About“Zhilishchnoe Stroitel`stvo” Journal

The “Zhilishchnoe Stroitel`stvo” Journal — the monthly scientific and technical edition for professional house-builders, architects, engineers, designers, all workers of a construction complex, and also for individual builders .

It is published since 1958. Materials about new constructive and planning decisions, progressive construction materials, on the heatpreserving technologies and designs, on economy of construction engineering construction, problems of architecture, town planning, rural construction, dwelling ecology are published in the magazine.

In the new history of Russia, the journal, keeping the status of an information link between science and practice, develops business relationship with higher education institutions where the main volume of research has moved, scientific-production companies directly realizing scientific results in the production, industrial enterprises and branch associations, foreign companies investing in the building complex of Russia.
Since 1958 the monthly journal “Zhilishchnoe Stroitel`stvo” has become an indispensable companion of professional house-builders, architects, engineers, designers and scientists who work in the field of constructioncomplex science. It is of great interest to designers creating new equipment for production and application of construction materials, architects and developers who maximally use possibilities of traditional and new materials and constructions. The journal is also a great assistant for students learning the basics of the speciality.

The “Zhilishchnoe Stroitel`stvo” Journal is included in the list of “Leading reviewed scientific journals and publications, in which should be published a major scientific results of dissertations on competition for a scientific degree of doctor and candidate of sciences” of the Higher Attestation Commission and in the project the Russian Science Citation Index system (RINC) since 2008. During the time of its publication, the“Zhilishchnoe Stroitel`stvo” Journal was awarded with diplomas, certificates of honor and letters of thanks over 40 times.
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