
Stroitel`nye Materialy №12

Stroitel`nye Materialy №12
December, 2012

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L.G. MAKHOTINA, Doctor of Technical Sciences, A.G. KUZNETSOV, Master of Technics and Technologies (, E.L. AKIM, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Saint Petersburg State Technological University of Plant Polymers; D.V. GERCHIN, V.P. OVCHINNIKOVA, Candidates of Technical Sciences, I.V. POTAPOVA, engineer, JSC “Institute Strojproect” (St. Petersburg)

It is proposed to use arabinogalactan as a plasticizer in concretes and building mortars. The assessment of influence of such additive on some properties of cement-containing compositions is made. The introduction of arabinogalactan into concrete and mortar mixes makes it possible to improve their flowability, to reduce the water-cement ration with keeping the specified standard of placeability, to increase the strength and water-tightness of concrete at designed age.

Keywords: plasticizer, arabinogalactan, technical lignosulphonate.

I.I. OVCHINNIKOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Saratov State Technical University; V.N. MIGUNOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences (, the Penza State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

The task of calculation of a reinforced polymer concrete element compressed under the influence of aggressive environment is considered. Processes of creeping, accumulation of damages and destruction under the influence of environment are taken into account. The system of equations has been built; methods of calculation have been developed. The numerical experiment showing the situations when the processes mentioned above should be taken into account has been carried out.

Keywords: reinforced polymer concrete, simulation, creeping, aggressive environment, corrosive wear, numerical experiment.

S.N. TOLMACHEV, Candidate of Technical University, the Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University (Ukraine)

The experimental evaluation of abradability of a coarse aggregate, cement stone, cement-sand mortar and concrete as well as the contribution of each element of concrete structure to the general abradability is made. Differences in the abradability indexes of different facets of the concrete samples in a dry and wet state according to GOST and to the original methodology have been established. It is shown, that the abradability of concrete substantially grows in case of replacement of quartz-granite fillers with limestones.

Keywords: monolithic concrete, abradability, wear-resistance, rock, cement stone, cement mortar, filler, durability of concrete.

B.S. YUSHKOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences (, S.S. SEMENOV, engineer (, the Perm National Research Polytechnic University
A possibility to use the waste of metallurgical manufacturing for production of reinforced concrete piles is considered. Results of the full-scale test, calculations of compositions of concrete from slag crashed stone and economic justification of the use of slag are presented.

Keywords: metallurgical slag, pile, slag concrete, slag crashed stone, natural crashed stone, inert materials.

R.G. DOLOTOVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, V.I. VERESHCHAGIN, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V.N. SMIRENSKAYA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Studies of the optimization of compositions of cellular concrete when using feldspar-quartz sands have been conducted using the method of mathematical planning. Graphs of experimental-statistical models which make it possible to determine the fields of compositions of a cellular-concrete mix for production of gas concrete of non-autoclave hardening with required properties have been plotted.
Keywords: mathematical planning of experiment, non-autoclave gas concrete, factors of variation.

A.S. ZHIV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Vladimir State University (Russia); B.P. ISAKULOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences (, the Aktobe University named after S.Baishev (Kazakhstan)
The study of strength and deformation properties of porous wood-cement concrete made of industrial waste and herbal raw materials from republics of the Central Asia in the form of building materials is considered. The nature and mechanism of disintegration of a material is presented.

Keywords: waste, concrete, wood-cement concrete, deformation

A.V. KLOCHKOV, engineer, V.V. STROKOVA, Doctor of Science (Technology), N.V. PAVLENKO, PhD (Technology), Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shoukhov

The structural and heat insulating masonry admixture with hollow glass micro spheres are proposed. The possibility to enhance homogeneity of wall construction as well as a heat insulating and deformational properties by variation of ratio «hollow glass micro spheres –water-retention agent» is observed in the article. It can be achieved when application of masonry admixture with density of 500–1300 kg/m3.
Klochkov A.V., Strokova V.V., Pavlenko N.V. Structuraland heat insulating masonry admixture with hollow glass microspheres // (2012), Stroitel`nye Materialy (Construction Materials), (12), pp. 24-27

L.M. KOVALCHUK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, A.N. PIANOV, D.S. SOLONITSYN, engineers, the Central Scientific Research Institute for Building Structures named after V.A. Kucherenko

Advantages of laminated wood structures (LWS) owing to which they are widely used in construction are considered. There are some shortcomings which become apparent in the course of lasting operation of structures. That’s why the study and registration of shortcomings for enhancement of structures are a certain guarantee of demand for LWS.

Keywords: laminated wood structures, lasting operation, enhancement of structures

I.N. SERPIK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, A.V. ALEKSEYTSEV (, A.A. LUKASH, Candidates of Technical Sciences, the Bryansk State Engineering-Technological Academy
Methods of the study of deformations of the veneer in the course of the technological process of production of relief plywood with due regard for the physically non-linear behavior of material, geometrical non-linearity and features of contact interaction between the press-form and veneer are presented. The geometric parameters of variants of the press-form ensuring the possibility to obtain the required relief of plywood while maintaining the integrity of the manufactured product have been determined. Keywords: construction, relief, plywood, press-form, deformations.

V.A. SHEMBAKOV, Managing Head, “Rekon-SMK” Group of Companies, General Director, ZAO “Rekon”, Honored Builder of Russia ( Cheboksary, the Chuvash Republic)
It is shown that the up-to-date technology of precast and cast-in-situ, frame construction can be used for efficient road construction from prefabricated prestressed groove-crest road slabs. This technology makes it possible to construct roads year-round and at any climatic zone of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: prestressed groove-crest road slabs, pre-cast and cast-in-situ, frame construction, double-bunker concrete vibroplacer.

O.B. LYAPIDEVSKAYA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering Stages of the work aimed at the introduction of Eurocodes and training of specialists in the field of designing with due regard for European Standards are presented.

Keywords: European Building Standards, Eurocodes, training, designing

I.Ya. GNIP, S.I. VAYTKUS, S.A. VEYALIS, Candidates of Technical Sciences, the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Results of the study of mineral wool plate creep (EN 13162) at the limiting level of compression stress CS(10) – 20-80 kPa and a statistic specific load (σс=0,35σ10%) are presented. On the basis of a short-term experiment (t = 7 days) and a mathematical-statistical analysis of experimental data of long-term experiments (t = 122 day) the possibility of a prediction assessment of creep deformation for prediction for 10 years using the value –εс (t = 7 days) and empiric dependences for coefficients mt and mT taking into account creep deformations evolving in time has appeared.

Keywords: mineral wool plates, compression, creep deformation, prediction.

A.G. PEREKHOZHENTSEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
The choice of humidity characteristics for the study of a porous structure of materials as a basis for constructing the model of a porous material is considered.

Keywords: porous structure, isotherms of capillary evaporation

M.V. KORNEV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, OOO “Silikatstroy (Nizhny Novgorod Oblast)
Main factors forming the natural radiation background and radioactive contamination of the environment generated as a result of the development of mankind are considered. The norms of radioactivity for the common population according to the Federal Law «On Radiation Safety of Population» № 3-FZ of 05.12.96 and the «Radiation Safety Standards (NRB 99). Sanitary Rules SP» are described. Comparative averaged characteristics of the natural radioactivity of different materials, on the basis of which the conclusion is made, that the lime and silicate bricks refer to low-radioactive objects and correspond to the first class of radiation safety, are presented.

G.V. KUZNETSOVA, Associate Professor, N.N. MOROZOVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
The influence of the amount of agstone on the green strength of pressings in comparison with ground sand and lime in the range of molding humidity of from 2 up to 8% at a pressure of 20 MPa is considered. It is established that the introduction of agstone increases the green strength, improves the coherence of a mix and makes it possible to produce products at high moisture of the mixture.

Keywords: green strength, limestone, sand, lime, humidity, silicate brick.

N.G. CHUMACHENKO, Doctor of Technical Sciences, M.N. BARANOVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, S.F. KORENKOVA, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Information about the properties of silica rocks, the nature of porosity, macro and microstructure is summarized. The chemical and mineral compositions of silica rocks are given. Types of impurities and inclusions are defined. It is shown that the area of application of silica rocks depends on their genesis and structure.

Keywords: silica rocks, properties, chemical and mineral compositions, porosity, macrostructure, microstructure.
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