
Stroitel`nye Materialy №10

Stroitel`nye Materialy №10
October, 2012

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L.V. YANKOVSKY, Candidate of Technical Sciences (, the Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Theoretical preconditions for investigation of evaluation of conditions of cement concrete in structures operating under real climatic conditions of Ural and Siberia are analyzed. The method of prediction of residual life and calculation of the life duration of cement concrete structures is considered.
Keywords: evaluation of conditions, cement concrete structures, climate effect, residual life, concrete, life duration, service life.

V.F. KOROVYAKOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, GUP “NIIMosstroy”, CHAN TUAN MI, engineer, the Moscow State University of Civil engineering
Results of the study of cast self-compacting concrete for road pavement of city streets and roads the use of which makes it possible to improve the durability in several times are considered.
Keywords: cast concrete, self-compacting concrete, road pavement, durability, hyperplasticizer.

A.V. KOCHETKOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Perm National Research Polytechnic University; S.M. EVTEEVA, N.E. KOKODEEVA, S.P. ARZHANUKHINA, Candidates of Technical Sciences, T.A. GLUKHOV, engineer, the Saratov State University named after Yu.A. Gagarin
Improvement of principles of formulation and control of road-building materials is presented on the example of the comparative analysis of formulations of deicing materials. The risk of transition to the use of new deicing materials in Moscow is assessed.
Keywords: deicing materials, winter maintenance, motor roads.

A.S. ALEKSANDROV (, N.P. ALEKSANDROVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, G.V. DOLGIKH, engineer, the Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy
The method of calculation of minimal main stresses in discrete materials consisting in their presentation through the maximal main stress is offered. The modified models for calculation of main stresses appearing along the axis of symmetry of load distributed on the round area are presented.
Keywords: sustaining stresses, main stresses.

M.N. BOGDANOV, Chief Specialist, Technical Department of the Russian representative office of MACCAFERRI Co., OOO “GABIONY MACCAFERRI SNG” (Moscow)
The article is based on results of the study carried out by GOU VPO MADI, FGUP “Rosdornii”, on the experience in construction and repairing of asphalt concrete pavements of motor roads with the use of Rodamesh mesh in different regions of Russia including under conditions of the rigorous climate of the Tyumen oblast, Zabaykalsky Krai (motor road Chita – Khabarovsk) as well as on the generalization of foreign experience.
Keywords: struggle against rutting, metal reinforcement mesh Rodmesh, extension of overhaul life of operation, steel mesh, reinforcement of asphalt concrete, reflected crack, weak base.

D.A. KUZNETSOV, M.A. VYSOTSKAYA, Candidates of Technical Sciences, the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (V.G. Shukhov BGTU),D.E.BARABASH,Doctor of Technical Sciences
Principal causes of degradation of operational properties of road asphalts are considered. Advantages of using various surface-active substances (SAS) for improvement of adhesive properties of road asphalts of various manufacturers are shown. Results of the study of influence of SAS on intensity of behavior of degradation processes in asphalt concrete mixes are presented. The use of an index of ageing for a primary choice of SAS in the specified mixes is substantiated.
Keywords: adhesion additives, road asphalt, degradation processes.

D.M. MOGNONOV, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, O.A. AYUROVA, O.V. IL’INA, engineers, The Baikal Institute for Nature Management, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BINM SB RAS); N.I. SHESTAKOV, engineer, A.N. MANGUTOV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the East Siberia State University of Technology and Management (ESSUTM); A.V. BITUEV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of FKU Federal Highway Office “Southern Baikal” FHA (Ulan-Ude, the Republic of Buryatia)
Results of the study of modification of road asphalt with basalt fiber are presented. It is shown, that 0.1-1.0 mass-% of basalt fiber significantly improves the deformation-strength properties of asphalt concrete.
Keywords: road bitumen, asphalt, road pavement, modification of bitumen, polymer-bitumen materials, basalt fiber materials.

L.S. SHCHEPETEVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, D.A. AGAPITOV, engineer (, the Perm National Research Polytechnic University; Yu.M. SHTEYNBERG, engineer, OOO “Firma “Astor” (Perm); R.A. GORELIK, Yu.A. ISKRINA, Candidates of Technical Sciences, V.N. BALYBERDIN, mechanical engineer, NTTS OOO “DorPolimer” (Moscow)
Results of the study of influence of the “MKA Elasten” modifier on physical-mechanical properties of asphalt concrete are presented. It is shown, that the most important effect of the modifier application is an improvement of thermal stability of asphalt concrete at high temperature that increases the shear resistance of asphalt concrete pavement in summer at high temperatures. An experimental section of the road constructed with the use of the modifier which maintains its high vehicle-operational characteristics during six years is described.
Keywords: asphalt concrete, modifier “MKA Elasten”, rubber powder, thermal stability.

V.N. SVEZHINSKY, General Director, TSITI “Dorkontrol” (Moscow)
Comparative tests of materials (paints, thermoplastics, cold plastics) for road marking being conducted in Russia from 2009 in a new format in four regions of the Russian Federation (Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Leningrad, and Moscow Oblasts) with the assistance of Rosavtodor are described. Properties of materials presented at the comparative tests in 2012 at the automobile road M-2 “Krym” are presented.
Keywords: materials for road marking, field comparative tests, paint for road marking, thermoplastic, cold plastic, laboratory tests, laboratory of TSITI “Dorkontrol”, choice of materials for road marking.

S.V. KARPEEV, O.I. DOROSHENKO, engineers, S.M. EVTEEVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Saratov State Technical University; A.V. KOCHETKOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Perm National Research Polytechnic University
New methods of the standardization of lighting characteristics of materials for road marking are offered. An example of using protective plastic panels as an innovation method of painting of vertical marking on safety barriers for which required dimension-mechanical and lighting characteristics are achieved on the basis of polyolefines is given. The list of new lighting characteristics of materials for road marking proposed for inclusion into technical regulations, state standards, and standards of organization is substantiated.
Keywords: road marking, contrast, polymer panels, safety barriers, innovations.

A.L. LOSHCHENKO, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Chairman, NOSTROY Building Materials, Products and Structures Committee (Moscow)
Interconnection of national economy, housing construction problems and conditions of building materials industry and construction industry is shown. Main directions of the development of building materials industry and a branch science are formulated. The strategy is considered as an instrument of solution of such system problems of the branch as a lag in technology comparing with the level of leading countries of the world, high cost price of building materials, low level of scientific-technical development projects. The cluster approach which enables the national industry to withstand to the foreign expansion to the Russian market is substantiated.

L.I. DVORKIN, Doctor of Technical Sciences, O.L. DVORKIN, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V.V. ZHITKOVSKY, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use (Rovno, Ukraine)
The analysis of existing methods of prediction of strength and water demand of gypsum concretes is made. Empiric dependences for the determination of strength and placeability of gypsum concrete are offered. Methods of the calculation of the composition of gypsum concrete with dense fillers are expounded.
Keywords: gypsum concrete, strength, placeability, calculation of composition.

A.I. KUDYAKOV, Doctor of Technical Scoences, L.A. ANIKANOVA, Candidate of Technical Sciences, V.V. REDLIKH, engineer (, Yu.S. SARKISOV, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, the Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
The technology of regulation of properties of fluoroanhydrite binders using binding additions of sodium sulfate and sulfite is proposed. It is shown, that differences in structural-mechanical properties are connected with different mechanism of effect of sodium sulfate and sulfite additives. Results of the study shows, that it is more rational to use the joint effect of sodium sulfate and sulfite additives.
Keywords: sulfate, sodium sulfite, fluoroanhydrite, process of structure formation.

L.A. VESHNYAKOVA (, engineer, M.A. FROLOVA, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, A.M. AYZENSHTADT, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov; V.S. LESOVIK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, O.N. MIKHAYLOVA (, engineer, the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov; T.A. MAKHOVA, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Samples of sand and basalt in nanodisperse condition have been experimentally obtained. Values of the critical surface tension of liquid at the border with a disperse system (sand and basalt dispersed to nano-size condition) and the complex constant of Hamaker have been calculated using the Zisman method. Usability of the thermodynamic approach to the assessment of energetic condition of the surface of disperse systems is confirmed.
Keywords: nano-composites, Zisman method, critical surface tension, complex constant of Hamaker, energy of atomization.

I.V. ZHERNOVSKY, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, V.V. STROKOVA, Doctor of Technical Sciences, A.I. BONDARENKO (,N.I. KOZHUKHOVA, engineers, the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov; K.G. SOBOLEV, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Results of the assessment of phase nano- and microsize heterogeneity of mechanical activated, nano-structured silica of various origins – metamorphic (quartzitic sandstone of green slate facies of metamorphism ), magmatic (silica sand), hydrothermal and their action as a pozzolatic component in Portland cement binders are presented.
Keywords: silica rocks, mechanical activation, amorphization, nano-structured quartz.

M.I. BAZHENOV, Master (, A.I. KHARCHENKO, Master, I.Ya. KHARCHENKO, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
The technology of injection stabilization of soils using especially fine disperse binders (EFDB) of hydraulic hardening is described. Results of the study of the change of impregnation time and injection pressure depending on the concentration of the injection solution used are presented; an assessment of efficiency of the application of EFDB depending on soils penetrability is made. Main criteria of quality of an injection suspension (sedimentation stability, water retention and penetration capability) and methods of control are revealed.
Keywords: Mikrodur, sedimentation, injection stabilization of soils.

The history of development of the competitive market of electric power is briefly described. Methods of the entrance of an enterprise to the wholesale market of energy and capacity (WMEC) are presented on the example of the Verkhnevolzhsky brickworks. Administrative and technical features of this project are described; advantages of activity of the enterprise at WMEC are emphasized.

V.I. KALASHNIKOV, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Penza State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
The powder-activated multi-component concrete of new generation with low specific consumption of cement per unit of strength at compression not exceeding 4-5 kg/MPa is considered. It is shown, that the production of high-strength and ultrahigh-strength concrete is possible at rheological activation of concrete mixes with disperse micrometric and fine-grained fillers without application of nano-metric additives.
Keywords: powder-activated concretes, hyperplasticizers, disperse fillers, density, strength.

I.E. SESKIN, Candidate of Technical Sciences, A.S. BARANOV, engineer, the Samara State University of Railways
Results of the experimental study of the durability of pressed fibrous concrete in the course of compression are presented. The influence of intensity of pressing and quantity of basalt fiber on the strength of cement stone, cement-sand mortar and concrete is revealed. It is established, that as a result of combined effect of specified factors, the durability of initial cement stone increases in 2.3 time, cement-sand mortar in 2.6 and concrete in 1.5 time.
Keywords: press-concrete, pressing, basalt fiber, strength, cement stone, concrete.

S.N. LEONOVICH, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the Belarusian National Technical University; D.V. SVIRIDOV, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, A.L. BELANOVICH, G.L. SHCHUKIN, Candidates of Chemical Sciences, V.P. SAVENKO, research officer, S.A. KARPUSHENKOV, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, the Belarusian State University (Minsk)
The influence of the Tsitrat-T additive on technological properties of a mortar cement-sand mix has been studied. It is established, that depending on additive concentration it can be used as a plasticizer, retarder or accelerator of stiffening and hardening of the mortar cement-sand mix.
Keywords: mortar cement-sand mix, plasticizer, retarder or accelerator of stiffening.
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