. Nelineinoe programmirovanie. Moscow. Sovetskoe Radio. 1966.
7. Umnyakova N.P. Teplozashchita zamknutykh vozdushnykh prosloek s otrazhatel'noi teploizolyatsiei. Zhilishchnoe stroitel'stvo. 2014. No. 1–2, pp. 16–20. (In Russian).
8. Umnyakova N.P. Teploperedacha cherez ograzhdayushchie konstruktsii s uchetom koeffitsientov izlucheniya vnutrennikh poverkhnostei pomeshcheniya. Zhilishchnoe stroitel'stvo. 2014. No. 6, pp. 14–17. (In Russian).
9. Umnyakova N.P. Snizhenie teplopoter' poverkhnosti za radiatornoi stenki. // Zhilishchnoe stroitel'stvo. 2015. No. 2, pp. 21–24. (In Russian).

L.A. GULABYANTS, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) ( Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of RAAСS (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation)

Radon-Protection Ability of Enclosing Structures of Buildings and Reduction in Unnecessary Costs in Construction

Formulas for the calculation of resistance of embedded enclosing structures of buildings to radon penetration as well as calculated values of resistance for monolithic concrete structures of 0,1–1 m thickness without a hydro-gas isolating layer and in combination with it are presented. It is shown that up-to-date designs obviously ensure the efficient anti-radon protection of buildings even under extreme radon loads. In such cases, expenditures for engineering radiation investigations can be lowered.

Keywords: radon, soil base, embedded structures, resistance to radon penetration, cost reduction.

1. Zhukovskiy M.V., Yarmoshenko I.V., Kiselev S.M. Modern approaches to rationing of radon exposure and analysis of the consequences of their application in Russia. ANRI. 2011. No. 4, pp. 18–25. (In Russian).
2. Zhukovskiy M.V., Vasil'ev A.V. Defining mechanisms and parameters of radon in the room. ANRI. 2012. No. 1, pp. 5–14. (In Russian).
3. Gulabyants L.A. Determination of required radon protective capacity of underground enclosing structures of buildings. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2009. No. 7, pp. 34–38. (In Russian).
4. Gulabyants L.A. Anti-Radon Protection of Residential and Public Buildings (Manual for designing, a draft). Part I. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 2, pp. 28–31. (In Russian).
5. Gulabyants L.A. Anti-Radon Protection of Residential and Public Buildings (Manual for designing, a draft). Part II. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 3, pp. 27–31. (In Russian).
6. Gulabyants L.A. Anti-Radon Protection of Residential and Public Buildings (Manual for designing, a draft). Part III. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 5, pp. 28–32. (In Russian).
7. Gulabyants L.A. Anti-Radon Protection of Residential and Public Buildings (Manual for designing, a draft). Part IV. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2012. No. 6, pp. 82–85. (In Russian).
8. Miklyaev P.S., Petrova T.B., Klimshin A.V., Smirnova A.P. Mapping geogenic radon potential (for example, in Moscow). ANRI. 2015. No. 1, pp. 2–13. (In Russian).
9. Gulabyants L.A., Tsapalov A.A. Radon permeability of rolled material of Tekhnoelast. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2008. No. 10, pp. 69–71. (In Russian).
10. Gulabyants L.A., Tsapalov A.A. Radon permeability of heavy concrete. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel'stvo [Housing Construction]. 2011. No. 1, pp. 39–41. (In Russian).
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